Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 7: You kiss you dearest


Wang Chao didn't think he was naive at all, but he felt that Xie Zhuxing and Ji Jie couldn't get close, at least not any closer than he was with him, plausibly making nonsense: "We met first, they are all outsiders, outsiders you Do you understand? Don’t listen to people calling you Brother Sheng, just feel like you belong to yourself. Have they ever eaten hot pot with you? Have you ever drank wine together? Have you touched silicone breasts together?”

Xie Zhuxing couldn't stand listening, and said, "What together? You touch it, I'll watch."

Wang Chao said: "Anyway, they don't want me to kiss you."

Xie Zhuxing ignored him, squatted on the ground with his back facing him, and took things out of the suitcase.

Wang Chao was upset and said, "Did you hear that?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "I heard it."

Wang Chao said, "What did you hear?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't want to provoke him, and said: "You kiss, you kiss, you are the closest."

Satisfied, Wang Chao sat on the edge of the bed, took a massage hammer from somewhere, and slapped his thigh while saying, "Darling, when you finish packing, take out the things for me too, I'm too lazy I can't move, my arms and legs hurt."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

Others come to train and learn things, and he feels that he is here to take care of the children.

He is still a stupid, lazy and shameless brat.

Having just changed to a new environment and new roommates, the teammates in the other two rooms were obviously very excited, and faint chatter and laughter could be heard all the time.

Wang Chao also felt very fresh. After taking a bath, he spun around the room to take selfies.

Xie Zhuxing chatted with his mother on WeChat, told her that he had just changed his residence, and also asked his father about the minor operation. Seeing the message from his mother saying everything was fine, he smiled unconsciously.

Wang Chao had had enough selfies, just in time to see him smiling, and asked, "Who are you chatting with? So happy, are you a girl?"

Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, Xie Zhuxing's good mood suddenly dissipated, and said: "No, with my mother."

Wang Chao also mentioned: "Where is your girlfriend? Don't you two live together? You moved here, and she lives alone now?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't want to talk about her personal affairs with him, and said: "She also found a new place to move."

Wang Chao didn't continue talking about this, took off his shoes, went to bed and lay down, stretched his legs excitedly, and said, "I haven't slept with a man yet, have you slept with a man?"

Xie Zhuxing: "... huh?"

Wang Chao went on to say: "I slept with my elder brother when I was seven or eight years old. He peed on the bed, and he beat me up, and then he never slept with me again."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

He said, "You never lived in a dormitory before you went to school?"

Wang Chao said: "I haven't lived there before, the conditions are too bad, and I can't get along with the male classmates, they don't want to see me."

Xie Zhuxing said in his heart, he will be a ghost when he sees you.

Wang Chao said: "I'm okay with girls, but not with boys. I didn't get along with many people from childhood to adulthood, and I only had one in college... Forget it, it's not a good bird."

Xie Zhuxing thought again, what kind of bird are you

Wang Chao turned over, lay on the bed, looked at him with a crooked face, and said nonchalantly, "I think you're pretty good."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

Wang Chao stopped talking, turned his face to the other side, and said, "I'm sleeping."

Xie Zhuxing: ""

He sent his mother one last message, then turned off the lights and lay down too.

Before falling asleep, he made another detailed comment on Wang Chao in his mind: he is a spoiled child, with a bit of a low tongue and doesn't know how to take care of other people's feelings, but his heart is not bad, and in some respects he can be regarded as simple.

He didn't know why Wang Chao looked at him differently. He didn't even know what background Wang Chao had. He could only tell that his family was really rich.

He can't suffer from maintaining a relatively good relationship with this guy.

This thought lasted for a few hours, and he saw Wang Chao who was lying in bed.

He came back after going out for a run, took a shower, checked the time was almost there, and started to wake Wang Chao up. He kept waking up the other four teammates one after another to get up and wash up. Wang Chao was still lying on the bed, sleeping like a dead pig.

"The company's car will be here soon," Xie Zhuxing called him again, "If you don't get up, you will be late."

Wang Chao still had his eyes closed, and he pulled up Xia Liang's quilt to cover his head.

Xie Zhuxing had been calling him all morning, already a little impatient, and reached out to lift the quilt over him.

Wang Chao was only wearing a pair of white underwear, lying there moaning a few times, he didn't know if he was awake or not, and soon he was silent again.

The landline in the living room rang, Cheng Yao picked it up, and shouted outside: "The car is coming, let's get down quickly!"

Wang Chao remained silent.

Xie Zhuxing was on fire, he had never seen such an adult who lay on his bed, and it was wrong to ask him to leave Wang Chao alone, his roommates could walk together well, why couldn't he come to him

He stood by the bed and watched for a few seconds, and said something that made him feel disgusted: "If you don't get up again, I won't kiss you anymore. Today I will move to live with Ji Jie."

After speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

Wang Chao got up suddenly and shouted: "How dare you!"

Xie Zhuxing said: "What am I not afraid of?"

Wang Chao said: "I'll get up, I'll get up, I'll get up, can't I get up?"

He muttered about putting on his clothes, and complained: "You are more annoying than my brother, you only need to yell once, and you yelled 800 times in the morning, and my ears are almost calloused by you... Where are my pants? "

Xie Zhuxing picked up his trousers from the ground and gave them to him, doubting: "You got up after your brother called you once?"

