Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 141: The final battle (Part 2)


At the same time, in the Discipline Hall.

He Zhun found a bunch of bottles and jars of extremely rare medicines from the medicine cabinet. In fact, most of these were not for treatment, but to assist in various tortures and increase the pain of the tortured.

He couldn't participate in the battle of force now, so he could only do what he could. He Zhun already knew the main ingredients of the drugs that suppressed the holy scars, and he was planning to look for similar, alternative things among these drugs.

"Doctor Xiao He, are you working on a specific drug for parasitic infections?"

—This is the voice of Jinyuan.

Jin Yuan followed Huo Chao, so he naturally knew He Qichu. The latter didn't like any church-style honorifics, and preferred to be called Doctor He, so Jin Yuan called Doctor He's child "Little Doctor He".

"I don't know yet. I'm just trying to see if I can find some similar ingredients here that can suppress the stigmata."

He Zhun answered Jin Yuan's question. His voice was a little hoarse, and there was a barely noticeable tremor, but his pronunciation was very clear.

The information left by his father only mentioned the ingredients of the medicine that he had given Huo Chao to suppress the stigmata, but not how to completely remove them. There was no mention of how Jiang Ci was treated in the first place.

This also means that they now have no way to remove the holy marks.

Jin Yuan still cared about his former master's governor. After all, there was no one in the world who had better maintenance methods than Pei Changyun. So he continued to ask,

"Pei Changyun's condition is very bad now. Can this medicine save him?"

He Zhun was stunned.

“…Is it bad?”

He had been locked up the whole time, so he had not seen the specific conditions and symptoms of the infected people.

"Yes, it's terrible."

Jin Yuan said in a heavy tone,

"The doctor said that he is now past the incubation period. If the infection cannot be suppressed within three days and organ failure cannot be prevented, then there may be no hope..."

"so serious?"

He Zhun's face was pale, his steps were weak, and his thin body looked a little shaky, but his expression was still calm. After a moment, he took a deep breath and asked,

“Can you tell me about the specific symptoms and conditions after he was infected?”


Jinyuan was able to contact Changmeng, so it was also very clear about Pei Changyun's condition. It began to describe Pei Changyun's current condition to He Zhun.

In fact, the royal medical team is also highly skilled, not inferior to He Zhun, but they do not have many effective methods to deal with sudden parasitic epidemics.

Although Jiang Ci had just said that Pei Changyun and Huo Xianfeng were both infected, He Zhun seemed to have not expected the latter to be infected as well. However, after a little thought, he understood the reason, because when Huo Xianfeng was infected, Huo Chao's part had not been completely removed, so there was a risk of infection.

He Zhun listened carefully to Jin Yuan's description, and tried hard to force his rigid brain to continue working.

The most special thing about him is that he always knows what he should do at every moment. Even when others think he should be in so much pain that he loses his mind and becomes hysterical, He Zhun can still stay calm and quickly take the most appropriate action.

Just like when his whole family died, he didn't cry, but tried his best to survive. Just like now when Leinster died, he just quickly suppressed his complicated emotions and did what he should do without stopping for a second.

But at this moment, while listening to Jin Yuan's description, He Zhun couldn't help but look at the body of the man on the ground.

At this moment, Leinster was like Chris at the beginning. His neck was almost cut off, with only a little flesh and spine left. Because of Jiang Ci's rough action just now, the angle between the man's head and body was twisted at an abnormal angle.

But unlike Chris, whose eyes were wide open after death, Leinsert had his eyes closed. His expression was neither ferocious nor distorted, but calm, with even the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he did not feel any pain, but rather felt relieved and happy.

Leinster is dead.

"… "

He Zhun didn't know what to say

Since that bloody night, he has never stopped imagining the scene of killing his enemies. He Zhun has seen many scenes in movies where the protagonists are finally avenged, either crying bitterly, laughing hysterically, or going crazy. But he doesn't seem to have any special feelings now.

He Zhun didn't feel anything, except that his whole body felt weak and he even felt like he was having difficulty breathing.

