Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 137: The rain is coming


A week later, Zhou Jiuya confirmed the return route and arranged for the remaining troops. Huo Xianfeng left two-thirds of the Zerg troops stationed on Shenglu Star, and the rest returned to Hengyun Star. A large number of troops could not open up a space jump channel, so when Pei Changyun confirmed that he was going to return, Zhou Jiuya sent small groups of troops in batches to meet them.

However, the expected ambush did not occur, and everything went smoothly. Half a month later, the advance troops of the First Legion successfully arrived at Hengyun Star, and the follow-up large troops were still on the way. However, the Zerg troops did not follow into Hengyun Star, but stationed on a small lifeless planet nearby.

At this moment, Jiang Ci was looking at the familiar planet in the warship, and suddenly felt like a wanderer returning home. In fact, in recent decades, the war of the Imperial Religion has basically subsided, so although he joined the army, he actually did not really experience a real war. At most, he just followed the army to the surrounding small planets for military exercises, so he had never left Hengyun Star for so long. But speaking of it, he was only away for more than half a year, but when he came back, it seemed like a lifetime ago.

"The capital of the empire is there."

Jiang Ci pointed at Huo Xianfeng. Although he couldn't see anything clearly from such a long distance, he still moved closer and whispered to him,

“My home is there too.”


Huo Xianfeng followed the direction Jiang Ci pointed. In fact, this was not the first time he had seen this planet, because he had seen it when Huo Chao first discovered this planet.

However, at that time, there were not so many satellites and space stations outside Hengyun Star, and there were even space turrets similar to the Eye of Holo. But it must be said that the appearance of Hengyun Star was aqua blue, which was really very similar to the Earth, and it was indeed suitable to be used as the second home of mankind.

At this time, an officer brought protective clothing.

"Major General Jiang Ci, because there are also cases of infection in the capital, the corps commander has ordered everyone to wear protective clothing."

"Oh, okay." Team Yu Xiwu.

Jiang Ci nodded and took it. However, Huo Xianfeng waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need it. He ignored the officer's surprised look and turned to explain to Jiang Ci.

"The stigma cannot reside in the body of a Zerg."

Because of this, they could only extract the Zerg's neural fluid to feed the stigmata.


Jiang Ci felt a little surprised, but also felt it made sense. After all, Huo Xianfeng had been imprisoned by the Illusion God Cult for so long before and had not been injected with the stigmata. He had thought it was strange before, but now he had an explanation.

However, because this parasitic disease is not transmitted through the air, it can only be transmitted through contact, diet, and blood. So strictly speaking, as long as there is no close contact with the infected person, there will be no risk of infection.

But just in case, protective clothing still needs to be worn. This kind of protective clothing is made of the same material as combat uniforms, can be adjusted according to each person's body shape, and has a real-time disinfection function, so it is quite convenient and does not hinder movement.

Half an hour later—

Tens of thousands of imperial warships slowly entered the gate like a swarm of stars. Aircraft carriers as huge as mountains were surrounded in the middle. They passed the comprehensive scan of the light gate security check one after another and began to land on the ground from the gate.

The Emperor had returned, and the First Army had won a great victory. There should have been a grand welcoming ceremony. But now a serious parasitic disease had broken out on Hengyun Star, so Pei Changyun ordered everything to be kept simple.

Pei Changyun looked stern as he led a group of people down from the Royal Navy ship. Secretary General Zhao He stood at the airport entrance. He was wearing a white protective suit and looked a little tired but could not hide his excitement.

"His Majesty-"

Pei Changyun raised his hand casually to avoid Zhao He's salute.

"What's the situation now?"

"The information we have received so far is that a large number of infected people have appeared in several major cities, including the capital, but they have all been quickly isolated. The route of transmission has also been identified, and fortunately, we can now confirm that air is not a transmission route."

Zhao He followed Pei Changyun as they walked and talked. He spoke very quickly, but every word was clear.

