Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 43: Rules that cannot be said


"Comrade police! I have to surrender myself!"

As soon as Wu Qiang stepped into the police station, he shouted without saying a word.

The policewoman at the front desk was stunned by his voice. Fortunately, an old policeman happened to pass by.

"Surrender? What did you do?" The old policeman looked at Wu Qiang. He smelled of alcohol and looked like a criminal suspect.

"can not say."

Just kidding, Wu Qiang has already made a mistake, and maybe he will be deducted a point, how could he still say something like rebirth? !

"Can't tell?" The old policeman looked at the man again. How could he still be stubborn when he looked fierce

"Can't it be said that you still surrendered? Did you do something that you are embarrassed to say?"

Muttering, the old policeman still took Wu Qiang to the interrogation room.

He has also encountered this kind of case. The suspect came to the police station and surrendered, but he was too embarrassed to say what he did.

This kind of person either fucked a little girl or killed six relatives, and many of them did some unspeakable things that people hate and hate. However, since he turned himself in, it was impossible for him to stay in the hall.

Wu Qiang sat on the iron chair with a different feeling in his heart, even a little excited.

According to the relevant regulations, he is now sitting here with close to full marks!

Moreover, it is a rare experience to be able to experience the police interrogation in the earth age in a very real way!

Talk, when my exam is over, can I show off with this result


You know, the daily morality test is a famous routine, and it is notoriously difficult!

Back then, there was a person whose exam question was that the Human Federation was invaded by a higher civilization and was on the verge of extinction. This person... actually tried every means to seek refuge in a higher civilization...

The perseverance among them even made the invigilators stunned.

Then, the man was on fire.

After he came out, he knew that everything he had experienced was an exam, and he was stupid.

"Have you brought your ID card?"

The door of the interrogation room was opened, and it was the old policeman just now. He brought a young policeman in.

"ID card? No." Wu Qiang thought for a while and said with a smile.


The old policeman paused, sat on a chair, and asked again:


"Wu Qiang."


"… …Female."

"What?" The old policeman looked bewildered.

"Are you female?"

Wu Qiang touched his cheek full of stubble, smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

The old policeman frowned and said in a deep voice, "You are surrendering yourself, please cooperate."

"Your interrogation methods are really rigid. Can't you tell if I'm a man or a woman? You want me to say, I'm a man, so you believe I'm really a man?" Wu Qiang couldn't help but complain.

Is this the weirdness of this era

Seeing that a cute girl with a light and soft body is not necessarily a woman? Seeing that the big man with sparse beard and plucking feet is not necessarily a man

When the basic information was registered, the old policeman asked again, "Did you surrender yourself because of something shameful? Are you embarrassed to say it?"

"Sorry to say it?" Wu Qiang wondered, and said, "What's the embarrassment? It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing, do you want to live?"

"Then what did you do?" The old policeman was a little impatient, lit a cigarette, and vomited on his own.

"Can't say." Wu Qiang shook his head.

As if guessing that this would be the case, the old policeman waved his hand and said, "It's just the two of us here, there's nothing we can't say."

"Not even two people. There are rules, so I can't say it."

"Regulations? What regulations?"

"can not say."


"Can't you say you still surrendered?"

"There are regulations, you have to surrender." Wu Qiang said firmly.

The old policeman raised his eyebrows and felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed. Could it be that there is a brainwashing organization behind this person

"Brainwashing or pyramid schemes? Why can't you tell? Did they kidnap your parents?"

"Uh..." Wu Qiang didn't know how to explain it. This seemed to be an endless loop. There are indeed regulations in the law, but he turned himself in and the other party asked you to explain.

Is this a paradoxical question

"Can you lock me up for a few days?" Wu Qiang said tentatively.

The old policeman began to wonder if the other party had a problem with his mind, and exchanged glances with the young policeman who recorded.

"If you're fine, you're hindering our business! We can warn you! You know what?" The old policeman looked at him seriously.

"Obstructing official business?" Wu Qiang scratched his head and laughed dryly: "Actually, I'm more annoying than you. I did commit a crime, but I can't say it."

Because the ten years after 2018 were specially blocked, the person who wrote this rule may not have thought that someone would be able to break through it!

After these ten years, the Time Administration was established. If it was time to travel to the future, this situation would not occur.

"What's the matter, this is a proposition! If you don't surrender, you will die. If you surrender, you have to explain it. If you explain it, you will die."

Wu Qiang complained in his heart, and scolded the person who came up with this question. This kind of question must be an exam for promotion to the Minister of the Legal Department!

"What can't you say?" the old policeman couldn't help asking.

Wu Qiang was helpless.

"Didn't I say it? There are rules!"

"… "

"Sorry, we can't handle it."

The old policeman felt a headache. After recording the information, he reported the incident. Now is an extraordinary period. If there is any trouble, he will report it.

As a result, Wu Qiang was kicked out and stood at the door with a depressed face.

"Comrade police! I have to surrender myself!"

A man in the police station shouted, causing everyone around him to look at him.

"Didn't you say, we can't handle your business... Hey? Who are you?"

The old policeman just handed in the interrogation records, and he heard the voice before he went out. He became impatient and said casually.

However, when he looked up, he looked up and down in surprise. Wasn't he the same person just now

I saw a tall man with a sturdy figure in a red ball uniform standing there, his sweat still not dry.

"You... turned yourself in too?" the old policeman asked uncertainly.

"Yeah! I turned myself in as soon as I found out that something was wrong! How is it? Should I get a full score in this test?" the man in the uniform said proudly.

"Exam? What exam?" the old policeman asked blankly.

"Hey? An exam is an exam, what else can there be an exam?..." The man in the football uniform was stunned and said vaguely.

"Wait." The old policeman felt that something was wrong, so he quickly interrupted and asked cautiously, "Do you have any rules? Rules that can't be said?"

Suddenly, the man in the football uniform widened his eyes, full of surprises, and nodded again and again.

"Yes yes yes! There are rules! Can't say!"

"… "