Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 108: Courtship period


There are a total of ninety-two video clips in this secret data package, each of which is about two or three minutes long, recording Bai Min's growing expectations and love for the child from the fourth month of pregnancy to the sixth or seventh month.

But that’s all.

Jiang Ci closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

The silver ring turned in the air, hesitated, and floated down slowly. In fact, its emotional analysis system was a little disordered at this moment, because it seemed to understand what this video meant to Jiang Ci, but it didn't know how to comfort its beloved Ah Ci.

Because a long time ago, Little X had already used the few methods it could think of on how to comfort a child who had lost his mother.

For example, she projected the image of a mother to coax the young Jiang Ci, but was met with sharp resistance.

Young Jiang Ci actually had no concept of a mother, because he received private tutoring at home and had never seen a normal child with a mother. It was not until Jiang Jin passed away and Zhou Jiuya sent him to kindergarten that Jiang Ci realized that everyone seemed to have a mother.

Even if the parent who is carrying the child is a male beta or omega, other children still have two parents.

Even He Zhun has parents, but it is said that his parents went to a very far place.

The young Jiang Ci did not understand that death was far away, so all he knew in his mind was that he was the only one who did not exist.

His father is dead and his mother is nowhere to be found.

At that time, Xiao X projected Bai Min's image to coax him, but because Jiang Jinsheng was afraid that Bai Min's appearance would bring bad things to Jiang Ci, he changed the facial and voice data in advance.

But this picture is very strange for children.

They say Jiang Ci has a weird mother, a fake mother.

So Jiang Ci felt very ashamed at that time, even sadder than having no mother. So he ordered Xiao X not to project a fake mother in front of him anymore.


Xiao X's tone was cautious.

“…Yeah, I’m fine.”

When Little X saw his little master reaching out his hand to him, he immediately stepped forward, circled his wrist bone, then slowly shrank back and gently wrapped his hand around it.

Jiang Ci lowered her eyes and slowly stroked the silver ring on her wrist.

Although the touch was clearly the coolness of metal, he felt it was very hot, so hot that his fingertips trembled, but he still wanted to touch it, wanted to hold it tightly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a tightening around his waist, and his whole body was circled up. He threw himself to the side and crashed into a familiar embrace.

"Hold me and see if my new clothes are soft."

"… "

Jiang Ci's body stiffened for a moment, then gradually softened, and then she tightened her arms and hugged Huo Xianfeng's waist. They were originally sitting on the carpet. But now Jiang Ci was suddenly circled by his tail and sat on Huo Xianfeng's thigh near his hip.

This hugging posture made Jiang Ci look like she was completely embedded in the other person's arms. She felt very, very safe.

“… not too soft.”

A few minutes later, Jiang Ci spoke in a hoarse voice,

"Huo Xianfeng, this thing on your chest... it hurts me."

He felt like he was even hitting the most vulnerable part of his heart. It hurt so much.

"Well, does it hurt?"

The tip of the tail immediately stretched to the side of the ribs, as if unbuttoning something, and then carefully pulled it out from between the two people, and finally rolled up the black soft armor and threw it to the side without mercy. This slightly rough action also caused the inner collar to be torn open a little, revealing the collarbone and the slightly raised chest muscle outline below.

"Is it ok now?"

"Okay, that's it."

Their chests finally touched together, close enough for Jiang Ci to feel Huo Xianfeng's heart beating inside his chest, again and again, steady and powerful. It was strange that he seemed to feel a great sense of security just by listening to this person's heartbeat.

"In fact, I discovered very early on that Xiao X, as a parenting system, was imperfect. Its personality was also very strange. It was as if it was forced to leave the factory before it was even finished."

Jiang Ci didn't know why he wanted to say all this, but in front of Huo Xianfeng, he seemed to have a special desire to express himself, and it seemed that he couldn't hold back the things that he had tried so hard to hold back before.

"I thought it was my father's fault. He was too busy, so he deliberately made a less than successful parenting system so that I wouldn't mess up and affect his work."

"—but that's not the case."