"The reason why there are so many infected people is that more than a dozen large nutrient solution processing plants, high-end restaurants, and drinking water production bases have been artificially infected with parasites. Now we have blocked them all and are conducting a thorough investigation. The propaganda department is doing its best to calm the public's panic, and the medical department of the entire empire has also been fully involved in the treatment of the infected, but there is no specific medicine yet..."

Zhou Jiuya watched the emperor walk away in great strides. He did not follow him back to the palace. After all, matters concerning the epidemic were not his area of expertise. The current task of the legion commander was to arrange the resettlement of the advance troops of the First Legion and to ensure the return of the subsequent large force. As for Jiang Ci, considering that she was pregnant, the legion commander granted her a special leave in accordance with the regulations.

The military has pregnancy and maternity leave, but most of them are given to alphas and betas. Giving it to Omgea is the first.

After seeing the Emperor walk away, Zhou Jiuya turned and looked at Jiang Ci.

"Take him home first."

It is obvious who the "he" in this sentence refers to.


Jiang Ci nodded.

At this critical moment, he didn't insist on saying something like he was not inferior to an alpha even if he was pregnant. From a big picture perspective, there was no war and no need for combat power, so it was not appropriate for him to stay in the army as a pregnant omega.

Except for the accident on Earth caused by the new inhibitor, Jiang Ci had used inhibitors in advance every time he had an outbreak, and used drugs to cover up his pheromones, and had never caused any trouble to the army because of his omega identity. It was not because his uncle was the head of the army and had a close relationship with the emperor. He could not use the back door.

Since the founding of the empire, there has never been a rule that prohibits omegas from applying to military academies and joining the army. It's just that everyone assumes that omegas can't. All the achievements Jiang Ci has made so far are the result of his own hard work.

So, after the Major General had handed over everything, he went home with Huo Xianfeng, their four mechas, Nora, Danzai, and his and Danzai's rations, as well as a group of little bees.

"very excited?"

Huo Xianfeng was sitting in Bai Ze's cockpit and could clearly sense the omega's happy emotions.

"Yeah, it's okay. I just haven't been back for too long."

Although Jiang Ci said this, there was still a lot of smiles in the corners of his eyes. He thought about it and gave Huo Xianfeng a shot of prevention in advance.

"But don't be too surprised when you come home with me later."

Huo Xianfeng raised his eyebrows.

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Huo Xianfeng had long known that the Jiang family had a good background. When he first met Jiang Jinsheng in Huo Chao's body, he knew that he was a young master from a wealthy family. Therefore, when he followed his wife home, all he could imagine were some of the mansions he had seen on Earth, and at most he could drive a hovercraft into them.

But the situation seemed a little different, because they flew Bai Ze directly into the helipad of Jiang Ci's house.

Yes, Jiang Ci’s family has several huge helipads, so big that even an aircraft carrier can land there.

Jiang Ci's home looked more like a military factory production base, with all kinds of large and small robots everywhere, and even small carriers shuttling around. Huo Xianfeng was not surprised because he thought Jiang Ci's home was luxurious, but because he felt that normal people would not live in a military factory.

“… Is this your home?”


Jiang Ci nodded, and he led Huo Xianfeng down the helipad, then entered the elevator and went down.

"But those are not factories for external cooperation, and they don't produce weapons now. They are just some of my father's inventions and experiments in non-military fields. For example, there are civilian mechas and robots, as well as new magnetic levitation flying ships, etc. Including some random little inventions I made, and various new mecha models are also there."

As she spoke, Jiang Ci pointed to the huge fortress-like building in the distance.

"That's where mechas are made. I made an A-class mecha there and imported Xiao X's program into it. But I was too young at the time and didn't do it very well, but it was good enough for the military academy entrance exam."

After a pause, he added awkwardly,

"In fact, the imperial law does not allow private manufacturing of mechas. At that time, it was allowed as an exception because of my father's status and contributions."