But the situation is urgent now, and Jiang Ci is fighting a life-and-death battle with the most dangerous enemy, so He Zhun must now stay rational and sober. He cannot fall down, he has to find a way to help.

"Doctor Xiao He? Doctor Xiao He?"

“… Yeah, I’m listening. I’m listening.”

He Zhun's eyelashes trembled, and his breathing was rapid, as if he couldn't breathe. He was indeed not distracted, but it was a little difficult for him to speak. He Zhun actually knew the reason for his current state. He also studied professional psychology in depth, but he didn't want to think too much about it.

At this moment, He Zhun seemed to have discovered something, and his whole body shook suddenly, then he quickly ran towards Leinster. Because of the sudden movement, his weak legs could not keep up with the forward center of gravity, and he fell directly to the ground with a heavy sound.

"Doctor Xiao He!"

In fact, Jinyuan was unable to analyze the motives of He Zhun's behavior at this moment, and it was still lacking the combination lock on the door, so it could only watch the young man fall awkwardly in the dirty and bloody ground.

"It's okay... I'm fine..."

He Zhun's tone was very calm, but his voice was trembling. The heavy fall did not stop the young man's movements. He seemed to feel no pain. After trying several times, he found that he could not stand up, so he simply crawled towards Leinsert's body.

Just like when he was a kid and crawled towards that life-saving medical cabin.

A few minutes later, he finally crawled to the man's body in a very embarrassed manner.

—He Zhun did find something that could save his life.

Because he saw strange changes on the holy marks on Leinsert's body.

When the host dies, the stigmata will not die immediately. He Zhun has seen what Chris looked like after he died. The stigmata will absorb the last nutrients in his body and will not be revived and die until several hours later.

But less than half an hour had passed since Leinsert's death, and the holy scar on his shoulder had become charred and shriveled, as if it had been burned by something, just like a piece of fresh flesh and blood turned into a charred carbonized body.

Leinsert was not electrocuted, so such a phenomenon was impossible.

"What... what on earth is that... why is it in this place on the shoulder..."

He Zhun tried his best to calm himself down and look for the key point. He closed his eyes and carefully searched for every detail in his memory. Finally, the picture in his memory froze at the moment when Jiang Ci grabbed Leinster's shoulders and threw him away.

At that time, Jiang Ci's wrist was scratched by Mandela, so when he grabbed Leinsster, his hands were covered in blood.

He Zhun suddenly opened his eyes.


Jiang Ci was the only one who was cured after the mother was infected with the stigmata. But only Pei Changyun and a few others knew about this matter, and it was top secret and deliberately forgotten, so other doctors didn't know. And Pei Changyun and Zhou Jiuya were not professionals, so it was normal that they didn't think of this.

No wonder, no wonder his father did not leave any method to treat the stigma infection. So is there a possibility that the real cure was left directly in Jiang Ci's body by his father

This speculation made He Zhun feel numb all over. He didn't have any direct and conclusive evidence, but his intuition told him that this was the case.

But there is actually something strange, because Jiang Ci had been injured and bleeding when fighting with people from the church before, but she had never experienced a situation like Leinsster. Could it be because of her pregnancy

However, the situation is urgent now and He Zhun no longer has time to figure it out thoroughly.

This is the last hope.

"Jinyuan, contact Changmeng immediately!"

He Zhun turned back suddenly.

"My... I have Jiang Ci's blood sample and various detailed information about her physical condition in the Jiang family's private medical room. Ask someone to find them immediately. Then, ask Dr. Wen if he has any blood sample from Jiang Ci after she became pregnant. If he has, that would be the best. Let them see if they can extract antibodies from it or make a special medicine!"

But it doesn't end here. He Zhun remembered that Jiang Ci had asked him about the scent of Zhimei flower, which means that it is possible that some substance in Zhimei flower was used in Jiang Ci's healing process.

"And... and the Zhimei flower... there might be some substance in it that can also work. I have samples of those flowers in my private medical room!"


Jin Yuan quickly passed the message.


