Pet King

Chapter 93: Zhang Da fooled


Others don't know how stubborn Sun Yinian is, but as a daughter, Sun Xiaomeng knows it all. Her father is not young, but still loves to dream, so he named her with the word "Meng" and "Xiao" because she was born at dawn.

My father's dream is to develop the pet home into the largest comprehensive pet breeding base in the country. For this reason, he naturally took the road of comprehensive breeding. In addition to cats and dogs, there are rabbits, mice, tortoises and lizards. Yes, there is nothing that flies in the sky or swims in the water.

How could such a father suddenly change his temper

She reached out to touch her father's forehead, trying to see if it was hot...

"..." Sun Yinian slapped her hand off, "Your father and I are not sick!"

The more her father said that, the more she felt that the situation was not good. Was it originally, which patient in the mental hospital you see admits that he is sick

After only a few days of seeing each other, my father's spirit seemed to be much weaker, and he would sigh from time to time.

"I know you want to ask, so let's go into the room and talk." He pouted his mouth into the room and walked in first.

She followed.

Although the exhaust fan is turned on in the rabbit house, it can smell the unique smell of rabbit droppings. Right now, there are only some unsold lop-eared rabbits, Siamese rabbits, snow rabbits and crabapple rabbits left in the room, and the average market price is around three or four hundred. All the breeding rabbits have been sold, and after selling these young rabbits and half-grown rabbits, there will be no more.

"What's going on? You almost scared me!" She asked impatiently.

Speaking of which, she has already encountered two strange things today, one is that Zhang Zian actually discussed the issue of opening a membership card in a serious manner, and the other is that the stubborn old man who can't be persuaded by anyone actually changed his mind!

Did you not read the almanac when you went out today? she thought.

"I won't sell it in the future!" The father sighed thoughtlessly, "Actually, I also know, I have known for a long time, rabbits and hamsters, such small pets are low in price, low in profit, not easy to sell, and they still need to be sold. Manpower... But I'm always restless, I always think that maybe it will become popular after a while, and the supply will exceed the demand overnight... Cough cough, it's really... a lot of age and no young people can see clearly... "

Sun Xiaomeng was silent. Although rabbits and hamsters are cute in appearance, they are inferior to dogs in terms of human nature, and inferior to cats in terms of beauty. ? It's better not to raise it, saving money and effort.

The audience is too small, which is a big problem. It is better to expect to win the lottery than to expect rabbits and hamsters to become popular all over the country overnight. Not to mention lizards, the minority of the minority.

This is also a helpless move. No matter how much you love the pet industry, you must at least survive the market competition first.

She just didn't understand how her father figured this out

"Sell it!" The father stomped his feet, as if to cheer himself up, "The stall used to be too big, and the employees at the bottom always complained that there was too much work to do, and they often got angry and would leave the job every now and then. ... In the future, there will be less work, and I will focus on raising cats and dogs. I, Sun Yinian, don't believe that I can't raise something famous!"

"Dad, is there a financial problem?" She tentatively asked, "I have saved some money, or..." She was really worried that her father would get sick due to his emotional ups and downs.

Her father cut her off with a wave of his hand, "The money is still there."

"What happened?" she pressed.

My father glanced at her and lowered his head, "That Qiyuan pet store ordered a batch of our pets, half of which was paid in cash, and the other half was paid as a deposit... In addition, we sold the breeding rabbits and hamsters, saving money. A batch of feed money, so seven in and eight out, this month may be the most profitable month in years, I plan to send a red envelope to the employees at the end of the month, which means... "

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Why does this have something to do with Zhang Zian again? Isn't the last batch of pets in his store sold out?" Sun Xiaomeng was completely messed up and couldn't figure out the logical relationship.

My father asked back with a strange expression: "Who said he didn't sell out the last batch of pets? I went to deliver the goods to his store a few days ago, and I personally escorted the car and followed them to see that they were all sold out! His business over there is good. Very good! While we were unloading the truck, a Siamese was spotted by someone, and the customer paid the full deposit. The Siamese bought from us for 3,000 yuan, and that kid actually sold it for this amount—"

The father stretched out a slap, shook her, and said, "It was transported from our place to his place, and even before the car got off, he earned two thousand!"

"Um..." Sun Xiaomeng vaguely remembered that Zhang Zian used to sell Siam for 4000, which wasn't cheap in the first place, why is the price increased now? Can it sell so well after a price increase? Are these customers all idiots

The father said angrily: "I asked them to move pets into the store, and I sneaked out to catch up with the man, and asked him if he wanted cats. I only need 4,000 Siam here."

She frowned and criticized: "Dad! It's wrong for you to do this. How can you tear down someone's backstage?"

Sun Yinian widened his eyes and wanted to defend himself, but finally sighed, "You know what people say? They were quite interested at first, and asked if my Siamese could perform stunts? I was dumbfounded at the time. Yes, it’s the first time in my life that I heard that selling cats also comes with special effects... When people saw me like this, they patted my ass and turned away..."

Sun Xiaomeng's world view has also been subverted. Is Qiyuan Pet Shop going to be renamed Qiyuan Circus in the future? Can cats that perform stunts be mass-produced

"This is fate! This kid is supposed to get rich, and people line up to give money, even the gods can't hold back! Strange things happen every year to Zhen Te Niang, especially this year!" The father's face was full of envy and hatred.

"By the way!" Father slapped his thigh again, and said excitedly: "There is another strange thing, do you know? In his shop, cats can be bathed, but they let customers do it themselves! It costs 300 yuan for one wash! He just sat there drinking tea and watching, occasionally moving his mouth, and there were two young men beside him pouring tea and water for him. The small life was so comfortable... After the customer finished washing, he obediently paid, and paid Qian even said thank you to him! He was almost limped by being fooled!"

No logic, no logic!

Sun Xiaomeng has been numb by the successive shocking facts.

But on the other hand, it also makes sense, no wonder Zhang Zian wants to establish a membership system, he probably has some confidence in his heart.

However, at this moment, she was so upset that she only remembered one thing - that bastard lied to me on purpose, deliberately trying to make me look ugly!