"Well… "

Huo Xianfeng nodded. Although he didn't know much about mecha manufacturing, he knew how shocking it was that a thirteen-year-old child could build an A-class mecha.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly seemed to understand why those old guys in the Academy of Sciences were so upset about Jiang Ci joining the army.

While listening to him, Huo Xianfeng followed Jiang Ci out of the elevator. He looked around at the buildings and felt that he was not entering Jiang Ci's home, but a new military base.

Along the way, Huo Xianfeng had a deeper understanding of Jiang Ci's family. In a sense, it was a miracle that Jiang Ci did not grow up to be a spendthrift second-generation rich kid growing up in such a family environment.


Nora and the group of little bees behind her were very excited, because in the eyes of the Zerg, it was like living in a candy house.

At this time, Jiang Ci suddenly called out,

"Sui Ning."

The next second, a gentle electronic male voice came from above my head.

"Welcome home, young master."

This name made Huo Xianfeng subconsciously look at Jiang Ci, and he repeated it mischievously.

"Young Master?"

The latter paused, but his expression did not change. But in fact, Jiang Ci was used to hearing the title of "young master" and didn't feel anything, but now in front of Huo Xianfeng, for some reason, he felt very ashamed.

"This is the housekeeper AI my father made. His name is Suining."

Jiang Ci introduced Huo Xianfeng and then pushed him forward a small step.

"Sui Ning, record his personal information, Huo Xianfeng, and enable the owner's authority."


The next second, Huo Xianfeng felt an invisible light sweeping across his body. Then the mechanical male voice sounded again,

"Entry successful. May I ask, young master, how do I fill in the identity location?"

Huo Xianfeng felt the arm of the person behind him stiffen, and he didn't turn around, but stood there with his hands folded across his chest and waited slowly. Jiang Ci knew that he had to pass this level, so he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and tried for a long time before making a small sound.

"Write... write about your fiancé."

As soon as these words were spoken, the corners of Huo Xianfeng's mouth and tail instantly curled up.

I have to say, the leap from a dating partner to a fiancé is definitely a huge improvement.

Sui Ning confirmed the message and replied.

"Okay, congratulations, young master. May I ask if you have set a date for the wedding? Due to the epidemic prevention regulations recently issued by the capital, it is not a suitable time to hold a wedding recently, but I can make an appointment with the best wedding planning company for you and start preparing in advance."

Jiang Ci: “…???”

“No need!!!”

Huo Xianfeng glanced back and saw that the omega's white earlobes quickly turned red, and he began to frantically change the subject.

"Sui Ning, send Bai Ze, Jin Yuan and Xiao X to be cleaned and recharged. Then you don't have to come out unless you are called."

As for Chengyue, it doesn't need it, Cecilia has always filled it up.

Hearing this, Huo Xianfeng raised his eyebrows.

Can it charge the mecha

This means that the Jiang family has an energy reactor underground, which can not only supply all energy needs, but also supply double S mechas.

"Well, I can probably understand why Bai Min likes your father."

Jiang Ci was stunned by this sentence. She turned back to look at Huo Xianfeng and heard him say,

"After all, human abilities are more than just force. Intelligence and ability are sometimes even more attractive than brute force. Well, in the field of personal expertise, your father is no less capable than Huo Chao."

After all, when Huo Chao was struggling over military expenses, it was no exaggeration to say that Jiang Jinsheng was a hero sent from heaven.

Jiang Ci was slightly startled, because he didn't expect Huo Xianfeng to give him praise. After all, Huo Xianfeng rarely praised someone. At the same time, Jiang Ci had heard too many people praise his father since he was a child, but Huo Xianfeng's words made him suddenly feel sad, but also very proud.

"Well, my father is really great."

But Jiang Ci's tone of voice was not as proud but lonely as before. Along the way, Huo Xianfeng could clearly feel the huge changes in him. For example, now he no longer demands too much of himself, but smiled and said in a relieved and confident tone,

"But I will be better than him in the future."

