Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 34: envy


Mid-Autumn Festival the next day.

It was the last day of the Golden Week holiday, and the Wang family's parents went to Europe with a group, but they haven't come back yet.

Wang Chao originally wanted to go home to spend the holiday with his two brothers, so he called them. Wang Qi and his wife invited their brother-in-law to have dinner, and Wang Jin Hospital was too busy to be on duty, so they didn't go home.

He called Xie Zhuxing again, but no one answered. He kept calling, and no one answered. Finally, he was prompted that "the other party has shut down his phone."

He ran to Xie Zhuxing's residence without giving up, but he wasn't there, so what did he do

He was so depressed, it was a big festival, no one cared about him.

I was depressed when I received a call from a friend.

"It's my birthday today," the other party said, "I saved up a game tonight, if the big star is fine, why don't you come and play?"

This friend's surname is Zheng, and he is a few years older than Wang Chao. His family is in the jewelry business, and he also loves to play. Last winter, he was sent to Italy by his family to study design, and he came back a while ago, but Wang Chao was very busy after his debut, so he didn't have time to play with him.

Hearing that it was him, Wang Chao was immediately delighted, and said, "Just talk nonsense, it happens to be your birthday today?"

The friend laughed and said, "Who the hell is telling you nonsense? It's really today, I was born at 12 noon on the Mid-Autumn Festival, so I named it Qiuyang. Are you coming?"

Wang Chao happened to have nothing to do, so he said, "Can you go for your birthday? Where are you?"

Most of the employees are on vacation, and there are not many people in the company.

The receptionist on duty saw Xie Zhuxing and said in surprise, "Tomas, there is no one in the upstairs office. If you want to do anything, you have to wait until tomorrow."

Xie Zhuxing said: "I'm fine, just come to dance for a while."

He went in and waited for the elevator, and heard two girls sighing in low voices: They are handsome and hardworking, no wonder they are the most popular in the ID group, unlike a certain captain, tsk tsk.

He saw himself frowning in the elevator mirror.

Since when did he stop listening to others saying that Wang Chao was bad

When I came to the practice room, I turned on the music, warmed up, practiced the basic skills, and danced the dance of "Summer Ice".

The music was loud, and he didn't hear the phone ringing. When he found out that Wang Chao had called him, there were already more than a dozen missed calls. Basically, one of them was disconnected and another one came in immediately.

He could imagine Wang Chao's frowning and snorting face over there.

The phone rang again, it was still Wang Chao.

Instead of answering, he turned off the mute, stuffed the phone back into the bag, turned the music to the maximum, and danced to his favorite jazz in front of the mirror.

During the training camp, it is this practice room and this mirror.

Wang Chao cried to death as soon as he stretched his muscles. He was criticized by his teacher for his bad movements, and instead of talking back to his teacher face to face, he imitated his teacher behind his back, like a naughty elementary school student.

At that time, I was so annoying to this person, he was too lazy to grumble every day, his mouth was surprisingly cheap, and his skin was as thick as a city wall. There was no more annoying person in the world than this guy.

But this annoying ghost couldn't see it, and still stuck to him, saying that he was different from others, that he was so kind to himself, that he was the closest buddy, and then ordered him to wash his underwear and socks, buy breakfast for supper, I look for him with a smile when I am happy, and I also look for him when I am unhappy, crying. I want to sleep with him and kiss him. When he encounters something, this guy is more anxious than him. His brain is not as big as a walnut. , would actually consider interpersonal relationships for him.

Later, he didn't feel disgusted anymore. He felt that Wang Chao was very nice and treated him well, as if he was trying to seduce him.

He was seduced, he hesitated to confirm his mind, and gradually made a decision, he wanted to use the blue toilet seat together, preferably for a lifetime.

Gender can be put aside, reality can be overcome with hard work, ideals can also be realized in another way, life is so short, only a few dozen spring and autumn, not everyone will be lucky enough to meet the one they like each other in these decades people. He should not live up to this luck, he should embrace it, enjoy it, love it.

The premise is that if this luck really exists, if Wang Chao also likes him.

Before last night, he always thought that Wang Chao was just not enlightened, but after last night, he realized that it was all because of his self-indulgence.

