Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 53: Love words


Xie Zhuxing didn't go back to Wangjing West Garden, but went back to his residence.

He is still renting a house with Zhao Zhengyi, but he often stays at Wang Chao's place in the name of being busy with work.

He was thinking about buying a house and staying at home during the Chinese New Year. His parents asked him if he had any plans to buy real estate in Beijing. They also said that the family had some savings and could help out if needed.

Half a year after his debut, he actually earned quite a bit, but he was still a little tight to buy a house in Beijing.

If it's just him, it's not a problem to buy a smaller one.

The question is what kind of house he should buy to catch Wang Chao's eyes.

Wang Chao asked his brother for a house to live in casually, all of which are duplex hardcover houses of nearly 200 square meters. Wang Chao's home is on the edge of the second ring road, a detached villa, and the yard covers an area of more than 1,000 square meters. He sent Wang Chao home twice, but he didn't enter the door, and he could smell the smell of RMB through the fence.

This made him hesitate.

After the Spring Festival is over, Icedream's second volume has also entered the formal preparation stage, and the release time is estimated to be at the turn of spring and summer.

Six people came to the company for a meeting. The teammates hadn't seen each other for a few days, and they chatted noisyly.

Wang Chao is thick-skinned, so he gets embarrassed and asks Xie Zhuxing in a low voice, "Hey, what's up tonight?"

Xie Zhuxing thought he was thinking about that again, so he asked in a serious manner, "Why?"

Wang Chao coughed and said, "Will you go to my house to play?"

Xie Zhuxing was startled: "Your home?"

Wang Chao smiled and said, "Let you taste the dumplings made by our Haji."

Xie Zhuxing: "... I have something to do."

Wang Chao stopped laughing and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "A few old classmates from the dance academy are gathering." The classmates did call him, but he didn't promise that he would definitely go.

Wang Chao said "Oh" and stopped talking.

He didn't know if Xiao Xie really had a class reunion, but he could see that Xiao Xie didn't want to go to his house anymore.

Duan Yikun showed them the demos of several songs to be selected and asked for their opinions.

Everyone listened carefully. Wang Chao drooped his head and didn't doze off, but he didn't listen well.

After listening, Xie Zhuxing and his teammates agreed that one of them was of the most outstanding quality, and Wang Chao did not comment.

"I also think the melody of this song is good, but the lyrics are a bit weak. If this song is used as the title song, the lyrics will have to be changed." Duan Yikun flipped through the information and said, "This composer is from the studio below the company. Talk to him first."

After talking about something related to the album, the meeting ended, and Duan Yikun left Xie Zhuxing alone.

Wang Chao lazily stood up and gestured to Xie Zhuxing to wait for him outside. Xie Zhuxing nodded.

The teammates went out and closed the door.

Duan Yikun said with a smile: "It's been good recently, and we don't quarrel anymore."

Xie Zhuxing said: "How can there be so many quarrels."

Duan Yikun raised half of his eyebrows and said, "You two are in such a big relationship, why didn't you tell me?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Which teammate likes to make small reports so much

Duan Yikun said with a half smile but not a smile: "I won't tell his brother, you should be careful."

Xie Zhuxing could only say: "We will."

Duan Yikun said sternly: "Speaking of business, the box office of Lunar New Year dramas is good, and you performed very well. Now is a good time to strike while the iron is hot and develop in the direction of acting."

Xie Zhuxing said: "But I haven't studied acting, guest singers are okay, serious roles are..."

Duan Yikun said: "Then what's the matter, more than half of the popular Xiaohua and Xiaosheng are not from majors. With popularity, there will naturally be a lot of dramas to find, and some have the opportunity to practice acting slowly."

Xie Zhuxing heard the meaning behind his words, and said, "Are you looking for me to shoot a movie?"

It is an ancient costume sitcom, produced by the same producer as the Lunar New Year drama. The script is about a big family of three generations living under the same roof, laughing and scolding, and dancing around. Each episode has an independent story. The film crew wanted to invite Xie Zhuxing to play the eldest grandson. The character setting is a young master who dreams of traveling the world with a sword, but is forced by his family to take a test for fame.