Huo Xianfeng knew what Jiang Ci meant by this. Everything that Jiang Jinsheng had now was the result of his hard work and efforts over two hundred years. But now Jiang Ci was no longer in a hurry to prove himself to anyone. Jiang Ci was Jiang Jinsheng's son, but he was also himself.

He is good now and will be even better in the future.

Huo Xianfeng looked at him steadily for a few seconds, with a smile gradually appearing in his eyes. He reached out and rubbed Jiang Ci's head, giving him undisguised affirmation and trust.

"Well, you will."

"… "

Jiang Ci stared at him blankly. Huo Xianfeng had very nice phoenix eyes, with long tails and a little upturned. On weekdays, when he had no expression, he looked cold and sharp. But when he removed all the sharp things and looked at her quietly, he looked focused and gentle.

It was as if at this moment, apart from the person in front of me, nothing else existed in the world.

The gaze at this moment made Jiang Ci feel his heart suddenly jump. He subconsciously looked away, his cheeks slightly hot, and then he quickly changed the subject.

"Well, these... these were all built by my father. Although the outside looks a bit strange, they are normal houses inside."

"Well, okay."

Huo Xianfeng actually didn't quite understand Jiang Ci's sudden nervousness, but he still followed him inside.

Just as Jiang Ci said, they walked for a few minutes and saw the most normal villa in the center. Although no one had lived there for a long time, everything inside was very clean and tidy because the cleaning robot cleaned it every day.

Jiang Ci's room was upstairs. In addition to having a large laboratory, it was not much different from what Huo Xianfeng imagined a young master's room to be like. It had floor-to-ceiling windows, a cloakroom, and a study next to it. It was clean and tidy, as if it were new. Huo Xianfeng took a quick look around, then stood by the window and looked at the various buildings lined up in the distance.

Because they rushed back day and night, it was now night in the capital, and bright lights were lit everywhere. Except for the lack of troops and heavy weapons, Jiang Ci's home was indeed like a military fortress with its own military factory.

At this time, Jiang Ci had just settled Nora and his future ration-making bugs downstairs, and then walked in. To his surprise, Huo Xianfeng did not observe his room curiously, but quietly leaned against the window to enjoy the breeze. This guy seemed to be able to stand anywhere at random, and any few photos he took could be on the cover of a magazine.

Jiang Ci stared at the man's profile intently, and suddenly realized that Huo Xianfeng could no longer be called a young man. He had gradually developed the sharp and dangerous edges of a man.

Jiang Ci knew that when that person had something on his mind, he would like to enjoy the quiet breeze. He walked over and asked softly,

"What are you thinking about?"

Huo Xianfeng turned around when he heard the voice and stared at Jiang Ci quietly. At this moment, the cool night breeze blew up the ends of his hair, revealing the white earrings on his earlobes.

—That’s Chengyue.

The earrings look like porcelain jade. They are white and have one or two red lines on the surface, which look very delicate. Jiang Porcelain looks cool and elegant against a military uniform.

"This place is so big. Do you live alone?"

Jiang Ci was slightly startled, then lowered her eyes and said "hmm" softly.

"When I was a child, my father hired some maids to take care of me, but later I didn't like them, so he dismissed them. My uncle and He Zhun also lived here before. My uncle didn't live in the Jiang family. He lived here for a while just to take care of me. Later, when I grew up, he was busy. After we ended our guardianship relationship, he moved away and no longer lived here. He has been living in the military camp ever since."

Jiang Ci looked into the distance and was silent for a moment before continuing,

"So, in total, He Zhun stayed with me longer than my father and uncle, but later on, He Zhun was also busy, so he lived in the dormitory assigned by his work unit. I was also busy and didn't come back, so I lived in the military academy or in the lounge of the warship. So there weren't many people here..."

Jiang Ci stopped here, put her arms around Huo Xianfeng's arm, and rested her head quietly on his shoulder.

