Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 118: See you next time


Just now when Bernard was nailed to the ground by the spear, some believers tried to save him. Therefore, when the current rushed down, those people were unable to avoid it, and instead caused the people behind them to be electrocuted to the ground one after another.

So when all the dazzling electric lights faded away, the people who were left standing immediately smelled a strong, unique smell of burnt meat.

Pieces of flesh that had been charred by electricity were piled up one after another, some of them were still twitching.

Even though Cecilia was used to seeing all kinds of bloody scenes, she still felt nauseous at this moment. However, apart from her face being slightly pale, she showed no other signs of it.

But the worst case scenario still happened. Bernard seemed hopeless, and the only thing she was thankful for was that Mandela was there to take the blame for her. In this way, perhaps the Pope would not kill her.


Mandela's eyes were red and he suddenly turned around to look at Huo Xianfeng, but before he could say anything, he heard some rustling sounds.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the figure nailed to the ground by a spear. His charred clothes were lifted up, and there seemed to be something densely packed wriggling underneath.

Huo Xianfeng's eyes darkened, and he was about to go up and finish him off, but at this moment, Mandela suddenly approached the boy's side, and his shiny bone claws chopped down fiercely, while he let out a loud shout.

"Cecilia, go save people!!!"

At this time, Cheng Yue nailed Bernard to death. In order to prevent that man from escaping, Huo Xianfeng was unable to recall his weapon, so when Mandela's attack approached, he could only dodge awkwardly.

"Don't even think about it!"

The young man's eyes darkened, and he shouted angrily:

"Cheng Yue!"

The silver spear quickly charged up, as if ready to repeat the old trick.

At this moment, Cecilia swung out a giant black scythe, and the curved hook stuck to the gun body. When the huge electric current struck again, the scythe wrapped around the silver gun instantly flew out like a meteorite, like a lightning dart, rumbling and breaking countless wall pillars one after another.

At this moment, Cecilia stepped forward immediately. Before she got close, she smelled a burnt smell of cooked meat. She held her breath and frowned as she checked on Bernard's condition. She found that large pieces of flesh and blood had fallen off, and she could see that the holy marks inside were being repaired quickly.

Cecilia was surprised and relieved at the same time.

Fortunately, I'm alive.


In just a few minutes, Bernard had regained his breathing, but he was still unable to speak. His mask had fallen off, but his face could not be seen clearly because the entire face skin was stuck to the mask and fell off with it, revealing the bloody muscle texture underneath.

Cecilia felt nauseous, but she didn't dare to move Bernard easily, so she quickly tapped the chip behind her ear and gave the order.

"Ace! Seek medical attention immediately..."

"Lady Cecilia, you look like you need help."

The woman was startled, and looked up to meet He Zhun's gaze. Without waiting for her reply, the latter immediately squatted down, took out a scalpel from the inner layer of his clothes, and quickly cut off all the charred flesh.

Of course He Zhun brought anesthesia, and there was a pile of it in the interlayer of his sleeve. However, Bernard fainted after the anesthesia, so how could he remember him

"Excuse me, Mr. Bernard."

The young man's tone was respectful, but his hands were quick and decisive.

"I don't have any anesthetics with me. I can only help you with temporary stress management."

"Ah! Hoho... Hoho..."

Bernard was in great pain, but could not utter a word.

On the other side, Huo Xianfeng no longer had time to care about Bernard. He felt that his body had been overdrawn. Now his strength and speed could not keep up with Mandela, and he could only be suppressed by the opponent.

The feeling of being suppressed made him very angry, and when he was about to call Chengyue back, some believers ran up from below holding some strange pillars.

—Obviously it was Mandela’s man.

"Activate the mental shielding device!"

Invisible electrical frequency fluctuations suddenly spread out.


The young man felt as if he was hit on the head with a club, and the next second his connection with Chengyue was instantly cut off!

This familiar feeling... Huo Xianfeng suddenly recalled that when he was in Mingcheng, his connection with the mecha was also blocked. However, his connection with this body was not broken, but it was also weakened a lot. Huo Xianfeng gradually felt that he could not control this clone as he used to control his own body.


