Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 104: The meeting of the Bloods and S.H.I.E.L.D


At the beginning, as soon as the blood race came to Washington, it was easy to get in touch with local officials.

Their purpose is to control the eagle sauce official. The middle-aged man Yabo's status is not low, so he is naturally transformed into a blood clan.

Of course, they didn't know they were blood races. Rhode told them that this was an advanced biological gene technology. They thought they had evolved into higher humans, and they were even more overjoyed.

And this time, Yabo was ordered to come to the hotel for a meeting.

In this country, 99% of people's phone calls are monitored, so some things must be said face to face to be safe.

When he entered the hotel, it was an ordinary person who messaged him, who gave him an address and left.

Yabo didn't ask much, he knew in his heart that the ordinary person probably didn't know anything, otherwise he wouldn't be an ordinary person.


As he was leaving the hotel, Mike suddenly rushed out.

After speaking for a while, he saw him kneeling on the ground in despair and pleading. Although he was puzzled, Yabo thought about it, and was not ready to meddle in his own business, so he opened the door and got into the car.

"If you're in trouble, you should go to the police." The bodyguard said coldly, turning around and getting into the car.

Yabo handed the address to the driver, and the car started immediately, leaving a desperate Mike kneeling on the ground sluggishly.

he does not know.

Meng Ke's spiritual thread has been connected to the middle-aged man Yabo, the goal has been achieved, and his attention has also turned to that side.

As for Mike

It's just that he scare himself, Meng Ke is not a big devil who gets angry and kills at every turn.

Now that he has achieved his purpose, he is useless.

Moreover, without this, Meng Ke would even fulfill his promise and give him immortality.

Now, think about it or forget it.

Meng Ke was watching Yabo silently. He suddenly found that on the red dot map, Yabo was heading in the same direction as the two SHIELD agents just now.

Shouldn't they meet? Meng Ke guessed.

It stands to reason that based on the personality of the one-eyed dragon of SHIELD, only others will give him his subordinates. When will he cooperate with the blood clan

It is impossible to think about it, Meng Ke immediately rejected the guess, and then immediately thought of a possibility.

S.H.I.E.L.D. will never allow vampires to control official high-level officials, so they are essentially opposites.

Are they going to... make an appointment

A picture of a young and dangerous boy flashed through Meng Ke's mind.

Braised Dantou was holding a cigarette in his mouth and holding two watermelon knives, with a rebellious expression on his face.

"You stinky motherfucker! This is the territory of our S.H.I.E.L.D.! When will it be your blood clan's dog's turn to go wild here?!"


Think about it, inexplicably quite emotional

Not long after, when Meng Ke was thinking wildly, the car stopped and Yabo got out of the car.

This is an empty and empty warehouse. The two people from SHIELD have been waiting for him here for a long time. When they saw him coming, they came over immediately.


In the face of Yabo's tentative questioning, a man in black showed a professional smile and joked: "Strictly speaking, we are still an illegal organization."

Yabo nodded in understanding, and also smiled: "Since you have accepted the official inspection now, I believe they will give you a satisfactory explanation."

The nature of S.H.I.E.L.D. determined that he must have a strong backing, and in the face of Eagle sauce, they must make a calm attitude to calm people's hearts.

Otherwise, in the bureau, the people who are confused because of the crossing will easily have chaos.


The man in black shrugged and said meaningfully, "Where's your stuff?"

Abo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stunned.

"Genetic optimization?"

The man in black nodded, his eyes swept up and down Yabo unabashedly, and his face was puzzled, as if he was wondering why he was empty-handed.

"Hahaha… "

Seeing his appearance, Yabo laughed as if he saw a hillbilly entering the city.

"Don't you think I'm going to bring a box of test tubes with a special liquid over here?!"

The two men in black looked at each other, stopped talking, and looked at him vigilantly.

"Sir, this is not funny at all."

The two of them felt cheated.

To trade without bringing anything, isn't that the trap that has been set up and ready to be hacked? !

Just when they were about to draw their guns, Yabo hurriedly waved his hand and said:


"I came to deal with you with sincerity, please rest assured."

As he said that, Yabo suddenly grabbed the bodyguard beside him, and in a panic, he took a bite.

Throat rolling, as if there was fluid running down.

The two men in black were startled and took a step back while holding their guns vigilantly.

The SHIELD agents can also be said to be well-informed, but the scene of cannibalism in front of them still shocked them.

The bodyguard struggled weakly after being bitten, and slowly made a strange sound.

just like…


That's right.

The man in black was surprised to find that the bodyguard's face was not as painful as it should be, but moaned as if he was enjoying it very much.

After a long time, Yabo pushed the bodyguard away and wiped his mouth in disgust.

"Our genetic optimization has been able to proceed autonomously between organisms without any external vectors."

Abo explained.

The bodyguard stood up slowly, and he felt the drastic changes in his body inconceivably.

He has been exercising regularly, and he is very clear about his body.


At this time, he could clearly feel that his physical discomfort was disappearing, and his body became healthier and stronger.

"This...why... gosh..."

He stuttered for a long time, unable to utter a complete sentence, as if in a dream.

The man in black stared, and they saw that it was like plastic surgery. The skin on the bodyguard's face became smoother and more delicate to the naked eye, and the wrinkles and dark spots quickly disappeared.

"To optimize human genes, a flawless appearance is a must," explains Yabo.

Then, the bodyguard tentatively picked up a stone from the ground, aimed at the blue sky outside the warehouse, and threw it violently.


The stone flickered, bringing out a cracking sound.

The four looked up.

"Three hundred meters?" The man in black said in shock.

"Judging from the initial speed, this stone will fly at least 300 meters before it can fall." Another man in black compensated.

After finishing speaking, the man in black frantically looked at the bodyguard who was still excitedly trying.

Jumped in place about two meters.

One finger upside down.

Twelve punches per second.

Every attempt he made is incredible at the peak level of the human body, and not many people in the world can do one of these actions.

And now, all of these incredible moves have been accomplished by one person!