Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 3: A show of operation



The entire cockpit was almost engulfed by the blue glow.

"What on earth is this..."

Lin Jin stared in shock, he had never seen such an incredible way of connecting mental chains.

But soon, he had no time to investigate further, because under the huge mental impact, his brain's ability to think had completely disappeared.

This feeling is like a person who can't swim is suddenly pulled into the deep sea of the glacier. On the eve of death, he is still shocked by the vast and boundless mysterious realm.

He seemed to see countless scenes, yet he seemed to see nothing. He only felt an indescribable sadness, like endless cold sea water, pouring straight into his heart and lungs.

What's this…

Lin Jin didn't know, he just realized for the first time how insignificant his existence was. It was like looking up at the end of the world and feeling the huge sadness, powerlessness, and despair.

But strangely, I felt happy because I saw this world for the last time.

However, the long time in Lin Jin's eyes was just a short moment in reality.


"Spiritual connection completed—"

Almost at the same moment, a bright and dazzling light pierced everyone's sight without warning.

No one could see clearly what happened at that moment. Even the mecha's prediction system did not react.

At a distance of thirty meters, the sharp blade light approached in the blink of an eye.


A loud bang!

The captain Lao Huang who had just spoken had his power system pierced instantly. His originally bright red electronic eyes flashed twice and suddenly went out.

"… "

The scene was dead silent.

No one expected that under heavy siege and with dozens of shells ready to be fired, someone would dare to launch an attack with just an ordinary electric knife.

You know, the shell of the power system is the strongest part of the entire mecha, almost equivalent to the cockpit. This means that just now, if Huo Xianfeng wanted to, he could kill the commander of this team in an instant.

Instant kill of a mecha of the same level, this is simply unimaginable!!!

"So strong..."

The violent collision finally woke the second young master of the Lin family up.

Of all the team members, Old Huang was naturally the strongest. However, the boy in front of him, who looked like he was not even old enough to enroll in a military academy, ended the fight in just one encounter.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt balanced. Even the captain was defeated, so it was not a particularly embarrassing thing for him to be subdued by someone just now.

After a brief moment of shock, Lao Huang's expression instantly became extremely solemn.

This is definitely not a strength that an ordinary poacher can possess!

No matter what, we must not let him leave!!!

The black mecha immediately reached out and grabbed the opponent like a giant python wrapping around its prey, and the muzzle immediately turned and aimed at Huo Xianfeng.

This method is equivalent to killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of your own.

However, the red mecha not only did not hide, but instead stuck close to Lao Huang. In a flash, at the moment when the muzzle of the gun flashed with a snowy light, Huo Xianfeng twisted the long knife with his backhand and dangerously changed the original trajectory of the electromagnetic gun.

In an instant, a dazzling flash of lightning came towards them, stopping the three mechas that were about to charge.

"Oh no, hurry..." hide.

But it was too late—


Without any defense, the three mechas were blown hundreds of meters away.

This scene looks absurd and ridiculous, but in fact, only the party who was passively beaten knew how incredible it was, because if the knife just now had an error of one millimeter, it would not have achieved such an effect.

"Fire now!!!"

Lao Huang’s roar was almost so high that it broke his voice.

The order was given, and the black gun barrels were immediately adjusted to aim at Huo Xianfeng, and suddenly countless snow lights lit up. At the critical moment, the red mecha suddenly swung its sword and directly cut the opponent in half, breaking the blockade.

The blade scraped across countless broken metal wires, creating a string of crackling sparks.

"The fireworks you mentioned,"

The young man opened the team communication channel and said lazily,

"—Is it this kind?"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Huo Xianfeng kicked the other party's cockpit down one second before the laser cannon arrived.

That deafening noise!

If this second could be slowed down infinitely, it would be an extremely spectacular picture.

The steel giant's terrifying strength directly created a terrifying air wave in the air, and the aftermath of the explosion shattered the so-called encirclement into pieces.

