Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 33: No one can surpass him


This is the most mysterious and dangerous thing about the church. They always possess some unknown and terrible technology.

For example, using unknown parasites to read the strong brain waves in the human brain at a certain moment, and then convert them into rough images.

When Ye Shu suddenly heard that the other party had taken away the most important thing, he naturally thought of the place where Jin Yuan was hiding. And Yulia also read the picture in his mind at this second.

However, the reason why the church had not adopted such a method before was very complicated. Three hundred years ago, the church was also severely damaged by the Zerg. The empire that replaced the alliance was completely out of control, and under the strong checks and balances, they could not catch Ye Shu at all.

In addition, Ye Shu was extremely vigilant. Under normal circumstances, they could not find a suitable way to make the other party's brain only have the image of the Forbidden Abyss.

But this time it was different. Zhou Jiuya was the person Ye Shu cared about the most besides Huo Chao. Once he knew that Zhou Jiuya had cooperated with the church he hated the most, and even successfully seized the core of Forbidden Abyss.

Then this moment is the best opportunity!!!

“So, it’s here!”

Although the image of the stigmata transcription was not clear, it was enough for Yulia to judge the general outline. Her voice was trembling with terrible excitement.

All this happened so unexpectedly.


Amid Ye Shu's violent screams, Zhou Jiuya became furious and swung his knife down like lightning.

Amid the splattering blood and shining cold light, the woman's arm was thrown high into the air.

The golden lines on it dimmed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, drying up like a dead vine.

But the strange thing was that Yulia did not show any pain, and her pupils even trembled violently due to excitement and ecstasy.

"So... in a place like this!"

Making an artificial sun for lighting is a method used by many planets, and placing it in a dark underground city is the most natural thing to do.

No one cares about an ordinary tool that is only used for lighting and decoration.

Of course, no one would have thought that Ye Shu would actually place the Forbidden Abyss core in such a conspicuous place.

After all, according to Ye Shu's cherishment of Huo Chao's relics, he should hide them in the most secret, safest and unbreakable place.

Who could have thought that he would place the core of the Forbidden Abyss in such an obvious place!

In fact, anyone can see it just by looking up.

No wonder…

No wonder they have inserted countless spies into Tiandong Star. In the past hundred years, they have searched almost all possible secret bases on Tiandong Star, but still found nothing.

—This move is really brilliant!

Yulia sighed in her heart and quickly stepped back.

"ah… "

Ye Shu knelt down suddenly, half of his face was covered in blood. He gritted his teeth, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and his whole brain felt like it was about to explode, as if an electromagnetic bomb had exploded inside him. The violent electric current made it almost impossible for him to think.


The furious Zhou Jiuya immediately fired three shots at the woman.

Bang bang bang!

Just as the light bullet was about to hit, a golden beam of light suddenly shot down from the aircraft carrier and enveloped Yulia.

The three light bullets were blocked by the barrier formed by the golden light, but their positions were precisely corresponding to the woman's forehead, throat, and heart, three fatal points.

If the light shield had appeared one tenth of a second later, Yulia would have died on the spot with three bloody holes on her body.

But timing and luck are so unfortunate that every time at the critical moment, Zhou Jiuya always seems to be a step late.

“Hahahahahaha… Commander, you have excellent marksmanship!”

Yulia did not show any fear or relief for surviving the disaster. Instead, she responded with loud admiration. Her white robe was fluttering wildly as she rose rapidly in the anti-gravity magnetic field.

At this moment, the giant white aircraft carrier deployed its densely packed gun barrels in the air, and the muzzles all lit up. The dazzling light almost tore the entire night apart.

"Ye Shu!"

The woman's shrill, frantic voice echoed across the endless desert—

"The Forbidden Abyss was originally a precious asset of the Illusionary God Cult. Today! It is time to return it to its original owner!!!"

Before he finished speaking, densely packed white warships poured out from the belly of the aircraft carrier. At the same time, thousands of magnetic storm missiles rushed towards the First Legion like a rainstorm.

They collided violently with the energy barrier that rose in an instant, forming an overwhelming magnetic storm tsunami that swept across everything!

At this moment, Zhou Jiuya's first reaction was not to give the order to prepare for battle, but to turn around and pounce on Ye Shu without thinking.

Amid the roar of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting, his eyes were bloodshot and he roared so loudly that even he himself could not hear it.


If time could be slowed down infinitely, the scene at this moment would be extremely spectacular.

The crazy magnetic storm wave directly broke through the atmosphere from outer space and rushed towards the surface like a prehistoric monster.

