Pet King

Chapter 76: intercept


"Don't fool me, I don't believe you anymore!"

He had already been fooled once, but Sun Yinian was not so easy to be fooled this time.

From preparation for listing to successful listing, I don't know how many years have passed. What if the listing fails? Besides, Fanxing has kept the purchase price of pets so low that the breeding base will not even be able to survive this winter, so what is there to talk about? Want to drink northwest wind

Qian Fang was very patient, and she winked at the deputy next to her, who took out a piece of paper from the folder under her arm.

"Originally, I shouldn't let you see this piece of paper. It's a commercial secret." She took the paper from her deputy, with a troubled expression on her face, "But who told us to be old friends... you just Take a look, this is our quotation for the Aimeng Pet Breeding Base. But don't publicize it after reading it."

With that said, she handed the paper to Sun Yinian.

"After reading it, you will know. I think we are old friends, and the quotation I gave you is much higher than that. If these pets do not sell well, I will also be responsible and be fired. Not sure." She said worriedly.

Sun Yinian took the quotation with suspicion, glanced at it briefly, shook his hand, and then exclaimed: "How could it be so low? It won't even cover the cost!"

Qian Fang put her arms across her chest and said seriously: "That's the truth. Boss Sun, you have to recharge your batteries when you have time, read books, don't stay here all the time, go out and find peers to exchange experience and learn advanced breeding Technology, don’t continue to cling to your old ways... People can reduce costs as much as possible, why can’t you?”

Sun Yinian stared at the quotation list repeatedly, cold sweat dripped from his forehead and the back of his neck like raindrops, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and he kept muttering: "Impossible... This is impossible..."

Qian Fang stretched her arms, took the quotation from his hand lightly, and handed it to the deputy to put it in the folder.

"Nothing is impossible, everything is possible. Boss Sun, you make a decision. Our quotation cannot be changed. If you accept it, we can transfer the money to load the car now. If you still refuse..." She drew her voice, "Unfortunately, your family is not the only breeding base. We can only seek cooperation with other breeding bases."

She smiled, but her smile was very cold, "I think you also know what it means to lose Fanxing, a big customer—except for us, there is no company in this area that can take a big order. At that time, your pets , I'm afraid I can only support myself..."

Obviously, this is the ultimatum.

It was as if all the strength and soul of Sun Yinian's body had been emptied in an instant, his body swayed a bit, and he was a little dizzy.

That's right, the local pet stores have been suppressed by the stars, and they almost wiped out one by one.

In the past, many pet shops came to Sun Yinian's place to buy goods, but gradually there were fewer and fewer. After he asked others, he found out that they were either closed down or sold.

How can a small pet store compete with a giant like Fanxing? How to compete with others for cost advantages? How to compete with others for bargaining power? How to compete with others for cash reserves? How to compete with others in network? Fanxing even has its own logistics fleet!

The reality is cruel, this is the winner takes all world.

So bear with it and accept this offer that you know is losing money? But what if the quotation is lower next time

The eyes are dark and the future is uncertain.

His farm still owes bank loans, and the employees are all counting on him. It would be easy for him to quit, but what about the debts he owes, and what about the employees' families

Sun Yinian sighed, in a dilemma...

Zhang Zian had to stand up, he couldn't wait for these pets to be eaten by Fan Xing, otherwise his shop would be closed.

"I really appreciate the old-fashioned breeding methods. Many things are not the newer the better, just like Comrade Xiaoping's words: open the windows, fresh air will come in, and flies will fly in."

Qian Fang raised her eyebrows, seeing that the old grandson was about to give in, who would interrupt at this time

She looked Zhang Zian up and down, frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Young men, casual wear, sneakers, no valuable name tags on their bodies, and no famous watches on their wrists, so they should not be some big boss; if they don’t wear the work clothes of the breeding base, they will not be employees here.

She quickly made a judgment on Zhang Zian. This judgment is quite accurate.

Zhang Zian smiled, "We are colleagues, and I also run a pet shop."

Peer? She felt a little funny, a small pet shop deserves to go with Fan Xingcheng

However, superficial skills still have to be done, otherwise it will appear petty.

She quickly took out her business card and handed it over, "Oh, that's great! Since we're colleagues, let's get to know each other, maybe we can help in the future. I'm Qian Fang, the regional procurement director of Fanxing Chain. "

help? Zhang Zian hehe in his heart, don't stab me in the back, you're doing me a favor.

Of course, he also had to do some superficial work, took a look at the business card, and said, "My name is Zhang Zian."

Seeing that he didn't intend to hand over his business card, Qian Fang asked, "Which shop is Mr. Zhang's?"

Zhang Zian replied: "Qiyuan Pet Shop. It's a small shop. I guess you haven't heard of Director Qian."

There is nothing to hide, and if you want to check it, you can find it out soon.

Qian Fang thought about it, but she really hadn't heard of it. It was probably just a small shop the size of a sesame mung bean. It opened today and closed down the next day, so it wasn't worth worrying about.

She gestured to her deputy with her eyes, and the deputy also shook her head slightly, indicating that she hadn't heard of it.

There are at least dozens of scattered pet shops in Binhai City and neighboring areas, and everyone can remember them all.

The superficial work is almost done, with the size of the stars, this is enough, right? It is enough to show the mind of a big company.

She nodded, "Mr. Zhang, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we can take care of each other in the future."

After resolutely ending the conversation with Zhang Zian, she said to Sun Yinian: "Boss Sun, please make a decision as soon as possible. I'm in a hurry, and I have to go to a few breeding bases a little further away today..."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Zian interrupted her, indicating that the matter between us is not over yet.

"What else can Mr. Zhang do?" She was a little impatient.

Zhang Zian said: "No need later, you can take care of me now."

Pointing to the rows of cages next to him, he said, "Can we have a discussion, I want these pets too."