He Zhun's voice was difficult but urgent.

"Jinyuan, tell Ah Ci that his blood may be effective in removing the stigmata."

"… "

The forbidden abyss flickered a few times.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Xiao He, Cheng Yue's signal has been blocked and I can't contact Jiang Ci."

"… "

He Zhun was silent for a few seconds, then staggered to his feet.


At the same time, Jiang Ci was still domesticating her fiancé. [It was probably because the stigmata were injected into Huo Chao's body and then transferred to Huo Xianfeng's body, so the blood of the clone awakened the stigmata belonging to Huo Chao.]

[Huo Xianfeng has completed most of his Zerg transformation, so he won't be completely controlled, at least not like Cecilia who is completely unable to resist. You can try to think of a way to wake him up.]

This was the advice He Zhun gave to Jiang Ci before she left. That's why he said those words when he first met Huo Xianfeng.

I have to say, the effect is very effective.

At least when the words "bring your insect eggs to marry someone else" came out, Huo Xianfeng stopped attacking instantly, as if he was suddenly hit by a club, and he was stunned. His eyes widened slightly, and his dull eyes gradually had some spirit.

That dull expression seemed to say—


The wife and children I got are going to run away

And in this moment of stiffness, Jiang Ci did not give Huo Xianfeng any gentle or hysterical "call of love", nor did he say any sensational words. He showed no mercy at all and directly seized the moment when the other party was stunned to give him the "second punch of love".

The movements were crisp and clean, and he could even knock the opponent down with one punch.


This punch was heavier than the last one, and it was the first time Huo Xianfeng was knocked to the ground by a single punch.

Bking's life ended in failure due to his wife's two punches of love.

"… "


At this time, the Pope, who was sitting on the steps ready to watch the show, was stunned.

Because the holy marks could not invade the body of the Zerg, he could only imprison Huo Xianfeng and could not control him as arbitrarily as he did Huo Chao.

So when he finally put in all his efforts, racked his brains and used all the conspiracies and tricks, and now he can finally control the powerful king in his hands, and finally can't wait to start to taste the pleasure of controlling and playing with the other party...

Something strange happened -

The Zerg king was actually knocked to the ground by a human omega.

He was stunned for several seconds before he realized that such a ridiculous thing actually happened? ?

You know, Huo Xianfeng’s combat power can destroy the 3S mecha Jinyuan with one hand, but what is the situation now? ?

This scene was so shocking that in the eyes of the Pope who was familiar with the Zerg, the current scene was no less than a newborn kitten beating up an adult saber-toothed tiger.


Huo Xianfeng propped himself up with one hand and sat up, subconsciously poking his hot cheek with the tip of his tongue. His mind was confused, as if he was sinking into a quagmire, but he seemed a little sober.

Then, he felt as if his jaw was being tightly grasped by a hand, as if the other party wanted to force him to open his mouth. However, Huo Xianfeng would not accept such a tough approach, and he immediately wanted to attack out of reflex, but the next second, he felt his lips soften, and the familiar, sweet scent of milky roses invaded him.

"… "

Huo Xianfeng's teeth loosened instantly and he opened his mouth obediently.

This scene of pinching Huo Xianfeng's jaw with one hand and then pressing him to kiss him had only appeared in Jiang Ci's dreams before. But he had never thought that when this scene happened in reality, it would happen under such circumstances.

The Pope was so shocked that he was speechless: "..."

He originally thought that it was outrageous enough that the Zerg king was knocked to the ground by a human, but now he actually saw with his own eyes that Huo Xianfeng was pinned to the ground and kissed.

This scene suddenly made him stunned.

Wait, things seem to be developing a bit strangely.

The scene that the Pope imagined should be that Jiang Ci discovered that Huo Xianfeng was being manipulated, and he would be heartbroken, hysterical, and crying bitterly, while this high and mighty king would follow his orders and let him manipulate him like a puppet.

In terms of the specific scene, it should be a heart-wrenching scene of lovers drawing their swords against each other, and a bloody fight between life and death.