The sharp hook claws cut off a large piece of flesh from the boy's flank. Huo Xianfeng had never felt such intense pain since he woke up on Earth. His movements inevitably became sluggish, and then he was grabbed by the back of the neck by the man and smashed into the ground.

A sharp pain came over him, and the rumbling sound overwhelmed the sound of the bone breaking, almost piercing his eardrum. Mandela's knee pressed firmly against his back, and he pressed him to the ground with almost all his strength. The boy could not resist at all.

"Oh shit!"

Mandela stared at him and asked Cecilia loudly,

"How come this clone is more difficult to deal with than Huo Chao?!"

"… "

Huo Xianfeng was speechless. He lay on the ground with his face turned sideways, and countless blood flowed from his hair, covering half of his face. The boy stared at Bernard over there. The medical team had quickly arrived and was desperately trying to save him.

The old guy probably won’t die this time.

Huo Xianfeng knew very well that if Huo Chao's clone was captured this time, even if he could connect again, it would be difficult for him to easily escape from the incubator next time. He had to obtain more intelligence and disrupt more of the other party's plans within the limited time and opportunity.

But now it seems that with this overdrawn body, it is impossible to fight against the enemy when we are outnumbered. So Huo Xianfeng decided to change his target.

No matter what the Illusion God Cult had planned, they needed Huo Chao's clone. If he destroyed this clone, he could destroy the other party's plan. Even if the other party made a second one, it would be three months later than scheduled, and by that time, his people would have fully recovered their strength. By then, his real body would come in person and twist off everyone's heads with his own hands!

The young man raised his eyes amidst the blood, staring coldly at the top floor of the Holy White Tower.

After a few seconds, Huo Xianfeng closed his eyes and gradually relaxed his body muscles, as if he had lost strength and finally fainted. But Mandela did not dare to let go. He stared at Huo Xianfeng and did not dare to relax even a little bit. He waited for more than ten minutes until the cultists sent the most mechanical wrist lock.


Huo Xianfeng's left wrist was locked, and Mandela was about to lock the other wrist bone. The boy who seemed unconscious suddenly jumped up, but Mandela was prepared. He sneered and immediately suppressed him with his backhand, but the next second, he didn't expect that the other party had no intention of attacking or defending at all, and actually rushed straight at him.

Because Huo Xianfeng's goal was not to break free, but to destroy the clone.


The long curved claw instantly pierced into the boy's heart.

"you… !"

Mandela opened his eyes in disbelief, and blood instantly sprayed all over his face. His eyeballs almost popped out, and he was so shocked that he could hardly speak. Huo Xianfeng's upper body was trembling with severe pain, but there was no expression of pain on his face.

Mandela saw him laughing, maliciously and madly.

It felt as if the person whose heart was stabbed was not him, but Mandela himself.

"You... you..."

A strong sense of incongruity and familiarity came from the young man. This guy was obviously a clone of Huo Chao, but it reminded Mandela of Huo Xianfeng whom he met in Mingcheng.

This madman-like fighting style and the smile like a beast from the abyss made Mandela feel deeply frightened. He suddenly grabbed Huo Xianfeng's shoulders tightly, his tone anxious and trembling,

"Who are you... who are you?"

When he asked this question, he felt it was ridiculous, and he didn't get an answer. He only heard the other party's hoarse breath and rapid breathing, but he didn't give any answer. But his eyes revealed an undisguised murderous intent.


Mandela instantly felt a chill creeping up his spine, making his hair stand on end. He even vaguely heard the sound of his back teeth chattering.

Just as Huo Xianfeng was about to disconnect, he suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of being watched. He was shocked and turned his head with difficulty to look up into the sky.

In the young man's blurred bloodshot vision, an extremely tall and solemn white figure rushed in.

—He is the Pope of the Phantom God Cult.

He was extremely tall, nearly three meters tall, almost exceeding the height that a human should have.

The Pope wore a strange red-gold crown on his head, a complicated white robe, and his snow-white long hair almost reached his ankles.

White hair, white eyes, and even the skin is almost bloodless, so the face looks like it has no pupils. With the extremely perfect facial features, there is a weird, creepy and absurd beauty.

