Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 74: I am the source


A virtual line chart hangs in front of Meng Ke. On it, it clearly records the energy generated by Fang Bei and the others in that battle.

"At different times, the amount of energy generated is completely different."

Meng Ke Sisuo concluded that on this chart, the moment when the most energy was collected was when Fang Bei and the others died and were reborn again and again.

At that time, the line that was still changing gently changed suddenly, as if a rocket thruster was added, and it rushed upwards quickly.

"The death of the connected person, or the wildly fluctuating emotions, is the source of the energy?"

Meng Ke was puzzled. Could it be because of the great fear hidden in death, this emotion beyond the limit that ordinary people can bear, is the source of his energy

Assuming this is the case, what about other emotions


Meng Ke just came up with this idea, but he was interrupted the next moment.

Shouldn't be the case.

He thought that at that time, he also let Xuannv control countless electronic devices, forcibly connected to almost all video websites on the Internet with hacking technology.

"Xuannv, separate out the energy changes during the live broadcast."

As soon as the voice fell, on the statistical chart, the green line suddenly turned red from the middle section.

And the red line is the period when the energy is increasing rapidly!

"That is to say..."

Meng Ke paused and was silent for a long time, and a trace of unnaturalness appeared on his calm face.

"Doing live my right path?"

After speaking, even Meng Ke's eyes twitched.

The big reason why Xuannv was asked to perform the live broadcast was because the other party actually had an extraordinary item that made the illusion appear.

After finally encountering such a good opportunity, how could Meng Ke let it go

He just wants to make the water in this world turbid, so that he can do what he wants to do behind his back.

Therefore, Meng Ke planted a seed of obsession in the subconscious of Fang Bei and others. They will persistently believe that this is their last chance, and this world will invade the real fantasy world.

Their group of people will secretly lurk in the dark corners of the world, slowly accumulating strength, and when the time is ripe, they will deliver a devastating blow.

All of this was planned by Meng Ke, but he didn't want to be a madman who would destroy the world.

The role of that group of people, even if Meng Ke wanted to destroy the world, he would never put his expectations on them, he just regarded the group of people as pawns.

A large group of chess pieces with special experience.

It is used to attract the attention of some unknown beings who are also hiding in dark corners and have not yet appeared in front of Meng Ke.

Of course, this kind of existence is only his guess, whether it exists or not is another matter.

However, this did not prevent Meng Ke from stirring up the waters!

Anyway, he will definitely continue to use his abilities in the future, and similarly, the extraordinary settings that appear in this world with him will continue to be completed.

The world will become more and more chaotic.

The analogy is like dropping a drop of sewage into clean water and dropping a drop of sewage into a cesspool.

The former has a huge impact, the latter...


"However, the biggest problem facing me now is memory loss."

Meng Ke glanced at the energy and nodded with satisfaction.

The energy collected this time is incomparable to the previous few times, and it is unexpectedly large.

Soon, he began to infuse energy into the illusion that he had stored the protective power in the edited mental power memory.

The most important thing in the editing of this ability is to protect his memory information from being lost for any reason.

And that was his original intention.

When he felt that his spiritual power had undergone a great change, at the same time, another energy had melted into the void.

Meng Ke hurriedly opened the red dot map, and saw that on the map, which originally had only twenty red dots, like a virus outbreak, dozens of red dots appeared all over the world in an instant.

This time to manifest the ability, the energy used is the most since Meng Ke has manifested many times.

"Sure enough, is the source of the changes in this world because of me?"

Meng Ke smiled, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

A lot of things that I couldn't figure out before came to an epiphany with this one.

When he first acquired the ability, he was the only extraordinary existence in the world.

Therefore, even if human beings do not have souls, as long as they are connected to him, they can still collect that mysterious and mysterious, indescribable, extraordinary energy that is enough to change the world.

He is extraordinary, he can adapt the world to him, he is the source of everything.

But, everything has two sides, and the world will not favor him while adapting to him.

If the world had its own consciousness, he would definitely hate Meng Ke.

It was the change brought about by his source that forced the change of the world. This feeling was as if Meng Ke forced a stubborn guy to become a soft girl.

Therefore, many extraordinary powers other than Meng Ke appeared like this.

Very reasonable.

As if there must be detoxification near the poison, although this setting is only logical, it also applies here.

Thinking of this, Meng Ke sneered in disdain.

If the changes in this world are all because of him, then what else is there to be afraid of

He can make the world adapt to him, and he can force all supernatural forces to adapt to the world.

Of course, he was not referring to the ordinary world of the past, but...

Meng Ke's world!

Thinking like this, Meng Ke appeared in front of a ball of light wrapped in spiritual power.

In the ball of light are small balls of light the size of a braised egg, large or small, densely packed, and there are at least hundreds of small balls of light crowded in it.

These...are souls.

human soul.

For players who are spiritually connected to death, at the last moment of their lives, the spiritual thread is automatically withdrawn.

At the same time, they also brought back their souls with no consciousness but memories.

The moment Meng Ke found out, he was a little surprised, and then he regained his composure.

The world is no longer the ordinary world it used to be. In the extraordinary world, isn't it normal for a soul to appear

It is strange that a soul appears in the ordinary world. In the extraordinary world, this is standard.

Not to mention people, even snakes, insects, rats, ants, plants and flowers have souls in the extraordinary world.

After Meng Ke discovered it, he tried to absorb some souls. Immediately, countless memories appeared. However, he was quickly controlled by Xuannv and separated these memories.

This is a person's lifelong memory. If someone else absorbs it, it is likely to be directly impacted by schizophrenia.

But for Meng Ke, it will not have any effect.

Moreover, absorbing the soul can also enhance Meng Ke's spiritual power.