But what does he see now

What is this

What is this development

He was plotting here and preparing to watch the show, while a young couple was kissing over there

But Jiang Ci certainly didn't think that just one word, two punches, and a kiss would be enough to wake Huo Xianfeng up and free him from the control of the stigmata. He didn't have such naive ideas.

Jiang Ci gave this kiss just to make the other party open his mouth. After confirming that Huo Xianfeng let go, he immediately took out the medicine given by He Zhun and poured it into the other party.

This is the drug used by the Illusion Cult on the prisoners, the purpose is to stimulate the nerves to be excited, so that the prisoners can still stay awake in the extremely harsh and painful punishment. Because the needle cannot pierce Huo Xianfeng's skin, it can only be poured into his mouth.

Although Huo Xianfeng was injected with the stigmata, he was not like Cecilia who was completely powerless to resist. Therefore, in the absence of a way to remove the stigmata, Jiang Ci could only try every means to keep the other party conscious.

"Well… "

As the bitter taste of the medicine poured in, Huo Xianfeng frowned and began to refuse, but the next second, he felt the familiar softness kissing him again, forcing him to swallow it.

In fact, Jiang Ci didn't know how useful this medicine was, but it was better than nothing. He couldn't think of any other way to save Huo Xianfeng, so he could only try his best and use all the methods he could think of. Jiang Ci could feel the bitterness of the medicine spreading on the tip of his tongue. It was too bitter.

Jiang Ci closed his eyes, his eyelashes slowly wet. He couldn't speak, he could only pray in his heart.

Wake up, Huo Xianfeng!

Wake up!


Huo Xianfeng suddenly felt a headache, as if he was being stimulated by a low-voltage electric current, and dense tingling pain spread to all his nerve endings.


What is he doing

Huo Xianfeng frowned.

Countless fragments flashed through his mind quickly, and he seemed to... enter the top floor of the Holy White Tower, walk into the church, and finally see the enemy he must kill with his own hands.

[I've told you. The next time we meet, you'll be dead.]

[Then you can try it.]

Ah... yes.

Huo Xianfeng remembered.

Just as He Zhun predicted, although he and Pei Changyun were infected by the clone's blood at the same time, their symptoms were different. Pei Changyun's symptom was organ failure, while Huo Xianfeng's part of the stigmata belonging to Huo Chao was awakened by the clone's blood.

Since Huo Xianfeng has completed most of his Zerg transformation, he will not be completely controlled and still retains his consciousness and combat effectiveness.

At that time, Huo Xianfeng tore off the holy marks that kept growing on his body, and then attacked the opponent like crazy.

He smashed the ugly and disgusting statue and crushed the white throne.

Huo Xianfeng used the most cruel and bloody means to attack his enemy whom he had hated for more than three hundred years. He personally stabbed the enemy's heart and crushed it into a pool of mud. Finally, Huo Xianfeng cut off the Pope's head.

But at the moment the head fell, the other party stabbed his chest with something.

Ordinary metal cannot hurt him.

Huo Xianfeng was slightly startled, then lowered his head and finally saw the weapon in the other person's hand. It was a long needle made from the king insect's tail. But it was not his tail, but his mother's tail.

But Huo Xianfeng cut off the opponent's arm in time, so the long needle did not completely penetrate his heart. He was seriously injured, but not fatal.

Bang, bang, bang…

Huo Xianfeng watched the head rolling down with his own eyes. He stared at it for a few seconds, then stomped it to pieces with an expressionless face.

-it's over.

Huo Xianfeng closed his eyes.

At that moment, he really thought that the road of revenge that lasted for more than three hundred years had finally come to an end.

Huo Xianfeng thought that all he had to do next was go back to see his beloved lover and the child they had together.

Then he walked step by step towards the bright and happy future that Ah Ci had described to him.

But the moment he turned around, something strange happened.

The stigmata that he had torn off grew out from his heart. Huo Xianfeng suddenly realized that the other party was not trying to kill him, but to inject the stigmata into him.

