Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 38: Fight a fight


Is Xiaoxie waiting for him here

"You still have the face to wait for me!" He immediately yelled, "What do you mean by your face? You apologize to me!"

He only wiped it with a paper towel, but he didn't wipe it clean. There were still a lot of cream stains on his face. At this moment, his eyes were wide open, not only not vicious, but also a little funny.

Xie Zhuxing knew that was his reaction, and said, "I'll apologize to you, have you apologized to Taotao?"

Wang Chao said angrily, "Why should I apologize to her? I never said a word to her."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Who just said a girl in front of so many people, and said it so badly?"

Wang Chao said wrongly: "How could I say it in front of others? I just told you!"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Then I told you to keep your voice down, did you listen?"

Wang Chao was annoyed for a moment, and said: "Can't you tell me well? Cover my face with cake in front of everyone, I'm the captain, I'm shameless?"

Xie Zhuxing almost couldn't pretend, coughed and said, "I'm sorry."

Wang Chao didn't want to hear his apology, but wanted to sleep with him, but when he heard the "I'm sorry", he still felt comfortable, and threw the car keys over like a gentleman, saying: "I'm drunk and can't drive. I."

Let's go home first.

on the way.

Before he could finish his anger, he continued to babble: "In the past, when you turned to Yan Jiajia, you turned against me when I told her, that's fine. I didn't know you earlier than her, and you slept with her. How much do you prefer her?" I can bear it. Now you are partial to this Taotao, how long have you two known each other... "

He paused, remembering the way Taotao and Xie Zhuxing were talking and laughing in the private room just now, he felt suspicious, and his expression changed: "Xie Zhuxing! Didn't you really sleep with her?"

Xie Zhuxing: "... besides sleeping, do you have other things on your mind?"

Wang Chao turned his face and said: "You are in a hurry! Why are you in a hurry when you haven't slept? When did you secretly have sex with her!"

Xie Zhuxing couldn't reason with him, and said: "We are together all day, you know how many times I have to urinate every day, do I have time to fuck my junior sister?"

Wang Chao thought about it, it seems that it is the same, and it should not be done yet.

He was not angry, just a little distressed.

Xiao Xie made him look like a cake, and he had already forgiven Xiao Xie.

He was mad at Xiao Xie for secretly messing with the junior sisters of the girl group, but Xiao Xie didn't do it either.

Then can he still play Xiaoxie

Most of the blister ulcers in his mouth could not be suppressed by Xiao Xie. He decided to get Xiao Xie just now, and immediately he became lighter and healthy, his steps were windy, and his mouth didn't hurt much.

Now there is no reason to be justified in doing Xiao Xie, but if he doesn't do it, he is really not reconciled.

Xie Zhuxing grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, took out a small object from his pocket with the other, and said, "Here you are."

Wang Chao picked it up and asked blankly, "What is this?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "The Chinese medicine powder is specially formulated to treat oral ulcers."

Wang Chao: "... Thank you."

forget it.

Later, I'll call Zhou Niansen to have a blast, and then I'll put a picture of Xiao Xie on that bitch's face.

It would be great if Xiao Xie was gay, but just like him he is a straight man.

Arriving at Wangjing West Garden, after parking the car, Wang Chao unbuckled his seat belt and said absently, "Don't take a taxi, just drive this car back."

But Xie Zhuxing also took off his seat belt and said, "I'll go up and untie my hands."

Going upstairs and entering the door, he went to the bathroom, but he didn't intend to leave after he came out, and said, "I'll stay today."

Wang Chao: "...Farewell, you go back, I still have things to do."

Xie Zhuxing squinted at him: "What's the matter?"

Wang Chao looked back and forth, and said, "What do you care about me? Anyway, I have something to do."

As clingy as he is, the few times he wasn't clingy were nothing serious.

Xie Zhuxing wanted to press him and beat him up, so he said with restraint: "I didn't bring the key, Xiao Zhao went to other places and wasn't in Beijing, so I can't enter the house."

Then he must be sleeping here tonight.

Wang Chao said with a sad face, "Then, let's do it."

Seeing his reluctance, Xie Zhuxing became angry and asked, "Who did you invite?"

Wang Chao: "...Nope."

His eyes are flying around when he is lying, and he is not a material for lying at all.

Xie Zhuxing said, "Is it Bai Tu's manager?"

