Pet King

Chapter 73: marital problems


Cats are nocturnal and spend 2/3 of their lives sleeping or napping.

Humans, dancing at the sound of chickens, spend 2/3 of their lives studying, working, living, and toiling.

When humans fall into a deep sleep at night, it is the most energetic and energetic time of the day for cats.

Isn't it amazing that two creatures with completely opposite schedules can attract each other and form an unbreakable ally

The relationship between cats and humans, just like marriage, requires the maintenance and tolerance of both parties.

People spend time shoveling feces for cats, spending money treating cats, and creating a comfortable living environment for cats.

While humans are self-sacrificing, cats are also trying to change their habits, adapt to human’s work and rest time, completely give up the joy of being arrogant and romantic with their wild counterparts, and are even deprived of the right to reproduce. They only stay with a certain family for a lifetime —How many people can do this even among human marriage partners

However, many people often only see their own sacrifices, think that cats should be like this, and treat cats casually or even abuse cats, so cats should not be blamed for choosing to end this marriage and run away from home.

After all, cats and dogs are different, one is righteousness and the other is loyalty.

The so-called loyalty means that the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die.

The so-called righteousness means that if the ruler is not upright, the subjects will turn to foreign countries. If it is unrighteous, we can only sever the relationship.

On the bus in the early morning, Zhang Zian thought about this question.

The humiliated Aunt Liu slapped her hard. It is not uncommon for Mei Short to turn around and bite her and run away, but it is not normal for this to happen in front of Fina. Fina has absolute dominance over house cats, and ordinary house cats dare not do anything wrong in front of her. Therefore, after Mei Duan escaped, Zhang Zian knew that it must be Fina's instigation.

For a cat, it is nothing to run away and get rid of a middle-aged aunt, and it is impossible for Aunt Liu to think that Mei Duan went around in a circle and escaped back to the pet shop—after all, the golden cat scared Mei Duan to pee Well, according to common sense, Mei Duan should be very afraid of Fina, so she should stay away from her. Aunt Liu is greedy for money and stingy, but she is by no means a fool, and may even be smarter than ordinary people, but the more she is like this, the easier it is to think too much when encountering things beyond common sense.

When Mei Shortan fled back to the pet shop, the leg that was slapped was still a little limp.

Zhang Zian couldn't accuse Fina of doing something wrong, he just suddenly thought of a question: what is Fina's attitude towards stray cats and wild cats in cities and villages

If Fei Na summoned all the stray cats and wild cats to the pet store, it would be a big trouble - the stray cats and wild cats in the whole country are added up, there must be tens of millions of stray cats and wild cats, right? The pet shop can be closed down in one day! Even a super company listed in the world's top 500 can't hold it! Binhai City will become a city occupied by all kinds of wild cats, the city government will be surrounded by groups, the rescue of special forces will fail, Qiyuan Pet Shop will appear in front of the world as a behind-the-scenes villain similar to the Umbrella Company, and then the panic-stricken world politics will follow. After emergency consultations, it was decided to drop a nuclear bomb...


A huge mushroom cloud rises.


Heroes, please start again!

How is it like the plot of Resident Evil? But before that, he and Fina had probably been sent to slice...

The bus braked, and the loudspeaker sounded a reminder of the arrival, Zhang Zian woke up from his wild thoughts. His thinking can diverge from a runaway shorthair to the plot of Resident Evil. He feels that he is probably not too old, and there is still a long way to go before dementia.

Forget it, let's not think about it so much, so far, Fina doesn't seem to have any plans to turn this book into "Cat Crisis", thank God!

That beautiful short was temporarily kept on the second floor. It is risky to put it on the first floor, so it is better to avoid the limelight first. After a preliminary physical examination, there is nothing wrong with its legs, but it is a little thin and may be malnourished—Aunt Liu will definitely not spend money on special cat food, nor will she cook for her alone, she will only use the cat food at home. Feed it with leftovers.

Aunt Liu probably wouldn't come looking for it on purpose, and even if she did, she wouldn't worry about it. At worst, she would hide Mei Short in the real pet bar provided by the "Pet Hunter" game. Who would have thought that there could be a cat hidden in the phone

Seriously, Zhang Zian came to the pet home breeding base to buy goods. The first two times he came with Sun Xiaomeng, but after getting acquainted with him, he came by himself this time, and this time he wanted to bring in a few more pets.

Except for the little hamster and the lop-eared rabbit, all the pets in the store were sold - in fact, some people also asked about the price of these two rodents, but Zhang Zian said that they had already been booked. This time, he had a good eye, and pretended to be casual and asked customers how they knew about his store. One customer said it was on a forum—probably the Wanghaige forum, it was unlikely to be 1024 altar, and the other The customer said that they came from watching Xiaoxue's live broadcast, and another customer said that he heard from a friend. Zhang Zian didn't have the nerve to ask who the friend was.

The prospect of this business can no longer be regarded as a small one, it is simply a great one!

The single-day turnover has already equaled the record of the highest daily turnover when my parents were running the business, and the profit is even higher than that, but the level of hard work is not worth mentioning! This is not to say that he is already familiar with the operation and management of the store, nor does it mean that his business level has surpassed that of his parents, it is just that he has more luck than his parents.

Who says success in business doesn't require luck? What a mistake!

The current success should be attributed more to Xinghai and Fina.

Fina's recent performance seems to be more eye-catching, but the root of all this comes from Xinghai. Without Xinghai, the first domino named "Zhao Qi" would not fall, nor would it cause a series of subsequent chain reactions.

He can finally be sure that he has gained a firm foothold in this industry and will not capsize due to some wind and waves.

The demographic dividend is here, and the potential of China's pet market is almost unlimited, just like a bottomless ocean. There are fish and shrimps in the sea, there are giant sharks, and maybe there are dragons, and all kinds of frosts compete for freedom.

Set a small goal first: get your feet on the ground—this goal has been achieved.

Set another small goal: save some money and redecorate while ensuring a certain cash flow.

He hadn't thought about further goals. He had to eat food one bite at a time, and the road had to be walked step by step. If you eat too fast, you will easily choke, and if you take too many steps, you will easily choke.

The spirits of his parents in heaven will surely bless him.