Peter Pan and Cinderella

Chapter 83: True white lotus


Xie Zhuxing was slapped inexplicably. He felt that he was already trying to explain the misunderstanding, and he was not far from explaining it clearly. The first few slaps were said to be in front of his teammates and Liu Congming. Wang Chao felt ashamed, and it was okay to slap him a few times Anyway, the two of them usually fight a lot, so what's the point in the end? He had never slapped Wang Chao in the face.

Seeing his expression, Wang Chao became even angrier, pointed at him angrily and scolded: "You fake gay, you're still not convinced, are you?"

Xie Zhuxing asked back: "I'm pretending to be gay? Are you a closet?"

Wang Chao said angrily: "Who are you talking about? Didn't you, a scheming bitch, try your best to break up your father?"

He himself forgot the angry words he said on the day of the quarrel, Xie Zhuxing didn't forget what he said, and said: "Come on, I'll break you up? If you weren't so sticky and seduce me all day long, I wouldn't have sex with men Object. Besides, you and your college classmate are so close that you have to fight each other. If you are not smart enough to see that he is cheating you, the two of you may have even received a marriage certificate. What am I? thing?"

Wang Chao was furious, and wanted to slap his ears again, but Xie Zhuxing grabbed his right hand, then switched to his left hand, and was caught again with his left hand.

Xie Zhuxing grabbed his two hands, felt that it was unnecessary to quarrel like this, and said in a slow tone: "It's almost done, I haven't hit you in the face... hey!"

Wang Chao slammed his head forward, and with a bang, their foreheads collided hard.

Xie Zhuxing was unprepared, he was hit with stars in front of his eyes, he felt like he was going to have a slight concussion, and when he looked at Wang Chao again, his entire forehead was red, and he couldn't get angry, so he asked funnyly, "Does it hurt?"

Wang Chao: "... Dad doesn't hurt!"

Xie Zhuxing saw his forehead swell up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and said, "It's no wonder it doesn't hurt, you idiot."

He poked Wang Chao's back again, and cursed: "Fuck you dick! Try saying something stupid about Dad again!"

Xie Zhuxing didn't know where he was getting angry at all, so he followed him and said, "You're an idiot to begin with."

If Wang Chao were a feline, all the fur would be blown up, and he couldn't think of what to scold Xie Zhuxing, and he couldn't beat him, so angry that he wanted to cry.

Why can't he think about going back to Beijing? Isn't it good to hide in Harbin for a lifetime? Even if he was beaten by his father every day, it would be better than at this moment.

Xie Zhuxing asked in surprise, "Isn't it not painful? Why are you still crying?"

He let go of Wang Chao's hand and wanted to help Wang Chao rub his forehead.

Wang Chao avoided letting him touch him. He was so sad that he shed tears and said, "No wonder my fans call you Xie Bailian. You are really a white lotus."

Xie Zhuxing: "..." What's wrong? When I was good, I cried miserably.

Wang Chao wiped away his tears and said, "I used to love to play. Don't you know that I only like good-looking girls? I don't like men at all. I'm a straight man without a doubt, why am I in the closet? I was wronged to get a marriage certificate with a man? You are so good at reasoning, what kind of idol are you? Why don’t you become Conan!"

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Is the word "clear and innocent" used in this way

Wang Chao also accused: "Why don't you say that you made your ex-girlfriend's belly bigger, searched for a poor guy, and bought a diamond ring worth 70,000 to 80,000 yuan to propose marriage, and you will drink more hot water and spend less money all day? I can't do anything about it, you are a straight man, can't you just find a woman to live with? Why do you have to harm me? After it's over, you still say I'm a closet? I seduce you? "

Xie Zhuxing: "...for so long in the past, the diamond ring was given to you, why bring it up?"

Wang Chao cried even more sadly, and said: "It's been so long since you lent her money, obviously you have been thinking about her all the time, that girl is not very good-looking, and she gave you a cuckold, I don't treat you better than her How are you? You have been lying to me, and joked with Duan Yikun behind my back that I am an idiot, now that I know about it, you ignored me, and even put a pot of shit on my head, why are you such a white lotus?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Why did I ignore it? How can I have Yan Jiajia in my heart? She came to me when she was in trouble and had no choice. Well, I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be unhappy if you thought about it too much. There is nothing shameful at all. What Duan Yikun said in WeChat is all nonsense. He has always misunderstood me. I can't say to him 'I am the captain Sincerely, it’s not what you think’, and it’s not acting in Qiong Yao’s drama. You’re already stupid, and it’s not wrong to say you’re stupid.”

Wang Chao stopped crying immediately, his wet eyes were about to burst into flames, and his forehead still hurt, so he couldn't bump it anymore, so he kicked his crotch.

Before he found the angle, he heard Xie Zhuxing say: "I just like your stupidity, what's wrong?"