Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 5: It hurts so much


Wang Chao, who was still sleeping in the hotel, also received a call from Duan Yikun.

"What time is it sure?" He was half asleep, and he didn't recognize who it was, and said, "You can play by yourself. Dad played Shuangfei yesterday. He was exhausted and didn't want to go anywhere."

Duan Yikun smiled and said, "If you don't come by then, I'll call your elder brother."

Hearing the words "your elder brother", Wang Chao suddenly woke up, looked at the caller ID, relaxed again, turned over, and lazily said, "Brother Kun, it's you."

Duan Yikun said: "The name and members of the group have been confirmed. The contract will be signed next Monday. You will also come when the time comes. Let's meet and get acquainted first."

Wang Chao said, "Okay, have you notified Xiao Xie?"

Duan Yikun said: "The other five people have been notified."

He paused before continuing, "Did you have a good time last night?"

Wang Chao was a little hungry and wanted to eat something. He sat up and raked his hair, and said, "It's okay. Brother Kun, do you have anything else to do? I'll hang up first."

Duan Yikun said: "It's not a big deal, I just want to tell you that you are about to make your debut, don't play around like crazy outside, if someone takes a picture of you, you will be in big trouble in the future."

Wang Chao said, "Oh."

Duan Yikun heard that he didn't care, and added: "If your elder brother finds out again, the trouble will be even greater."

Sure enough, Wang Chao was still afraid of his elder brother, and said, "Don't tell him that I played with Shuangfei yesterday. I didn't go home. Tell him that I went fishing in Miyun."

Duan Yikun said: "I'm not going to report you. You can still hide it from him now. In the future, you will be followed by Yuji all day long. If something is photographed and published in the newspaper, I can't hide it for you even if I want to help you."

Wang Chao: "... Got it."

He lives with his second brother Wang Jin in a small villa that his father bought on the edge of the second ring road, and Wang Qi occasionally comes back to live there.

After eating outside, he wandered back home, saw Wang Jin watering the flowers in the yard, and called out, "Second brother, the hospital got off work early enough today."

Wang Jin looked at him with a half-smile, and said, "Today is Saturday, I don't go to work, so I'm just waiting to go fishing with you in Miyun, I waited and waited but didn't come, why did you go fishing to the bar over there? gone?"

Wang Chao: "... Wang's second child! Have you peeked at the photos synced by iCloud on my computer again?"

Wang Jin said innocently: "I didn't see it, you go in quickly, it's very hot, I've prepared iced watermelon for you."

Didn't turn his back on him, didn't make a move, and told him to go in and eat watermelon? Wang Chao opened the door suspiciously and went in.

Wang Jin continued to water the flowers.

Half a minute later, Wang Chao screamed and begged for mercy: "Big brother, I was wrong! I didn't fish! I didn't fish! Big brother, I really know I was wrong! It hurts! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."


Wang Chao was kicked out of the house by his brother early in the morning to sign the contract. When he arrived at Huixing Entertainment, only Xie Zhuxing came and waited alone on the sofa where he was waiting for the interview that day.

The two looked at each other and said at the same time—

Wang Chao: "Are you sick?"

Xie Zhuxing: "You were beaten?"

Wang Chao: "..."

Xie Zhuxing said: "I'm not sick, there was a performance yesterday, it was too late to go back, I didn't sleep well, maybe my complexion is a little pale."

Wang Chao also didn't want to mention the origin of the bruise on his face, and said, "What else are you doing? You're about to make a debut, so why do you have to make money for those three melons and two dates?"

Xie Zhuxing smiled, but didn't answer.

Not long after, the other four members took the same elevator and went up together. The four young people were chatting and laughing in harmony.

Xie Zhuxing said hello to everyone, and the four of them knew that this was their future teammate, so they all treated him politely.

Only Wang Chao ignored people. He and that Ji Jie were not on the same page. Seeing that the other three seemed to have a good relationship with Ji Jie, they even didn’t like them together. I find him disgusting.

When everyone arrived, Duan Yikun came with two company executives soon.

The process of signing the contract was simpler than Xie Zhuxing thought. Duan Yikun briefly explained the most important items in the contract, and asked them to ask questions if they didn't understand.

Wang Chao didn't even look through it. Duan Yikun sent the contract to his elder brother Wang Qi yesterday.

Xie Zhuxing flipped through it, he had no problem, this contract was already too lenient for a newcomer.

The rest of them are all newcomers, they don't understand anything, but they don't know what to ask.

Only that Ji Jie raised his hand and asked, "I want to ask... After the debut, except for the company's commission and tax payment, will the rest be shared equally among the six people?"

Duan Yikun glanced at him, adjusted his glasses, and said, "Yes, artist groups in the form of combinations have always been like this."

Ji Jie probably felt that the question was a bit inappropriate, his face turned a little red, and he said, "Thank you Brother Kun, I'm fine now."

Several people successfully signed the contract, and the two high-level executives issued official words on behalf of the company to welcome them to join Bright Star Entertainment, and they all left.

Only Duan Yikun and the six young people remained.

He stood in front of the six people and said: "I don't like to play tricks. I have something to say. You were selected by me. I have great hopes for your tomorrow, but whether this hope can become a reality? No. It’s all up to me, and you still have to rely on yourselves. I only have two requirements, obedience and diligence.”

