Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 51: swordsman


That's right.

Sleeping from seven o'clock in the morning to fourteen o'clock in the afternoon, which coincides with the activity time of the red dot, that is to say, can he control this avatar in his sleep

Meng Ke is the kind of action figure who does what he thinks. His body left some figures, and after keeping a safe distance, Xuannv began to hypnotize Luo Chao.

Since it is to control the clone in sleep, then let him sleep.

This is even simpler than the remote synchronization of spiritual power, and only requires subconscious hints.

Within ten seconds, Luo Chao started fishing, his head twitched, and at the same time, the figure in the central square also began to appear, and the figure flickered, just like the character's freeze when the network was unstable in the game.

"Ouch! What's in the way?"

The front was originally empty, and the figure suddenly flickered, and a young man passing by slammed into it.

He looked up and looked forward, nothing

"Hey? What hit me just now?" He muttered suspiciously, and continued to walk forward.

In the room, Luo Chao slapped him. For some reason, he suddenly felt very sleepy. He just wanted to go back to bed, but before he got up and took two steps, he fell straight to the floor with a 'bang'. up, fell into a deep sleep.

"I wipe! Where did this person come from?!"

The flickering figure suddenly became clear, and a handsome swordsman with long hair, wearing a blue shawl and holding a long sword appeared.

In an instant, a young couple's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

Either hell, or they just went blind!

Such a big person, silent, standing there in the blink of an eye, this is not a ghost in the daytime!

They felt a little hair in their hearts, and just when the two hesitated to take out their mobile phones to shoot, the figures moved.

He quickly moved in one direction, and the two young lovers hurriedly took out their mobile phones and aimed the camera more at the figure. The next second, the two exclaimed in ecstasy.

Meng Ke was standing not far away. Just now, when the figure appeared, his spiritual thread was actually disconnected!

This was something he had never encountered before!

Meng Ke was slightly startled, and then he saw that the handsome swordsman looked at him, his eyes cold and full of hostility!

His brain turned sharply. After Meng Ke saw the swordsman, he held the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other, and ran like he was running from his side.

"I was deceived?"

Meng Ke was surprised. Did the other party discover his abilities on the first day, and tried to make it clear that everything he did in front of him just now was pretending

However, how to explain the guilt emanating from the depths of the subconscious? Could the other party be able to disguise this as well

Faintly, Meng Ke felt that Luo Chao had absolutely no such ability!

Thinking about it, Meng Ke glanced at the swordsman, and then, as if he didn't see the killing intent in the other's eyes, he turned around and left as if nothing had happened.

With Xuannv there, he only needs to give Xuannv the authority of mental power, this swordsman whose physical fitness is five times that of ordinary people, let Xuannv test the battle data!

Seeing Meng Ke turn around and leave, the swordsman seemed to see the disdain in the man's eyes. In an instant, the chill in his eyes became even more intense, and the pace under his feet became faster.

Just when he was still thirty meters away from Meng Ke, his sword was unsheathed, and a cold light shot out.

"Hey what!"

As soon as the voice fell, the cold light exploded, the air was cut open, and there were layers of twisted ripples.


However, the cold light shot out like lightning, and after a loud noise, it seemed to hit a transparent wall ten meters away and was blocked.

This moment was extremely fast, and after a blink of an eye, the air that was cut at high speed rolled up the dust on the ground.

The loud voice rose into the sky, and the crowd who were walking in the square was startled, and turned their heads to look here.

"The electric box exploded?!"

"What kind of clothes is that person wearing? So handsome! Is he cosplaying as a fantasy swordsman?"

The swordsman paused, staring at the void in front of him, there was nothing there, but his sword gang was offset by a sturdy defense.

Suddenly, a deadly sense of crisis came from behind, and the swordsman turned around and slashed like a conditioned reflex.

With a sound of "clang", there was clearly nothing in the air, but he felt his weapon collided with a sharp blade, and the force of the shock back made his hand numb.

The deep-rooted fighting consciousness made him take a step forward at the moment of collision, and the knife in his hand swayed up against the opponent's blade like a swimming fish.

The sword holder must face the upper body when the sword is drawn. For this invisible enemy, the swordsman's slashes gathered his own energy, and the castration was very fast.

At such a close distance, he has full confidence to solve the battle with one sword.

However, he slashed empty, and before he could react, the invisible blade slashed over again.

This time, the force of his forward charge has not yet slowed down, and he cannot avoid it at all.

Soon, the invisible blade hit his clothes.


A burst of air pressure burst out from his body. This time, all passers-by who stopped and watched saw it. It seemed that something like a body protector resisted the blow and blew around with a strong wind.

At the same time, the swordsman touched the ground with his toes, and quickly retreated five or six steps, opening a distance of ten meters.

"Who are you and why are you my enemy?"

The swordsman's voice was low and powerful. At the same time he spoke, he looked straight ahead vigilantly, his whole body was tense, and his spirit was highly concentrated.

Just when he woke up from his deep sleep, a burst of needle-like pain came from his brain, and the man who attacked him stood in the crowd with a bright red blood strip on his head, and he saw it at a glance. come out.

The red blood bar represents the enemy, which is almost his instinct, so the swordsman rushed up and launched an attack.

Who knows, the disdainful eyes of the other party, as well as the invisible attack, all made the swordsman feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

After only two fights, he knew that it would be difficult for him to defeat this enemy.

So, he's ready to go all out.

Asking questions is actually delaying time. He is waiting for his qi to recover, and by the way adjusts himself into an optimal fighting state.

He hates fighting, but he also hates enemies.

In the swordsman's mind, a powerful enemy can't kill him, it will make him stronger.

Sure enough, the swordsman was overjoyed, the other party really did not attack again.

As soon as the scene stopped, all the pedestrians around, who were wide-eyed and dared not miss a picture, came back to their senses.

"What did I just see? So it's sword energy!"

"My God! Am I dreaming?! It's not realistic!"

"Wait! Shouldn't I go to apprentice at this time?!"

"Master! Please accept your disciples!"
