Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 111: takeout


Get rid of the assistant, take a taxi and go straight to Wang Chao's house. Xie Zhuxing didn't feel the pain until the taxi drove two blocks away. Fortunately, it only took a while, and it passed quickly, so the problem should not be serious.

It is now past nine o'clock in the morning. According to Wang Chao's schedule, most of them are still sleeping late at this time.

When you ring the doorbell later, this guy drags himself to open the door, maybe even swearing. When he sees him, he will jump up in fright, and he will be a fool.

Xie Zhuxing sat in the back of the taxi, thinking about it, and laughed the whole way.

When he arrived at the door of someone's house, he found that he had thought too beautifully.

The doorbell was so hot that he pressed it, but no one came to open the door for him.

He wondered if Wang Chao wasn't at home at all. He looked up and saw that the curtain of a window on the third floor moved.

Wang Chao hid by the window with his back against the wall, almost breaking out in a cold sweat.

Isn't this person in hospital? What are you doing here without saying a word

After waiting for a long time, the doorbell never rang again.

Is it gone

He sneaked a look around, and shrank back at the speed of light.

go fart. Actually sat down at the door

Whatever you want, the door is not opened anyway, I like to sit and go.

He thought viciously, lay down and continued playing games.

After playing for a while, I couldn't help sneaking to the window to take a look outside again.

Hi, are you still not leaving

Soon it was noon.

Wang Chao's cell phone rang, and he saw it was from the person at the door.

No answer, no answer, hang up.

The other party sent another text message: "I want to order takeaway, what do you want to eat?"

Do not eat do not eat, did not return.

Half an hour later, his cell phone rang again. It was an unfamiliar number, and he picked it up suspiciously.

The other side said: "Hello, Meituan Takeaway, please come out and pick up the meal, I am at your door."

Wang Chao: "..." My god, there is still this kind of operation.

The takeaway guy thought the signal was bad and hard to hear, so he said it again.

Wang Chao said, "Did you see an idiot at the door?"

The takeaway guy was upset: "I'm the only one at the door, aren't you scolding me?"

Wang Chao went to the window and took a peek outside. Sure enough, there were only delivery people outside the door.


He will not be fooled.

"Put the takeaway at the door. I'll go out and get it when I'm free."

After he promised to give a five-star praise, the little brother inexplicably put down the things and left.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Chi Lidong called and asked Wang Chao if he wanted to play billiards together again.

Wang Chao said: "Then you come to my house to pick me up, okay?"

Chi Lidong didn't ask what's the matter, just said: "Okay."

Xie Zhuxing squatted outside the railing on the side of Wang's villa, waiting for Wang Chao to come out.

From this position, you can see the entrance of Wang's house, but you can't see him from the upstairs windows.

He was also puzzled, how could Wang Chao be so patient this time? No reply to text messages, no phone calls, no response when I come to my door.

No, it's so wrong.

A Toyota SUV drove past him, the driver's window was open, and the driver turned to look at him strangely.

He thought it was a passing neighbor, professional habits, and smiled reflexively.

The driver seemed to recognize him, and passed by with a "fucking" look on his face.

When the car stopped in front of Wang Chao's house, it was replaced by Xie Zhuxing with a "fucking" face.

Xie Zhuxing saw that the man seemed to have made a phone call.

Soon a person came out from the Wang family building. He was wearing a baseball cap, and the sweater hat was worn outside the baseball cap. His face could not be seen from the side, but judging by his walking posture, he was 100% Wang Chao.

Xie Zhuxing hurriedly rushed to the door, and yelled again through the fence: "Wang Chao!"

It was okay if he didn't bark, Wang Chao immediately started to run wildly like his tail was stepped on, rushed out of the gate in a few steps, opened the door, jumped into the car, and closed the door with a bang, all in one go, just like being chased in a gunfight movie.

Xie Zhuxing chased him from behind the Toyota, and walked around to the side of the car. The rear window was closed and a one-way film was pasted on it, so he couldn't see inside.

He ran in such a hurry these few steps, and he frowned in pain because of the injury that hadn't healed. He wanted to pull the car door, but found it was locked. His disappointment was greater than his anger, and his tone was a bit begging, saying: "Wang Chao, you come out."

Chi Lidong looked back at Wang Chao in the back row.

Wang Chao shrunk his shoulders and drooped his head, showing no intention of getting out of the car.

Chi Lidong poked his head out of the car window, and said to Xie Zhuxing, "Brother."

Xie Zhuxing: "???"

Chi Lidong said: "You are Xiaochao's ex-girlfriend, right?"

Xie Zhuxing was startled. Does this man's voice sound familiar

Chi Lidong said: "Since we have broken up, don't pester him anymore, they are all famous people, not good-looking."