The videos in Xiao X's data package didn't actually talk about these things, most of them were clips of Bai Min's daily life during her pregnancy. But Jiang Ci was able to understand a lot of information from them.

"Generally, parenting systems have a standardized program framework. The production method is very simple. It is just an ordinary AI program that imports a lot of parenting knowledge and behavior patterns."

"But Xiao X is different. The initial prototype was just a stupid AI responsible for recording videos and capturing Bai Min's information. At that time, my father did not use the Forbidden Abyss program to code and create it."

"It's just that later on, they seemed... not to have had enough time to do it well."

Huo Xianfeng understood the meaning of Jiang Ci's words.

As a dumb AI, Xiao X only captured Bai Min's love and her way of addressing the child. It had not had time to learn anything else. However, Jiang Jinsheng did not perfect the program, but left it as it was.

It was not until later, probably because of some other arrangements, that a new program was written directly on the core program of the Forbidden Abyss, and the secret data packet was stored in it, making the current appearance of the Xiao X parenting system.

Even Jiang Ci, who grew up with Xiao X, had always thought that this was just a stupid and noisy parenting system for more than 20 years, and it was even more impossible for the people in the church to imagine that this would be the central program chain of the Forbidden Abyss.

"Huo Xianfeng, do you remember the code game I told you about before that I spent a long time solving?"

Jiang Ci's topics jump around a lot.


Huo Xianfeng knew that it was the code game that caused Jiang Ci to miss her father's death.

"That code is the key."

When they discovered that the facial data of the woman projected by Xiao X was strange, Jiang Ci used that string of code to decipher it. If it weren't for a bunch of things that happened later, he would have repaired Xiao X and seen these videos that night.

Everything about Bai Min is sealed in Xiao X's secret data package.

But it was obvious that it was hidden by Jiang Jinsheng, and the key to open it was given to Jiang Ci in the form of a code game when he was young.

Huo Chao used his life to pave the way for his most caring friend, and also for Pei Changyun, whom he loved the most.

The bond of friendship and deep love are incomparably important, but they are ultimately different.

Therefore, Huo Chao let many people know the former, but the latter can only remain a secret forever.

Friendship is open and generous, while love is deep and cautious.

As a father, Jiang Jinsheng spent the last part of his life paving the way for his beloved child.

The deepest and most rational love of human beings is like this. Even when one is about to die, what one thinks in his mind is to pave the way for the future for the most important person.

This way, when I’m not around, you can walk on safely by yourself.

This love hidden around her was finally understood and felt by Jiang Ci.

He was indeed deeply loved by both his parents.

But no matter how strong and profound this love was, he had already lost it.

Huo Xianfeng hugged the sad omega and listened to him quietly. Until Jiang Ci suddenly asked him,

"Huo Xianfeng, have you... seen your mother?" In fact, this question should not be asked, because it is obvious that Huo Xianfeng's parents should have died long ago.

"No, after I broke out of the shell..."

Having said this, he paused briefly, and finally did not mention the cage or the incubator.

"It's in the White Tower of the Illusionary God Cult. As for my parents, they are probably dead."

Huo Xianfeng was very calm when he said this, and in fact, his inner fluctuations were not great, because since he was born, hatred and pain occupied all his emotional perceptions.

Moreover, royal families are naturally proud, and their first reaction when they are hurt is to retaliate wildly rather than feeling sad and afraid.

As for the lack of family affection, he had never experienced it, so he didn't feel anything when he lost it.

Huo Xianfeng tilted his head slightly and touched Jiang Ci's cheek.

"My goal was very clear, to take revenge on humans, to kill them all, leaving no one alive. I even told Huo Chao that I wanted to wipe out the human race from the universe... You know, that sentence scared the stupid Huo Chao to tears."

His tone was calm at first, but when he mentioned Huo Chao, there was suddenly a little more warmth and smile.

"A lot of things happened afterwards. In the end, Huo Chao coaxed me into making a promise. In fact, this promise was more like a gamble. If we can break free from the cage, I will only take revenge on those who have hurt the Zerg."