Wang Chao said: "He only yelled once. If I can't afford it, he kicks me. You see, he kicked me yesterday morning."

He twisted his body, pulled down his underwear a little, and showed Xie Zhuxing the bruise on his buttocks.

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Who wants to see his ass

Finally, the six people went out, and the elevator downstairs was quiet, no one spoke, but as dull as Wang Chao, he also knew that others had opinions on him.

He was quite unconvinced, didn't he just get up late? But he didn't want to make trouble, so he stood closer to Xie Zhuxing.

Once downstairs, Xie Zhuxing apologized to the driver of the nanny car.

Probably because Duan Yikun had explained something, the driver smiled and was not unhappy, and got out of the car to help them open the door.

Wang Chao didn't care about others, he got into the car first and sat in the last row of four.

The other members got into the car and sat in the front.

Xie Zhuxing was the last one to go up, there were eight people, only the three in the last row remained.

The drive from here to the company is more than ten minutes. During this time, the road was blocked and it took half an hour to stop and go.

Wang Chao lay in the back row, pillowed on Xie Zhuxing's leg, and slept for another half an hour.

Day after day, in the blink of an eye, a week has passed since the month-long training camp.

Wang Chao has also adapted to the dance class. Although he is still a beginner, his dance is not satisfactory. At least he won't cry when he does Lajin.

Even if he can't overcome his laziness, he still has to be urged by Xie Zhuxing to get up in the morning. As long as the teacher doesn't pay attention to him in class, he will start to be lazy, and he always wants to hook up with Xie Zhuxing to be lazy with him.

Duan Yikun often went to see them in class, and what he often saw was Xie Zhuxing dancing seriously, Wang Chao followed loosely, Xie Zhuxing practiced his voice, Wang Chao sat next to him and just opened his mouth silently, Xie Zhuxing practiced fingering, and Wang Chao leaned against others Drooling while sleeping on the shoulder.

... But this has far exceeded Duan Yikun's expectations of him, at least he didn't skip class.

Class ended early this day, and we left before eight o'clock. Everyone got down and prepared to go back by car.

But Wang Chao didn't get in the car and said, "You guys go, I want to go home and get something."

The driver said: "Why don't I just turn around and take you back? I heard that your home is not far away."

Wang Chao said, "No need, my car is in the parking lot."

The others got into the car, Xie Zhuxing was the last one, Wang Chao held him back: "Don't go, you accompany me back."

Xie Zhuxing didn't want to go to his house, so he found a reason and said: "I won't go, my mother said that she will have a video call with me at eight o'clock."

Wang Chao hooked his shoulders to prevent him from leaving: "Where can't I video? My WiFi signal is good."

Xie Zhuxing had no choice but to wave his hands to everyone and said, "Then you go back first."

Unexpectedly, Wang Chao drove the car to the bar.

"Aren't you going home?" Xie Zhuxing said speechlessly, "Is this your home?"

Wang Chao said proudly, "This is half of my family."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Brother Kun knew he was going to talk about you."

Wang Chao said: "It doesn't hurt or itch to talk about it. I haven't seen a decent woman in the past few days. I'm with you guys all day long. If I don't stay out to play, I'm going to bend over."

Xie Zhuxing: "..."

He unbuckled his seat belt and said, "You can play by yourself, I'm going back."

Wang Chao grabbed him and said, "I know you are loyal to your daughter, so if I don't bring you with me, you should just come and have a drink or two."

Xie Zhuxing said: "I don't want to drink either."

Wang Chao smiled and said: "Then you don't drink, I don't even need to call for a driver later, it will save trouble."

He shook Xie Zhuxing's arm: "Xiao Xie, good little Xie, just stay with me, I'm so boring by myself."

Xiao Xie had no choice but to go in with him.

Or it could be said that his demeanor suits this messy place too well, and he can be seen to be a heartless person who is not short of money. As soon as he sat down, he attracted a few heavily made-up awl faces in low-cut suspender skirts.

Wang Chao flirted with one of the girls he found the most pleasing to the eye, and the others left after watching the show.

Xie Zhuxing didn't drink, so he ordered a glass of lemonade and took a piece of watermelon from the table to eat.

Wang Chao and the girl got bored for a while, and then they got excited. They whispered something into the girl's ear, and the girl smiled and slapped him.

Wang Chao said to Xie Zhuxing: "Sit down for a while, order whatever you want, I'll be back in a while."

Xie Zhuxing nodded.

Wang Chao put his arms around the girl's waist, and the two went out from the bar.

Xie Zhuxing thought that he was going to buy something to make the girl happy, but he waited for almost an hour and still hadn't come back.

He didn't want to wait any longer, so he called the waiter to pay the bill, and planned to go back by himself.

As soon as he left the bar, Wang Chao came back. The light at the door was brighter than the inside. He blushed and said, "Where are you going?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Where have you been? It's almost eleven o'clock, we have to go back."

Wang Chao said, "Then I'll go in and pay the bill."

Xie Zhuxing held him back: "The knot is over, let's go."

Wang Chao put his shoulders on his shoulders to drive, and said with a smile, "I'll treat you to a good drink tomorrow."