"But it will be fine in the future. We can live here together. Nora, too. When Egg Cubs is born a long time later, he will live here with us. I will make lots of toys for him, and we must spend a lot of time with him as he grows up."

This is probably the happiest thing that Jiang Ci can think of in the future.

"But if Huo Xianfeng wants to go back to your hometown, we can go back together. We can live on Hengyun Star or at your place in the future. I have already figured out some theories about space shuttle devices. When the time comes, I will build a huge space tunnel or a space shuttle station, which will make it very convenient to travel back and forth..."

Huo Xianfeng listened quietly to Jiang Ci's plans for their future, and listened to him slowly describing his wishes for happiness. These things seemed to be things he had never dared to think about before.


He reached out and held Jiang Ci in his arms, hugging her tightly.

It felt as if he was walking alone on this bloody road of revenge, and when he was about to reach the end, a new road suddenly stretched out, where flowers were blooming in the distance, beautiful and brilliant.

They lived in the Jiang family for a month, and their days were peaceful. If it weren't for the various news reports about parasitic diseases every day, people would even have the illusion that the Phantom God Cult had disappeared.

Until one night, the entire capital suddenly entered a state of emergency martial law, and flying mechas and warships could be seen everywhere in the sky. Before Jiang Ci could ask Zhou Jiuya the reason for the martial law, a royal fleet had already rushed into the Jiang family and knocked on the door hurriedly.

"I'm sorry, Major General Jiang Ci, His Majesty has ordered an urgent matter and requires Mr. Huo Xianfeng to come with us to the palace."

"Oh well."

Jiang Ci was very familiar with Zhao He and trusted him very much. But generally speaking, this capable secretary-general would stay with Pei Changyun, and he would not do things like inviting people into the palace.

—It seems that the matter is urgent.

Jiang Ci's heart tightened, and she replied hastily,

"Then I'll come too."

Huo Xianfeng stood behind Jiang Ci, holding the omega's waist with one hand and protecting his abdomen with his palm.

Wang's eyes were cold because while his partner was pregnant, he would feel strong rejection and aggression towards any stranger who approached.

"Sorry, Major General Jiang Ci, you have other tasks."

Zhao He's tone was gentle but unyielding.

"We have made great progress in deciphering the chip found inside the Forbidden Abyss, but we are still a little short of it. The vice president said that the code seems to be related to your father, so we need you to go to the Academy of Sciences to assist now."

"… good."

Jiang Ci was stunned, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she nodded. At this time, Zhao He looked at Huo Xianfeng and bowed his head.

"Mr. Huo Xianfeng, this is a serious matter, and I don't know the details. His Majesty said that when you arrive at the palace, he will personally explain the reasons to you. As for the safety of Major General Jiang Ci, the Corps Commander will be stationed at the Academy of Sciences in person, and a professional medical team will also be there."

"… "

Huo Xianfeng looked at him steadily without answering. At this point, Zhao He suddenly took a small step forward.

"Then Major General Jiang Ci, please come in."

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of the cold golden vertical pupil staring at him coldly. A terrifying murderous intent ran up his spine like an electric current, and his back was instantly wet.


A flash of cold light passed by.

"Huo Xianfeng!!!"

Jiang Ci immediately grabbed his arm and comforted him softly.

"It's okay, it's okay... Relax. He doesn't mean to hurt me, it's just an emergency right now."

"… "

Zhao He actually didn't react to what had just happened until more than ten seconds later, when he felt a slight stinging pain in his neck. At this moment, he saw from the corner of his eye that there was something like a mechanical tentacle behind him, with its sharp edges flashing coldly.

After a long while, Zhao He came back to his senses. His pupils were dilated and his forehead was covered with sweat. He reached out and touched it, and his trembling fingertips were stained red.

"Sorry, he didn't mean it. He's in a special state right now."

Jiang Ci blocked Huo Xianfeng behind her, her tone obviously becoming tense.