Pei Changyun used drugs to speed up the peeling of the remaining parts of Huo Chao, but because he was a step late, although Huo Xianfeng was infected, he would not be completely controlled, so the other party had to increase the injection of stigmata.

It's not a simple blood contact, but a piercing into the heart.

At this time, the familiar voice of the Pope came again from behind Huo Xianfeng.

[As expected of the strongest and most superior genes of the Zerg, even though he was not raised by his parents in his own tribe, he still grew up to be so powerful.]

Huo Xianfeng was fixed in place, unable to turn back.

He didn't call Huo Xianfeng, but Wang.

[You and Huo Chao have always said that you want freedom, so the Zerg must obey the king's orders from birth. They have to live for the king all their lives, and life and death are just a matter of your words. Does this also count as confinement and imprisonment?]

The Pope grinned and said in a mocking tone,

[In essence, there is no difference between the Phantom Cult and the Zerg, except that you rely on the Zerg's spiritual network to control your people, while I use the stigmata.]

[… ]

At that moment, Huo Xianfeng was suddenly stunned.

He was silent for a moment and asked,

[-Who are you?]

The Pope uttered a hoarse laugh,

[The king is always the smartest. You have guessed it, right?]

Huo Xianfeng lowered his eyes. He did have a guess.

-Defective products.

The Pope is a high-level Zerg.

But he is a defective product among the higher Zerg.

Errors can occur in gene replication, just as some newborns in the human population suffer from deformities or rare diseases. Similar situations may also occur during the reproduction process of the Zerg.

In very rare cases, a defective product will be born among countless insect eggs.

These defectives may be physically weak, or have missing limbs, in short, there are various situations. According to the Zerg's rule of dividing levels by strength, they can survive, but they will be at the bottom of society and will be allocated the least.

But there is an extremely special kind of defective product that must be executed at birth.

—That is a defective product that cannot connect to the Zerg mental network.

Because it cannot connect to the spiritual network, it means that this defective product is inherently incapable of feeling awe and love for the king, nor can it resolutely carry out the king's orders.

The defective products cannot be confirmed to be loyal to the entire race, so this will shake the foundation of the entire Zerg's reproduction and survival.

According to the rules of the Zerg, when the hatchlings from the Zerg eggs are confirmed to be defective, they will be executed. This is a necessary measure to ensure the reproduction of the species.

It turns out that the existence of this rule is very necessary.

Because the Pope is the defective product.

Huo Xianfeng asked: [Why are you alive?]

At this time, the Pope was waiting, waiting for Huo Xianfeng to be completely invaded by the Holy Mark and become a puppet in his hands.

So now he doesn't mind telling Huo Xianfeng some things that the other party is interested in to delay time.

[The continuation of life is the same. Bai Min can die for Jiang Ci. Your mother, the queen of the previous generation, can die for you. Of course, my mother can also disobey the king's order for me.]

The Pope was not executed, but was secretly sent to another civilization by his mother without even being given a name.

During the smuggling process, the Pope discovered a parasite, the stigmata.

So he made a deal with the devil. He helped the stigmata to continue to expand and multiply, devouring other lives like cancer cells, and he himself gained unprecedented power.

[It’s a pity that you haven’t seen it. The country that raised me is an advanced civilization that has surpassed human technology by nearly a thousand years.]

The technology in the Phantom Cult that surpassed the human era, the defensive barriers that could not be broken by nuclear bombs, the 3S mechas, the space shuttle devices, etc., were all stolen from that advanced civilization.

Just like he is infecting the Empire now, the Pope used the same means to manipulate the high-level rulers of that advanced humanoid civilization and made them wage war against the Zerg.

[Since the Zerg prophecy is that defective products will bring disaster to the race, I have no choice but to help you realize it.]

The final result was that the Zerg won a tragic victory, while the other side was wiped out.

[Just when the war ended, I took the King Bug Egg away. Oh, that's you.]

Then, the Pope used a space shuttle device to escape to the Earth in the Milky Way. He took away not only the king insect eggs, but also a lot of Zerg neural fluid and prisoners obtained in the war, as well as many technologies that were beyond the Earth's era.