Except for Wang Chao who lowered his head and yawned, the other five listened seriously.

Duan Yikun pretended he didn't see it, smiled and said: "Now I'm going to assign you the first task, and then there will be a one-month pre-debut training, which includes vocal music, instrumental music and dance. This month, please be sure to do it! Go all out."

After Wang Chao yawned, he also heard this sentence, and said dully, "Shall we start today?"

Duan Yikun nodded.

Wang Chao wanted to say something else, but Duan Yikun said: "Didn't you say you want to learn to dance with Xiao Xie? Xiao Xie, go to the administrator to get the key to the practice room on the tenth floor. Before the dance teacher goes, you should help him stretch. Yang Xiaomu, Gao Siyuan, you two go to the 12th floor to find a vocal teacher. Ji Jie and Cheng Yao also go to the 12th floor, the piano room."

Wang Chao was in a bad mood. He was woken up by Wang Qi at seven o'clock, thinking that he would be able to go home to catch up on sleep after signing a contract.

He didn't dare not to go, if Duan Yikun complained to his brother, it would be over.

As soon as Xie Zhuxing entered the practice room, he said, "I won't pull."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

Wang Chao said aggrievedly: "I didn't sleep well yesterday. I was bored at home at night, so I found a horror movie to watch. I originally asked my second brother to watch it with me. Halfway through watching it, he answered an emergency call and went back to the hospital. I was alone." People read it... I really scared my father to death! I was so bright and lived on the third floor of my villa. There was no toilet in the room, so I had to go out to use it. The corridor was scary! There were ghosts everywhere! I dare not When I went out, I couldn't sleep because of the hard urine, and I didn't pee until dawn."

Xie Zhuxing: "...Are you still afraid of ghosts?"

Wang Chao said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Xie Zhuxing shook his head and said, "I don't believe in ghosts and gods."

Wang Chao said: "That's great, I'll watch it with you in the future, so I don't have to go to my second brother every time, and he keeps scolding me. It's too bad, I'm really sleepy."

As he spoke, he threw himself into Xie Zhuxing's arms and began to pretend to be dead, saying that he didn't want to do Lajin or learn to dance.

Xie Zhuxing was speechless for a while, he had never seen such a person.

He could tell that Wang Chao didn't have any dancing skills. At this age, it would be very difficult to learn from scratch, unless he could endure hardships that ordinary people can't bear. Wang Chao...obviously had never experienced any hardships.

He didn't really want to make Wang Chao unhappy, so he simply sat down on the cushion against the wall.

Wang Chao lay on his lap very naturally, using his leg as a pillow carelessly.

Xie Zhuxing is not used to this kind of intimacy. He felt uncomfortable when Wang Chao hugged and hugged him and bit his ear in the bar before, but at that time it could be regarded as the special environment of the nightclub. Now there are only the two of them here. personal.

Quiet and awkward.

Wang Chao didn't really want to sleep, but he just didn't want to learn to dance, so he said, "I didn't have breakfast, have you?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Eat."

Wang Chao asked, "What did you eat?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Wonton."

Wang Chao said, "What stuffing?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Pork and green onions."

Wang Chao said, "Did you dip it in vinegar?"

Xie Zhuxing: "... I ate wontons, not dumplings."

Wang Chao actually wanted to hook him up and run out to play with him, saying, "I'm starving to death."

Xie Zhuxing took some snacks out of his bag and said, "Here's a Snickers bar, sweep away the hunger."

Wang Chao: "..."

The dance teacher came, she was a female teacher in her thirties, she had a very stern face, she laughed when she saw Xie Zhuxing: "Xiao Xie, I thought it was you just by looking at the name, so it really is."

Xie Zhuxing hurriedly stood up and bowed, "Hello, Teacher Li."

Wang Chao sat on the cushion and looked up.

Xie Zhuxing said to him: "This is the teacher who taught me before."

Wang Chao got up and called out, "Hello, Teacher Li."

Teacher Li first congratulated Xie Zhuxing for signing the contract, and then said: "Little Xie has nothing to teach, he can dance better than me. Wang Chao, you have never learned dance. Come here, you have to open your ligaments first."

Wang Chao had heard that stretching was very painful, and felt that opening the ligaments might be a little more basic than stretching, so he was reluctant to do it.

Teacher Li asked him to open his limbs and relax his joints, and he really relaxed.

Teacher Li said, "Sit here and open your legs."

He sat down and opened it.

Teacher Li sat down in front of him, but he still said poorly, "Do you want to practice couple yoga with me, Teacher?"

Teacher Li smiled at him and started to help him press his crotch.


"No no no no!"

"It's going to be broken!"

"Ah, it's broken!"

"Haji, save me!"

"I won't study, I won't learn, I won't debut, you let me go!"

"Woo woo woo mom..."

Seeing him start crying and calling his mother, Teacher Li let him go with a speechless face.

While crying, he shook his legs and tried to get up, but failed, so Xie Zhuxing had no choice but to step forward to help him.

He hugged Xie Zhuxing and began to cry loudly: "I've never felt such pain in my life, it's so fucking painful, I can't close my legs as if I've been fucked, ah, ah, it hurts like hell."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."