The story is interesting, and the acting skills are not high.

The screenwriter and director are well-known golden signs in the industry, and the starring team is also very reliable.

The pay is also very good.

Xie Zhuxing was a little moved, and said, "The filming happened to coincide with the second series, will there be a time conflict?"

Duan Yikun said: "I've asked, this drama has a total of forty episodes, the character you are looking for is only in the first sixteen episodes, and after the sixteenth episodes he will go to the rivers and lakes, the time can definitely be arranged, it's just you It will be a little harder to balance both sides.”

Xie Zhuxing said with a smile: "The thing I fear the most is hard work."

Duan Yikun also laughed, and said: "Then I will reply to the letter."

Wang Chao was standing at the door of the office playing mobile games. When he heard the door ring, he looked up and said, "What are you talking about? It's been so long?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Talk while walking."

Wang Chao put the phone in his pocket, he didn't want to mention what happened just now, he took the initiative to hook Xie Zhuxing's shoulder, Xie Zhuxing didn't hide, and the two walked away together shoulder to shoulder.

Duan Yikun came out from the inside, looked at their backs, and shook his head amusingly.

"Sitcom? Are you going to shoot in Yunnan?" Wang Chao yelled after hearing this, "If you want to make a film, I asked my elder brother if there are any movies produced by big directors. I will add a plug for you and join the group. How can a TV drama be as compelling as a movie? It’s still a bad sitcom, that’s even more nonsense, don’t make it.”

Xie Zhuxing was very happy to share with him, but he felt uncomfortable when he poured cold water on his head, and said, "I promised Brother Kun."

Wang Chao didn't like sitcoms, and also felt that he was too far away to go to Yunnan, so he said: "Before we go far, tell him that we don't want to shoot."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

Wang Chao took out his mobile phone and said, "If you are embarrassed, then I will speak for you."

Xie Zhuxing stopped him and said, "Okay, we can't go back on what we have agreed upon."

Wang Chao was ignorant: "You can still get divorced after getting married! It's a bad show, why can't you go back on your word?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "This is my job, don't meddle with it."

Wang Chao also became angry when he heard that he divided "yours and mine", and said, "Why is it your job? If I hadn't told my elder brother to let you make that movie, which director would ask you to learn from him?" Dancing to filming?"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Just now I told Duan Yikun that there were not so many fights, it was really a slap in the face.

He didn't want to make a noise, so he simply shut up and didn't speak.

Wang Chao had no eyesight at all, so he made up his own mind and said, "Okay, tell Brother Kun not to make this movie. When the second series is released, I will ask my elder brother to arrange a summer movie for you. If you want to sing the theme song or act, You can pick whatever you want, during the summer vacation, there are big bad movies, and the box office is also good, isn't it better than going to Yunnan to shoot some sitcoms?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't answer.

Wang Chao stood still, pushed him, and said, "What do you mean by not talking?"

Xie Zhuxing said with a straight face: "Don't you want to say it's okay?"

Wang Chao said angrily: "What are you doing? Am I not doing it for you? Who are you showing this face to?"

After all, he is still in the company, people come and go, Xie Zhuxing said: "Keep your voice down, let's talk when we go out."

Wang Chao stiffened his neck and said, "I won't! I haven't done anything to be ashamed of!"

Xie Zhuxing wanted to hit him, but endured it and said, "Then you just stay here by yourself."

Xie Zhuxing left.

Wang Chao didn't chase after him, he was fuming with anger, Xiao Xie really didn't know what to do, and he was good to him with all his heart and soul, what's the point? If you ask him to go home to eat dumplings and refuse to go, he still dislikes giving him good resources and divides them into "yours and mine". Is this called falling in love? It's like falling in love when you go to bed.

Xie Zhuxing didn't leave after going downstairs, but waited at the elevator entrance. After waiting for a long time, Wang Chao didn't come down, so he had no choice but to call him again.

Wang Chao was shitting in the toilet upstairs, sitting on the toilet playing mobile games, and was at a critical moment when Xie Zhuxing called, he was so angry that he hung up without even thinking about it.

