Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 101: demon


"Werewolves... werewolves... why... these monsters are still here..."

On the Internet, the term "London Monster" spread all over the world overnight.

A video or picture taken by someone with a phone may not be clear enough to be believed.

However, if you continue to search, a lot of videos shot with ultra-clear cameras can be easily found.

On this day, the whole world was in an uproar.

Rodburn didn't pay attention until one of his men handed him the phone.

The phone is playing a video,

In the video,

A wolf-headed monster was running, he was chasing a woman, and the woman was running faster than the monster.

Finally, the video ends.

Rhode's face was gloomy,

He is the first blood race in this world, but he is not a person from this world.

In his memory, he was the elder of the blood clan in another world, asleep, and when he opened his eyes, he came to this clean world without blood clans and werewolves.

There are only ordinary people in this world!

Rhode was excited.

In a world where there are only ordinary people, the appearance of blood races is tantamount to wolves entering the flock!

Of course, he was still used to being vigilant and didn't expose himself easily.

You know, ordinary people's weapons are not ordinary!

In addition to firearms, all kinds of aircraft, tanks, cannons, grenades, hydrogen bombs, and nuclear bombs, he will die if he touches any one!

Therefore, he began to silently accumulate his own power in the dark, constantly embraced, transformed the blood clan, and understood the world.

When the number of blood clans reached thousands, Rhodes was already able to determine that this world was as ordinary as he seemed on the surface.

At this time, in order to quickly achieve his goal, he began to send blood races to various countries in the world.

And he himself came to Washington.


"Why did the werewolf still appear..."

Although the monster in the video is a little different from the werewolf in his memory, the wolf-headed human body is not fake.

Once, in another world, Rhodes also participated in the war against werewolves as a blood clan elder.

For the werewolf, that is the eternal enemy of the blood race!

He thought he had come to a world of ordinary people, but who knows, werewolves actually appeared.

Suddenly, a sense of urgency poured into Rhodes' heart.

Looking at the content of the video, most of the vampires in London are more sinister than auspicious.

Although he was in Washington at this time and was far away from London, the werewolves were also wise. If they knew the plan of the blood clan, they would definitely come to Washington.

Rhode picked up the phone and made a call.

"Talk about cooperation, your people should have been staring at me for a long time."

at the same time.

"No no no!!"

"This is not true! How can there really be angels in this world!!"

Mike kept retreating in a panic, remorse, unwilling, incredible, all kinds of emotions were extremely complicated for a time.

"It must be a projector! Someone is playing tricks!"

Mike picked up the water glass on the table and threw it at the angel in anger.

The glass of water quickly flew out in the air, and the water in the glass spilled out.

The angel stretched out his hand, his movements were very slow, but when the water glass flew to his side, it was impartial and just fell into his hand.

The water that flew out also flowed back into the cup in shock, without spilling a single drop.

"Mike, you're not dead."

The angel spoke slowly, still maintaining a gentle smile.

"No no no!"

"You are not an angel! Angels are fake!"

"That's all a liar's lie!!!"

Mike's three views were almost shattered.

Why? !

Why are there really angels in this world? !

Why didn't this angel show up sooner? !

Why! ! !

He was so unwilling that he was so angry that he was about to cry.

When he believed in God most, the real world told him mercilessly again and again that even the most devout believer in the world was actually just a greedy miser.

It was that person who shattered his beliefs and made him slowly start paying attention to the dark corners of the world.

At that time, he gradually understood, what kind of God is there in this world

The so-called God is actually just a lie woven by some people for their own interests and various desires.

If there is a God in this world, it is money.

After despair, Mike understood the truth.

He was also more devoted to the God in his heart.

For this God, he abandoned a lot and did a lot of things against his will.

In contrast, his life is getting better and better.

He believes that these are the rewards that God gave him, and he is still that devout believer, because of his piety, his days will get better and better.

Moreover, everyone around him did it, and he did nothing wrong, it was all for God's sake.

If this angel hadn't appeared, he would have been like this.

"Why are you showing up!"

Mike is desperate.

The beliefs over the years collapsed in an instant, and he seemed to see the ignorant and pious self back then.

Those clear eyes.

He felt that he was extremely dirty and dirty, like maggots in the sewer.

Today people are nauseated, nauseous.

"You will destroy me, and you are also guilty!"

"You're not holy either!"


"Angels are guilty too!"

Mike cried out, like a few seconds in the air when a person jumped off a building, he kept recalling all the things he had done in his life.

"I am going to kill you!"

Mike roared, not knowing where he pulled out a pistol.

With a "bang", he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The angel still looked at him with a smile, but suddenly he frowned.

"It turns a false believer...!"

The angel chuckled softly.

Under Mike's horrified gaze, a black flame sprang up suddenly, and the flames were inextinguishable. In an instant, the black flame burned like a wildfire on the angel who was bathed in the holy light.

In the blink of an eye, black flames spread all over the angel's body, like a huge bonfire burning.

next second

A pair of dark red flesh wings with strange patterns stretched out from the black flame.

"I knew you were a false believer, and I didn't have to pretend to be an angel."

With a dull voice, a burly tall figure walked out of the black flame.

He smiled wickedly and appeared in front of Mike in an instant.

He suddenly raised his hand and squeezed Mike's neck to lift him up, as if lifting a little chick.

He jokingly watched Mike struggling in his hands, blushing.

"Whatever is good will only be doubted."

"Everything that is evil must be feared."

"Mike, you are the second one, the second one who forced me to become a demon."

"Perhaps, only demons are best suited to drive humans?"

"Then I'm the devil."