So from that day on, there was a church called the Phantom God Church on Earth. He established this church according to the Zerg hierarchy.

The Pope did not say what happened to Huo Xianfeng's parents later, but the result was already clear.

Because the Zerg can only have one king. Huo Xianfeng knew he was the king the moment he broke out of his shell, which meant that the previous king had fallen.

If the normal reproduction process had been followed and Huo Xianfeng's mother was still alive, he would not have been born a king. He would have been carefully raised from a cub and grown up slowly. He would not have needed to learn secretly using another person's body, but would have been well taught by his parents.

When Huo Xianfeng comes of age, he needs to pass his mother's assessment to confirm that he has the strength to become a king, and then divide the existing ethnic group, become the king of the new ethnic group, lead his people to leave their hometown, and choose a new territory planet to reproduce.

But his mother died, so Huo Xianfeng automatically succeeded the throne the moment he hatched. Because the distance was too far, and he was too young and weak, and because his nerve fluid was extracted, he could not contact his people, so Huo Xianfeng tried every possible way, and it took him nearly twenty years to wait for his people. But by then it was too late.

At this moment, Huo Xianfeng finally understood where the hostility and hatred of the Pope towards him and the Zerg came from. He also finally figured out why he, as a king insect egg, should have been closely protected by the entire race at that time, and why it was stolen by the Phantom God Cult.

Because the Zerg had just experienced a great war and suffered heavy losses, and his mother, as the king and guardian of the entire race, had to participate in the war. She was also in the weak confinement period. The Pope also possessed advanced technology that allowed him to travel through space at will, so it was not completely impossible for her to steal the Zerg eggs.

—So that’s how it is.

[I admit that you do have the motive to seek revenge against the Zerg.]

But Huo Xianfeng did not think that his mother was wrong to eliminate the defective products. This was the established rule of Zerg reproduction.

[But defective people like you should indeed be executed at birth. Not just the Zerg, but any race.]

He turned around and looked at the body of the Pope that had been reshaped by countless stigmata. The other party had been completely assimilated by the stigmata. For the Zerg, the fatal points such as the heart and the head seemed to no longer exist on the other party.

[It was my mother's fault that I failed to execute you in time.]

Huo Xianfeng stared at the other person coldly. Even though he needed to look up because of the height difference, his eyes were full of contempt and ridicule at this moment.

[Because you were born selfish, sinister, and mean. Not to mention the Zerg, you were not grateful to the second civilization that raised you, but instead caused the destruction of the entire country. From this point of view, you are an individual that must be eliminated in the process of racial reproduction.]

[I think if your mother knew that the child she tried so hard to protect had such an ugly face, and even killed the king she loved deeply, and almost destroyed the entire race, do you think she would regret it and think that she should have killed him with her own hands at that time...]

[Shut up!!!]

The Pope seemed to have hit a sore spot and he interrupted Huo Xianfeng with a roar.

The next second, Huo Xianfeng's vision was covered by countless bloody holy marks, and he gradually lost consciousness.

It was not until a long time later that he seemed to hear Jiang Ci's voice.

But he couldn't hear it clearly, as if he had fallen into the deep sea, and the person was talking to him in the sky. Later, Huo Xianfeng sensed a familiar aura from the other person.

It's the smell of flowers.

But suddenly it felt very bitter again.

His head hurt, as if countless needles were pricking his nerves, forcing him to wake up.

When Huo Xianfeng struggled to open his eyes, he heard the Pope's roar again.

In Huo Xianfeng's personal perception, he seemed to have been recalling the past for a long time, but in reality, it was only a brief moment.

At this time, the Pope came back to his senses instantly after seeing Jiang Ci give Huo Xianfeng some medicine. He originally wanted to enjoy the fun of controlling the king, but now Jiang Ci's appearance made him feel a great sense of crisis.

This omega can’t be kept any longer!

The pair of white pupils suddenly darkened, revealing an extremely angry look. He suddenly stood up from the steps, and his extremely tall figure stood up like a monster.

