Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 63: Perseverance


The Earth Project was the earliest method he used to collect energy. After many experiments, the number of players has now reached more than 10,000.

However, that number has been on hold for a long time because of the official blockade.

They thought that this was to suppress the spread of the 'Blue Aurora'. As long as they did not inform the outside world, they would slowly transfer people. After a few decades, after these people died, the 'Blue Aurora' would be gone.

But they didn't know that the reason for the suspension during this period was mainly because Meng Ke was busy with other things and did not manage too much.

And now, when he needs energy, he turns his attention to here again.

Forward Post No. 22

The mysterious man walked out of the tent. Outside, the originally barren and bankrupt world was full of simple houses made of black rocks.

Even the gods will marvel at the creativity of human beings, and it didn't take long before they created a gathering place on a dead land.

When the mysterious man appeared, all the people working in the camp couldn't help but turn their attention to him.

They were very puzzled. The mysterious man had never walked out of the tent in the past few days, and he appeared now. Could it be that something happened

Before you know it, the people here have regarded the existence of the mysterious man as the backbone. Once he makes a move, it will immediately attract everyone's attention.

Now, everyone is waiting nervously, as if waiting for a general to issue an order.

A flickering, mysterious man appeared in front of the light curtain leading to the battlefield of rebirth.

He looked at the light curtain thoughtfully, and gradually frowned.

Some people who were originally resurrected and wanted to rush into the rebirth battlefield to take revenge, stopped when they saw the mysterious man appear.

"Sir, you..."

Fang Bei was the first batch of people to enter here. The slight advantage in time allowed them to gain a good position here.

When this happens, they know it right away.

At this time, Fang Bei looked at the mysterious man with some hesitation, and they didn't know what the mysterious man was going to do.

Except for those who told them at the beginning, everyone has never heard a word from the mysterious man again.

"There's a problem here."

The mysterious man seemed to be muttering to himself, and his eyes stayed on the light curtain.

"Something went wrong?"

Fang Bei was puzzled, and followed the mysterious man's words and asked in doubt.

They didn't notice any difference! Isn't it still the same to die and die, should it be resurrected and resurrected

It's as if someone suddenly pointed at your rice bowl while you were eating and said it was abnormal. Fang Bei felt this way.

However, Fang Bei was only confused, he didn't dare to say that he knew 100% of the situation in the battlefield of rebirth.

The mysterious man didn't answer him, only to see his face getting more and more serious, a red light jumped from his hand and quickly flew into the light curtain.

All of a sudden, everyone in the light curtain only felt that the whole body was stunned, and the whole world seemed to stop.

Blood on the blade, wild beasts, ecstatic enemies, dust...

Everything was fixed at this moment.

next second.

The change of light and shadow in front of you is just a moment.

"We're back?"

Countless people suddenly appeared in the fantasy defense line. They looked around in confusion, and soon found the mysterious person standing in front of the light curtain.

"Brother, what happened?"

A person who had just returned pulled the person next to him and asked.

The man had been staring at the mysterious man, and was interrupted at once, and immediately became unhappy:

"You ask Lao Tzu, who will Lao Tzu ask?! What's the matter, you can't watch it!"

The man was stunned, and then turned his head to look at the mysterious man not far away.

I saw that after he pulled everyone back from the light curtain with one hand, he slashed out with another sword.

In an instant, the light curtain shattered like a mirror.


The crowd exploded in an instant, and countless people began to discuss, either uneasy or shocked.

"Why! Why! I'm about to find my home! I'm about to find my home! Let me meet my parents, please! Please!"

A man burst into tears in an instant, and rushed towards the mysterious man frantically, but was quickly pulled back by his companions.

All are complex faces.

From the very beginning, they discovered that the world behind the light curtain was exactly the same as the world before their death.

Except for the monsters that can be seen all over the city, the world behind the light curtain is simply their world.

Every street, every TV commercial, every country name...

Some people even said that they saw their friends in life behind the light curtain, but the other party couldn't see them.

Recently, those who could see them and drive the beasts to attack them suddenly disappeared en masse.

Immediately, some people were pleasantly surprised and wanted to see their own home and family in this world.

Even if they know deeply, this world is not their world anymore.

However, for those who have experienced death, being able to see their loved ones again is the biggest obsession.

Including Fang Bei, he also looked at the place where the light curtain was broken with complicated eyes.

Does he not want to see his family again

Everyone wants it, so does Fang Bei.

Even they all know that the world behind the light curtain is not their original world.

"Sir... Behind the portal, what's wrong? Can we help?"

Fang Bei is very unwilling. His home is in Tianhai City. Now, those enemies have disappeared for some reason. Seeing that there is hope in front of him...

The shattered light curtain, like their shattered hope, was a moment of despair.


No one expected that the mysterious man glanced at them, and another light curtain rose in front of him.

"Do you really take this fantasy world as your world?"

No one dared to speak, and everyone was silent.

They know that the mysterious man once warned Fang Bei and others that here, except that they are real, everything is a false fantasy.

And they are sentinels reborn after death, silently guarding reality and preventing fantasy from invading.

Silence, everyone is silent.

a long time

Fang Bei looked directly at the indifferent mysterious person, moved his lips, and said bitterly:

"Do you have a family? Do you know a lover?… "

"We're dead, and when we die, there's nothing left..."

"We all know it's just a false fantasy world..."

"But... it's like... the feeling of being able to meet again... "

Fang Bei closed his eyes in pain, trembling, and clenching his teeth together, as if he had used all his strength, he shouted loudly:

"Family in reality..."

"That's our only obsession!!!"