Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 112: Go up the mountain


the next day.

The animals in Jiujiang Zoo were poisoned collectively, and the park was closed for three days for rectification.

In the past three days, large trucks have been coming in and out from here, and some people passing by can still vaguely hear the sound of animals in the box of the truck.

Of course, these are all just a cover-up.

Early in the morning, the zoo's keeper discovered the abnormality of the animals.

A dark black saber-toothed tiger with a thick mane on the neck was kept in the lion cage, and next to it, the group of tigers was like a female saber-toothed tiger in two states, the same black body, the same fangs, but no Just the mane.


The other cages are even weirder.

A black griffin in a parrot cage, a black unicorn-like monster in a deer house, a black devil with wings in a monkey cage...

Even more shocking is that,

A four-clawed black dragon with long horns actually appeared in the python mansion!

Overnight, the animals in the entire zoo mutated!

The principal was shocked when he saw the black dragon, and then called the police.

It didn't take long for the police to arrive at the zoo.

But most of them are ordinary people. They have seen this there and reported it immediately after being shocked.

Undoubtedly, this is a very obvious abnormal event,

The person who took over was naturally someone from the Abnormal Incident Investigation Department.

After they came, they soon discovered that, including 100 meters around the zoo, all the cameras were violently destroyed at the same time, and no images were left.

For a time, the cause of animal mutation became a mystery.

However, they were able to determine that because of the broken camera.

This matter is likely to be the work of an organization or individual.


No matter what they thought, Lin Miao had already left here.

Now she has genetically optimized a zoo animal into her body.

At the same time as her strength increases, she can also transform into all the animals she has transformed.

If she can't, then she absorbs so many genes, but she is really different.

Fortunately, Meng Ke let go of this worry.

After she transformed all animals,

Meng Ke immediately showed the direction of Longhu Mountain in her field of vision with an arrow, and told her to rush there.

On the way, Lin Miao slowly adapted to his new strength.

For a while it becomes a tiger howling in the sky, a monkey jumps in the woods for a while, and a bird soars in the sky for a while.

After adjustment, Lin Miao finally turned into a peacock-like black bird.

It has a wingspan of 5 meters and weighs 18 kilograms. Its claws are larger than human hands and extremely sharp.

Of course, this kind of steed bird does not exist in reality, it is completely the result of genetic optimization.

When Lin Miao got used to flying, she flew high into the sky with the movement of her wings.

At high altitude, she only needs to flap her wings lightly, and it will be a thousand meters away.

If someone looked up at this time, he would only see a black spot, probably knowing that there was a big bird flying there.

Looking down at this height, the road is like a rope, winding between the green mountains.

A city appeared on the land ahead,

I haven't had time to look down,

He disappeared behind him in an instant.

The wind whistled, and everything swept behind him like a streamer phantom.

Flying at full speed, Lin Miao arrived at Yingtan in less than an hour.

Lin Miao fell in the forest, changed back to an ordinary black cat again, and ran towards Longhu Mountain in a low-key manner.

After absorbing the genes of all the animals in the zoo, Lin Miao's strength can't even be compared to ten Rhodes. Fortunately, she will obediently obey Meng Ke's orders and keep a low profile.

Otherwise, Meng Ke could only regret taking her to touch high voltage electricity.

"Mom, there's a kitten!"

In the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, a little girl pointed at Lin Miao with her mobile phone and pressed the photo in surprise.

Walking on the guardrail, Lin Miao glanced at the little girl and ran over in small steps.

There are many people in the scenic spot, and many people saw Lin Miao, but, except for women and children, who would pay attention to an ordinary black cat

Lin Miao was like this, and ran in without buying a ticket.

Along the way, there are many people in the scenic spot, but there is not a single extraordinary person in the crowd.

The red dots gather on the back mountain of Longhu Mountain. If you count them down, there should be eight or nine red dots here.

The back mountain of Longhu Mountain is not open to outsiders. It is a virgin forest and has not been developed for ecological protection reasons.

However, when Lin Miao entered the back mountain, she discovered that there was actually a flat open space hidden here, and a dozen wooden houses were arranged in an orderly manner on one side of the open space.

In the open space, there were no more or less than fifty people in camouflage uniforms, standing there neatly squatting on horses.

Of the fifty people, twenty-five men and twenty-five were men.

The cold wind blows in February, everyone wears uniform camouflage short sleeves,

Under the scorching sun, even a girl's face was tanned into a healthy wheat color.

Ordinary people are squatting upright, which is difficult for five minutes, but Lin Miao observed it for a while, and this group of people maintained this movement for at least half an hour.

"Okay, it's almost time, take a break!"

A bald man walked out of the wooden house. There was no ring scar on his round head. He should not be a monk, but a bald man.

Moreover, with his sleepy eyes, it was obvious that he had just woken up from his sleep, and there was a red mark on his face.

When do you wake up and when do you stop

Such training methods...

No matter what Meng Ke thinks,

When the fifty men and women in military uniforms heard what he said, they closed their postures, and as soon as they relaxed, they began to beat their legs and rub their shoulders, and let out a long breath.

A group of people walked to the two large wooden houses talking and laughing, the men and women were separated.

"Master Yang, when we practice like this, when will we be as good as you!" A girl complained and walked to the bald man.

The bald man smiled naively, then returned to seriousness in the next second, and said solemnly: "Practicing martial arts doesn't happen overnight, didn't that person start to sharpen his muscles and bones since he was a child? Although you have abundant resources and a good foundation, this matter must not be urgent, urgent. No, hehe..."

After speaking, he scratched his head and grinned a few times.

The girl pouted and whispered, "But it's been a month of practice, and it's useless. The people above must have been deceived..."

In an instant, the bald man's face froze.

The girl said again, "Master, why don't you show us your kung fu!"

"… "

If Meng Ke hadn't known that the bald man was marked with a red dot representing the extraordinary, he would have suspected this bald man at this moment.

"it is good!"

I saw that the bald man suddenly looked at a sturdy tree beside the wooden house.

Under the expectant gaze of the woman,

The bald man walked over,

stand still,

A slap in the face,


Meng Ke's eyes showed an unexpected look.

The bald man turned back and walked towards the wooden house.

In the center of that tree, a transparent hole remained.