Wang Chao's eyes widened: "...what, what manager?"

Xie Zhuxing blatantly exposed him: "Stop pretending, I know all about it."

Wang Chao: "..." How did he know!

Xie Zhuxing said: "Did you ask him out today?"

Wang Chao looked embarrassed, but he didn't deny that he hadn't made an appointment yet, and was going to make an appointment after Xiao Xie left.

Xie Zhuxing pressed the fire and asked: "Do you like him?"

Wang Chao was stunned and said, "Why would I like that bitch? Don't be funny, I'm sick of him before it's too late."

Xie Zhuxing couldn't understand: "Then you still keep dating him?"

Wang Chao muttered: "I just... just no one can do it anymore, my elder brother won't let me mess with girls."

Xie Zhuxing: "..." You must be blind to see such an idiot.

Wang Chao asked, "How do you know?"

Xie Zhuxing choked on him: "You don't care how I know!"

Wang Chao: "... Why lose your temper when you are fine?"

Xie Zhuxing took a deep breath and said, "Anyway, I have to live here today, so you can do whatever you want. When he comes, I'll watch you two do it."

Wang Chao scratched his head and said, "Then you can't see it, I haven't called him yet."

Xie Zhuxing couldn't help but wanted to punch his hand, and said in disgust: "You are the only one with such a colorful face, and you still want to have sex?"

Wang Chao was unconvinced: "I still have the face to mention this? Who made me so embarrassing? It's not you!"

He mumbled to wash his face.

Xie Zhuxing was so angry that his head was a little dizzy, he sat down on the sofa, took a magazine casually, and opened it with too much force, almost tore the magazine in half.

When Wang Chao washed his face and dried it in front of the mirror, a diamond suddenly flashed in his mind, and he regained his strength.

Xiao Xie knew for a long time that he had fucked a man, not only didn't hide it, she slept in the same bed, kissed him, and even licked his tongue a few days ago.

... It's a big mess, does Xiao Xie want to mess with him too

He came out spookily, seeing Xiao Xie flipping through a magazine, his face was full of displeasure.

But at this time, Xiao Xie was unhappy, and he had automatically interpreted it as dissatisfaction with desire. Speaking of which, Xiao Xie also broke up with his ex-girlfriend for several months. The demand is too normal.

He sat down next to Xie Zhuxing, tentatively put his hand on Xie Zhuxing's shoulder and squeezed it.

Xie Zhuxing turned to look at him with an indifferent expression.

He was not sure again, put down his hands awkwardly, struggled for a moment, and said, "Let me tell you a joke."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Snowman? Don't listen."

Wang Chao hurriedly said, "It's not a snowman, it's a new one."

Xie Zhuxing closed the magazine.

Wang Chao said: "China has a vast land and abundant resources, and a large population. There are more than 30 provincial-level administrative regions. You know that?"

Xie Zhuxing: "... I know." A geography joke

Wang Chao continued: "So there are many dialects, for example, your Henan dialect, I will learn it for you."

Xie Zhuxing thought to himself, oh, dialect jokes.

Wang Chao was beaming with joy, speaking in broken Henan dialect: "I missed it! I missed it! Ah! What are you doing! What a grandson!"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Day, dialect called bed.

Wang Chao hahahaha for a while, looked at Xie Zhuxing's indifferent face, and said again: "Isn't it funny? I'll teach you Sichuan dialect. Put all your strength into the cauldron! Get it stuffed! Hurry up!"

He also learned Cantonese and Wuhan dialect. After learning, he laughed so hard that he was about to burst out of laughter.

Xie Zhuxing: "..." This paragraph is so fucking worse than a snowman.

Wang Chao sat up straight with his stomach in his arms, and said with a big move: "Finally, I will learn from our Great Northeast. Oh my god! Work harder! What the hell! You are having dinner tonight! Hurry up! Go further Fight inside!"

Xie Zhuxing finally burst out laughing.

Wang Chao hahaha proudly.

After laughing, there was a sudden silence.

Xie Zhuxing didn't laugh because the dialect was funny, he laughed because he made up his mind to do this idiot today, but he didn't do it, the idiot actually yelled for bed first.

Wang Chao had had enough of laughing. Thinking about serious things, does Xiao Xie really want to have a fight with him

He called out, "Xiao Xie."