Huo Xianfeng remembered this face and was deeply impressed.

The Pope stood on the top floor of the Holy White Tower with such an arrogant and cold attitude, like a god looking down at ants from above.

At this moment, not only Huo Xianfeng noticed it, but everyone else noticed it. They seemed to have seen something extremely terrifying. They knelt down without hesitation, their backs trembling.

"Your Holiness the Pope..."

Even the medical team that was rescuing Bernard stopped, prostrated themselves on the ground, and trembled uncontrollably.

Cecilia was sweating profusely and swallowed unconsciously.

The importance of Bernard and the clone is self-evident. Now one is half dead and the other is about to die, not to mention that this matter has alarmed His Holiness the Pope.

Mandela had his back to the Pope, with his hooked claws stuck in the boy's chest, so he hadn't kneeled yet. But the actions of the people around him had made him realize what was happening at the moment. He felt a chill on his back and a cold sweat on his forehead, but before he could make any move, he suddenly heard a crisp sound coming from the boy's chest.


Mandela was frozen in place.

That was the sound of his bone claws being broken.

But Huo Xianfeng no longer had time to pay attention to Mandela. He saw the Pope slowly extend his hand towards him, and then clenched his fist in the air.


Countless bloody stigmata poured out from the boy's chest, even to the point where their volume and number exceeded his own body size. The curved claws of the S-class mecha Greedy Wolf Mimic were easily broken, and the fragments and debris fell to the ground.

But Mandela didn't dare to say a word. He quickly turned around, knelt down, lowered his head and crawled, not even daring to look up.

Huo Xianfeng was completely unable to move at this time, not even able to move a finger. It was even worse than when he was suppressed by Mandela just now, because the bloody stigmata turned into countless shackles, imprisoning him tightly, and then flew towards the empty clenched hand.


The boy's neck was tightly gripped by the big hand.

The thirteen or fourteen-year-old clone of Huo Chao was only about 1.6 meters tall, while the Pope was nearly three meters tall. The exaggerated size difference between the two and the collision of blood and white made the scene at this moment look extremely absurd and weird.

At this time, His Holiness the Pope did not pay attention to anyone below, nor did he even give them a glance. He just leaned over and carefully looked at the young, painful face that belonged to Huo Chao.

Huo Xianfeng looked at the pair of extremely strange white pupils and came closer. He heard the other party ask softly,

"Are you back, my child?"


At this moment, Huo Xianfeng felt as if his brain was hit hard by a club, and the last lock on the door of memory was broken, revealing the bizarre ghostly shadows inside.

On the night when the King Insect's degree of degeneration was almost 99%, Huo Chao rushed to the Holy White Tower.

The only human friend that Wang acknowledged fought his way out of the situation to see him for the last time.

Huo Xianfeng remembered clearly that Huo Chao was covered in blood, kneeling in front of him, crying and begging.

[Wait for me... Please wait for me...]

[breeze… ]

At that time, Huo Xianfeng could no longer speak, and could only give his friend the last gift and protection. He could indeed connect with Huo Chao before, but he was not pulled into the Zerg's mental network. Huo Xianfeng only regarded Huo Chao as a mecha-like existence.

It's just a tool for him to spy on human society.

But that day, the final order that Huo Xianfeng gave to his clansmen included another one besides revenge.

—Don't hurt his friends.

Huo Xianfeng watched Huo Chao leave, and then watched him reach a higher peak.

In front of the huge statue, the Pope sat on a luxurious and exquisite white throne, his perfect face showing a compassionate expression.

[Huo Chao, are you going to kill the Godfather just for a monster?]

Huo Chao's answer was to pick up the halberd and point it at the Pope's heart.

But the so-called strongest alpha in the human race could not move forward even half a step at that moment. Because the Pope on the throne just raised his hand slightly, countless holy marks emerged from Huo Chao's heart, they were like living shackles, locking him instantly.


He looked at the stigmata on his body in shock and wanted to say something when he suddenly heard the Pope speak.

