Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 46: Exam should know


"It's only a dozen pieces of paper, so you can remember it by just reciting it, of course you remember it!"

The man said boldly. At this time, he forgot that he might be in the exam. He felt as if he was communicating with two people from the same world, who were still invigilators.

"Are there any new rules?"

The man looked at the serious Ren Yuyan duo suspiciously.

While many memories about the exam are blocked before entering the exam, these are still clear about the basic laws and regulations.

He doesn't remember any new rules!

"You may not know it soon after the new regulations were released."

Zheng Shanhai looked at the man worriedly, and seemed to have a headache and said, "This is troublesome, you don't know the new rules."

When Zheng Shanhai's eyes met, the man was also confused, and said in a panic: "If this is the case, this exam will not count! We don't even have basic information exchange, in case I make a mistake in the new regulations, you guys You can't deduct my points either!"

"No!" Ren Yuyan shook her head.

"Exams are not child's play, how can you say that it doesn't count?"

"Then...what do you say!"

The man was also helpless, spread his hands, put his hands on his chest, and looked at Ren Yuyan waiting.

The human federation is notorious for its domineering, but so is his fairness and rule of law. The man believes that these two will definitely give him an explanation, otherwise he will not suddenly participate in the exam.

Ren Yuyan and Zheng Shanhai seemed to be prepared long ago, and when they heard the man say this, they said it immediately.

"First of all, according to the rules you have to recite the old rules first."


The man felt that he had heard it wrong and asked, "Why? If I don't remember the old rules, then I..."

"Can't say." Ren Yuyan interrupted.

"Why?" the man wondered.

"There are regulations." Zheng Shanhai said.

"Okay, if you win, you'll have your back!" The man felt that he was asking in vain, but fortunately, he had read it once and remembered it all.

The man quickly began to recite, and to their surprise, he spoke very smoothly without any pause.

Is this really the result of memorizing it just by looking at it

Ren Yuyan hurriedly took a pen to record, her hands were moving fast, she had received professional training, not to mention the speed of ordinary people's speech, even if she was ten times faster, she could keep up.

Back when she recorded Jay Chou's song...

When the man finished reciting, the two of them didn't know what he was reciting, but it seemed that the things recorded on a dozen pieces of paper really looked like that.

They can't confirm the authenticity, but the way to do so is simple.

The man was taken away by the old policeman, and another man was brought in.

This man had dyed burgundy hair, his lips were poisonous black, and his long bangs covered half of his face.

He seemed to be very familiar with the process and said it as soon as he sat down.

"My name is Ye Yutian, 22 years old, male, no father or mother, just ask whatever you want."

Ren Yuyan said: "Recite the relevant regulations of the daily ideological and moral examination."

"Uh..." The red-haired man named Ye Yutian was stunned and looked at the two of them hesitantly.

"you… …"

Ren Yuyan nodded and said, "The new regulations have just come out, temporary changes, you only need to recite the relevant regulations, and then you can end the exam."

"Is there any change?" The red-haired man suddenly thought, and then began to recite.

Ren Yuyan and the others looked at the regulations on the dozens of pieces of paper just recorded, and as a result, the things that worried them still happened.

The rules that the red-haired man recited were actually exactly the same as those recited by the previous person.

You know, in order to write fast, Ren Yuyan wrote dozens of sheets of paper densely!

There are tens of thousands of words to say less! Can these two people recite it word for word? !

This shows what

The two sensed something was wrong. I'm afraid this matter is not just a simple delusion!

Soon, the next person came in, and the two asked him to recite the relevant regulations for the exam.

There were four people in a row, and everyone's recitation results were exactly the same, not a single word was bad.

Zheng Shanhai took the record book and read it seriously for the first time.

[The daily ideological and moral examination is an examination for the federation of all mankind, which can effectively reduce the criminal motives of human citizens and greatly reduce the crime rate of the human federation. The original version was formulated by Xuannv... ]

"This provision is well-founded and coherent, and it also mentions a series of regulations such as the Time Management Law, the Human-like Management Law, and the Colonial Galaxy Management Law."

Zheng Shanhai let out a long breath, his eyes filled with shock.

"From this "Exam should know", I feel that all the laws mentioned here are like laws made for a cosmic civilization that is exclusive to human beings."

"Incredibly detailed."

"All of them thought they were taking an ethics test, so, according to the rules, they turned themselves in."

Ren Yuyan changed back to her clothes, and when she walked in, she just heard what he said, smiled and replied.

"It's ridiculous, and they can't confirm it."


Zheng Shanhai nodded and said, "No matter how truthful his remarks are, if we cannot give credible proof, we can all regard them as lies."

True or false, many clever lies are like this, and some truths are mixed with some unintended lies.

For example, Buddhism often preaches plagiarizing their classics, such as the adaptation of the Bible after it was introduced into China, such as God refers to the Supreme Supreme of Haotian Jinque, and naturally there is Miluo, the true Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor.

A Brief History of Humanity sets out the argument that human civilization is actually a weave of lies and fantasies.

The situation of the two of them at this time was like the first Chinese who met a missionary, and they couldn't tell the difference between the real and the fake.

"Report it to the people above, they will have a way to verify the authenticity." Zheng Shanhai said.

The establishment of their department is to deal with all kinds of anomalies that have suddenly erupted in the recent period, not to mention the incident of suspected group crossing, or even more strange things, they have also participated in it.

If it weren't for these, the two of them would not be left behind in the department, and the others would all leave because of a mission.

"Eventually." Zheng Shanhai murmured.

The two sorted out all the recorded information, and explained to the director of the Xicheng District Police Station. Until the matter was dealt with, all the people who came from the front should be under control and wait for their people to come.

They don't know how many people this incident has affected. Except for those who surrendered, will there be some people who don't want to surrender

If so, it's troublesome.