At the same time, the black pistol in Zhou Jiuya's hand suddenly expanded in the dazzling snow light, and then quickly decomposed and transformed into countless large parts.

The dark blue cockpit suddenly opened, instantly covering the two people on the ground.

The next second, the huge black metal giant suddenly took shape. There was not even time to connect the mental chain. Zhou Jiuya directly pressed the command manually.

The double S mecha generals held up their giant swords, and directly increased the energy output to the maximum. One second before the magnetic storm arrived, they opened a giant defense shield!


At this moment, a crazy magnetic storm wave swept across the surface of Tiandong Star within a radius of thousands of miles. It madly crushed everything that stood in the way. Even the thick mountain of garbage covering the surface of Tiandong Star was vaporized by the high temperature almost instantly!

At the same time, the shocking vibration spread underground in just a few seconds.

Huo Xianfeng raised his head suddenly.

"This fluctuation..."

Jiang Ci's expression was equally solemn.

"—felt like a severe magnetic storm."

This is not the First Legion's usual method of attack.

Moreover, this level is no longer a battle between mechas. It is very likely that a large-scale war has broken out outside.

But who started it first? And why

Does Zhou Jiuya want to forcibly seize the core of the Forbidden Abyss through war

The moment this guess appeared in Jiang Ci's mind, it was denied.

No, no, no, if that man intended to do this, then at the beginning he would not have only stationed the First Legion on the outskirts of Tiandong Star, but would have carefully arranged all the combat plans, launched a surprise attack at the fastest speed, and taken the initiative in the war.

But what if Tiandongxing is the first to launch an attack

"—the Church."

Huo Xianfeng's sudden words made Jiang Ci open her eyes wide in surprise.

"how do you know?"

[This sound is so unpleasant...]

[Wang, there are many people wearing white clothes outside.]

[They made it, it sounds terrible...]

[… ]

The whimpering of the aggrieved and painful larvae sounded in his mind again and again. Huo Xianfeng looked up.

"Ye Shu will not take the initiative to provoke a war, because once the war starts, the underground city will inevitably be involved, and the location of the Forbidden Abyss core will be exposed."

This was not a very direct and clear explanation, but Jiang Ci still understood what he meant at that moment.

Because on this planet, there are three forces that want to fight for the core of the Forbidden Abyss.

The neutral forces on the side of Tiandong Star, the Imperial Military, and the Church.

Excluding the first two, the remaining one is naturally the final answer.

Huo Xianfeng glanced at the silver ring swaying in the air. The latter noticed the alpha's thoughtful and burning gaze and immediately hid behind Jiang Ci.

The silver-haired major general was surprised.


The boy pointed at the little X that was secretly peeking out from Jiang Ci's shoulder.

"Can you lend me your mecha?"

"… "

Xiao X was originally a parenting system made by Jiang Ci's father for him. It accompanied him until he was thirteen years old, and then was transformed by Jiang Ci into a mecha core. It became an A-class combat mecha and accompanied him through his time in military school. In the fighting selection of more than 100,000 people, it helped Jiang Ci win the driving rights of Bai Ze.

Generally speaking, the relationship between a mecha and its fighter is very close, and it will never be loaned out. In addition, the neural chain inside the mecha will only adapt to its owner, so even if it is loaned out, it is difficult for strangers to control it.

Unless the two parties are close enough to share mechas and have a very high degree of mental compatibility.

As for the mecha of the new recruit that Huo Xianfeng had snatched away before, it was purely because of his strong mental power that he completely ignored the threshold of adapting mental power first to control the mecha, and directly took all control by force.

Jiang Ci was silent for a moment, but finally swallowed the words he wanted to refuse. Although he had known Huo Xianfeng for too short a time and everything about him was unknown, he didn't know why the young man seemed to have a special power.

A special power that makes people want to trust.

He had never seen this trait in anyone else, not even the supreme emperor.

"… If your mental power can reach 70% compatibility with the mecha, I will lend it to you."

Jiang Ci pursed her lips.

"But Huo Xianfeng, you have to tell me what you want to do first?"

The alpha boy knocked on the inner wall of the chest cavity of the Forbidden Abyss wreckage. Instead of answering his question directly, he asked another question.

"You said, if those people saw this big guy returning to the battlefield,"

He squinted his eyes and smiled at Jiang Ci.

"—Will you be scared to death?"

Jiang Ci: “…”

This guy always likes to tell half the story and leave the other half for people to guess. Probably people with a slightly slower brain can't keep up with his train of thought.

