Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 62: Extraordinary settings


"I should have thought of it... I should have thought of it long ago..." Meng Ke seemed to have thought of something, and murmured absentmindedly like Mrs. Xianglin.

"Tianzun, no one can think of anything that should have been thought of long ago." Xuannv said in a very thoughtful and timely manner, she knew that Meng Ke wanted someone to tell him, even if it was chicken soup for the soul.

Meng Ke didn't know how to describe it. He felt that his tongue was tied in a knot that couldn't be untied. No matter how much he opened his mouth, he couldn't say that sentence.

He had never felt so stupid as now.

Stupid like never before.

Meng Ke smiled.

Very funny.

Why did he think that energy was escaping

Is it because he can't feel that energy can do anything to him

He had to scold, short-sighted!

He should have thought of it earlier.

Change your mind.

That energy disappeared in this world because of his extraordinary ability.

Well, first of all, one thing is certain, this energy is driven by him.

Yes! He actually doubted his ability before!

He thinks this energy is useless and out of his control!

Isn't that stupid enough

Because of his fantasy, this energy was used, and he actually had doubts in turn.

Meng Ke didn't know how to describe it, he could only curse himself.

Fish need water to survive, humans need oxygen to survive, so don’t extraordinary powers need to exist? !

The existence of extraordinary power must require an extraordinary world!

And in the world where Meng Ke lives, humans don't even have a soul...

In this material world, his fantasies do not have any theoretical knowledge base, and are directly conceived of what they can do.

Next, infuse energy.

In this way, an ability that is completely irrelevant to this world, and may not even exist in this universe, appears.

It's like randomly finding a lifeless, barren planet and dropping a corpse of carbon-based life.

In a few trillion years, this planet will breed intelligent biological civilizations all over the world? !

How stupid is the person who came up with this idea? !

Without the corresponding living conditions, can an extremely fragile cell adapt to the environment of that barren planet in a very short period of time

Take this kind of thing to write, then it will not be sprayed to death

Closer to home.

Meng Ke is sure that that energy is not escaping, it is very possible that that energy... is transforming the world!

Transform this material world without extraordinary power into a world where extraordinary power can exist!

Therefore, any ability that Meng Ke imagined, as long as he does not know the principle of its existence and is attached to this world, then there will be the phenomenon of energy escape.

And the energy of escape is also used by him to add a setting to the world that fantasy can exist in reality.

In other words, an extraordinary setting has been added!

Meng Ke has a strong intuition, this time, maybe he has guessed the truth!

It is precisely because he is constantly manifesting his ability, that is, continuously deepening this setting, that there are some existences in the real world that are close to this extraordinary setting.

It directly aggregates all the information related to it and brings it into reality reasonably.

However, the closest thing to the imaginary transcendence is undoubtedly fantasy.

Because this setting is real and constantly strengthened, it is very reasonable for fantasy to appear in reality.

Meng Ke smiled bitterly. It turned out that he would forget those information, not because someone erased his memory, but because the information aggregation... became a reality!

It is easy to understand with the information world theory.

The world is made up of information. This is not just the data information on the computer, but the countless information reflected in the world.

Like raindrops falling from the sky, like larvae crawling out of silkworm cocoons, like swallows flying low, like ants moving house, like...

All things in the world invisibly reflect countless information, influence each other, and depend on each other. This is the information world.

Meng Ke's data vision has already reflected a trace of it, and that trace is not even a fur.

The so-called escape energy is the information sent from Meng Ke. It is integrated into this world and deeply affects this world.

It is like dropping a drop of sewage into a bucket of clean water. This drop of sewage changes the purity of the bucket of clean water and has an impact. Turn it into a bucket of sewage.

Moreover, the act of dripping sewage is continuous. In the future, Meng Ke will definitely have more abilities, which may not be particularly obvious at the beginning.

However, when that extraordinary message or extraordinary setting is continuously enhanced, complemented, and deepened, the world must also be subverted by fantasy.

More and more abnormal events appear, more and more fantasy beings come... More and more information aggregation...

The consequence of information aggregation is that everyone's memory will be lost, and then the world will reasonably fill in the blanks that appear after the lost information.

This phenomenon will become more and more in the future, and even Meng Ke cannot stop it.

All I can say is that this is a double-edged sword.

Let the world compromise the existence of extraordinary power, but it is not partial to Meng Ke alone.

The only thing Meng Ke can decide is the amount and speed of sewage dripping.

However, this is enough.

As long as you control this, you are controlling the entire world's steps towards transcendence.

What Meng Ke wants to do now is to collect as much energy as possible, but use as little energy as possible.

He needs to control to prevent the world from being polluted by extraordinary power so quickly.

Before everyone could react to the changes, he had reached the peak.

Then, under his master, he began to truly control this extraordinary world.

Of course, Meng Ke clearly knew that he still needed to focus on the present.

Now he is also facing undetectable loss of memory, which will be the first problem he needs to solve.

Only by solving this problem can he feel at ease with his next plan.

As for the solution, it can only be realized by using energy.

Whether he guessed right or wrong, even if it would deepen that extraordinary setting and make the world more extraordinary, he had to do it.

It's just a pity that before he came to Jiujiang, he had already used all his energy to strengthen his spiritual power, so that he didn't have enough energy now to show the ability to be immune to memory loss.

Although Meng Ke was annoyed, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was okay, but the energy was not enough.

The issue of energy is easy to solve, as long as the existence of erasing memory is not a certain person, and it is enough when he has enough energy and becomes immune.

But if it is really a person who has mastered this ability to make people lose their memory unconsciously, then it will be trouble!

Without thinking any more, Meng Ke looked at the Earth plan and slowly pondered.