Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 120: 2019 Mid-Autumn Festival episode


It's Mid-Autumn Festival again.

In order to prevent his friends from giving him surprises and gifts, Zheng Qiuyang announced in the circle of friends early in the morning: no gifts will be accepted this year, and no celebration ceremony will be held. Thank you for your blessings in the early morning. Happy holidays.

Because he is 35 years old, everyone knows that he doesn't want to mention his age, and it is very understandable.

Only Wang Chao is inhumane, commenting: [What happened yesterday? Think you are old? My middle-aged old man?]

Zheng Qiuyang was furious, ignored him, and blocked him with a backhand.

He was still wronged, and said to Xie Zhuxing: "Look at Zheng Qiuyang's stinginess."

Xie Zhuxing said sarcastically: "Are you arrogant? Why didn't you say that he is old in front of the big brother? Then you don't dare to be arrogant."

Wang Chao: "Why don't I dare! I am bold! My elder brother is also bold!"

Xie Zhuxing: "Come, come, call big brother and tell him he is old, call now."

Wang Chao couldn't come to the stage, so he wanted to save face, so he bit the bullet and called Wang Qi.

Wang Qi: "What are you doing?"

Wang Chao: "Brother, old... "that"" I can't say the word anyway.

Wang Chao: "You are so old hahahahahahahahahaha."

Wang Qi: "???"

Wang Chao: "It's nothing, it's nothing, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, I love you, goodbye."

As soon as he hung up the phone, Xie Zhuxing taunted: "The captain is so arrogant!"

Wang Chao: "You've got it, it's okay to admit defeat? Look at your disgusting way of being a villain."

Xie Zhuxing persuaded him to be a good person: "I hate it? With your bad mouth, you know that brother Qiuyang doesn't have the same knowledge as you, so you are so cheap with this place, bully the weak and fear the hard, and you are satisfied if you have to annoy everyone?"

Wang Chao's cheap talk was cool for a while, but he regretted it every time afterwards, but he was not convinced: "Hehe, you beat me every day, how often have I been afraid?"

Xie Zhuxing: "Warning you not to mess with me, I just changed clothes, there are activities in the afternoon."

Wang Chao jumped up and down: "Just mess with you, mess with you, what's wrong, what's wrong? Hit me, hit me!"

Xie Zhuxing cast a dangerous look at him.

Near noon, Yuan Rui saw Zheng Qiuyang's circle of friends and Wang Chao's comments.

He poked Wang Chao privately, and asked politely: [What are you doing? busy?]

Wang Chao: [Ready to sleep]

Yuan Rui: [Naping so early?]

Wang Chao: [No, I just finished shooting, I'm tired]

Yuan Ruixin said wow, it's too shameless, so I don't want to talk about the details.

Yuan Rui: [That's right, don't talk about Qiu Yang again]

Wang Chao: [Oh]

Wang Chao: [Sorry]

Yuan Rui was surprised that his attitude was so good, and thought, well, they are all friends after all.

Wang Chao: [Who hasn't grown old yet, let your husband want to open some)

Yuan Rui also blocked Wang Chao with a backhand.

But both pulling black can't relieve hatred.

Zheng Qiuyang sat on the carpet in front of the sofa, facing the iPad placed on the coffee table stand, and scolded Wang Xiaosan for not being a good person.

Yuan Rui, who was video chatting with him, had no choice but to persuade him: "Don't be as knowledgeable as Wang Chao, isn't he always that kind of annoying ghost?"

Zheng Qiuyang: "Exactly! Who in the world would not hate him

As long as you scold Wang Chao, we are good friends! I'll go to his house and beat him up later! "

Yuan Rui: "This... hitting people is wrong."

He thought to himself that Wang Chao was okay once in a while, and he wasn't that annoying, but he couldn't talk about it, and he was even angrier when he said Zheng Qiuyang.

Zheng Qiuyang is gearing up: "Then I will buy a marketing account linkage, first slander him for plastic surgery and height fraud, and then spread rumors about Xie Zhuxing and which

A female star has an affair, and then... "

Yuan Rui was shocked, and hurriedly stopped him: "Don't, don't, marketing is very expensive, don't waste money... You should go to his house and beat him up, anyway, he should be used to being beaten all day long."

Zheng Qiuyang: "..."

Yuan Rui: "Okay, okay, I've listened to you and blocked him, so don't be angry."

Zheng Qiuyang said dissatisfied: "What's the matter? If I didn't ask you to block him, you wouldn't be willing to block him, would you?"

Yuan Rui said: "Of course, he often posts photos of Xiao Xie secretly in Moments. After blocking him, I won't be able to see them."

Zheng Qiuyang: "..."

