Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 12: auctions


Early the next morning, Huo Xianfeng appeared at the door of the recycling station.

Knock knock!

The boy walked in very skillfully carrying a sack of things and threw the sack on the counter.

"Boss, let me calculate the price."

The gray scarf tightly covered the lower half of the boy's face, leaving only a pair of ink-black eyes exposed.

"you again?"

The moment Boss Wei saw Huo Xianfeng, he smiled like a profiteer seeing a fat sheep.

"You come here quite often."

Five days ago, Huo Xianfeng came here to sell the A-class mecha he had brought from Earth. To be exact, he didn't sell it. He pretended to be a fool and sold the mecha worth tens of millions of star coins to the boss for a few dozen star coins.

In fact, excluding the existence of Huo Xianfeng, whose mental power threshold is incredibly high, it is difficult to break the mecha lock by ordinary means. Therefore, although Wei He got the thing, he could not break the mecha lock in a short time.

Despite this, this well-known local tyrant thought he had gained a huge advantage, so he treated Huo Xianfeng very well and told him a lot of secret information.

Wei He smashed the old brass pipe in his hand, emitting a cloud of choking smoke. He casually flipped through the contents of the sack.

"Three hundred star coins."

Huo Xianfeng raised his eyebrows slightly.

—It really is the Dragon Slaying Sword.

The things in here are basically the most core parts from abandoned mecha starships. They are in good condition and worth at least five thousand star coins in total.

The young man put his hand on the sack, pretending to be an old hand.

"Boss Wei, I'm an old hand here. There's no need to treat me like a new fat sheep. These things cost at least a thousand or eight hundred yuan. Look, I've worked hard for several months. I should at least make some money, right?"

Tsk, he is just a fat sheep who doesn’t know his own value.

Wei He sneered in his heart, but he just liked this kind of person. He waved his hand impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'm in a bad mood today and I don't want to talk to you."


The boss took the things away and threw a bag of star coins on the table.

"Well, eight hundred is the maximum."

This planet is a no-man's land, so most people are used to using cash. However, Huo Xianfeng did not rush to confirm the number of star coins, but approached them in a familiar manner.

"Boss, I want to ask you something. Recently, our downstairs..."

He gestured to the ground.

"Is there any beta of better quality? Preferably one from outside but not from here?"

Before Wei He asked why, Huo Xianfeng rubbed his hands and smiled a very bachelor-like smile.

"Look... I'm already quite old, and I still haven't found a wife."

The poor people of Tiandong Star have basically not received any education, so the people at the bottom here are even more ignorant than those on Earth. The buying and selling of people is a very common thing here.

"Oh, you are so picky. You don't want local ones, you only like those from outside."

Having taken a huge advantage before, and now being cheated again, Wei He was in a very good mood. His originally strict tone was relaxed a lot, not to mention that this was not a secret that could not be told.

"You know where we are. We haven't seen any new people here for decades. But it's strange. Someone just went there yesterday. The smell on his body was very clean, but..."

The boss took a puff of his cigarette, came closer, and whispered,

"I've been here for so many years, and I've never seen such a dangerous beta. I heard that the dungeon was destroyed by that guy for several blocks, and it took Old Snake and his team a lot of effort to catch him."


Huo Xianfeng's eyes darkened.

"That's not right,"

Boss Wei was somewhat pleased.

"Old Snakes and their people are in this business. Huh... So what if the newcomers are good? People like them have many shady tricks. Not to mention Beta, even the fiercest Alpha can be tamed."

At this time, Huo Xianfeng pushed the bag of star coins on the table towards the boss and said in a very smooth tone,

"Boss Wei, I'm a bit eccentric. I just want someone from outside who's clean. Can you help me with that old snake..."


"Well, I don't think so."

Wei He took a puff of his cigarette and shook his head.

"It would be fine if it was something else, but this time it's different. I heard that the beta is as beautiful as an omega, and she's pregnant and widowed. The old snake is very rare, and after catching her yesterday, he immediately sent her to the auction house, saying that he wanted to sell her for a high price."


Huo Xianfeng frowned and said "tsk".

This is really a bit troublesome.

A few hours later—

The boy appeared in a hidden corner of the dungeon.


The wide cloak swayed in the cold wind, and the bizarre night light fell on the side of his face, casting mottled shadows and presenting a kind of absurd and weird sense of mystery.

This place and the surface of Tiandong Star are completely two different worlds.

The innermost part of this huge city buried underground is so prosperous that it can almost be compared with the capital of the empire. Countless photon tracks intersect and shuttle, and high-tech skyscrapers are lined up one after another, layer upon layer. When looking down, you can hardly see the end.

It's just like…

—A huge and tightly packed underground anthill,

This should be a very accurate metaphor, because the city does have a similar and strict class division. From top to bottom, the more powerful and influential people are, the deeper they live.

