Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 76: hunger


"Animals have human souls and human shame?"

Meng Ke observed for a few days, the mouse wearing a green leaf gradually began to stand and walk like a human, began to hate the food in the garbage heap, and even wanted to eat with chopsticks, envious of human life...

Judging from its appearance, it pursues life more than many beggars, and it does not look like a normal mouse at all.

If you put its greasy look a few days ago in front of others, they will never see it as the same mouse as the mouse in the photo.

Although the mouse did not look at it for three days, this mouse was completely reborn.

However, Meng Ke still frowned.

That is the essence condensed from the souls of dozens of people. If it is like this, it will be a waste.

In his expectation, there should be some extraordinary reactions!

"If that's the case, and you don't react, I'll have to do it myself."

Meng Ke murmured, taking Sivir in Africa as an example, he could make some animals follow his commands, but that was not his own extraordinary ability, it was just the result of Meng Ke operating behind his back.

That's fake, it works for Sivir, but it doesn't give any enhancements to Mengke.

Meng Ke wanted to use the soul to create a real extraordinary life, and then use the illusion to control it, so that it would be useful to him.

At present, Meng Ke no longer needs to enhance himself by manifesting his ability in the short term. What he needs is to reach the limit of strength that the current extraordinary setting can achieve.

Then, control, monitor, and kill all the extraordinary things that are currently on the earth...

In this way, when he manifests his ability in the future, he can do whatever he wants and do it boldly.

"It's a big deal to take back the soul and replace it with one."

With that said, Meng Ke turned his attention to the black rat again.

At this moment, the black rat, who gave himself a human name and was called Rat Tree, was cautiously jumping off the shelf with a ham sausage in his arms.

However, in the next moment, it suddenly felt the surrounding silence, turned its head and saw a seven-year-old girl pushing a shopping cart standing behind it dumbfounded.

"Mom! There are mice stealing things here!!"

A sharp scream burst out suddenly, and Rat Tree was startled, and hurriedly hugged the thick ham sausage with its two front paws, and ran frantically towards the bottom of a shelf against the wall with its two hind legs.

The little girl widened her eyes sluggishly and curiously, and did not stop it until the strange mouse in a suit disappeared, and a beautiful woman in her thirties hurried over.

"Mom, I saw a mouse walking on two legs just now, and it stole a ham sausage..."

The beautiful woman was stunned for a moment and said angrily:

"Xiaoyu, did you secretly watch cartoons again yesterday and didn't do your homework?"

There is a hole dug by the wild rat behind the shelf, and the rat tree is reluctant to eat the dirty-looking food in the garbage heap.

So, it had no choice but to run into the store to steal something. Who knows, the thing was seen as soon as it got it.

A guilty conscience made it run out without looking back, but it still didn't forget to bring the ham.

Even it doesn't know why, it never disliked those things in the garbage heap before, anyway, for a mouse, as long as it is full, it will be fine.

But now, even if it has been hungry for so many days, it can't help but feel nauseated when it sees the contents of the trash can, and it is willing to steal from its conscience, and it is unwilling to go back and rummage through the garbage.

It felt like that was the difference between it and those dirty mice.

Yes, it calls itself a real mouse, and those who run around naked all day, foraging in garbage heaps, and do not like cleanliness at all, they are not worthy of being called mice, they should be called mice.

Of course, in the eyes of humans, it's just an outlier among mice.

And it hates the same kind, and it is also excluded by the same kind.

However, the knowledge in its mind keeps telling it

Heaven will give a great responsibility to a rat. It must first suffer its mind and will, labor its muscles and bones, starve its body and skin, empty its body, and disturb its actions.

To endure the pain that other rats cannot bear, and to eat the pain that other rats cannot bear, is to reap what other rats cannot.

You can't let go of your inherent nobility because of life, compromising the lowness of other rats.

One sentence after another, every sentence seemed to have entered its heart, which made Rat Tree's heart firmer.

How lowly other rats are is that they don't understand dignity, but it can't compromise with lowliness, which is the nobility it finally understands.

While thinking about it, Rat Tree's stomach was filled with an empty hunger again. It couldn't bear it any longer. It hurriedly tore open the package of the ham and devoured it.

It was not until most of the ham sausage entered its stomach that Rat Tree wiped its mouth, and took the packaging bag and rolled the remaining half, ready to eat it next time.

As expected of human food, it is really delicious!

The emotional mouse tree yearns for the life of human beings more, but it also knows that in the eyes of human beings, the image of mice has not been very good, let alone consider a mouse as a friend.

That kind of thing only happens in human movies, right

With a sigh, Mousetree tied the remaining half of the ham sausage to himself with a rubber band, and walked towards the sewer decadently.

However, at this moment, its body froze in place.

It could clearly feel that there was a heat flow rushing from its crotch to the whole body, even if it was tied with a rubber band three times, it could not stop the spread of this heat flow.

So hot! so hungry! So uncomfortable!

It was like hundreds of millions of ants were frantically biting every cell on its body, but the only trace of rationality left it let it take off the doll suit that was finally stolen.

Then, like a hedgehog, all the hair of the rat tree stood up in the blink of an eye, and at the same time, its body trembled violently.

hungry! ! ! hungry! ! ! hungry! ! !

Every cell is screaming wildly, and its fat is also being consumed violently in the body, as if in an instant, its body has been starved for seven or eight years.

In human parlance, it is called the reincarnation of a starving ghost.

One second, its physique was still very plump and sensual. The next second, it was visible to the naked eye. In just one minute, it began to lose weight, the fat was quickly consumed, and the round belly was getting smaller and smaller, slowly. sunk into the abdomen.

On the cheeks and chest, there is only a thin layer of skin that wraps the jagged skeleton, which is extremely terrifying.

It couldn't bear this hunger any longer. When it turned around, the rubber band was drawn down from its chopstick-sized waist, and the remaining half of the ham also fell to the ground. After rolling around, the package that was just rolled fell apart .

Immediately, the mouse tree rushed up like all the mice, and within three seconds, he ate the half of the ham, leaving only the broken wrapping paper all over the place.

However, even so, the mouse tree still feels that the hunger in his stomach has not decreased at all, on the contrary, it is still increasing!

It's even hungrier!
