Pet King

Chapter 77: market share issues


As the owner of the breeding base, Sun Yinian can roughly calculate their sales from the frequency of purchases from various pet stores. Taking ordinary pet stores as a reference, it would take about a month to digest ten high-priced boutique cats and dogs, which is an average level. Therefore, he didn't quite believe that Zhang Zian would really buy so many pets in one go.

Those present were all insiders in the industry, Sun Yinian didn't believe it, and Qian Fang didn't believe it even more.

She said seriously: "Boss Zhang is really good at joking, do you know how many of these pets there are?"

The pets in these rows of cages are all she is going to load into the car, and they will be transported away together with the cute pets.

Zhang Zian glanced around and said uncertainly, "About 80."

Qian Fang restrained her smile and pointed at him with a finger, "To be precise, there are 83 pets in total! 83 pets, Boss Zhang, do you want to eat them all?"

Zhang Zian didn't answer right away, walked to the rows of cages, squatted down and took a look.

Different from the pets on the truck at the door, the pets in these cages gathered around the cage to watch and beg for food when they saw someone approaching. Even if some pets were aloof or timid, they did not react at all, let alone hide in fear. The situation in the corner of the cage. He moved his hand to the side of the cage, and some lively and active pets immediately poked their noses out of the cage, sniffing around, and some pets even made meowing sounds to please them.

If he had a choice, he wouldn't decide to eat so many pets at one go, but if he didn't argue, all these pets would be eaten by Fanxing, and there would be no pets in his shop for the time being.

Pets do not pop out of the industrial assembly line, and cubs under three months cannot be bought.

He has visited here twice, and generally understands the breeding cycle here. If this batch of pets is lost, the next batch will have to wait at least three weeks before leaving their mothers and completing vaccinations. What is he going to sell these three weeks? Closed for vacation? In any case, he would not choose the cheap pets provided by Aimengpet.

Zhang Zian noticed that most of the selected pets are cats and dogs, and the number of cats is 50% more than that of dogs, which is very suitable for the classified sales ratio of the pet market. Fanxing has been selling pets for so many years, and they have mastered very detailed sales data and customer buying trends. They know exactly which pets are easy to sell and which ones are not. They are definitely not buying blindly.

It must be a very difficult battle against such a powerful opponent.

But he can't back down, otherwise the little bit of capital and word of mouth accumulated with great difficulty will be wiped out.

He said: "Among these pets, I want all the cats, and most of the dogs."

Once Zhang Zian made up his mind, he didn't give Qian Fang any time to react, and immediately said to Sun Yinian, "Boss Sun, I'll pay half of it in full, and I'll pay the deposit for the other half, okay? As for the unit price, it's the same as last time." According to the standard, it fluctuates by 10% according to the quality, what do you think?"

For those who understand, don't try to fool anyone with the issue of appearance. Some details may be controversial, but generally both parties know it well.

Sun Yinian was completely shocked by this unexpected development and was speechless.

Qian Fang said, "Boss Zhang, what do you mean?"

Zhang Zian smiled, "Market economy, free bidding, free competition, haven't you reached a deal yet, can't I make a bid? Boss Sun, can I make a bid?"

Sun Yinian finally came to his senses, "Yes! Of course!"

Qian Fang could of course choose to follow the price, or even beat Zhang Zian's bid, but this has completely disrupted her plan. When she reported to the regional manager at the beginning of this month, she issued a military order. In order to respond to the decision of the head office to prepare for listing, she will reduce the procurement cost by at least 10%. If she follows the price, although the purchase cost can still be reduced, it will definitely not reach the 10% target. This will create a bad impression on the regional manager and affect her future promotion.

Another way is not to follow the price. It would take a long time for an ordinary pet store to digest such a large number of pets. Although doing so will lose a batch of high-quality goods, at least it can shake the mountain and let Sun Yinian know the fate of going against Fanxing.

Her methods are certainly not bright, but from Fanxing's point of view, she is definitely a talent who can save money for the boss, so she can occupy a high position.

She took a deep breath, calmed down, nodded and said, "Isn't Zhang Zian from Qiyuan Pet Shop? Okay, I will remember you."

After finishing speaking, she greeted her deputy: "Let's go!"

After they left, Sun Yinian carefully observed Zhang Zian's face, and asked hesitantly, "Mr. Zhang... You were joking just now, right?"

Zhang Zian waved his hand, "You don't need to be so polite, you can just call me Zhang Zian or Zian. Of course I'm serious, and you don't have to thank me. I'm not trying to stand out for you. I'm here to buy goods today."

Sun Yinian rubbed his hands and kept whispering: "Great...but..." He paused, "But you sold all the seven from the last batch?"

Zhang Zian nodded, "It's sold, so I'll buy a new one. Boss Sun, can I make a suggestion?"

"Please speak, please speak." Sun Yinian replied hastily.

Zhang Zian suggested tactfully: "Boss Sun, from my point of view, your farm is a bit too perfect."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Sun Yinian didn't understand.

Zhang Zian said: "Cats and dogs account for 90% of the pet market share, and the number of cats is twice that of dogs. In other words, cats account for 60% of the market share, dogs account for 30%, and the rest All pets can only be classified as 'Others'."

He pointed to the chinchilla and rabbit in the cage, "These are 'others'."

Zhang Zian continued: "Instead of breeding these 'other' pets with very low profit, it is better to focus energy and resources on cats and dogs, introduce more breeds, introduce more cats and breed dogs, and avoid bloodline solidification and inbreeding .In this era of fierce competition, as a small company like ours, there is no need to demand perfection, it is better to specialize. We must survive first, and then consider development later.”

In his opinion, the biggest shortcoming of this farm is that there are many but not good, and there are no emerging high-priced cat breeds such as puppet cats.

He didn't say much, just stop. Middle-aged and elderly people of Sun Yinian's age tend to be more rigid in their thinking, and they cannot be easily persuaded. Let him think about it for himself, maybe he can figure it out, maybe he can't.

"Okay, let's not mention the matter of being too far away, let's talk about our business first. I remember Boss Sun, you said last time that you can buy more than ten pieces at a time for free delivery, right?" Zhang Zian smiled, "This Don't give me a hamster and a lop-eared rabbit this time, I really can't take care of it, why don't you give me a few bucks!"