"kill him!"

At this moment, Huo Xianfeng felt the familiar feeling of confinement and pain, and he immediately pushed Jiang Ci away. But he was still a step too late, because he saw the bloody holy scar growing out of his heart, turning into countless spikes and heading towards Jiang Ci.

Jiang Ci's eyes widened. They were too close. He was caught off guard and had no time to dodge. He could only take out his weapon to block it. However, the stigma was not a straight-forward weapon like Mandela. It could bend and be as flexible as a living thing, bypassing the spear and stabbing Jiang Ci in front of his eyes.


Huo Xianfeng shouted.

This was the first time he expressed anything close to fear.

Jiang Ci's crimson pupils suddenly dilated, reflecting countless blood-red spikes, and the next second, a familiar black shadow flashed by, directly cutting off all the dangers.

—That’s Huo Xianfeng’s tail.

Jiang Ci looked at the severed holy scars that suddenly fell to the ground with a crackling sound, and suddenly had a deep understanding of the saying "During battle, the tail has its own consciousness."

Before Huo Xianfeng could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt his shoulders sink. Huo Xianfeng turned around suddenly and saw Jiang Ci stepping on his shoulders and suddenly flying up.

The man came down from the air with a spear in his hand and stabbed the Pope on the steps.

"Wait, Jiang Ci!"

Huo Xianfeng endured the severe headache. He had not yet told Jiang Ci that the Pope's fatal points were not the heart and head in the usual sense. Because the Pope's body was no longer a Zerg body, he was more like a monster with a collection of holy marks.

"Ah… "

The pope sneered, and the next second, he raised his hand and countless holy marks came towards Jiang Ci like living tentacles. But at this moment, Cheng Yue suddenly transformed from a spear into a hand cannon.

Boom boom boom!

Three consecutive bombardments were launched, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, and a bloody mist rose.

But this was not the end, because before the explosion sound had even completely disappeared, new holy marks pierced out from the blood mist. Jiang Ci quickly dodged sideways, but those things turned around and wrapped around his hair.

Jiang Ci didn't hesitate and drew his knife to cut it off.


Beautiful silver hair scattered all over the sky.

The next second, he felt his ankle being grabbed. The familiar touch stopped Jiang Ci from struggling. Sure enough, he fell into a familiar embrace, just barely avoiding the attack of the Holy Mark.

"you… ?"

Jiang Ci met Huo Xianfeng's gaze.

But the other party did not hold him for long. Instead, he put him on the ground and immediately distanced himself from him.

Huo Xianfeng stared at Jiang Ci's severed hair, his eyes gradually filled with coldness, but he still quickly explained,

"His mental strength threshold is very low, so he can't control me while attacking you."

The defective product couldn't even connect to the Zerg's mental network, let alone control Huo Xianfeng and his own body at the same time.

"How dare you! How dare you!!!"

The Pope screamed angrily, and his voice could no longer maintain its pleasant tone, becoming like that of a wild beast. But at this moment, a series of gunshots with strange frequencies suddenly rang out inside and outside the church.

Jiang Ci was stunned, he understood.

That was He Zhun sending him a signal.

He looked down at his wrist. The wound that Mandela had just cut had scabbed and healed, and the blood on his hand had been wiped off because it affected his ability to hold the weapon.

At this moment, Jiang Ci had no time to explain. He wiped his palm across the blade at his waist, and then pounced directly towards Huo Xianfeng.

"do not move!"

Huo Xianfeng was stunned for a moment, but he did not dodge. The next second, Jiang Ci's bloodstained five fingers pierced deeply into his chest. A terrible pain similar to that of a red-hot iron spread from his heart.


The scream did not come from Huo Xianfeng, but from the Pope.

Jiang Ci felt that he had grabbed something. The sharp pain made him grit his teeth, but he still clenched his five fingers tightly and did not let go, and tried to pull it out.


Amid the splattering of blood, Jiang Ci pulled out something from Huo Xianfeng's heart that was struggling like a dead tree root. At this moment, the Pope looked at Jiang Ci in doubt, and a deep fear gradually appeared in his eyes.