As for the only auction house here, the person behind it is naturally the city lord who built the Tiandong Star Underground City. The location is the most prosperous place in the hinterland below.

The young man lowered the hood on his head, and the next second he fell from the high tower, like a black fish, disappearing into the shadows in the blink of an eye, and no trace was seen again.

At the same time, the silver-haired Omega opened his eyes in the extremely gorgeous crystal cage.


However, before his blurry vision could focus, a sharp tinnitus sounded in Jiang Ci's mind.

"ah… "

He let out a painful and suppressed gasp, closed his eyes, and curled up subconsciously. Jiang Ci felt as if he was in a cage and was being pushed around in a cart.

"Hey, he seems... awake?"

The cage was covered with a layer of pitch-black curtain, and Jiang Ci could only vaguely see the swaying figures outside, but he was now weak all over and dizzy, unable to utter a word. He only felt waves of nausea in his stomach.

I don't know if it was caused by the mutant zhigen or the aftereffects of the drug.

"No way, with such a high concentration of drug... a normal person... would be in a coma for a month. Not to mention, pregnancy... beta..."

"Hey, but he looks really... The pheromone detector is normal... Not an omega..."

"… "

Hearing the intermittent conversation outside, Jiang Ci finally felt relieved. In terms of professional field, He Zhun was still reliable.

At least, whether it is Tang Cha's keen perception or the professional medical equipment in the dungeon, the answers from both tests are: Jiang Ci is only a pregnant beta.

If Zhisu had not mutated due to the excessive amount of conventional inhibitors, perhaps he could have removed the adjective "pregnant".

Jiang Ci struggled to feel her left wrist, but there was nothing on it.

—Xiao X is missing.

Although it is an artificial idiot, it does not affect the fact that it is also an A-class mecha that has undergone special modification. If we talk about strength alone, it is no less than an S-class mecha.

When he was caught, Jiang Ci was injected with a very high concentration of aphrodisiac, causing him to pass out before he could even start the mecha.

He was in a daze. The drug that had not yet been metabolized made his entire brain in a state of half-sleep and half-wakefulness. He didn't even know when the voices outside disappeared.

"The following is the auction item... Beauty... Beta... Widowed..."

Jiang Ci couldn't hear what the people outside were saying, but his intuition told him that the situation was very bad. He wanted to struggle to get up, at least to open his eyes and clear his mind.

However, the next second when Jiang Ci tried to open his eyes,


The pitch-black curtain was suddenly opened, and dazzling white light poured in from all directions.

"Well… "

Jiang Ci was forced to close her eyes reflexively, and an uncomfortable groan unconsciously came out of her throat.

There were glaring lights all around, but it was pitch black under the crowded stands. Wearing pure white masks, they looked at the person in the cage wantonly, as if they wanted to turn their gaze into substance and lick every inch of his skin.

Betas cannot be marked, and even if they do, they will only carry their partner's pheromones for a short time. However, betas are very different after pregnancy. During pregnancy, their bodies will be infinitely close to those of omegas.

The body will become extra soft and sensitive, the smell of pheromones will change, and at the same time, the Beta that cannot be marked will carry the pheromones of its partner for a long time, almost indistinguishable from the marked Omega.

In this era of extreme scarcity of omegas, pregnant betas are the best substitutes. The simplest and crudest way is to make a beta pregnant, then kill its mate and sell it to some powerful people with special fetishes.

It's just that it's difficult for a beta to conceive, and the imperial law provides extremely high protection for pregnant women, so this kind of thing would only happen in the underground city of Tiandong Star.

The more taboo something is, the more it fascinates the evil spirits in the darkness.

"Is it an omega... Unexpectedly not..."

"Top quality... absolutely..."

"Rare silver hair... Want to buy..."

"… "

The buzzing discussions in the audience became more and more intense, with no attempt to conceal their excitement and excitement.

Jiang Ci's current pheromone is still beta, but because his body metabolizes the drug too quickly, the mutated pheromone has begun to cause his body to enter the early pregnancy state.

Regardless of whether they are beta or omega, once they become pregnant, they will feel extremely insecure and therefore extremely dependent on their partners, requiring the comfort of their partners' pheromones almost every moment.

But Jiang Ci was not marked, so at this moment, the huge gap of insecurity could not be filled.

Countless strange gazes made him curl up subconsciously in discomfort, and he wanted to hide desperately. His heart was overwhelmed by great fear and anxiety, and his dense eyelashes were trembling wetly.

The long silver hair was scattered in a mess, clustered together with the soft and delicate brocade under the body, reflecting fragmented light.

The omega major general, who was used to wearing military uniforms, had no idea that he was now wearing an extremely bright and thin cheongsam.

He hugged his knees and curled up in the mattress as soft as a cloud. The movement of bending his legs revealed a large area of white skin on the back of his thighs.

Just like the rarest oriental porcelain in a crystal showcase,

—Being watched unscrupulously by countless greedy eyes.

(End of this chapter)