This masculine stallion accidentally stumbled and slept with a man, and found that sleeping with a man is also very interesting.

He didn't like Xie Zhuxing, he kissed, touched and seduced, just wanted to have sex.

This person could be Xie Zhuxing, Zhou Niansen, or even a passer-by.

Only Xie Zhuxing thought it was "like".

It's ridiculous.

After practicing dancing until seven o'clock in the evening, I took out my mobile phone, and it was automatically turned off.

He left the company without taking transportation and ran back.

The bright full moon hangs in the sky, there are only a few scattered stars, and the cool autumn wind blows gently. This is the most comfortable season of the year.

In the night, Beijing is old and young. Qingzhuan Hutong has accumulated a century-old history, and Line 7 under construction shows new vitality.

He ran, leaving the surrounding lights behind, and faced the front.

It feels very refreshing to sweat profusely, every open pore seems to help him expel the haze in his heart, and when he wakes up tomorrow morning, he can welcome a brand new self.

The joy of exercise continues downstairs.

Seeing a blue car parked at the entrance of the corridor from a distance, he slowed down.

It was Wang Chao's car, and the driver's door was open.

The owner of the car sat there with his body twisted, his legs stretched out of the car, and he was eating a palm-sized cream cake in his hand.

Xie Zhuxing: "...what are you doing?"

When Wang Chao saw him coming back, he got out of the car with a smile on his face, stuffed the rest of the cake into his mouth, puffed out his cheeks and chewed as he said, "You are back. I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I'm already hungry. It's okay." When I came here, I took a piece of cake by the way, so let's put the bar mat first. What are you doing? Sweating so much?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "I went to dance practice, I came back and ran for a while."

Wang Chao swallowed the cake in his mouth, licked the cream at the corner of his mouth and said, "Did you forget to bring your mobile phone? I called you and you didn't answer."

Xie Zhuxing said: "The phone is out of battery."

Wang Chao had a good time playing at night, but he didn't get to the bottom of it. When he saw some cream on his finger, he put it in his mouth and instigated it first, and then he didn't care whether he disliked it or not, and he half pushed and half hugged his dirty hands. Xie Zhuxing urged: "Let's go, go upstairs, let me go to your house to urinate."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

He didn't dislike Wang Chao's unclean hands. He could smell the perfume on Wang Chao's body. Miss Chanel Coco, it wasn't that he knew perfume well, but that he had given Yan Jiajia a bottle before and remembered the smell.

He asked, "Where did you come from?" Where did you smell like a girl's perfume

Wang Chao smiled and said, "It's a friend's birthday, so I went to play for a while."

Xie Zhuxing gritted his teeth sorely, and said, "Which friend has a Mid-Autumn Festival birthday? I haven't heard you mention it."

Wang Chao said: "Only Zheng Qiuyang, you don't know him, the cake I ate just now was his birthday cake."

Xie Zhuxing asked, "A man?"

Wang Chao said: "Man, I will take you to play with him next time, he is quite a nice guy."

When Xie Zhuxing heard him say that others were "very good", he felt harsh for no reason.

After entering the house, Wang Chao went straight to the bathroom without closing the door. He unzipped the zipper and asked, "Where did you go to practice dancing?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "I can't practice anywhere."

Wang Chao said: "Then you can't stop looking at your phone. Next time I can't find you by calling, so I have to install a GPS on you."

Xie Zhuxing said, "Why are you looking for me?"

Wang Chao didn't know what was wrong, but he felt a little uncomfortable listening to him today. After urinating, he shook and frowned, "Of course I was looking for you to play with. Could it be that I still asked you to borrow money?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." I want to say that he is poor again, right

He didn't want to talk, so he took off his coat, plugged in the charger for the phone, and turned it on.

Wang Chao came out of the bathroom and saw that the back of his black T-shirt was soaked in sweat. He lowered his head to look at his mobile phone, and the sweat on the back of his neck was also shaken by the light.

So sparkly...a little bit sexy.

Wang Chao swallowed his saliva, his heart was itchy and his hands were itchy, he walked over, pretending to be joking, touched his neck, and unconsciously said in a frivolous tone, "How far did you run? sweating."

