Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 34: Yo, surprise?


"Ye Shu! Ye Shu!!!"

Who is shouting...

"The blood loss has reached 40%, and the respiratory system is rapidly failing..."

"Marshal, his left arm is completely stuck. If we delay any further... and we don't have time to wait any longer..."

"No! We can't intercept him!!! Marshal, wait a little longer, Ye Shu is..."

"What if we don't intercept him?! Are we going to leave all of us here to wait for him to die?!"

"… "

The noisy voices made Ye Shu's brain ache dully. Countless images seemed to flash before his eyes, and yet it seemed like just a chaotic flurry of snow.

Finally, all the noise fell silent.

Ye Shu barely opened his eyes a little, and in the blood-red field of vision, he saw Huo Chao's face.

The black-haired man was wearing a bloodstained military uniform, and his voice was still calm and composed, as if it had never changed.

He touched Ye Shu's head and said,

"It's going to be okay, Leaf."

"… "


don't want!!!

At that time, the seriously injured Ye Shu could no longer speak, but he believed that the other party could understand his refusal. However, Marshal Huo Chao was still merciless that day, and he cut off Ye Shu's left arm with a single blow.

Ye Shu successfully survived, but he also lost the opportunity to pursue his dream forever.

He understood Huo Chao's approach, but he couldn't help but feel a little resentful.

Why not wait...

Why don't you wait for me anymore

Didn't I hurt my arm because of you? ! !

—So that was the last time they met.

Later, Jiang Jinsheng installed a mechanical prosthesis for Ye Shu, and the latter showed it off to almost everyone except Huo Chao.

This is probably the thing Ye Shu regrets most in his life.

Why didn't you go to see him

Why didn't I go to see him again at that time

Among the countless human emotions, regret is probably more painful than anger and hatred. It will trap you in the most painful maze of images, and you may not be able to get out of it for your entire life.

This was indeed the case with Ye Shu later on.

He built an underground city on Tiandong Star, but this city was just a place to store the forbidden abyss for him. Therefore, all the blocks except Chaori District became synonymous with chaos, filth, and even sin under his deliberate neglect.

Because sparse leaves need such protective color.

He did not have the strong fighting power and military reputation like Zhou Jiuya, and was not able to inherit the military power of the Huo Dynasty.

He also does not possess the outstanding political ability like Pei Changyun, who can maneuver between various forces, break through the shackles of the church, overthrow the alliance, and finally establish a new empire.

In fact, he is not as good as Jiang Jinsheng.

So, Ye Shu finally chose to become a gravekeeper.

He established a chaotic, gray, dark city without considerable military power, but with interests entangled with countless nobles.

Because only a place like this can survive safely in the narrow gap between the empire and the church, and only then can it safely... guard that person's final legacy.

"Ye Shu! Wake up!!!"

Zhou Jiuya's voice sounded anxious, and after a moment, he gave an order.

"General Wan, give him some sedatives."


Mechanical tentacles stretched out from above the cockpit and injected ice-cold sedatives into Ye Shu's veins through a needle. After a few minutes, the latter finally broke free from the chaotic dream.

A strange yet familiar place comes into view.

Ye Shu was in a daze for a moment before he realized that he was now in General Wan's cockpit.

Wan Jiang, this was the first double-S mecha that Jiang Jinsheng successfully developed based on the main program of Forbidden Abyss at that time.

At that time, he and Zhou Jiuya competed for the ownership of Wanjiang at the same time, and as for the result... Of course, Zhou Jiuya won. Among the four of them, Huo Chao's combat power undoubtedly ranked first, followed by Zhou Jiuya.

So before Huo Chao died, Ye Shu had never defeated this annoying guy once. As for after Huo Chao died, Zhou Jiuya never fought him seriously again.

Perhaps his brain was attacked, Ye Shu didn't know why he kept thinking about the past that should have been buried long ago. He was now dizzy and weak all over, unable to even stand up.

Seeing that Ye Shu finally woke up, Zhou Jiuya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have called for medical support, you..."


Ye Shu refused outright. He finally calmed down a little and began to pay attention to the current battlefield situation.

Zhou Jiuya had already gotten used to his hedgehog-like attitude towards him, and now was not the time to chat, so he immediately opened the military communication channel and quickly issued an attack order.

The first round of magnetic storm frenzy finally showed signs of fading. Upon receiving the order, the First Legion immediately changed its battle matrix and began to counterattack.

This is not the first time they have confronted the church.

Perhaps only the few veterans who survived from that time knew that when the First Legion was still the Dawn Legion under Marshal Huo Chao, the two sides had already formed a blood feud.

The Phantom God Cult, which has always claimed to be compassionate and put itself in the position of savior, showed its bloody claws for the first time.

At this moment, the prelude to the war has been completely opened, and densely packed mecha warships collide with each other in the continuous flames.

Zhou Jiuya did not continue to stay on the ground, but took off into the air.

After all, this is a barren desert, and General Wan would be a living target if he stood here.

There was silence in the cockpit for a moment, and then the two of them suddenly spoke without warning.

"Where is the core of the Forbidden Abyss?!"

"What exactly is your and Pei Changyun's plan!?"

Zhou Jiuya and Ye Shu looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally closed their eyes and quickly explained,

"The situation on Earth is worse than expected. A creature that can control the Zerg has appeared. We initially speculated that there is a 65% chance that it is the Overlord."

The Zerg are a race that goes beyond human knowledge of extraterrestrial life. After a long period of exploration, humans have barely figured out their strict internal hierarchy.

Overlord, leader, general, and ordinary soldiers.

The Osa on Earth that day was only a general. The real leader-level Zerg had already departed from the monster form they knew and was almost humanoid. In the war that invaded Earth, only Zhou Jiuya and Huo Chao were able to resist.

