Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 48: The First Universe Supreme Human Alliance


Perhaps, this memory is the only possible proof that they never came from the future, but the credibility is not high.

No one can prove that what they say is true, and the concept of time past, present, and future is just a theory, and the feasibility of traveling through time has always been refuted and doubted by people.

In this era, traversal is only a beautiful illusion in the network, and the actual operation of technology is infinitely close to zero.

Even if Zheng Shanhai uses a polygraph, he can't determine whether what these people are saying is true or not, but Xiaobi can.

"Are you from the future?" Zheng Shanhai said bluntly.

"Future? What future? Are you talking about time travel? I'll go, brother, you've seen too much!"

Wu Qiang said with a calm expression on the surface, but in fact he was already flustered inside.

How can people in this era know? !

Could it be that the mentally retarded said it? !

I go!

No wonder the exam is not over yet, it turns out that I am waiting here for Lao Tzu!

In fact, Zheng Shanhai didn't care what Wu Qiang said, he just wanted to say these words, and then, with the encouragement of Ren Yuyan, Xiaobi looked at Wu Qiang and said:

"Aren't you giving Xiaopen face?"

Wu Qiang was at a loss, the two adults were speechless, and even the children were dispatched

I'm not a lolicon...

However, the next moment, in Wu Qiang's shock, his mouth opened and closed, and he said:

"I'm from the future!"

"… "

Wu Qiang was shocked, and slapped his face violently, looked at Zheng Shanhai in panic, and said, "You guys?"

"What did you do?!"

Just now, Wu Qiang couldn't control his body at all, his mouth didn't seem to be his own, and even he wanted to slap himself to interrupt him when he said this sentence, but it was delayed!

"You guys just controlled my body?!"

This should not be the technology of this era at all!

Wu Qiang once worried that people in this era would use things like Veritaserum for himself. If that was the case, even if it was an exam, he would be unable to restrain himself.

But what he didn't expect was, is this technology already available in this era? !

Just when he was inexplicably shocked, in fact, Zheng Shanhai and the two were even more shocked.

They know Xiaobi's ability, but she is unreasonable who claims that "God will also give three points of face".

They have done many experiments, even if a person with amnesia is facing Xiaobi, when she says something similar, the person with amnesia will spit out the lost memory.

Completely unreasonable bully.

Of course, the method of cracking is also very simple, as long as the small pen is not allowed to say this sentence.

Unfortunately, Wu Qiang obviously couldn't do it.

"It's because of this little girl, isn't it!" In Wu Qiang's memory, even more bizarre things happened, and he figured out the process after a little thought.

Immediately, he covered his ears with his fingers, closed his eyes, and said nothing.

He easily noticed that it was already strange for Zheng Shanhai and the two to bring a little girl into the interrogation room. Now that this happened again, nine times out of ten, what the little girl said just now was funny.

I don't listen or watch.

When Zheng Shanhai saw his appearance, he was unmoved and continued to ask, "What is the Human Federation?"

Wu Qiang couldn't hear or see. He sat there and didn't dare to move. Cold sweat was already running down his back.

But when Xiaobi spoke, his mouth still betrayed him.

"The Humanity Federation is the First Universe Supreme Humanity Alliance, referred to as the Humanity Federation."

"Established by Xuannv, the core idea is that human beings are higher than all things, and they should be the head of all spirits and rule the entire universe."

"Aims to save all humanity from being oppressed by alien beings."

"… "

Wu Qiang spoke quickly, and Ren Yuyan recorded it slowly, but the more Wu Qiang spoke, the more Ren Yuyan felt that he was recording a fantasy story.

In Wu Qiang's narration, this human federation has unified the universe in which they are located and named it the first universe.

All alien creatures succumb to the rule of human beings. Human beings are the most noble race in their world. They can enjoy unlimited lifespan and are envied by countless alien intelligent creatures. Moreover, all creatures will be proud of being transformed into human appearances.

This is a prosperous world where science fiction movies don’t dare to think about it.

Simply ridiculous and unrealistic.

Zheng Shanhai couldn't help but wonder, could this person be able to resist Xiaobi's ability to lie

It's not that he doesn't believe in the small pen, but that he doesn't believe that human beings can go that far.

The universe is so big, why do humans rule the universe

By blind fantasies

It's too absurd, if you tell it to a fool, the fool will laugh at it.

Zheng Shanhai couldn't help but ask, "Are you lying?"

Xiaobi immediately followed: "You have to give Xiaobi face! Don't lie!"

Wu Qiang replied, "I didn't lie."

Ren Yuyan looked at Zheng Shanhai, who was tangled. They all knew that if this person could be immune to the ability to write a small pen, the question just now had no credibility at all.

"It really doesn't work, use Veritaserum!"

People who are injected with Veritaserum suffer irreparable damage to the brain, which affects mental retardation.

Unless they have to, they really don't want to use Veritaserum on Chinese people.

"He can resist Xiaobi's ability, so you're sure he can't resist Veritaserum?" Zheng Shanhai asked rhetorically.

In fact, compared to Veritaserum, Zheng Shanhai believed more in the ability of the small pen he had personally experienced.

That is a kind of inexplicable lie detector ability. As long as they are asked, as long as the small pen says something similar, no one can lie.

This ability is very unreasonable and cannot be explained by the scientific worldview.

No one can but give small pen face.

"There is only one explanation." Zheng Shanhai said slowly with a gloomy expression.

"They themselves don't know that they have been deceived, so the ability of Xiaobi can't detect the truth."

This is the only explanation that Zheng Shanhai can think of at present. It is impractical for dozens of people to have delusions, but it is still possible for dozens of people to be hypnotized.

If so, it must be a huge organization that hypnotized them.

As far as the official information is concerned, there is no such organization on both sides of the country.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shanhai looks gloomy.

Excluding a small probability of anomalous events, this is likely to be a conspiracy from other countries in the world.

Perhaps, the other party just wanted them to use Veritaserum on these people, or maybe they were already under the surveillance of the other party.

The information involved here is so deep that Zheng Shanhai no longer dares to think about it.

After recording all the information, Zheng Shanhai and the two sent Xiaobi back to the school and went to the base.