At this point, Huo Xianfeng was silent for a few seconds.

"You know the result later. He won."

This was the only time Huo Chao defeated Huo Xianfeng.

—Huo Chao won this game by betting his life.

"In fact, after losing my memory, my purpose has always been very clear. I want the truth, and sooner or later I will get the truth, and then continue my revenge."

In fact, Huo Xianfeng has been doing this since he woke up on Earth.

"Aci, in fact, without you and the preparations left by Huo Chao, I would have come to this point today. It's just a matter of time and difficulty."

"… "

These words suddenly froze Jiang Ci.

But think about it, it is true.

Huo Xianfeng has always been a man with clear goals. Whatever he wants to do, he will always take immediate action. No one can stop him, and no one can influence his every step forward.

Even Huo Chao had been chasing after his back, and in his eyes, even the human emperor was just an object of barely some admiration.

Jiang Ci suddenly felt like she was... not necessary for Huo Xianfeng.

No, it wasn't a sudden feeling.

But when he discovered this man's unparalleled strength, he had always felt this way. However, at that time, Huo Xianfeng had become a necessary existence for Jiang Ci.

—So he has always been unwilling to think deeply or face it.

So when Jiang Ci heard Huo Xianfeng's first confession, her first reaction was to doubt whether she was worthy and worthy of him.

But now Huo Xianfeng has given the answer himself, saying that he could have come this far without himself.

Jiang Ci couldn't refute it.

—Because that’s the truth.

Without Jiang Ci, Huo Xianfeng would still pursue the truth and seek revenge at all costs. So from a certain perspective, it seems that he did not change Huo Xianfeng's path and direction.

So, Huo Xianfeng likes him, but it may just be a superficial liking.

Because Jiang Ci thinks that she is not someone who is worthy of standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

This exact realization made Jiang Ci suddenly very sad, extremely sad.

At this time, the boy changed the subject:

"But Ah Ci, Huo Chao is dead, and you have become the new bond between me and humans."

If not, although Huo Xianfeng could consider cooperating with Pei Changyun for Huo Chao's sake, without Jiang Ci as a connection, their relationship would not be as subtle and harmonious as it is now.


Huo Xianfeng touched his head.

“The feeling of walking the same road with someone else is different.”

If it weren't for Jiang Ci, Huo Xianfeng's rebirth could not be considered a rebirth. He just slept for a very long time, and the moment he woke up and opened his eyes, what he saw was still a bloody darkness.

He will still be trapped in the hatred of three hundred years ago, walking alone on a road of revenge full of blood, repression and pain.

“This road was dark, dirty, and full of thorns, but suddenly one day, I saw flowers blooming all around the road.”

Because Jiang Ci grabbed his hand, this action meant "I will accompany you."

He said to Huo Xianfeng,

[If I could give birth to a new life with you.]

[It is a very happy thing.]

Huo Xianfeng's tone was not deliberately sensational, but seemed to be seriously stating some established facts.

"So now I feel that, apart from the deep hatred and the heavy racial responsibility, I seem to have something else that can support me to move forward."

And it seems that the end of the road he is on is not just about killing his enemies.

Huo Xianfeng was born a king, so he cannot hesitate, cannot be weak, and cannot be confused.

All weak points cannot exist, even if they do, they must be hidden. He must be indestructible, he must be strong and unmatched, he must be the one that everyone looks up to.

Even from the moment he woke up on Earth, Huo Xianfeng had to move forward desperately even if he had nothing.

"Huo Chao told me before that I should embrace my own new world."

The newborn Wang Shen embraced the flowers he found.

“Now, I’ve got a hug.”

"… "

Jiang Ci buried her face deeply in the boy's neck, unable to utter a word for a moment.

He knew that this was a very, very profound and true confession.

But the other party obviously didn't say a word of liking or loving me, but it was even hotter and more passionate than the most direct and passionate expression of love.

Huo Xianfeng seldom told him about his past, and he only mentioned it briefly about his imprisonment in the Phantom God Cult.