Xie Zhuxing heard the notification tone of being hung up, put away the phone, and really left this time.

After Wang Chao hung up the phone, he regretted it, and he didn't bother to play mobile games anymore. He waited for Xie Zhuxing to call again with his mobile phone, but he didn't wait until his thighs were numb.

Limping out of the toilet, he felt terribly disappointed.

He didn't expect Xiao Xie to treat him as much as his elder brother treats his brother-in-law, but why would he admit his mistake first every time he quarreled, just because he was shameless? See how you got used to Xiao Xie.

I'm not used to it, whoever I love.

He has nothing to do, just go clubbing.

I got together with a few ex-husbands and dogs to brag and drink a lot of wine, and the noise didn't break up until eleven o'clock in the evening.

He's a bit over the top, hasn't been out to play for several months, and his drinking capacity has declined.

Friends said that he would go to play something else, and he would know what the other thing was, but he couldn't justify it.

He knew that he had no self-control and no sense of proportion, and he was afraid that he would do something out of line again.

He promised Xiao Xie not to mess around with others.

He reeked of alcohol and did not dare to go home, so he hailed a special car and went back to Wangjing West Garden.

When I got out of the elevator, I wanted to get the key to open the door, but I searched my pockets but couldn't find the key.

Today is really mourning.

He kicked the anti-theft door angrily.

The security door opened before his eyes.

Xie Zhuxing stood inside the door, frowned, and said, "Who did you drink so much with?"

Wang Chao was not drunk, his mind was spinning fast, knowing that Xie Zhuxing was waiting for him, he was a little proud, and shouted: "Who let you stay at my house?"

Xie Zhuxing was already upset when he smelled of alcohol, but when he heard this, he said, "Okay, then I'll go."

He was about to go outside, Wang Chao hurriedly hugged him, and said angrily, "Can't you learn how shameless I am? How much is face worth?"

Xie Zhuxing ignored him and asked, "Who did you drink with?"

Wang Chao said, "They're all men!"

Xie Zhuxing approached him and smelled it, only the smell of wine.

Wang Chao was overjoyed at once, and he took off his collar for others to smell, and asked, "What did you hear?"

Xie Zhuxing put his arms around his waist, dragged him in, closed the door again, and cursed: "Wasteful."

The two kissed, and Xie Zhuxing pinched Wang Chao back and forth.

Wang Chao liked this kind of vigor, and he was so happy that he moaned and chirped.

After kissing enough, he sat down on the sofa inside, and Xie Zhuxing poured him a cup of hot water.

Wang Chao was dizzy, and he sat there with his back on his back and asked him, "How long will it take to go to Yunnan to shoot that scene?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Half a month."

Wang Chao thought for a while, but he could bear it for half a month, and said, "That's fine."

Xie Zhuxing pursed his lips, and said after a long while: "Actually, for this film... I want to buy a house in Beijing. After filming this film, I will have enough money, but it must be a small house, and it will be a transition first."

Wang Chao sat up straight, with round eyes, nervously said: "Then you bought it, do you want to live with me?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Don't you want to?"

Of course Wang Chao thought about it, and asked again: "Then you don't marry a wife anymore?"

Xie Zhuxing smiled at him, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you my wife?"

Wang Chao's face turned red in a flash, and he was even more stubborn when he said something different: "Get out, don't take advantage of Dad. Dad has an 18cm diamond blade. Dad is letting you in now."

He pushed on and on, talking self-deceit, and blushing more and more.

Xie Zhuxing looked amused, and called him: "Xiao Chao."

Wang Chao stopped talking, his eyes became rounder, Xiao Xie had never called him so affectionately before.

Xie Zhuxing was still thin-skinned, before speaking, he lowered his eyes shyly, then looked up, looked into Wang Chao's eyes, and said, "I want to use the blue toilet seat with you for the rest of my life."

Wang Chao: "..."

Xiao Xie's love words are too fucking sweet.

He also wanted to say sweet words of love, but he couldn't, and he was so dry that he stood up and quickly stripped off his clothes, lay down on the sofa, pouted his buttocks, and hurriedly urged: "Come on, come on, daddy!" You give birth."