Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 40: Crazy


"Hey?" The woman covered her mouth in surprise, looked at Chen Zhou without blinking, and said, "Have you discovered it?"

"… "

If you don't admit it, I really can't find it, Chen Zhou's head is full of black lines.

At this time, the man spoke up.

"Are you going to try to escape?"

After speaking, the man smiled and didn't care.

Chen Zhou's face was dark, and he looked around without a trace.

Around the arena, there were originally three or four hundred people who came to watch the game. He hadn't paid attention to it before, and now he will take a look.

There were more than 400 people on the three floors and the three floors outside. All of them were expressionless and stared at him with strange eyes.

"you… "

Chen Zhou was bitter in his heart. At this time, the shuffled mahjong was pushed up by the table, and he started to draw cards stiffly.

"When did you start noticing me?"

He knew that it would be useless to struggle any more at this time. It was a pity that the Xueba system was not the Martial God system! Surrounded by four hundred people, how could he escape!

The woman also cooperated, grabbing mahjong with her hands like green and tender jade, and said intentionally or unintentionally.

"you guess?"

"I can tell you that the mahjong competition organized in such a hurry is all prepared for you!"

Chen Zhou was stunned, the movement in his hand paused, and he played a card.

No wonder, I just got gambling skills yesterday, and I happened to meet a mahjong game on the way home...

Why didn't I find out at that time that the registration desk was so seemed like it had been moved out temporarily.

The players in this competition are also some uncles and aunts on the street...

Moreover, Tianhai City has never organized a mahjong competition...

Chen Zhou suddenly realized that it was all sets!

"You are the official people!"

Chen Zhou looked at the group of people around him, with a straight spine and a uniform standing posture, always guarding his cold eyes.

He couldn't think of anyone other than the official who could find such a group of elites in Tianhai City to organize a game in such a short period of time.

"How can you be sure that I will definitely sit here?" Chen Zhou wondered.

The man shrugged and said casually, "We don't know either! If you lose the fight, we might watch you for a while."

"… "

Chen Zhou's breath stagnated, and he was stunned.

That is to say...

If I lose...

This group of people won't necessarily find me? …

I… …

Chen Zhou was speechless and looked in a trance.

"ok I admit it."

He lowered his head decadently, and said in general.

"I admit, I'm out of luck."

"Hey." Chen Zhou sighed, shook his head, and said helplessly: "The first time I cheated, I was arrested unexpectedly, but you don't need to send more than 400 people to arrest me!"

Chen Zhou still had a bit of luck in his heart. This group of people might not know about such a technologically advanced thing as the Xueba system, and maybe what they wanted to catch wasn't what he thought.

If he honestly admits it, the other party is not looking for the Xueba system he thought, maybe it's just an old man? Then he wasn't dumbfounded.

The other party wanted to fish for grass carp, but a whale jumped ashore by himself...


With a disdainful chuckle, the man stood up, looked down at Chen Zhou, and mocked:

"Chen Zhou, are you a fool?"

"We checked your information."

"At the age of 24, I have never learned to carve, but even the world's top masters sigh with the woodcarving. I have never learned to cook, but the cooking skills can be ranked in the top ten in the country, and I have never learned to fight. Mahjong, but last night you won a bunch of aunts and uncles over a hundred dollars in the chess and card room..."

Looking at the bewildered Chen Zhou, the man laughed and said indifferently:

"Don't tell me you are a prodigy!"

"I… …"

Chen Zhou opened his mouth in a daze, he still wanted to follow the man's words to make a quibble, but as soon as the words came out, he was silent.

I saw him biting his dry lips and saying with a self-mockery:

"It turns out that I exposed it so obviously..."

Seeing Chen Zhou accept his fate, the man and woman looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, but what was even more disappointing was the disappointment.

They also don't know if Chen Zhou will prepare for a sudden burst of cards. You know, this person is known as the second suspect in the 'Blue Aurora' incident.

Now that he accepts his fate like this, he is completely giving up resistance.

Could this man really be the man behind the 'Blue Aurora'

If not, what did they catch

Soon, Chen Zhou was brought back to the temporary base by the two of them in a dozen cars and sent to an isolation room.

There was nothing in the isolation room, the empty room was dead silent, and every corner was a kind of soft wall, even if he wanted to commit suicide by hitting the wall.

After a while, the room door was opened.

The man who sent Chen Zhou over walked in, turned around and closed the door.

"Hello, Chen Zhou."

Chen Zhou squatted in the corner, looked at him with ashen face, and nodded.

"Actually, what we really want to see is your resistance." The man said disappointedly.

"Do you know about Tianhai No. 2 Middle School?"

Chen Zhou nodded and asked suspiciously:

"You mean... the monster incident in No. 2 Middle School?"

This matter has been raging until now, how could Chen Zhou not know

The man nods.

"The reason why we pay attention to you is also related to this matter."

"and many more!"

Chen Zhou hurriedly interrupted, jumped up from the ground, pointed to himself, and said in disbelief.

"You don't think it has anything to do with me, do you!?"

The man was silent and did not answer, Chen Zhou understood at once, and was dumbfounded.

"What a..."

Who am I provoking? !

That is to say, if there was no such thing as the monster in the second middle school, this group of people would not have noticed me? !


Chen Zhou was mad, and kept banging his head against the wall, wanting to cry without tears.

Why am I so unlucky? ! Don't I just want to make money? ! After making such a big battle, they caught me, but they said that they were caught by mistake? !

"Calm down, if this matter has nothing to do with you, we won't do anything to you." The man looked steadily at Chen Zhou who was hitting his head against the wall, not panic at all, don't even think about hitting this kind of wall 10,000 times Die, at most, just knocked out.

"Calm down? How can I calm down!? Let me die, I don't want to live anymore!!"

For a long time, Chen Zhou did not know how many hits, and fell to the ground dizzy, tears began to spin in his red eyes, and he murmured in his mouth.

"Why am I so am I so am I..."


The man had a headache, he knew what kind of feeling Chen Zhou was feeling at this time.

Describe it in a movie line:

"You took your wife, went out of the city, ate hot pot and sang songs, and suddenly you were robbed by gangsters."

"How can I be so unlucky!!!"