Pet King

Chapter 99: White water with ice


On the day you pretended to be aggressive, this sentence echoed throughout Binhai City: Add ice to a glass of water.

Why does Nima never play cards according to the routine!

Jiang Tianda was so angry that he really wanted to punch Zhang Zian's smug face through the monitor.

The female shopkeeper had already boiled the water, and was carrying the silver pot to rinse the gaiwan and teacups with boiling water. Her hands trembled when she heard this, and a little water splashed onto the tray.

The waiter opened his mouth wide and stared at Zhang Zian in astonishment.

Even the Renyi cat, which was dozing off by the stove, moved a bit, making Zhang Zian confirm that it was not asleep or deaf. It is important to know that many cats will suffer from severe hearing loss when they are old, and they will yell without warning, or do not respond to the owner's call. These are the manifestations of hearing loss in old cats.

"What? Is there no white water?" Zhang Zian asked.

The waiter looked back at the shopkeeper as if asking for help.

The female shopkeeper had already put down the silver pot, and inserted a thermometer into the pot to monitor the temperature change. She pondered for a moment and nodded.

Only then did the waiter tremble and said: "One...a glass of plain water, add...and ice!"

Zhang Zian nodded in satisfaction, "Well, please hurry up, please."

The live broadcast room was boiling again.

"God, hurry up!"

"It's really lucky that you can open your mouth when you ask for plain water and ice in a teahouse!"

"I have never seen such a brazen person!"


"It's more than shameless! It's just refreshed the lower limit of shamelessness!"

Xiaoxue found that since meeting Zhang Zian, her live broadcast room has become much more lively. This excitement does not only refer to the increase in the number of viewers, but also includes the number of barrage and rewards.

When she was live broadcasting before, although the audience was very enthusiastic, there were always only a few people who spoke, and most of them were watching silently, which made her wonder if the thousands of popularity in the live broadcast room were fake. Since Zhang Zian appeared, the density of the barrage has increased several times. Even in the live broadcasts in other places, there are always people gnashing their teeth and mentioning the store manager pretending to be a criminal... and that mysterious local tyrant [Binhai Aboriginal], who has always only I only left a message when I was giving a reward, but today I rarely stand with the masses...

What a funny man, she thought, for turning unexpectedly to the right when people thought he could only go left.

The female shopkeeper took down a tea pot from the wooden shelf behind her, picked up some tea leaves with a small teaspoon and put them into the gaiwan, about 2 to 3 grams. When the temperature dropped slightly, she picked up the silver teapot and poured hot water into the gaiwan again. The tea leaves are constantly rotating along the water flow, and the essence contained in them is scattered into the water, gradually dyeing the water with some color. The aroma of tea overflowed in an instant.

When the hot water was still a finger distance away from the mouth of the cup, she stopped pouring water, covered the bowl and filtered out the foam, and then poured the tea into the slop bucket without feeling sorry. This first brew is not drinkable, it is only used to cleanse the tea and wake up the taste.

She doesn't feel bad, but the audience below does feel bad!

"Corruption and waste is a great crime!"

"Can I go to work? Instead of the slop bucket."

She painted a gourd again in the same way, and poured hot water into the teacup for the second time. This time, instead of pouring it out, she covered the bowl tightly and let it stand still.

During this period, the waiter held up a tray and brought Zhang Zian's water... with ice.

"How much?" he asked.

The shop waiter looked at the female shopkeeper again, but the female shopkeeper did not give clear instructions this time.

"... 88 yuan." The shop waiter could only make up his own mind.

Zhang Zian did not rush to pay, but looked directly at her and said, "Can I make two comments?"

The audience is outraged, what the hell are you asking for a glass of white water and doing so much shit!

The waiter was helpless, and asked the female shopkeeper again for help.

The female shopkeeper cleared her throat and said calmly: "Yes. But we don't have a suggestion book here, please tell the guests, we will remember."

"Okay." Zhang Zian said, "The first comment, you should prepare a comment book."

The female shopkeeper nodded, "We accept this opinion. The teahouse has just opened, so we didn't think carefully."

"Okay." Zhang Zian continued, "The second opinion, this glass of white water is priced at 88, which is not expensive to be honest, after all, it is Fiji mineral water that was artificially moved to the top of the mountain, but... your menu clearly does not have white water, but you provide white water And ask for 88, are you afraid that the price bureau will trouble you? It should be better to clearly mark the price. I am also in business, so let’s take it as a kind reminder.”

The female shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then nodded again, "We also accept this opinion, thank you. As a thank you, we will give you a free order for this glass of water."

Zhang Zian nodded in satisfaction, "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing better than being kind."

Outside the president's office of the Jiang Group, the secretary heard a loud bang in the office, thought something had happened, and hurriedly knocked on the door to enter the room. Jiang Tianda threw the monitor on the ground and stomped on it hard. , while stepping on it and cursing: "Go to your uncle's pretender!"

The secretary stood there in shock, at a loss, what happened? The president has never been so groggy.

After Jiang Tianda vented his anger, he straightened his suit and said with a somber face, "Ask the technical department to change the monitor for me."

After speaking, a minute passed and the tea was ready. The female shopkeeper picked up the gaiwan and poured amber-colored tea into the cups on the tray. The waiter picked up the tray and sent it to Xiaoxue's table.

"Guests please use it."

Xiaoxue pointed the camera at the teacups on the tray.

[The way of tea]: "The cups of this tea are also particular. Green tea, yellow tea and lightly fermented oolong tea have a lighter fragrance. You should choose a porcelain cup with a smooth glaze to fully release the fragrance, such as White porcelain, celadon, Ru Dingjun, etc.; while black tea, Pu'er and re-fermented oolong tea need purple sand cups and ceramic cups with rough inner walls and pores to collect fragrance moderately—this is the moderation and harmony that our ancestors paid attention to. Introverted, in other words, balance. The cup in front of me is a piece of Tianqing Ru porcelain cup, and it is a special cup for making green tea."

The live broadcast room, which was full of scolding to Zhang Zian, suddenly had the barrage of "kneeling to the god" and "raising your posture".

"Cry! What class is the canning jar I'm drinking tea from?"

[The Way of Tea]: "Glass cups are actually good, about equal to porcelain cups."

"Thank God for your comfort! I'll go find a corner and cry for a while..."

Xiaoxue chuckled, "I dare not drink it anymore."

[The Way of Tea]: "These are the things that people who make tea pay attention to. In fact, they are too lazy to pay attention to it. People who drink tea don't have to worry about so much, just drink it. Let go of your mind, get rid of distracting thoughts, and think too much Instead, it got worse."