Pet King

Chapter 63: Su Min's choice


The price of 6,000 yuan can only be regarded as the middle and low-end even in the ordinary diamond rings. If the full score of 100 is 20 points, let alone those rich diamond rings.

The diamonds at this price are basically small flaws, it is impossible to have flaws, and it is unlikely to have slight flaws. However, although there are small flaws, experienced craftsmen will try to cover up the flaws through cutting and inlay methods, which are invisible to the naked eye.

Taking this diamond ring as an example, it exceeds the quality it should have at this price in all aspects. The only regret is that the shape of the diamond is emerald, which is similar to a cuboid, which may be intentional by the craftsman in order to make the most of the size of the original stone or cover up the flaws during processing.

There are many shapes of diamonds on diamond rings, the most common ones are round, square and heart-shaped, especially the heart-shaped is the most popular among young men and women, because the heart-shaped just looks very romantic.

However, the heart shape may also have the lowest utilization rate of rough stones, and there are gains and losses. At the same price, if you insist on choosing a heart shape, you must compromise on other aspects—such as weight and clarity, otherwise you will pay more obediently.

Middle-aged men and women will choose a perfect circle or square shape more often, which represents harmony, firmness and stability. Other teardrop or marquise shapes are also preferred, especially by sentimental girls under the age of 25.

In comparison, the emerald shape is a bit embarrassing.

Su Min really likes emerald-shaped diamonds, because the cut of this kind of diamond is very unique, not as radiant as other cuts, but because of this, it is rarely confused with fake diamond rings—she cares about this very much.

It might be an occupational disease. When she usually walks on the street, when she sees a diamond ring on a woman's finger, she always wonders whether it is real or fake. There are very few emerald-shaped fake diamond rings, because there is no need to consider the problem of rough stones and concealing flaws, of course it is how it is popular.

This diamond ring has been placed on the counter since before Su Min joined the job. The original price was 8888, and it couldn't be sold. It dropped to 7688, and it couldn't be sold. It dropped to 6688, and it couldn't be sold. Now it has dropped to 88. As a small shopping guide, Su Min didn't know what the purchase price was, but no matter how you looked at it, it was almost falling to the cost price.

She also likes the romantic heart shape, and she also likes the solid round shape, but she will pay more attention to the value preservation of the diamond ring. The value preservation is undoubtedly positively related to the weight of the diamond. Among the three of romance, stability and preservation, if she can only choose one, she will choose preservation without hesitation.

Zhang Zian asked her which one she thought was the best, and she chose this one.

After she finished speaking, she felt that not only her face, but also her hands were burning. After the finger was removed, a small cloud of water vapor remained on the glass of the display case where the palm was.

Am I being too self-assertive? She thought to herself, maybe the customer just said it casually, but I took it seriously.

Her eyes were fixed on the ground, peeking at Zhang Zian's face from the reflection of the ground. Not everyone can accept an emerald-shaped diamond, so what if he asks for another one

Zhang Zian didn't understand jewelry, including the one Su Min pointed out, all the diamond rings he saw were beautiful and high-end. And judging by his eyesight, the diamond on this diamond ring is indeed a circle larger than other diamonds in the same area, although the visual inspection is not accurate.

So he immediately made a decision, "Then I want this, and pay now."

Su Min's heart suddenly became excited. It was the first time that a customer trusted her so much, and a decision worth nearly 6,000 yuan was made based on her words. Other customers will always pick and choose. This style is not good and the diamond is too small, but they don't want to add money, which is very difficult.

"Okay, I'll wrap it up for you right away." She bit her lip and said.

"By the way, can you get a discount of 2 points?" Zhang Zian asked confirmingly.

"Yes, I can only give you so much discount," she said.

Zhang Zian was very satisfied, "Okay, 2 points is not bad."

Colleagues' faces were invariably sour, and they all turned their faces away. I didn't expect Su Min to make the first business deal today. The commission for this deal is 200, so I can basically rest today.

On the other hand, the foreman in his forties didn't look very good either. This plainly dressed customer pays too happily every time, is it a hidden local tyrant? But how can local tyrants value a ring worth 6,000 yuan, and still struggle with the discount of 2 points

The foreman decided to wait for the customer to leave, and educate this dead girl surnamed Su again—where did she forget the teaching she received during the newcomer's induction training? The customer wants a ring worth 5,000 to 6,000 yuan, and the shopping guide should recommend a ring worth 7,000 yuan. Who told you to recommend an 88 ring so sincerely? Customers' wallets are like peanuts, as long as they are squeezed, they can always squeeze out some extra oil and water...

Invoicing and paying, the procedures were completed quickly, and Su Min also put the packed ring into the gift bag and handed it to Zhang Zian.

Zhang Zian always felt that the atmosphere in this store made him uncomfortable, wishing to finish it quickly and leave quickly, took the gift bag and nodded at Su Min, saying, "Goodbye."

Without the foreman's reminder, Su Min also followed him out, and bowed deeply to his back, "Welcome to come again next time!"

Zhang Zian said in his heart, it would be best if this ring can increase Fei Na's favorability, I don't want to do it again. What kind of rotten setting is this game, it’s better to recharge directly from Alipay to have a better time!

He was relieved from restlessness and irritability when he was blown by the cool wind.

While waiting for the bus, he also seems to have infected Xinghai's fear of humans, hugging the gift bag tightly in his arms, looking at everyone like a thief, always feeling that there are villains trying to harm me...

The way back was still smooth. After getting out of the car and walking back to the pet shop, I was surprised to find that someone was waiting patiently in front of the locked shop—it’s a pity that the one who came so early must not be a customer!

It was a young man wearing a long windbreaker and a baseball cap. His forehead, eyes and half of his nose were hidden in the shadow of the brim of the hat, and only his thin and tight lips could be seen. Always pursing her lips, obvious nasolabial folds appeared on both sides of her lips at a young age.

The strange thing is, didn't the long windbreaker he used to pretend to be torn by Fina's claws? Is there really someone who buys two sets of the same dress

Zhang Zian didn't want to talk to this person, but this person was standing at the door of the shop, there was no way to bypass him and open the door.

The man was facing the store, looking around, as if looking for something he was interested in.

Hearing Zhang Zian's footsteps, the man turned his head, his eyes flickering under the brim of his hat.

Zhang Zian stood still, "What is there to do now, Zi'an?"