Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 101: Late Lidong


The "miserable scene" of three people huddled together on the side of the road in broad daylight was posted on the Internet, and the fans of the ID family were very sad, and some black fans and a small number of passers-by suspected it was hype.

However, the parties involved have not released any new trends or new works recently, and Bright Star Entertainment has not expressed any official position on this matter.

Liu Congming asked Ji Jie first, and after getting an unclear answer, he went to ask the two parties separately.

Xie Zhuxing said: "We separated, this time it's true."

Wang Chao said, "It's what he says."

Liu Congming asked the two of their plans for the future.

Xie Zhuxing: "Work when you have to work, and rest when you don't have work."

Wang Chao: "No plan."

Liu Congming persuaded a few words, but the two people on the phone seemed indifferent.

Xie Zhuxing even found a reason to hang up his phone, not wanting to say more.

Wang Chao asked him, "Did the other party contact the company and say they want him to act in the superhero movie I mentioned last time?"

Liu Congming said no.

Wang Chao lost his mind and said, "Okay, that's it, hang up."

Liu Congming asked worriedly, "Where are you now?"

Wang Chao said: "At home, don't worry about me, I'm fine, we can't die if we break up."

After chatting with Liu Congming, he threw his mobile phone by the pillow, covered his head with a quilt, and couldn't cry, feeling so sad that he wanted to die.

After a while, he exposed his head, took his cell phone again, dialed Wang Qi's cell phone number, and asked, "Brother, shall we have dinner together tonight?"

Wang Qidao: "What trick did you stab again?"

He suppressed a couple of laughs, and said, "You haven't read the news yet, have you? This afternoon I'll be with..." He choked up for a moment, never thought that one day he would be as slow as Ling Chi even pronouncing this name, "With Xie Zhuxing They broke up and were photographed."

Wang Qi really didn't see the news, and said, "Why break up when you're idle?"

Wang Chao said nonsense: "I don't want to be gay anymore, enough is enough, it's still fun for women."

Wang Qi thought he was messing around, and said: "If you say you are a scum, you are still an addict!"

Wang Chao rubbed his eyes with the corner of the quilt, and said, "Anyway, I don't like him anymore, and I don't want to get along with him. This matter can't be forced."

Wang Qi was busy with something, so he said a few words to the person next to him: "I have something to do now, so I won't listen to your nonsense. Chi Lidong invites me to dinner in the evening, and you can come with me when the time comes."

Wang Chao and Chi Lidong are also quite familiar. They met each other when they were very young. This man is Wang Qi's high school teammate who practiced Sanda. He is a better player than Wang Qi. He has entered the national team and won a World Championship medal. He is expected to participate A seed player in the Olympic Games, who was injured unfortunately and had no choice but to retire. Now he is in the medicine business, and has always had a good friendship with Wang Qi, and has never broken contact for more than ten years.

In the evening, he and Chi Lidong arrived first, but Wang Qi hadn't come yet.

He called someone: "Brother Chi."

Chi Lidong was quite surprised: "Your brother asked you to come with me?"

Wang Chao said, "Yes."

Chi Lidong seemed a little disappointed, and said politely, "I haven't seen you since you became a singer. It's been almost two years, right? You've grown up, and you're much more stable than before."

Wang Chao didn't become more stable, he was not in the mood to make a fuss, and said: "It's okay, are you still in the medicinal material business?"

Chi Lidong said: "In the past two years, I have mainly been making Cordyceps." He mentioned a brand of Cordyceps, and it was advertised on TV every day.

Wang Chao didn't really care about what other people did, so he just asked, and said casually, "You're so tanned that you have to go all over the mountain to dig caterpillar fungus?"

Chi Lidong smiled and said: "That's not necessary, I just ran to Tibet a few times to collect caterpillar fungus. The ultraviolet rays on the plateau are very strong." He looked at his arms and the back of his hands, "It's not very dark, right? Is it whiter than your brother?"