Xie Zhuxing felt heartbroken after hearing this, and said, "Who are you?"

Chi Lidong said: "I am his elder brother."

Xie Zhuxing doubted, "Since when did he have a brother like you?"

Chi Lidong replied: "It happened more than ten years ago."

Xie Zhuxing was at a loss for words for a while, regardless of Chi Lidong, he slapped hard on the window of the car where no one could see, and said, "Come down, I have something to say to you."

Wang Chao said in the car: "Brother Chi, let's go."

Because the front window was open, Xie Zhuxing heard these words very clearly.

Chi Lidong stepped on the gas pedal.

Knowing that he couldn't see it from the outside, Wang Chao turned around and knelt on the seat. Through the rear window glass, he stared unscrupulously and full of nostalgia at Xie Zhuxing who was getting farther and farther away. He didn't sit down until he turned a corner and couldn't see it.

Xie Zhuxing was still in place, a little dazed.

He was blocked for a long time, and he didn't even see Wang Chao's face

Wang Chao had a crying face all the time.

Chi Lidong asked him: "Don't you want to hear what he has to say?"

He said, "Yes."

Chi Lidong was puzzled and said: "Then you pay it back?"

Wang Chao took off his hat, rubbed his bald head a few times, and said, "I dare not listen. I know how determined I am, and when he said a few nice words, I forgot why we broke up, and then turned the page. Son, kiss and hug and hold high, one more shot, and it will be reconciled."

Chi Lidong said: "Isn't that good?"

Wang Chao put on his hat again, and said dejectedly, "I didn't feel bad before. We always quarreled like that. This time it's different. I brought up the breakup in a fit of anger. Within two days, I regretted it." Now, it’s no wonder my brother said me, I’m just cheap, but I went to him to make up, but he refused, saying that he was aggrieved when he was with me, because when he was with me, others poked him in the back Backbone, he said that he was selling chrysanthemums for the sake of superiority. I was very desperate that day. He wanted to say that the breakup was because I was not good enough, and I could change it, but what he said was that we are not suitable by nature, what can I do? Can't be reincarnated. He doesn't know which tendon is wrong and wants to reconcile now. In a few days, if he hears some bad words from somewhere, he thinks about it again and wants to break up again. Isn't it torturing me? ? He doesn’t like me very much, so he’s not afraid no matter how hard he is, I can’t do it, I admit that if I want to do it again, I might as well call me dead.”

Speaking of playing billiards, after Chi Lidong showed his hand yesterday, Wang Chao didn't want to make a fool of himself at all, so he poked a few shots at random, and said he was hungry and wanted to eat.

In fact, he was really hungry, and he didn't eat anything for lunch.

During the meal, Chi Lidong was extraordinarily attentive, serving vegetables and soup, and even wanted to help Wang Chao wipe the vegetable juice from the corner of his mouth.

As dull as Wang Chao, he finally noticed that he was different, holding back his stomach for being weird, and asked, "Brother Chi! You really want to pick on me, right?"

Chi Lidong was shocked, but also a little embarrassed.

Wang Chao said: "If it's true, you can pull it down quickly, I don't like men."

Chi Lidong laughed and said, "Isn't that guy just now?"

Wang Chao blurted out: "He's different!" After finishing speaking, he felt ashamed, and added, "No, look at him, he looks better than girls, then look at yourself."

Chi Lidong smiled and said, "I just think you look good." Then he reached out to touch his head.

Wang Chao shrank back hurriedly, and said: "Don't make up my mind before it's too late, otherwise, I'll tell my elder brother." He completely forgot about the quarrel with Wang Qi that hadn't been reconciled.

Chi Lidong's expression changed, and he said, "I'm just kidding with you, don't talk nonsense to him."

Wang Chao doubted: "Just kidding? Is it fun?"

Chi Lidong: "... I just want to play with you, see you, and treat you well, but I really don't have your mind."

He paused and said, "You look very much like the person I like now."

What does it look like now? No hair, still black or not? Wang Chao thought about it, and it seemed that Chi Lidong was really kind to him after he became black and bald.

... Hey, who is he most like now

He opened his eyes wide and said in shock, "Damn it, you like my elder brother? Quench your thirst with me?!"

Chi Lidong nodded limply like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Wang Chao: "... Are you 1 or 0?"

Chi Lidong said: "1."

Wang Chao thought about what Chi Lidong was thinking about every day, and he was not feeling well.

When he returned home at night, Wang Jin hadn't come back yet.

In front of the iron gate, the bag of takeaway at noon was still there, lonely.

He took the bag back, opened it, and saw that it was a crayfish, which had been completely cold for a long time.