Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 87: About werewolves


A few days later, the Lightning cat was able to walk upright and put on clothes. From the outside, it looked exactly like a 7-year-old human girl.

Correspondingly, more than a dozen blood clans who came to Jiujiang have turned into monsters like human cats, and among these dozen people, the more they are transformed by lightning cats, the less changes appear in their bodies.

To the last one, this blood race has been transformed, and nothing has changed except for an extra cat's tail.

However, this assimilation of Lightning Cat doesn't come with her Lightning ability.

This also proves that its lightning ability has nothing to do with genetic flesh, because the strange soul generated after the death of the rat tree has this ability.

Meng Ke thought about it and gave it... She named it Lin Miao, the forest of the woods, and the cat went to the seedling of the scorpion.

She looks like a human now, and Meng Ke doesn't need to constantly emphasize the fact that she is a cat.

Although, now she can transform into a huge black cat if she thinks about it.

After seeing her transformation, Meng Ke suddenly realized.

This made him think of another race of monsters.


He suddenly knew why the vampire elder didn't let the vampires transform animals.

I'm afraid, that's how the werewolf came from back then!

It may be that at the beginning, a blood family raised a wolf. As time passed, the wolf became older and older, but their relationship became deeper and deeper. Therefore, at the last moment of the wolf's life, the blood family couldn't bear to watch it. When it died, the wolf was transformed.

After that, the wolf lost control and began to transform wildly, thus giving birth to the werewolf race.

Proud as a blood clan, they naturally would not allow inferior blood clans like werewolves to exist, so they used force.

As a result, things got worse and worse, and the two races fought a war that lasted for hundreds of years. The more people died on both sides, the less the two races would die.

Therefore, when the blood clan elder appeared in reality, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were no werewolves in this world!

In an instant, he regarded the world of ordinary people as his own, and began to transform blood races in the real world.

This kind of feeling is like the Asian carp entering the Great Lakes and suddenly came to a world without natural enemies, then it is not flooded

After Meng Ke figured it out, he couldn't help but think about it. If he was the vampire elder, then if he wanted to control the world, the first thing that came to his mind should be to control the president of the world's most powerful country!

And the world's most powerful country is naturally not Xia Country, Xia Country is just a developing country, so his goal is not Eagle sauce

Meng Ke opened the red dot map, and immediately found that the country across the sea had already appeared hundreds of active red dots.

In the past, he would have thought that this was the extraordinary power that the mighty Eagle Sauce had collected through his strength, but now, he suddenly felt that more than half of the hundreds of red dots were likely to be latent blood clans.

Laughing dumbly, Meng Ke observed a second of silence for him.

He was worried that Yingjiang had too much extraordinary power, and it would be difficult to deal with it in the future. Now, it is difficult for them to protect themselves!

However, while schadenfreude, Meng Ke also began to reflect on himself.

If the blood race really had transformed into a certain scale before he discovered it, do I still have to face human civilization alone

He does have a good chance of winning, but there are also certain risks.

After all, there are many people, and there will always be some extremely smart ghosts, plus some coincidences.

Although this probability is very low, there are many people, not no.

Meng Ke thought, he suddenly felt that he needed some people to solve this kind of thing.

Of course, he won't show up in person to organize the leadership.

Fangbei? Chen Xiao? Chen Zhou? Reborn? Sevier? …

It seems to work, but it doesn't work either.

Meng Ke clearly knew that Sevier was fine, and the others were wrong from the beginning.

And Sivir, he is now the leader of a large tribe, and his identity is there, this matter is obviously not suitable for him to do, otherwise, he will be exposed to many people at once.

Is it possible to find another one

Meng Ke hesitated. He was not afraid that the person would lose control. It was just that people's hearts were too complicated, and the interests involved in this organization would definitely be very large. Can someone really give up everything for the organization


However, such people are definitely in the minority.

When the benefits are big enough, even the most loyal people can't believe it.

Humans are greedy animals, and some people even call human society a society of desires.

If you put the opportunity to become a god in front of an ordinary person, the price is that after becoming a god, that person kills his entire family. No one can decisively refuse it when they know that this is true.

If there is, then the temptation is not strong enough.

And, not to mention this, just being a human being is trouble enough.

Every person has been recorded too much information by this society since birth. If such a person wants to form an organization that meets Mengke's requirements, then he must make an end with all his previous information, preferably Cut off completely and start over.

Moreover, even if this is the case, the enemy that this person will deal with in the future still has extraordinary power, and Meng Ke has to strengthen him.

However, in this strengthening time, the blood clan may have covered the whole world!

People like them will be useless because they can't keep up with the evolution of the world.

Moreover, Meng Ke doesn't feel that strengthening his subordinates is more important than strengthening himself. In that case, what is the difference between raising parasites

It's useless to leave the book behind.

The organization he needs is to be able to strengthen himself, adapt to the evolution of the world, and best be able to feed him back!

This kind of organization is purely for the benefit of the organization, and everyone strives for a goal together. Throughout human society, from the perspective of history, one slap can be counted clearly.

Even if it is Meng Ke, with his ability, even if he loads everyone with extremely loyal memories, even if this is the case, it is very difficult to guarantee that these people's thoughts will change in the future.

The complex and changeable minds are not just words.

He can only lead the general direction. As for how it will develop in the future, only God knows.

"Hey... Let's take the next step."

Meng Ke sighed in his heart.

If it is simply to get everyone together for their own interests, and then to complete a goal, it would be very simple for him.

But… …

Suddenly, Meng Ke thought of something, and a surprise flashed across his eyes.