Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 107: Wrong type


After Wang Chao made the phone call, he was even more unhappy than before.

If you get hurt, you get hurt, what does it have to do with him? Why can't I control myself? Simply stupid.

Xie Zhuxing already knew it was him, but he pretended not to hear it, he was also a bitch.

Chi Lidong saw that he had finished playing, and called him: "Let's go, brother will take you to eat Tibetan food."

The famous local restaurant is located in a small alley, and the location is remote. If Chi Lidong was not familiar with it, it would be hard to find.

There are many diners, most of whom are mainland tourists, and most of them are young people.

No one recognized Wang Chao, only two Han girls at the table outside the door gave him a few more glances when he entered.

He used to hate being recognized when he went out to eat, but now that others can't recognize him, he is very frustrated. He took a stainless steel spoon as a mirror and looked at it. His head is really bright.

After the food was served, it didn't take long to start eating when Wang Chao's mobile phone, which was turned upside down by the table, buzzed.

He thought that Wang Qi was concerned about his basic necessities of life again, so he flipped through it casually, but it turned out to be a text message from an unnamed cell phone number, which he knew very well, and he called just now.

"Where are you now?"

Wang Chao's heart was pounding, and he didn't dare to reply, so he put down his phone and continued eating.

Still thinking about it, the food is not delicious anymore.

Xie Zhuxing was holding a bottle on his side, and waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for a reply, so he couldn't hold back, so he called him anyway.

Wang Chao held the buzzing and vibrating cell phone and was about to cry, as if he had picked up a ticking time bomb.

Chi Lidong: "... hang up if you don't want to answer it."

Wang Chao glanced at him, handed over the phone, and said eagerly, "Brother Chi, you pick it up for me, just say, just say he made a wrong call."

Chi Lidong picked it up: "Hello."

Xie Zhuxing hesitated over there: "You are?"

Chi Lidong looked at Wang Chao and said, "Who are you looking for?"

Xie Zhuxing thought, who the hell is this? Question: "Isn't this Wang Chao's phone?"

Chi Lidong said, "No, you made a mistake."

He hung up the phone, and Wang Chao poured him half a cup of milk tea and said, "Thank you."

Chi Lidong said with a strange face: "It's a man."

Wang Chao was absent-minded, didn't get what he meant, and said, "What's wrong with the man?"

Chi Lidong stopped talking.

Wang Chao took back his mobile phone and looked at the text message asking him where he was, feeling a little frustrated.

His bastard was cured, Xie Zhuxing waved at him, and he was so happy that he wanted to wag his tail, the scars hadn't healed yet, and he almost forgot about the pain.

The next day, we left Lhasa and headed back to Beijing.

When I came here, I took the Sichuan-Tibet line, and when I went back, I took the Qinghai-Tibet line to Xining, and then went all the way east, which was much faster than when I came.

On the night of the seventeenth day from Beijing, the Beijing-Kunming Expressway is a high-speed service area more than 300 kilometers away from Beijing.

Chi Lidong and Wang Chao had dinner in the service area and went to the bathroom together.

After washing his hands, Wang Chao took off his hat and rubbed his bald head with cold water.

The temperature in North China at the end of April is already the temperature of early summer.

Chi Lidong laughed beside him and said, "You have tanned and shaved your head, and you look more and more like your brother. He was like this when he was in the Sanda team, exactly the same."

Wang Chao put on his hat and said, "I have forgotten what he was like back then."

Chi Lidong said: "You were only seven or eight years old at that time, and you hadn't finished changing your teeth yet. I went to your house to play, and you chased your brother. You fell and knocked off your front teeth. Your brother still bought it." Lollipop to coax you, I remember that candy is bigger than your face."

Wang Chao had long since forgotten, and said, "You have a pretty good memory."

Chi Lidong smiled and said: "I've never seen what your brother looks like when he hurts someone before, it's quite different."

