Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 119: Phase 2 of Project Earth


It has been almost two months since the battle between the Sentinel and the player. In that battle, thousands of people in the official camp really died!

There are players and soldiers.

Thousands of families are shattered, and the world is black when their parents know their child is dead and can't reveal the cause of death.

Someone sat on the ground with one buttocks and cried out directly.

This is a disaster!

Other parents who had no idea what was going on, gathered outside the school spontaneously, demanding that the authorities release the survivors.

Some people have begun to find the media to spend money to promote, and want to bring a wave of rhythm online.

Thousands of people die inexplicably in modern cities.

If this matter goes online, it will definitely be a nuclear explosion-like terrorist influence.

Coupled with the chain reaction, a lot of negative information that was forcibly suppressed by the government before will all burst out in an instant.

The appearance of a beautiful freedom that officials have managed to build for decades will burst like a bubble because of this incident.

The abyss-like terrifying reality will be ruthlessly displayed in front of everyone, giving people deep despair.

have no choice,

In the end, the official decided to compromise. Anyway, those videos had already exposed the battle once.

They put all the players out of the school, out of the blockade.

In this way, the government will give all broken families a hefty sum of compensation, plus a pennant of honor.

They tell the parents of these people that your children died for the country, they are honorable, but they cannot be exposed yet, otherwise, everything will be for nothing and they will die in vain.

Undoubtedly, this approach has appeased many people very well.

Although they felt extremely uncomfortable, they didn't do anything drastic afterwards.

While the official breathed a sigh of relief, they also began to find ways to downplay the influence of the video, constantly creating new public opinions to divert people's attention.

Countries are countries after all, and they are doing nothing wrong.

At least until now, the country in Xia is still beautiful and peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

A country is a collection of people. Its biggest role is to ensure that most people live a comfortable and beautiful life. She can block most of the things that have a negative impact on the people in places that the public cannot see, so that most people can live comfortably and beautifully. People can eat too much and do what they like to do.

Does extraordinary appearance have to be good

not necessarily.

Extraordinary power is often in the hands of a few individuals, if there is one person whose power is strong enough to face the force of all human civilization.

Then, human civilization is bound to be influenced by this person's personal preferences.

Anything that he dislikes will be destroyed, and no one can stop it.

The world will do what he likes.

At that time, it will be the real hell on earth.

Therefore, the official blockade measures against extraordinary power and strict management are undoubtedly correct.

But the demonstrators can't control this, they only know that someone dies, and their children may die at any time.

For the safety of their children, they will stop at nothing.

Even if it is to open the Pandora's box of extraordinary power in advance.

Both are right.

Officials have realized that they cannot suppress the spread of the virus, and that these people are just a microcosm of what will be in troubled times.

It is better to let them go home and develop extraordinary power more covertly than the useless military administrator Chen Xiao under huge social pressure.

That is, under various official considerations, as beneficiaries, the two brothers Chen Li and Chen Xiao returned home.

Now they can no longer treat the Earth Project simply as a game.

They gradually realized the seriousness of the earth plan to the world.

This is not the kind of online game that is officially authorized on the Internet. There is no anti-addiction and no legal protection. In the Earth Project, people will really die! No one can protect them!

In their teens, they had already witnessed bloody deaths, and no one knew how much psychological impact it would have on them.

No matter what others do, Chen Li feels good about himself.

The ordinary life now makes him feel like a hero who has saved the world and has returned to the ordinary. When he talks, he thinks of what he was like back then.

If anyone is curious to ask.

Chen Li smiled and shook his head again.

"I can't say I can't say it...!"

He enjoyed this feeling so much that Chen Xiao was speechless.

There is a brother in the second phase of the middle school... It's so embarrassing!

Of course, Chen Li himself wouldn't feel that he was a middle school 2. Others say that saving the world is a middle 2, but he is different. He really saved the world! Can what really happened be called a middle school

In this way, a few days after ordinary days, a light blue screen appeared.

"The second phase of the Earth Project is launched..."

"Task template loading..."

"Knowledge Store Loading..."

Since Twilight crushed the angel's halo, the monsters that could be seen everywhere also disappeared, and players with pets could not fight anything other than dueling other people's pets.

The sudden appearance of the blue light screen brought back the memories of many people, as if the battle was just yesterday.

"Task template loaded!"

"Knowledge Store Launched!"

At a certain base, Shi Tu, who was running for exercise, stopped slowly and looked at the midair solemnly.

"… "

In the Internet cafe, Chen Li hesitated for a while, then clicked on the knowledge store.

Compared with the knowledge store that was opened to the Sentinel for the first time, this time the knowledge store has a lot more knowledge.

The points used to exchange knowledge can only be obtained by completing tasks in the task template.

Chen Li's eyes quickly looked at Wing Chun, Bajiquan, modern fighting, etc., and he couldn't help but open the task template a little short of breath.

[Getting daily tasks]

Daily tasks: Complete a ten-kilometer run in 40 minutes.

Rewards: 10 points, one hour of astral time.

The most basic Wing Chun also requires 500 points. Chen Li rolled his eyes silently and looked directly at another reward.

One hour in astral time

The system has no explanation for this reward, as if telling the player that all this needs to be explored by the player.

After being silent for a long time, Chen Li suddenly became excited, got off the plane quickly, and ran out excitedly.

"Chen Li!! You are cheating on me again! Ah!!! My qualifying match!"

Behind him was the screams of his companions.

But at this time, Chen Li will take care of them,

When he ran out, he realized,

Like him, all players have seen the update of the earth plan,

Except for people like Shi Tu who reported this matter,

All players are running towards the nearest playground.