But being able to make such a powerful being say that this is a bloody, difficult and painful road, but one that must be walked on.

Jiang Ci couldn't imagine what he had been through.

"I will... I will always be with you, Huo Xianfeng..."

He reached out to hold the boy's face and gave him a painful and sad kiss.

Jiang Ci almost completely inherited the soft-hearted and kind-hearted part of Bai Min, and as an omega, his emotional system is more sensitive and delicate than others, and his empathy is stronger.

Therefore, he is always keenly aware of the malicious or covetous gazes of people around him, so he can only put up a thick shell for himself.

So at that time, he was able to quickly detect the love that Huo Chao was trying so hard to hide.

And now, Jiang Ci clearly felt the extreme pain and loneliness hidden beneath Huo Xianfeng's nonchalant tone.

Jiang Ci has already classified Huo Xianfeng as the most important person, and placed him in the softest place in his heart. So he couldn't bear to see the person in his heart being hurt in the slightest.

Even when Jiang Ci found out that He Zhun might be hurt, he felt heartbroken, not to mention Huo Xianfeng, whom he deeply loves now.

"I, I will always... always be by your side."

Jiang Ci had tried hard to hold back his tears when he found out about his mother's death, but now he couldn't help it. He kissed Huo Xianfeng eagerly, and there was even a hint of tears in his choked voice.

"I'll walk with you... I'll plant flowers for you..."

This was the first time that this awkward child, who couldn't express himself, tried so hard to express his love and comfort directly.


Huo Xianfeng kissed back gently.

At this time, Xiao X quietly slipped down from Jiang Ci's wrist bone, and then quickly flew to Nora's head next to him, becoming bigger, and fell on the little girl's head like Sun Wukong's tight hoop.

The next second, Nora, who was staring at Prince Huahua, was forced to turn her head away.

"Nora, baby, please don't watch this scene that is not suitable for children."

Nora was confused: "Huh?"

Jiang Ci: “…”

Huo Xianfeng: “…”


The lingering and gentle atmosphere suddenly froze.

Jiang Ci instantly buried her face in Huo Xianfeng's clavicle.

so awkward…

Just now, he was immersed in the fragments of images left by his mother, and then was hugged by Huo Xianfeng. Affected by the atmosphere and emotions, Jiang Ci completely forgot that he had brought Nora back.


The whole process was watched by the little girl.

Including the scene where he just kissed Huo Xianfeng while crying.

Not long ago, Jiang Ci was so embarrassed that her scalp numbed when she witnessed a hot scene of parents being intimate. Now she has become the protagonist of the incident.

"Why... not watch it?"

Nora took the little X off her head and turned it over to continue looking.

"Normal... King... Courting... ¥%#"

She couldn't find the right human words to express what she said later, but Huo Xianfeng, who could understand insect language, froze instantly.

Jiang Ci noticed Huo Xianfeng's nervousness at the same time.

Because the other party is never nervous. This guy was not nervous when he sneaked into Ming City alone and turned the world upside down, so the sudden abnormality is very obvious.


Huo Xianfeng turned around suddenly, but before he could say anything, Jiang Ci covered his mouth.

After spending several days with Nora, the Major General was able to keenly grasp some of the key words in the little girl's mouth. He was still a little choked up in his throat, but his mind was clear.

"… What?"

Jiang Ci seemed to have heard the word "courtship" just now.

Nora blinked, then covered her mouth under Huo Xianfeng's grim gaze and shook her head in horror.

The meaning was very clear, but Wang didn't let him say it.

But at this time, Xiao X answered: "Baby Nora just said that this is normal because Wang is in the courtship period."

Jiang Ci: “…???”

Huo Xianfeng: “…”

Xiao X had been collecting and recording Nora's insect language, which was later integrated into the Forbidden Abyss, which also helped it continue this work, and finally deciphered most of it through a translation program.

Therefore, Xiao X can now barely understand 60 to 70 percent.

Since keywords like this already exist, it is easier to decipher.

This was probably the only time in history that Huo Xianfeng felt a little socially dead. The big devil gave Yin Huan a cold look, and that look instantly sounded the extreme alarm for Xiao X.