Wang Chao said, "Compared to him? His scientific name is Wang Tan."

After a while, Wang Tan himself came. When he entered the door, he dragged Wang Chao by his collar and kicked him twice.

Chi Lidong had seen him beating his younger brother many years ago, and he was not surprised, so he persuaded him: "Tell me if you have something to do." He sat there without moving.

Wang Chao was kicked twice, he didn't cry or cry, he sat down obediently, and listened to Wang Qi scolding him: "You just play around with me all day long, the last time I beat you was for nothing, didn't I? Let you treat him well, Have you heard half a word? Why don’t you want to be with him? If I were him, I would not be with you a long time ago!”

He listened honestly to the first few sentences, but when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help crying. It was different from his usual way of crying when he was beaten, and he didn't make a sound, just shedding tears, his eyes were still wide open.

Wang Qixun couldn't get out, so he asked the waiter to order food, and chatted with Chi Lidong about some gossip, looking at his younger brother who was wiping tears from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

Wang Chao cried enough, he hesitated to say: "Brother."

Wang Qi turned to look at him. Chi Lidong lowered his head to eat the vegetables cooperatively, pretending not to exist.

Wang Chao whispered, "I have something to ask you."

Wang Qi said: "You tell me, I'll listen first."

With swollen goldfish eyes, Wang Chao said, "Just let him make that movie last time? Let him do it, okay?"

Wang Qi's eyes were subtle, and he said: "There is nothing wrong, but you two are separated, so I can't help him?"

Wang Chao sniffled: "Take it as it is, I gave him compensation for breaking up, he has been with me for so long, and he never took advantage of me."

Wang Qi seemed to think about it, and said: "Okay. Do you want to change to another company? To save the embarrassment of meeting, I think Liang Xi and Bai Tu's studio is very good."

Wang Chao's eyes flickered for a moment: "... I don't want to be a singer anymore."

Wang Qi was surprised and said, "You also want to act?"

But Wang Chao said: "I can eat shit? Still acting? Me, I don't want to be in the entertainment industry anymore."

Wang Qi: "..."

Wang Chao didn't know whether to tell Wang Qi or himself, his voice was low, and he was downcast, saying: "It has nothing to do with others, I just find it boring, I don't want to write songs, and I don't want to sing. No, I have been scolded all day since I debuted, and my parents were called nouveau riche and ugly, and my eldest brother and second brother were always being picked on by others. I have had enough fun, and I find it quite boring , Why don’t I go home and be a rice bug... no, I have money now, I don’t need to be a rice bug, I don’t know how much money I have, it’s probably enough for me to eat and die.”

Wang Qi had never seen him like this before, and he couldn't scold him, and it wasn't right to hit him, but he didn't know how to deal with it. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Anyway, your contract with Huixing will expire this summer. In a few months, if you really don’t want to continue playing, don’t renew the contract when it expires. If it’s only a few days, I’ll go somewhere with you to play for a while, maybe I get inspired and want to continue writing and singing songs again ?”

Before Wang Chao could answer him, Chi Lidong interjected, "Do you want to drive to Tibet by yourself? You don't have time, so I'll go with Xiaochao. This season, the scenery along the way is the best, and there are not many people."

Wang Chao didn't want to stay in Beijing, but he didn't want to play with Wang Qi either. Hearing this, he was a little moved and said, "I haven't been to Tibet yet."

Wang Qi said: "Don't delay your brother Chi's business."

Chi Lidong smiled and said: "No, my stall is very casual."

Wang Chao asked, "Brother Chi, when are you free?"

Chi Lidong said: "Anything is fine."

Wang Chao said, "Can I do it now?"

Chi Lidong: ""

Wang Chao couldn't wait for a moment when he thought of this, and said, "Let's go tonight."

Chi Lidong was busy looking at Wang Qi.

Wang Qi glanced at Wang Chao, and said, "Then go, don't worry about your company, I'll ask for leave for you, and get a new mobile phone card, so that the media won't bother you."