Leave the service area and continue on the road.

As the distance to Beijing got closer and closer, Wang Chao couldn't laugh anymore, and he didn't play with his mobile phone, just staring at the highway, in a daze.

Chi Lidong said: "It will take another three hours, why don't you sleep for a while."

Wang Chao said, "I'm not sleepy, how about I drive?"

Chi Lidong said: "No, let's chat for a while."

After traveling together for more than ten days, Wang Chao didn't speak at first, and then he was absent-minded. The two really didn't chat much.

Wang Chao chatted with him: "What are you going to do when you go back?"

Chi Lidong said: "What's the matter?"

Wang Chao said: "Just the girl who received the postcards, knowing that they have already received them, but still going to continue pretending? Why don't you just say it clearly."

Chi Lidong didn't answer.

Wang Chao provoked him and said, "Look at you, why are you so cowardly for such a big man?"

Chi Lidong said: "Aren't you cowardly? You dare not even answer a phone call."

Wang Chao refused to accept it and said, "I'm that..." What is it

Chi Lidong said: "You are cowardly."

Wang Chao folded his arms and huffed.

Chi Lidong looked at him and said, "Is that man on the phone your partner?"

Wang Chao was a little embarrassed again, and said, "No way?"

Chi Lidong raised his right arm and said, "The one who burned this scar was also a man."

Wang Chao was taken aback: "...Didn't I hear from my brother that you were crooked? Didn't you tell him?"

Chi Lidong fell silent, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands.

Wang Chao thought that this person probably hadn't come out, and he didn't want people around him to know, so he didn't say anything.

He didn't say anything.

When entering Beijing, it was already dawn, but luckily the road was not blocked, so Chi Lidong sent Wang Chao to the door of his house before leaving.

Wang Chao dragged his suitcase into the door.

Wang Jin was eating breakfast, his jaw almost fell into the porridge bowl, and he shouted, "Who are you!"

Wang Chao: "...Second Brother, don't make trouble."

Wang Jin was heartbroken and said: "My younger brother is fair and beautiful, with beautiful hair, where are you monster?"

Of course he was joking, but it made Wang Chao very sad. After he left for work, Wang Chao took a picture of himself in the mirror. The uglier he looked, the sadder he could not help crying. .

After sleeping for a while and waking up, I looked in the mirror again, cried for a while, and went back to sleep. He loves a stinky person so much, why is this stinky

Even dreaming is that I have come back for nothing, and my hair has grown out.

After he got enough sleep, he called Liu Congming and wanted to say that he would quit his career as a singer in the future.

He just said: "I'm back in Beijing..."

Liu Congming began to cry artificially over there: "You finally came back, you said you left without a word, and Xiao Xie fell down when he said he fell down, why am I so miserable?"

Wang Chao was taken aback for a moment: "Why isn't he well? Didn't he say there's nothing wrong?"

Liu Congming said: "Why is it all right? If it wasn't delivered in time, the person would have disappeared."

Wang Chao: "...Nonsense."

Liu Congming said: "Really, when I went to the emergency department of the hospital, the doctor was shocked, and the spleen was bleeding, so if it's nothing, it's really gone."

Wang Chao scolded: "Damn! Just curse him."

Liu Congming said, "Forget it if you don't believe me, anyway, he's still lying in the hospital alone."

Xie Zhuxing has been in the hospital for almost a week.

He suffered from spleen contusion and slight bleeding. He is still in the observation period. He has to rest in bed and can only eat liquid food. He can only lie on his back when he sleeps.

The company arranged for someone to take care of him, but even with someone to accompany him, he still felt lonely.

He didn't sleep much at first, and he couldn't sleep by himself while lying on the hospital bed, so he could only keep his eyes open and think about things.

What are you thinking

Embarrassed to say.

Thinking and thinking, thinking and thinking, finally waited until the person he thought of called, but when he called back, he still said "wrong call".