"How about I accompany him to the palace? It doesn't matter. I won't listen to what His Majesty says to him. I'll prepare some things here, and then use Changmeng's main brain to establish a remote connection in the palace. This way, it won't delay the assistance in deciphering the chip."

"… "

Zhao He's expression was a little ugly, but he still maintained his politeness.

"Okay, let me ask."

After a while, Zhao He received a reply that promised him that he would be able to get closer. This time, he did not move closer, but stepped back cautiously to make way.

"Then Major General Jiang Ci, please go in."

A few minutes later, Jiang Ci quickly packed up her things and sped to the palace on the royal fleet.

At the same time, in the emperor's private study, Pei Changyun hung up the call with Zhao He and turned to look at the woman in the corner who was locked by a mechanical lock.

Cecilia smiled.

"Well, I said I failed, didn't I?"

"… "

Pei Changyun just looked at the holy marks on her neck. Those things had completely changed from the original red gold color to blood color, and they meandered from the heart to the side of the neck, and then went up to the side of her face.

And it was not like before, flat on the skin like a tattoo, but it was bulging, especially on the neck, there was a bulge, shaped like an eye.

After a while, Pei Changyun looked away in disgust and said calmly,

"It's not a complete failure. At least he's here."

"I am very curious, Your Majesty."

Cecilia lazily leaned on the sofa. Even though her hands and feet were tied, she still put on a cat-like charming posture.

"How do you feel about meeting your lover? Are you super excited? Ah... Lian Liya's heart is pounding with excitement just thinking about His Highness Huo Chao."

“… You talk too much, Cecilia.”

Pei Changyun glanced at her coldly.

"I don't mind locking your mouth, too."

Hearing this, the woman immediately curled up in fear.

"Ah! So terrible! Leah is really scared to death."

But after she said this, the fear on her face suddenly disappeared, and she touched her temple with her red nails and showed a wicked smile.

"However, even if Leah doesn't speak, the Emperor's mind should be filled with Leah's voice, right?"

"… "

Pei Changyun's fingertips tightened, and the calm expression on his face suddenly darkened. He opened the small box on the table, and inside was a tube of golden medicine.

—He was guessed by Cecilia.

It wasn't just the voice, but ever since he saw her in the interrogation room that day, Pei Changyun's mind was filled with memories of that day.

It repeats itself every moment.

At that time, Cecilia sat on the prison bench, tapping the table with her beautiful red nails, and she said,

[Pei Changyun, do you know about the degeneration of the Zerg?]

[It’s like Huo Xianfeng, a high-level humanoid Zerg. After too much neural fluid is extracted, they will degenerate. Ah… You should have seen those low-level Zerg, those scary, hideous, horrible monsters.]

[Yes, after the fall, he will become like that.]

Her tone was so slow that Pei Changyun could clearly hear every word she pronounced.

[So, Huo Chao didn’t die in a nuclear explosion. Nor did he die for all of humanity.]

[He didn't lie to you, he is coming back. But unfortunately...]

The charming woman nodded her red lips and grinned.

[He was eaten by Huo Xianfeng, so he couldn't come back.]

[Pei Changyun, do you know what it means to eat?]

[It is the unique mouthparts of the Zerg, which are filled with densely packed, sharp teeth...]

[Tear that man limb from limb! Chew his bones! Devour his flesh!]

The woman's voice was like the most terrifying curse in the world, echoing in Pei Changyun's mind over and over again.

[During this process, Huo Chao did not die. He could clearly feel the pain.]

Pei Changyun closed his eyes. At this moment, he saw himself losing control for the first time in his mind.

[-Shut up!!!]

His Majesty the Emperor was breathing rapidly and his eyes were red, but he still did not lose his mind. Even after just a few minutes, he quickly regained his composure.

[I admit that you are eloquent and your story is fascinating, but Cecilia, do you think I would fall for such an obvious divisive plot?]