"impossible… "

"How can this be?!"

How could the holy marks be removed? ! !

At this moment, before the Pope finished speaking, his eyes met Huo Xianfeng's, and his golden pupils were filled with bloody and sticky murderous intent. At this moment, the Pope pressed a button hidden behind the broken statue without hesitation, and the next second, dense gun muzzles appeared on the ceiling of the church.

Huo Xianfeng's eyes flashed, and he immediately picked up Jiang Ci and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

And at the moment of leaving, the place where they had just stood was instantly melted into a pool of red water by countless magma rays.

"Warning! The Holy White Tower has initiated its self-destruction program. It will take another fifteen seconds."

"Warning! The Holy White Tower has initiated its self-destruction program. It is expected to take fourteen seconds."

"Warning! The Holy White Tower has initiated its self-destruction program. It is expected to take thirteen seconds."

At this moment, a familiar black crack appeared behind the Pope.

It's obvious that he wants to escape!

The Pope grinned and gave Huo Xianfeng a sinister smile.

"Unfortunately, today is not the day I die."

Before he could finish his words, the pair of murderous pupils were already approaching him.

"Is it?"


The long tail pierced the Pope's chest, and Jiang Ci's blood was smeared on it.

The Pope screamed and fell into the space crack. He suddenly pulled back and pulled away the bloody tail. Just when Huo Xianfeng was about to move forward and continue to eliminate the opponent completely, he heard Jiang Ci's voice.

"Huo Xianfeng, come back!"

Huo Xianfeng turned around and saw the man's messy silver hair disheveled in the wind. He looked anxious and was trying hard to reach out to him.

"… "

On one side is the joy of imminent revenge, and on the other side are his beloved partner and cubs.

Huo Xianfeng did not hesitate. At the moment when the crack was about to close, he gave up chasing and turned back to grab Jiang Ci's hand.

"pity… "

The Pope narrowed his eyes.

This was a repeat of the old trick. When he had snatched the insect eggs, Huo Xianfeng's parents came after him and were caught in the space turbulence and died.

If Huo Xianfeng had followed just now, the same outcome would have occurred.

But just as he was planning to make a comeback, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

—That is the sound of space turbulence.

Jiang Ci deciphered the chip left in the forbidden abyss, which was left by the saint. When they took away Huo Chao's genes, the saint left the chip in the same place.

It contains the core technology of space shuttle device.

This was also one of the preparations Jiang Ci had made for this war. He took into account that the Pope might escape, so he specially made a jammer for the space shuttle device.

As long as they use it again, the original coordinates will be confused and then caught in the turbulence of space.

It was just that time was urgent, Jiang Ci decoded the chip in the palace, and the jammer was not made until he decided to invade the Holy Relics White Tower. So he didn't have time to tell Huo Xianfeng.

Fortunately, Huo Xianfeng finally came back.

"Varied… !"

The Pope's pupils suddenly widened, and he was crushed into powder before he even had time to figure out what was going on.

At this time, the self-exposure program of the Holy White Tower was activated.

The originally noisy battlefield fell silent. In this suffocating silence, the huge white tower suddenly seemed to turn into a dazzling sun, and then collapsed with a loud bang.

He Zhun was put into the cockpit by Jin Yuan.

On the other side, Huo Xianfeng was falling continuously.

This familiar scene finally brought back his memory of the sacrifice.

On the day when the earth met its end, boundless light engulfed the world.

But at that moment, he saw

Billions of lives rushed towards him regardless of anything—

Huo Xianfeng had this dream many times, and until now, he finally saw it clearly.

Those were his countless tribesmen.

There is also Huo Chao.

But now, those bright phantoms suddenly disappeared and finally turned into Jiang Ci's face.

Jiang Ci grabbed his hand tightly.

They hugged each other tightly in the devastating explosion, and then fell into the distorted snow light of Chengyue.

"I caught you, Huo Xianfeng."

(End of this chapter)