[You are so naive, my child. Do you think that you can rebel against the Godfather just by getting some medicine from He Qichu that can temporarily suppress the stigmata?]

There was a hint of smile in the Pope's tone, as if he had seen a child do something stupid but funny.

[Huo Chao, everything you have is given by me. Your strength, your status, your power... everything, everything.]

[The Godfather chose you from among so many children, trained you, gave you the best resources, a position above everyone else, unparalleled love, and even gave you the only 3S mecha Forbidden Abyss in the world, the most precious weapon asset of the Illusion God Cult.]

[Huo Chao, I gave you so many things, not for you to use everything I gave you now...]

The cold white pupils suddenly turned gloomy.

[—Come and kill your father!]


Huo Chao's knees slammed heavily on the ground and he knelt down in a humiliating posture. The muscles on his face twitched and twisted, and his back teeth were clattering, as if he was in great pain.

A few minutes later, perhaps having learned enough of the lesson, the Pope slowly stepped down from the throne, dragging his long white robe towards Huo Chao. His tone returned to the calm and compassionate tone just now.

[The Zerg army is indeed terrifying. Although humans cannot resist it, they are not without any means.]

[But don't forget my dear child, you are a human being, your compatriots are human beings, your subordinates, your friends, and even... your lover—]

When he said the last word, the Pope saw extreme shock and horror on his face. Huo Chao's lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something, but the Pope did not give him a chance to speak. Because at this point, all the threats had been fulfilled.

[Huo Chao, all the people you care about are human beings, and now the earth is destined to become a graveyard, so you have to think carefully...]

He leaned over, and stroked Huo Chao's blood-soaked hair with his huge, cold fingertips. His movements were full of affection.

[Humans and Zerg, which one should I choose?]

The Pope did not give Huo Chao a chance to reply. The ethereal and androgynous voice sighed softly, and also seemed to be sneering.

[Huo Chao, you have no choice.]

"… "

At this moment, the same voice fell into Huo Xianfeng's ears.

"You are not Huo Chao!"

The originally ethereal and pleasant voice suddenly had a cold and sinister feeling like a venomous snake.

The young man suddenly came back to his senses and saw the pair of strange white pupils enlarged in front of him, staring at him.

"Who are you?!"

"I, I am..."

But Huo Xianfeng's body was now being strangled by the other party, so he couldn't speak. He closed his eyes, deliberately showing a painful and suffocating look, and spoke broken words with difficulty, but he didn't say the last crucial part.

So the Pope slowly loosened the shackles and asked again,

"Who are you… "


There was a flash of cold light.

Huo Xianfeng suddenly pulled out a dagger and instantly stabbed it into the Pope's left eye.


Blood splattered everywhere.

But unfortunately, only the tip of the arrow penetrated a little bit and did not directly penetrate into the skull through the eye socket, because at this moment, his wrist bone was broken by the stigmata.


The voice screamed in pain and anger.

At this moment everyone was shocked. The scene was so absurd that it was almost terrifying. They even thought they were dreaming.

No one had ever dared or been able to hurt the Pope, not even Huo Chao. The Pope had been almost completely deified in everyone's mind. But at this moment, the clone did it.

"Damn it! Damn it... How dare you!!!"

"How dare you!!!"

In fact, this injury was only a minor one for him, but the other party challenged his authority, which made the Pope feel extremely humiliated and angry.

The high god was screaming in embarrassment and anger—

"I will make your life worse than death, worse than death!!!"

The pope covered his eyes with one hand and tightened his fingers with the other hand, almost strangling the boy's neck. At the same time, the bloody stigmata on the boy's body also tightened suddenly, like a python strangling its prey.

Huo Xianfeng could hear the sound of every inch of bones in this body being crushed, and felt such terrible pain that the muscles on his face were twisted.

But at this moment, Huo Xianfeng still had to open his eyes wide to appreciate the other party's embarrassed appearance. He spoke with difficulty, and a lot of blood flowed out with every word he spoke.

"Listen... Okay Pope, next time we meet..."

The young man opened his mouth, revealing a hideous and terrifying smile like a devil, and issued a death ultimatum.

"—It's the day you die!!!"

(End of this chapter)