Xie Zhuxing tightened his fingers holding the phone.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Wang Chao put his hand in from the hem of his T-shirt and touched his waist. It was wet, his muscles were tight, and his skin was cool and slippery.

Xie Zhuxing: "... Take your hand out."

Wang Chao didn't touch it enough, so he took it out reluctantly, and said, "Touch it, what's the matter, look at your stinginess."

Xie Zhuxing said coldly, "It's not as generous as you."

Wang Chao: "..."

He was sure that something was wrong with Xiao Xie today, so he said inexplicably, "Is it too impatient to touch you twice? Then you touch me, let you touch me, whatever you want." In order to look generous, he even lifted up his clothes.

Xie Zhuxing took a look, there were red marks on both sides of his back from being caught by nails, no one is a fool, he knows what he has done to get caught like that.

Wang Chao also remembered it all at once, quickly put down his clothes, and secretly glanced at Xie Zhuxing.

Xie Zhuxing looked away, and said, "If you have nothing to do, you can go. I'll take a shower and go to bed."

Wang Chao was taken aback, and said, "I've come to eat mochi with you."

Xie Zhuxing said: "I don't like eating that stuff, you can find someone else to accompany you."

Wang Chao asked anxiously, "What are you doing? You didn't like it before, so why can't you accompany me today?"

Xie Zhuxing thought, he should be considered an idiot before, and said, "I don't want to force myself anymore, okay?"

Wang Chao: "... What's wrong with you?"

He reached out to touch Xie Zhuxing, but was dodged.

He was so confused that he said after a while: "Did something happen to you? Don't just lose your temper, but tell me, is it lack of money? Or something else? I'll help you find a solution. "

Xie Zhuxing said: "Nothing happened, I'm fine. You hurry up, I'm really tired."

His expression was calm, Wang Chao couldn't see why, and didn't understand what was wrong, so he opened the door and left in a daze.

He stood there in a daze for a while, then raised his hand to touch the place on his waist that Wang Chao touched just now.

This slob has drool all over his fingers, and he doesn't seem to wash his hands after going to the toilet.

If you dare to touch him next time, you will really be beaten.

The door was knocked three times, "Boom, boom, boom," and I knew who it was from the sound.

"What's the matter?" He opened the door with an indifferent face.

Wang Chao took a box and stuffed it over, and said, "I brought you a box of mooncakes from home, and I put them in the car, and I forgot them just now."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

Wang Chao said awkwardly, "What, happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

Xie Zhuxing: "... Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."

Wang Chao said, "I'm leaving."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Yes."

Wang Chao stepped back and pressed the elevator.

Xie Zhuxing watched him enter the elevator and was about to close the door when Wang Chao stuck his head out of the elevator and called him, "Xiao Xie!"

Xie Zhuxing: "???"

Wang Chao grabbed the elevator door and asked, "It's fine if you don't want to eat mochi today, but do you want to tomorrow?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

Wang Chao finally left.

Xie Zhuxing closed the door, and stood behind the door holding the box of mooncakes. After standing for a long time, he suddenly laughed.

If you don’t want to eat mochi today, do you want to eat it tomorrow

Only an idiot would ask that.

But I wouldn't ask others that way, I would only ask him that way.

Being treated with sarcasm by others, I will not rush back to give mooncakes eagerly.

How could he just be on the edge of his horn for a whole day, thinking that Wang Chao didn't like him

This fucking is not called liking, how can it be called liking.

He remembered that last night Zhou Niansen said to him with a bruised nose, "You are jealous of me".

Yes, he is jealous.

Jealous of Zhou Niansen, jealous of the girl who sprayed Miss Coco.

He was angry with himself all day, danced for most of the day, and ran nearly twenty kilometers with exhaustion, but what he still couldn't resolve was not anger at all, but almost twisted jealousy.

The jealousy that comes with the desire to possess.

Wang Chao wasn't the only one who wanted to kiss him, touch him and sleep with him.

He also thought, wanted to touch Wang Chao, wanted to kiss Wang Chao, and also wanted Wang Chao to scratch a few blood marks on his back.

What Zhou Niansen, what Miss Ke Ke, there will be no part for them in the future.