The red mecha used the reaction force to narrowly avoid several laser cannons.

Several laser cannons suddenly collided with each other, and the burst of snow light instantly engulfed the lower half of the black mecha, and everyone's vision was plundered.

Like a huge rock falling into a lake, a terrifying energy wave burst out, and in the dark night, it exploded with extremely brilliant colors, like a grand fireworks display.


The red mecha leapt up in the sea of fire.

The originally dark sky was now illuminated as bright as day, making the names of the deceased on the monument to heroes appear particularly dazzling.

Especially the top one.

— Huo Chao.

The boy's gaze stayed on the man's name for a few seconds before he looked away.

He glanced at the dull-looking recruit in the reflection of the glass and asked casually,

"How was it, were the fireworks pretty?"

Old Huang who was kicked away: "..."

Lin Jin, who was watching the whole process for the first time: "..."

The fifth team was ridiculed through the team communication channel: "..."

Damn, this is so infuriating!!!

However, this team was made up of veterans who had been through many battles. After they lost the first fight, they quickly changed their combat style. Two of them went to rescue the captain whose power system was damaged and notified the headquarters, and the remaining seven people quickly caught up.

Huo Xianfeng had no intention of killing, otherwise, the knife he had just aimed at would not be the captain's power system, but the cockpit.

He had no intention of counterattacking, and did not even open a protective shield. He simply dodged the rain of cannon fire behind him with ease.

Miraculously, no damage!

This scene is like, it is raining heavily outside, and you are held hostage by a robber in a convertible, but the robber relies on shrewd movement and full dodging to avoid getting caught by a single drop of rain.

However, such an unscientific thing happened right before our eyes.

For a moment, Lin Jin felt like he was dreaming.

"is that a lie… "

The pursuit team that experienced all this was stunned and for a moment, they were speechless.

In the seemingly fierce battle, Huo Xianfeng was even in the mood to chat with his captives.

"It seems your companions treat you well,"

He had quickly gotten used to speaking, and no longer had the strange punctuation and accent that he had before.

"They were letting off so much water that they didn't even aim at the cockpit."

Lin Jin: “…”

Damn it, you slut, you can't even aim when you're moving around, okay? !


The second young master clenched his fists and forced himself to cheer up.

How could a soldier with backbone give up in the face of the enemy? Even if he was captured, he could not just sit there and wait to die.

Lin Jin's heart was beating like thunder at this moment, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Such a juvenile delinquent must belong to a huge underground dark organization, and he might have some shocking conspiracy.

For example, assassinating a senior official, or bombing the capital, or even launching a rebellion or riot is not impossible.

So, Lin Jin tried hard to adjust his mentality and decided to do something within his ability, such as obtaining some information or something.

"What... do you want to do?"


Amid the hail of bullets, Huo Xianfeng took a quick glance.

"The way you talk really makes you sound like a rookie."

The second young master of the Lin family was seen through again: "..."

But just when Lin Jin was about to choke and suffocate again, the young man changed the subject.

"Since you lent me my clothes and mecha, it's not impossible for me to tell you my plan..."

Lin Jin raised his head suddenly, swallowed unconsciously, and countless bloody and dark scenes from the movie flashed through his mind.

Assassinations, explosions, stealing state secrets, underground black market transactions, arms trafficking, extreme antisocial elements...

When this series of possibilities flashed through Lin Jin's mind, he saw Huo Xianfeng showing a very serious expression.

"I'm planning to,"

The young man said seriously,

"First find a professional male doctor to check the body functions."

Lin Jin: “…Huh?”

Male… Male Doctor A

Because he was thinking deeply, Huo Xianfeng did not notice Lin Jin's shocked and hesitant look.

Even though the latter only uttered a breath of disbelief, it still couldn't stop his eyes from clearly showing...

You are suffering from a hidden disease at such a young age

—Sentences like this.

(End of this chapter)