Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 111: zoo


After looking at the red dot map for a while, Meng Ke still did not go to Longhu Mountain immediately.

It's not that Meng Ke is cowardly, it's just that he still has things to do and has ideas that he hasn't finished yet.

Soon, he found Lin Miao.

Lin Miao has a bloodline of blood. Although she is a cat, after the optimization of high-quality human genes in more than a dozen bloods, she has been able to become a human.

The innate characteristic of the bloodline is to absorb the high-quality genes in the species to optimize itself.

This talent is quite good, but Rhodes and other blood races are only constantly optimizing the human genes in their bodies, as if they are carrying out a human gene completion plan.

Meng Ke couldn't evaluate him, but with such a good talent, he obviously wouldn't do this.

Human genes are indeed strong, but this cannot be said to surpass global biology in every aspect.

The strength of a bear, the eyes of an eagle, the speed of a panther,

These are incomparable to humans.

Human beings are the masters of the earth only because they have developed intelligence more advanced than other creatures.

If human wisdom is given to all living things, then the history of human domination of the earth should be over.

On the other hand, if the abilities of all animals are given to human beings, then this person can almost be a god on earth.

If you rely on technology to get to this point, you may not be able to do it for thousands of years, but the talent of the blood clan is unreasonable.

Meng Ke has been unable to understand the principle of the blood race to optimize biological genes, it feels like,

blood conversion,

complete the conversion,

Optimizing genetics is done.

And all the complicated processes in the middle seem to be skipped directly, jumping directly from the beginning to the result.

If a biologist sees it, the three views will collapse.

This is not biological at all!

Like a poor person who can't afford to eat, the last second is saying that I have to work hard to make money!

In the next second, he became the richest man in the world.

[Black question mark face]? ?

Completely unreasonable and illogical.

With the current science and technology, it is completely impossible to achieve the optimized genes of the blood family without thousands of years of full development of biology.

And the bloodline, it seems to have only one logic, as long as it is transformed by him, you are the blood, and you can do it.

Nothing to do with genes, nothing to do with biology, nothing to do with science.

Just looking for results, ignoring all the rules of the real world.

If you let those old bachelors who have been doing scientific research all their lives know, they will definitely piss off a group of people.

And these are one of the reasons why Meng Ke wants to kill the blood clan.

Closer to home,

Under the guidance of Meng Ke, Lin Miao slipped out of a three-story villa.

As the eldest of the cat clan and the strongest, she kept a low profile in a planning house in the countryside, accompanied by a pair of elderly people.

Sunbathing every day, chasing butterflies, Kong has all the strength, and his life is more salty than Meng Ke!

It's really heartbreaking!

A good cat, why is it salty

It's completely wasting the unreasonable talent of the blood clan!

Therefore, in order not to let her continue to be salty like this, and to increase her strength, Meng Ke pulled her out of her sleep.

The moon is empty.

Lin Miao ran unhappily on the concrete road in the new countryside, her scarlet eyes glowing with fluorescence, like two ghost fires, swaying up and down with every jump she made.

Behind him, a motorcycle drove by with its lights on.

Lao Zhang was on the night shift, just got out of bed and drove very slowly.

Fortunately, with the construction of new countryside in recent years, this country road is no longer as bumpy as it used to be.

Across the distance, he suddenly saw the front of the road, two red dots flashed past.

Lao Zhang was puzzled and thought it was his dazzling eyes, so he blinked hard.


He slowed down again and looked suspiciously.

Lin Miao's eyesight had no effect in the dark, she turned around when she heard the sound, and blinked her scarlet eyes.

They are near.

The two looked at each other.

After a few seconds,

Lin Miao was unhappy at first, and now it was even more unhappy when Lao Zhang looked at her.

The next step accelerated, and instantly surpassed the past.

Normal but staggered.

"It turned out to be a cat."

Old Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second,

Suddenly, his eyes widened at the boss, and he looked at his crotch, his face full of disbelief.

"Come on!! This speed is a cat?!"

"… "

Lin Miao's speed was very fast, and when she ran to the city, she slowed down, and she shuttled covertly in the shadows.

She is not stupid, and even knows that if her abnormality is exposed to human eyes, it will only be detrimental to her.

Even, affecting other subordinates, being captured by humans, researched, sliced...

From now on, don't think about being salty again!

Those days are scary to think about.

Hidden all the way, stop and go, Lin Miao soon arrived at Jiujiang Zoo.

The city is not big, but the zoo is very good, and I heard that the zoo is still expanding.

After Lin Miao entered, he was quite surprised to find that there were actually lions here!

There are lions in a zoo that many locals don't even know about!

Regardless of the 3721, Lin Miao walked in through the guardrail.

The lion is also a cat, from the point of view of gene fusion...

Talk shit!

The transformation of the blood family does not care whether any genes can be fused or not, and the transformation is successful!

"Meow?" Lin Miao called out softly.

In the corner, a huge male lion opened its eyes,

next second,


At this time, the big cat was like seeing a ghost when it saw Lin Miao, and was so frightened that it almost broke open the cage and escaped.

This is not because of the animal's sensitivity to dangerous and mysterious things, but because of the fear imposed by Meng Ke's direct mental connection, so that it does not resist, does not make noise, and is not detected by others.

Lin Miao walked gracefully on the catwalk and walked over.

A bite on its neck.

A few minutes later, Lin Miao smashed his mouth and spat out a few hairs, and at her feet, the lion put his head on the ground and wagged his tail happily.

At this time, it looks like a tiger with a mane on its neck, and the yellow hair has also turned dark black, strange and mysterious.

In its mouth, a pair of ferocious and unusual fangs came out, just like a saber-toothed tiger.

When Meng Ke finished transforming, he immediately loaded new memories into its mind, which is why it was so flattering to Lin Miao.

As for Lin Miao, she transformed this lion, but there was almost no physical change.

Meng Ke was not surprised. Lions are cats, and Lin Miao has transformed so many cats. The genes of cats are already perfect, so naturally there won't be many changes that can be made.

After the transformation, Lin Miao ignored the mutated lion, got out of the cage, and walked towards the tiger group next door.

Meng Ke looked at the dark saber-toothed tiger, and at Lin Miao, who looked like an ordinary cat, and shook his head.


If people at the zoo saw it tomorrow, I don't know how they would feel.