Yuan Rui was suddenly excited: "Don't you think, Xiao Xie is really handsome! I watched the trailer of his new movie, he is so handsome!

He really grows backwards, he doesn't look like 27 years old at all, I believe even 17 years old! At that time, I will make a reservation to see it. Do you want to go? I will take you there. "

Zheng Qiuyang: "No! Goodbye!"

He was stabbed in the heart, hung up the video, and waited angrily for Yuan Rui to call over to coax him again.

However, the staff of the program team over there urged Yuan Rui to prepare for filming.

Zheng Qiuyang only waited for Yuan Rui to send a hasty sentence: [I will bring you a gift when I go home in a few days, okay?]

Shou Xing was very depressed, so he took Yuan Rui's plush doll and gave him a beating, then took off the doll's overalls, put them on again, took them off again, and finally put them back on as they were.

This doll is new. The old one had a broken leg when he accidentally played with it. And this is the last one that Li Lingling found from the warehouse of her former company, and it is out of print.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, when we should have a happy reunion, Yuan Rui went to work in other places, and his mother went to travel in other places, leaving only a lonely 35-year-old Zheng Qiuyang who can only play with dolls. How can he not be humming

Before falling asleep alone, Zheng Qiuyang, an exquisite middle-aged boy, lit a scented candle to help sleep in the bedroom, and watched the Conan comics that Yuan Rui put on the bedside shelf for a while.

11:59 midnight.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was coming to an end, so I turned off the bedside lamp and got ready to go to bed. Yuan Rui didn't know where the candle scissors and lids were received, but Zheng Qiuyang couldn't find them, so he decided to blow out the candles.


Phew—at the same time as the candle was blown out, the hour hand pointed to twelve o'clock.

Huh? Does it sound like something unusual

Zheng Qiuyang turned on the light again, and suddenly found an envelope on the table next to the candle out of thin air.

He got up in horror and looked around the room. It didn't look like someone had come in at all. He hesitated for a moment, picked up the envelope and opened it, and saw the letter inside:

"To friends from afar, Mr. Zheng Qiuyang and Mr. Yuan Rui personally send: Seeing letters is like meeting faces!

How time flies, I still remember last year's Mid-Autumn Festival, when you came to my house, Yuan Rui was full of praise for my wife's beauty, and even fell in love with my front-loading washing machine.

Hahahaha, you should remember, I am that handsome Jian Ningchuan!

After we parted last year, I really wanted to see you again, so I got into the washing machine and tried several times, and bought various time-traveling charms from Taobao, but I couldn’t time-travel anyway. Tried, he doesn't work either, just not sure if letters will work..."

Zheng Qiuyang:! ! !

He folded the letter paper and quickly called Yuan Rui.

Yuan Rui who just finished work: "Hello? Why aren't you sleeping?"

Zheng Qiuyang: "Are you done? Turn on the video and show you something good."

Yuan Rui twitched: "Huh? I just watched it yesterday, so why don't you take a day off today, it's always like that, it's not good for your health."

Zheng Qiuyang: "I didn't mean that! What is your little brain thinking all day long?"

Yuan Rui was immediately disappointed: "Oh... no, no, then which one are you talking about?"

A few minutes later, Yuan Rui on the other side of the video: "Ahhh! It's that...that..."

Zheng Qiuyang: "That's it!"

Yuan Rui calmed down: "How come? How did it come here? It's not a prank, is it?"

Zheng Qiuyang: "Have you ever told anyone about the time-traveling washing machine? I haven't."

Yuan Rui: "I don't have either. I've already agreed not to tell others. I'm not Fang Shiqing."

Zheng Qiuyang: "Since no one else knows, it is not a prank. I think it is really possible that they wrote it."

Yuan Rui: "This is too amazing!"

The two of them couldn't figure out the mystery, but they both agreed that the letter really came from another time and space, and it was written by Jian Ningchuan, who had met once last year.

Zheng Qiuyang read the letter to Yuan Rui, and wrote in the second half:

"A few days ago, I bought the published book of your original work. In the book, the two of you were changed into a roommate relationship, which made the already silly novel even more silly. 23333

My wife and I are still living as usual, happy and sweet, and our respective jobs are doing very well. I wonder how you two are doing recently

I really want to see you again. In order to find a way to meet you again, I read some novels that travel through time and space. The novels are very good, but the theory is too complicated. The authors don’t discuss it, and each has a set of theories. , I really don't understand, and I don't know who to believe.

And my wife is illiterate, let alone count on him.

I had no choice but to ask a microbial scientist I knew. He said that this was not within his scope of research, but after hearing my description, he thought that you accidentally opened the wormhole leading to our parallel world, the initiative to traverse In your hands, if you want to come, there is a high probability that it is still possible, we can only wait quietly for your arrival.

