Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 89: man! It's shit!


A plane landed at London airport, and when the tour group got out of the airport, Meng Ke immediately connected the spiritual thread to a local Londoner.

Tourists in the tour group do not always have the same freedom as the locals, which is not convenient for Meng Ke's investigation.

The person he is connecting with now is a foreigner, with an ordinary appearance, an ordinary office worker, just an ordinary person in the crowd, without any extraordinary power.

After observing for a while, Meng Ke found that whether it is a foreigner or a Chinese, it is actually the same. If you are doing boring work day after day, you will easily lose your passion for life.

After the foreigner got bored, he had already started to escape from reality and found fun for himself after work.

In modern times, most people escaping reality are anime, movies, games, bars, and this is the same for this person, who has let himself indulge in the illusory world of the Internet for a long time, wasting time.


With headphones on, the blond man named Moore stared at the latest anime show on the computer screen without blinking.

A voice suddenly appeared in his mind, overshadowing the sound coming from the earphones, clearly letting him know that it was not his auditory hallucinations.

"Who is speaking?"

He took off his headphones suspiciously, and Moore turned his head to look behind him, but there was no one behind him.

Is it hallucinations

impossible! Such a clear voice.

"You can't see me, Moore."

The indifferent voice appeared again, Mole's eyes widened, and his strange intuition told him that the voice appeared directly in his mind!

With a "jump", Moore stood up and ran to his bedside table in a panic. He took out a pistol.

"Who's here! Come out to me quickly!"

Leaning against the corner vigilantly, Moore held guns in both hands and glanced at every corner of the room.

Sure enough, that voice seemed to be the gun in his hands, who was afraid, and he was silent for a long time.

Just when Moore was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the voice appeared again.

"You think a pistol can protect you?"

As soon as the words fell, Moore immediately found that the waste paper basket he placed under the computer desk was suspended, strangely like a movie special effect, without any foreign objects, suspended in mid-air like weightlessness in space.

Then, before he could recover from the sluggishness, the paper basket stopped and flew towards him quickly. Mole dodged to the side in panic, but the paper basket seemed to have eyes, and it turned a corner and slammed into it. Knocked down on his head.

"So, can you listen to me now?"

After the voice finished speaking, Moore hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?!"

He felt terrified, whether it was the voice that appeared in his head or the weirdly flying trash, these were things that could only be seen in movies and magic.

Everything seems to be controlled by an invisible ghost.

And that ghost, at this time, did not know that he was looking at him in fear in that corner.

"Don't be afraid, I have no ill will towards you," said the voice.

But Moore didn't dare to relax at all, and hesitantly asked: "Are you a ghost? Why can't I see you?"

He was very scared in his heart, and the gun in his hand was his only spiritual sustenance. Therefore, even when he knew that the gun was useless to the owner of the voice, he still did not put it down, and looked around vigilantly, guarding against monsters that might appear at any time. .

Meng Ke didn't answer him, and asked directly, "Do you want to live forever?"

Moore was stunned, full of doubts, immortality

"You cooperate with me, and I will give you longevity." Meng Ke continued.

"To cooperate with you? What do you want to do?"

Mole's heart tightened, and he immediately became vigilant. In his mind, many bible stories of devils tempting people to fall suddenly appeared in his mind. In the end, it devoured the souls of ordinary people.

Meng Ke looked at the picture in his heart and couldn't help but be a little speechless, devil? If he really is the devil...

Then he wouldn't be stupid enough to go to great lengths to devour an ordinary person's soul!

Does this person really think that he is the Holy Spirit in those fairy tales

Really look up to yourself!

Suddenly, Meng Ke felt that he was too soft-hearted.

"Go to the Twilight Bar."


Meng Ke gave a strong order, and at the same time, a burning sensation appeared all over Moore's body, he screamed and ran to the bathroom.

He hurriedly turned on the faucet in the bathtub, and Moore quickly took off his shirt, jumped in, and kept pouring water on himself.

However, the feeling of being scorched by the high-temperature flames did not diminish at all.

"Are you a devil?! Please let me go!!" Moore raised his head and shouted in pain.

At this time, he felt that his body was like falling into the magma, but he would not die. Even if he had been immersed in the bathtub, this feeling did not weaken in the slightest.

Just torture! It must be the devil!

"If you don't want your soul to be immersed in hell lava for billions of years, just do as I say and go to the Twilight Bar." Meng Ke said threateningly without denying it.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Moore jumped out of the bathtub in fear, regardless of the water on his body, put on his clothes and ran outside.

Meng Ke politely discussed with him just now, but he just kept doubting and had no plans to cooperate.

However, Meng Ke changed his tough approach, and the person's attitude changed immediately. He was obedient and efficient.

What can be said

Meng Ke sighed incomparably, man! Just cheap.

If he said it in a good voice, no one would listen to him, and even worse, he might even gain an inch. However, once let them know that it hurts, even if they are unwilling, people will resist the resistance in their hearts and do one thing obediently.

Meng Ke no longer thought about it, and looked at Moore, who had already got into the taxi.

In the taxi, the driver looked back from time to time to the co-pilot who was still dripping with water. If Mordo had not taken out more money just now, the driver might not have let him in.

Once in the car, Moore was still panting, and hurriedly let the driver drive.

"Go to the Twilight Bar!"

This sentence was almost whispered out of his throat, and the driver immediately felt something wrong from him.

Inadvertently glanced, the driver suddenly found in horror that Moore's hand was a gun!

Immediately, he froze and stopped peeking at Moore. He sat upright without squinting, looking at the road ahead with all his heart.

Cold sweat covered his forehead at some point, and the driver secretly said in his heart:

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, shouldn't this be a murderer!"