Xie Zhuxing said, "What are you doing?"

Wang Chao said, "What is that?"

Xie Zhuxing said, "Which one?"

Wang Chao swallowed his saliva, his heart sank, and he asked, "Can you... make me hate you?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

He couldn't help but laughed again.

What a show! Wang Chao immediately rushed over and hugged him, happily said: "Is it really possible?"

After all, Xie Zhuxing's personality is more restrained, he is somewhat shy to do this, and his ears are red.

But Wang Chao was overwhelmed with joy, jumped up and pulled him and said, "Let's go, hurry up! Go to bed!"

Entering the room, he put his arms around Xie Zhuxing and kissed him a few times, then he couldn't wait to take off his clothes, and after taking off his own, he came to pick Xie Zhuxing's again, and said in a prostitute tone: "Xiao Xie, don't be afraid, first It must be a little painful to answer, you bear it, and you will be happy when you bear it."

Xie Zhuxing didn't move or speak, just stood there and asked him to take off.

Finally able to get Xiao Xie, Wang Chao was about to be overjoyed, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud in front of Xiao Xie, so he took off Xie Zhuxing's underwear with his eyes wide open, then he was stunned for a moment, looked up Look at Xiao Xie's face.

Mingming’s beautiful face is small, why are the parts so big? !

... Never mind, that's not the point.

He pushed Xie Zhuxing down on the bed, pressed him up anxiously, kissed his neck and face a few more times, and wanted to get straight to the point.

Xie Zhuxing was very speechless. He thought that his skills might be poor, but he didn't think that he didn't even do foreplay. It seems that he has been able to hang out in the stud world for many years, all thanks to Prada.

Wang Chao was happy to do business, and never thought about wearing a condom from the beginning to the end. Anyway, this is Xiaoxie, and it is very clean.

Xie Zhuxing put his hand on his shoulder, he thought Xie Zhuxing wanted to kiss him, so he hurriedly said: "No, my mouth hurts."

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhuxing pressed his shoulder and pushed him away. He was stunned for a while, but before he could react, Xie Zhuxing had turned over and pinned him from behind.

His instinct was wrong, but it was too late.

Who said that "the first time must be a little painful, and it will be fun after you bear it"? They are all fucking liars! Hold up! People can't help it!

At the beginning, he still yelled ghostly and howling: "Don't move, don't move, don't move... I'm going to die, I'm going to die..."

Crying for a while was useless, and then started to yell: "Xie Zhuxing... I fucked your ancestors for eighteen generations..."

It was useless to scold for a while, and I was tired of scolding, and began to moan: "You are fucking endless..."

In the end, my voice became hoarse, and I couldn't even hum, so I lay there whimpering, crying and convulsing all over.

He was not only in pain, but also very sad, sad that Xiao Xie lied to him.

It was agreed that it was he who attacked Xiao Xie, why did Xiao Xie come in at the end

He will never kiss Xiao Xie again, this grandson!

It's finally over.

Satisfied, Xie Zhuxing sat by the side watching him for a long time, and couldn't help but smile, this little idiot will be his from now on.

The little idiot cried until his eyes were swollen, and he was still sobbing, not to mention, very cute.

He lightly touched the little idiot's back and asked, "Is it better?"

He was so angry that his hands and feet were soft, his back hurt and his butt hurt, and he knew that he couldn't beat Xie Zhuxing, so he lay there and rolled his eyes to look at Xie Zhuxing, cursing hoarsely: "Fuck you! Get out!"

Xie Zhuxing was not annoyed either, and said, "It still hurts? Are you not feeling good?"

This is to disgust him with what he said! Wang Chao immediately became furious, swearing and swearing, all kinds of filth, and it couldn't be more filthy.

Xie Zhuxing couldn't bear to listen, so he slapped him lightly on the buttocks.

This slap made Wang Chao not to mention how uncomfortable it was, it was painful, sore, hot, and numb. He suddenly thought with great integrity, damn it, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated.

He struggled to get up with the help of the pillow, and halfway through the climb he was exhausted, so he leaned on the head of the bed in a ridiculous posture, touched his phone and came to make a call.

Xie Zhuxing seemed to be thinking, should he sue his brother

After more than ten seconds, Wang Chao yelled into the phone: "Zhou Niansen! Come here now! Let Dad hate you!"