Here is my wife's strong opinion: he actually suspects that scientists want to lure you here, grab you and slice them for research? ? ? (Is my wife so cute, too cute? My wife hahahahahahahaha!

Finally, if you can receive a letter and have time, you are welcome to travel again. I am very free during this time.

In fact, I have a very annoying father, because he recently got married and moved to live in Beijing. He wanted to take care of things when he had nothing to do, which made my life very boring. I hope you can come and play with me soon.

Sincerely, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

Handsome Crack the Sky written by Jian Ningchuan on 2019.9.13”

Yuan Rui: "Wow..."

Zheng Qiuyang: "What are your impressions after reading it?"

Yuan Rui: "It's been a year, and the price of his washing machine hasn't been lowered yet."

Zheng Qiuyang: "..."

Yuan Rui played the first prize in the primary school Olympiad and the wisdom of Conan fans for many years, and said: "It seems that at midnight on your birthday, if you blow out the candles, you can realize the crossing of these two parallel time and space to a certain extent. It may not be that people really can't wear it, but it's just that when we blow out the candles here, there are only letters in the washing machine at his house, and there is no one."

Zheng Qiuyang: "So the letter came, but the person didn't."

Yuan Rui: "Do you want to play? You should wait until the Mid-Autumn Festival next year."

Zheng Qiuyang tossed the letter paper away and said indifferently, "Let's talk about it next year."

Yuan Rui was very concerned: "But that scientist really doesn't want to arrest us for research, does he? Generally, there must be a villain in this kind of time-traveling story. I can't trust Xiao Jane's judgment. I think he is undoubtedly a The middle two is silly and sweet, the eyes under Mr. Huo's glasses are the light of wisdom, and Mr. Huo is also very handsome, so handsome, so handsome, so handsome, it cracks the sky."

Zheng Qiuyang: "..."

Yuan Rui thought of something else for a moment, and said: "Don't worry about your age anymore. What is 35 years old? Mr. Huo is 81 years old. Look at him, he is super confident and charming! Very charming! Do you have any! "

Zheng Qiuyang is always pierced and unhappy.

He said sadly, "I'll blow out the candles now and replace Mr. Nahuo with you. Are you satisfied?"

Yuan Rui also hahaha: "Don't make trouble, Xiao Jian won't like you."

Zheng Qiuyang was furious: "Am I so inferior to others? Who is more handsome than me, better than me?"

Yuan Rui: "..."

Zheng Qiuyang finally couldn't bear it and complained: "I'm still young and beautiful now, but you are crazy about others all day long, and I will become more and more old in the future, what place do you have in your heart?"

Yuan Rui knew that he cared about his age, but he didn't expect this kind of care. He said: "Handsome guy is a very superficial adjective. To see a handsome guy is to look at it with your eyes. Who would pay attention? No matter how many handsome guys you look at, it is impossible to affect you in my heart. Besides, you will always be the most handsome in my heart. Xiaoxie and Mr. Huo are not as handsome as you. I am so handsome, of course I choose you as the most handsome, don’t mess around Jealous, I love you."

He compared hearts over there in a fancy way, finished with one hand, compared with his heart with both hands, and raised his arms above his head to compare again.

Zheng Qiuyang was flattened by his rainbow fart, and when he got angry, he still made trouble for no reason: No, I'm going to be jealous, I've become a roommate in the published book, what's the point? Now it's holidays and birthdays, can't you be jealous? "

Yuan Rui: "Yes, please, please, please, don't be angry, roommate, I love you."

Zheng Qiuyang sat on the ground and raised the price: "Show me your good things, and I will forgive you."

Wang Chao, who had slept from daytime to midnight, finally woke up and realized that he had been blocked. He shook his roommate angrily and said, "Look! Yuan Rui also blocked Dad! Why are they both so stingy?"

Xie Zhuxing also went out to work in the afternoon, and not long after he came back to sleep, he was so sleepy that he couldn't sleep, and said, "That's not because, Dad, your mouth is funny and humorous, and it's also very sweet, with a milky custard Even moon cakes are vulnerable in front of you, you are such a sweetheart."

Wang Chao was terrified and said, "Xie Zhuxing? Are you running a fever or are you here for my aunt? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xie Zhuxing gave him a thumbs up: "What a smart father, he can even hear me talking nonsense."

Wang Chao: "... Wuren doesn't show off his power, you think I'm a Liuxin?"

He was eager to try: "Don't sleep! Let's fight!"

Xie Zhuxing thought for a while and said, "Come on, the moonlight is just right, don't waste it."

The author has something to say: I wish everyone a happy family, love roommates and life, drink more hot water and spend less money, and have a happy reunion with the full moon.

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