At that time, the woman in prison just laughed,

[Don’t you find it strange, Your Majesty? Huo Xianfeng is clearly a Zerg, but he was originally a human. And he has been continuously transforming into a Zerg.]

[That's because he hasn't digested Huo Chao yet. After he digests Huo Chao, Huo Xianfeng will become a complete Zerg. And by that time, Huo Chao will never come back.]

[But you can save him.]

[Pei Changyun, you are the only one in this world who can save him.]

[This time it’s not a fake, it’s the real one, the one you’ve been thinking about and waiting for for three hundred years.]

At this moment, the holy mark on the woman's body suddenly stretched out from her collar, like some kind of living parasite, and then opened, revealing a tube of golden reagent, which was handed to Pei Changyun.

—like the serpent offering Eve the forbidden apple.

[Want to try it?]

[Pei Changyun, do you want to save him?]

Then, the person who was tempted by the obsession reached out his hand tremblingly and grabbed it.


Pei Changyun closed the box. There was no expression on his face, but his breathing was obviously disordered. Until the next second, there was a knock on the door outside.

Knock knock!

Chang Meng's voice suddenly sounded in the room—

"Your Majesty, they are here."

Pei Changyun took a deep breath, then raised his eyes.


The door opened, and Jiang Ci walked in with Huo Xianfeng. Pei Changyun's gaze stayed on Huo Xianfeng's black and gold eyes for a moment, then fell on Jiang Ci's abdomen.

—It’s the fifth month now.

Although it was unknown how long the Zerg's gestation period was, Jiang Ci's abdomen was obviously not as flat and straight as before. However, it was also very different from the bloated body of a human pregnant woman, because her abdomen was only slightly curved, and it was very subtle, and even if you didn't look closely, you couldn't tell that she was pregnant.

But all this cannot hide the fact that there is a small life growing inside... growing desperately.

Pei Changyun looked dazed, his beautiful emerald green eyes dim and deep, as if he had suddenly fallen into some memories.

"-His Majesty?"

Jiang Ci's voice brought Pei Changyun back to his senses. He noticed the other party's address. After all, Jiang Ci used to call him Uncle Changyun.

But this is also expected.

"Jiang Ci, everything you need is ready."

Pei Changyun's tone towards Jiang Ci was as gentle as before.

"We have something to discuss. It just takes some time. If you are tired, your room is still there. You can go and rest."


Although he agreed, Jiang Ci did not leave immediately because he saw Cecilia was there. He Zhun's words lingered in his mind. Even though Jiang Ci knew that Huo Xianfeng's martial arts were unmatched, he still felt uneasy, a strong sense of uneasiness.

He held Huo Xianfeng's hand tightly and was reluctant to let go.

But after seeing Cecilia, Huo Xianfeng calmed down because he had already guessed something. Then, he turned his gaze to Pei Changyun. The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds. Huo Xianfeng saw the box in the other's hand. His Majesty the Emperor's index finger tapped it lightly, hitting a series of silent and disordered frequencies.

After a few seconds, Huo Xianfeng took the initiative to let go of Jiang Ci's hand. He touched the omega's soft hair soothingly.

"It's okay, Ci, I'll come find you in a while."

His eyes were calm and powerful, as if an invisible force was transmitted to him, which made Jiang Ci calm down a little, and he nodded.

"… good."

The female official guarding the door leaned forward slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

"Please follow me, Young Master Jiang Ci."

He often came to the palace to play when he was young, and even after joining the army, the familiar ladies-in-waiting and attendants still continued to call him by the same name.

"… "

Jiang Ci followed her out in silence, looking back every few steps, and finally saw the familiar door slowly closing in front of him.


Completely closed.

Noila followed him, as if she sensed Jiang Ci's uneasiness. She came over and carefully held his hand, which was very cold.

"It's okay, he's very strong, no one can beat him."

Jiang Ci held the girl's finger bones and smiled at her. This sentence seemed to be said to Nora, but also seemed to be told to herself.


(End of this chapter)