"Aci! I, I suddenly remembered that Nora's baby's homework has not been finished yet!"

The silver ring suddenly wrapped around the little girl's hand, and then pulled her out.

"Xiao X is going to help the baby with homework first, Ah Ci, you should go to bed early!"


The door is closed.

The room fell into silence.

"Seeking... a date?"

Jiang Ci looked up at Huo Xianfeng. The corners of his eyes were still a little red at this time, but his tone already had a slightly questioning tone.

"What's the meaning?"

"… "

Huo Xianfeng turned his face away slightly, trying to avoid Jiang Ci's sight. In fact, if she wasn't sitting astride him, Huo Xianfeng even wanted to step back.

But the next second, Jiang Ci held his face and had no intention of letting him get away with it. She directly turned the boy's wandering gaze back.

"It's not the courtship period I thought it was, right?"

The major general glanced at Huo Xianfeng's flashy clothes, and suddenly something flashed through his mind like lightning. How to put it, it was a bit like a male peacock spreading its tail to attract a mate.

"Well, actually... this is a normal physiological phenomenon."

Seeing that he couldn't get away with it, Huo Xianfeng pursed his lips and began to organize his words.

"That is, once the desired partner is identified, the male will then... think of ways to attract the partner's attention."

Unlike human alphas, they possess, control, and force omegas to produce offspring. However, Zerg males do not use such coercive means, because most women are stronger in terms of military strength, and the number of female high-level Zerg is also more scarce. Therefore, they usually let men go to seek mates.

In the Zerg, the king can be of any gender, either male or female, but if it is a male, he naturally cannot avoid the courtship period.

—Because this is determined by gender genes.

The specific manifestation of the courtship period is probably to try to attract the attention of the object in various ways, and especially want to show all kinds of charms in front of the object. At the same time, they will also particularly like to give flowers.

All in all, it looks like a peacock spreading its tail.

Of course, the purpose of these behaviors is only one: to please the wife and then lay eggs.

Jiang Ci was stunned.

Get attention

He suddenly recalled that Huo Xianfeng had indeed made his presence felt more in front of him during this period of time.

"So, the fireflies in the sky at night, the fact that you don't like to wear clothes recently and are always naked in front of me, and the sudden teaching, and the fancy arrangement of the nutrient solution in the morning."

Also, Jiang Ci looked up and down at Huo Xianfeng's new clothes and the tail that was wrapped around her waist.

"And tonight, you came in front of me wearing this and showed me your precious tail..."

Jiang Ci's tone was a little unbelievable.

"—is it all because you're in the courtship period?"

Huo Xianfeng: “…”

all hit!

He thought Jiang Ci didn't understand the physiological characteristics of the Zerg, so he could keep it a secret until the end of the courtship period. But who would have thought that Nora would reveal the secret that her king had worked so hard to keep secret for so long.

Just expose it, Huo Xianfeng actually still had some expectations, hoping that Jiang Ci could keep it tacit.

But he didn't expect that his wife would expose all his secrets.

“… Tsk.”

Jiang Ci is still as smart as ever.

Huo Xianfeng found that since he met Jiang Ci, no matter what he said, Jiang Ci could quickly understand his implied meaning, and even perceive many deeper meanings and respond.

In fact, this is also the reason why Huo Xianfeng was attracted to Jiang Ci in the first place, because he felt understood.

But at this moment, he really felt like he wasn't understood.

Ignore him!

Ignore him!!!

But now that things have come to this, Huo Xianfeng could only nod expressionlessly in Jiang Ci's hand and respond with a single word in a muffled and low voice.

"Um… "

Jiang Ci's eyes widened: "!!!"

It’s actually true!

Jiang Ci held Huo Xianfeng's face, not intending to let him go, but looking at his expression carefully.

Then, he gradually discovered that the boy was just pretending to be calm and indifferent, but in fact—

The guy is a little embarrassed and a little shy now.

The ears are red.

The tip of the tail is still hot.

(End of this chapter)