But Jiang Ci had already gotten used to it unconsciously, and even the moment the other party finished speaking, he almost immediately guessed what Huo Xianfeng wanted to do.

"You want to use Xiao X to temporarily replace the original core of the Forbidden Abyss and awaken the wreckage?"

Hearing this crazy plan, the silver-haired major general's eyes widened slightly involuntarily.

Even though he had a huge prejudice against alphas, at this moment he had to admit that the strategy and wisdom of the young man in front of him was simply to the point of being a terrifying genius.

The most Jiang Ci could think of was that while the three forces were still fighting on the ground, his best option at the moment was to find a way to sneak into the Chaoyang District from underground as quickly as possible, and then get the Forbidden Abyss core one step ahead of time.

But it is easy to say, but there are great risks in doing so.

Not to mention whether he can arrive in time, even if he can, would Ye Shu really leave the Forbidden Abyss Core there so openly for others to take away easily

Jiang Ci believed that even if the city lord who built Tiandong Star single-handedly played a dark trick, he would definitely not fail to make any backup plans.

What's more, that is the Asahi District, the most central location of the underground city, and there are countless confidants of the city lord guarding there.

So maybe, even if Jiang Ci arrived, he might not only fail to get the Forbidden Abyss core, but would be caught off guard by Ye Shu's unknown defensive measures and the people guarding there.

After all, Jiangci doesn’t have Bai Ze now, only an A-class mecha.

But if we follow Huo Xianfeng's plan, the situation will be completely different.

Once the Forbidden Abyss appears, the impact it causes is almost unprecedented. It is even possible to shock everyone without firing a single shell. Even in the three-party competition with strong military and combat power, they have an irreplaceable absolute advantage.

Even if someone else snatched the core first, once the remains of the Forbidden Abyss were activated, they would have a strong attraction to the core. If this plan could succeed, then their chances of snatching the Forbidden Abyss core would be almost 60%.

Huo Xianfeng likes talking to smart people. When he saw Jiang Ci, he immediately knew what he wanted to do, and he felt much happier.

"Well, although the core of the A-class mecha theoretically cannot carry a 3S mecha, now there is only a wreckage left of the Forbidden Abyss's outer body. In addition, the energy reactor below serves as an energy supplement. It should be enough for us to wake up the wreckage and reach the Chaoyang District where the Forbidden Abyss's core is located."

He winked at Jiang Ci.

"Maybe we can even fire a few shots to scare the hell out of the people in the church."

Jiang Ci: “…”

However, the silver-haired major general thought carefully about the feasibility of this plan.

"No, my mental strength threshold is only enough for a double S mecha at best."

After a while he shook his head.

"And Jinyuan is already at the 3S level. It is already very difficult to temporarily replace it with the core of an A-level mecha. Only the mental power with a higher threshold can make up for the shortcomings caused by the substitute core."

"It's even impossible to achieve. In order to complete this crazy plan, we must reach... no, even surpass the mental strength threshold of Marshal Huo Chao back then."

Otherwise, even if they had the energy and a temporary replacement core to awaken the Forbidden Abyss, they might not be able to control the actions of this huge alloy giant, let alone a more intense battle.

Having said this, Jiang Ci had already given up this plan in her heart.

“But no one can surpass him.”

Growing up with Zhou Jiuya, a die-hard fan of Huo Chao, Jiang Ci's image of the great marshal had almost reached a mythical and perfect form.

Hearing this, Huo Xianfeng raised his eyebrows and suddenly strode towards this side.

"Who said..."

When he came in front of Jiang Ci, his body had already exceeded the safest social distance.

"I'm going to let you drive the Forbidden Abyss?"

"you… ?!"

Jiang Ci opened his eyes slightly, and an incredible answer popped up in his mind, but before he could confirm it, he was forced into a corner by the other party.

Huo Xianfeng lowered his eyes. This distance and angle allowed him to clearly see the omega's beautiful eyelashes that were like flower clusters.

"Jiang Ci, do we want to make another bet?"

The alpha's tall figure pressed forward, and the silver-haired major general's entire body stiffened almost instantly. However, there was a cold metal wall behind him, and he simply could not retreat. He could only turn his face away slightly.

" on what?"

Huo Xianfeng lowered his head, almost getting close to the profile of the silver-haired omega. His hands went around Jiang Ci's lower back, his fingertips passed through the silver hair that was as smooth as brocade, and then went up along the omega's slender spine.

"Just bet..."

The young man grabbed the silver ring hidden on the owner's back and chuckled softly into Jiang Ci's ear.

"—I can surpass him."

(End of this chapter)