It’s just that no one has ever seen the king insect, they just know that it exists.

"Therefore, the restart of the Forbidden Abyss must be put on the agenda. But Ye Shu, you know that Jiang Jinsheng tried to repair the Forbidden Abyss core, but failed in the end. It was because he couldn't repair it that you took the Forbidden Abyss core away. So now, we can only choose to cooperate with the church."

Although Yulia was despicable, she was right about one thing: the Forbidden Abyss was originally... indeed a valuable asset of the church.

Now only the church has the ability to repair the core of the Forbidden Abyss.

Before the emergence of the Phantom God Cult, the human alliance's technology, even the mental connection technology, was a big problem, and most of the mechas used were still manually controlled. The emergence of the church brought science and technology to the earth that was almost a thousand years ahead of humans.

Because of this, the Phantom God Cult was able to quickly gain control of the voice within the alliance and recruit a large number of believers in a short period of time.

"what about now?"

Ye Shu wiped the dried blood from his cheek and stared coldly at the battlefield in the distance.

"Since you have chosen to cooperate with them, why not just let them go down and take the core directly? Why bother giving the order to attack?"

"It's not that simple,"

Zhou Jiuya shook his head. The conversation with Ye Shu did not affect his control and command of the battle situation at all. At this moment, the legion commander was quickly adjusting the army's firepower deployment.

Among the generals under Marshal Huo Chao, Zhou Jiuya's military talent is undoubtedly the highest, but he is suitable to be a general and a powerful warrior, but not suitable to be a shrewd politician.

This was also the main reason why Pei Changyun tried to win him over at all costs.

Zhou Jiuya looked solemn and continued,

"It is true that we want the church to repair the Forbidden Abyss, but the core must be controlled by us."

“… Such shameless politician rhetoric,”

Ye Shu rubbed his temple, speaking sarcastically.

"That's what Pei Changyun said."

Zhou Jiuya looked back at him and said nothing.

"… "

Tsk, how come I was guessed right again

At this time, the church, which was stuck by the harassment tactics of the First Legion, finally became anxious.

The white aircraft carrier readjusted its position, and the gun barrels on the side were densely deployed—

The next second, tens of thousands of interstellar missiles shot down from the sky, and the thick ground was easily torn into pieces like a piece of thin paper. Then, the surface of the earth that stretched for thousands of miles suddenly collapsed, and the huge city that was deeply protected underground was now exposed without reservation.

The entire underground city shook violently, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred at that moment. At the moment of war, even the various criminals who had been wandering in the gray area for many years could not help but reveal a gloomy look of fear and powerlessness.

This round of missile attacks opened up a new war situation, and the battlefields of both sides began to shift rapidly, from outer space of Tiandong Star, to the ground, and then to the rapidly collapsing underground.

Yulia controlled a beast-shaped mecha similar to a kite, and flew rapidly through the collapsed ground cracks and directly into the underground city.

This time she was ordered to bring such a large combat army, not intending to go to war with the Empire. After all, the era of the Alliance, when the Church could call the wind and rain and be omnipotent, has passed. The Earth has fallen, the Alliance has collapsed, and the Phantom God Cult has also suffered an unprecedented blow.

Otherwise, how could a mere Pei Changyun have the turn to become the emperor of an empire

Now that the empire has the upper hand, the church can only avoid its attack. The first step to break the deadlock is to take back the Forbidden Abyss.

Yulia narrowed her eyes. This time when the Forbidden Abyss was reopened, they would certainly be extremely careful in selecting people. There would definitely not be another traitor like Huo Chao!

Ye Shu had been keeping an eye out for anyone going underground. The moment he saw Yulia go in, the alarm in his head started shrieking wildly.

“Damn it!!!”

He struggled to stand up, but his body seemed to have been drained of strength, and even standing was difficult. This was also the main reason why Ye Shu did not leave immediately after waking up.

In this state, let alone driving a mecha to kill the enemy, he even had a problem getting out. The city lord clenched his fists again and again, and finally could only turn back angrily.

"Zhou Jiuya! Stop them, don't let them enter the dungeon!!!"

Ye Shu gritted his teeth and finally said it out

"The core of the Forbidden Abyss is the artificial sun you saw before!"

Things have come to this, instead of letting the church people take it away, it is better to give it to Zhou Jiuya!

Hearing this, the latter looked at him deeply and immediately gave the order.

After saying this, the general leaned back in the air, and suddenly turned into a meteor, shooting straight into the depths of the earth.

Despite the First Legion's desperate efforts to stop them, dozens of holy mechas still entered the underground. However, although it was not as large as the First Legion's official army, as the city lord, Ye Shu's armed strength in the underground city should not be underestimated.

The moment he saw the intruder, he immediately intercepted him at high speed.

More than a dozen black mechas were connected in the air, shooting laser beams at each other. In the blink of an eye, they were intertwined into a giant net, and pounced towards the red-gold Kite mecha in the front!

But Yulia didn't take this low-level electric grid interception seriously at all. She snorted in a deep voice -

"open circuit!!!"

Behind her, more than a dozen holy mechas rushed forward and tore a hole for her. Yulia was in no mood to get entangled with these minions. Her goal was to get the Forbidden Abyss Core as soon as possible, otherwise when Zhou Jiuya caught up with her next time...


This roar was so loud that it shook the world. Before the woman could even finish hearing it, a huge sword, wrapped in murderous intent, slashed down on her head.

Yulia had no time to dodge at all. She could only flip over and cross her wings to resist. But it was in vain. She was completely unable to withstand this powerful blow. At the moment of collision, she was hit by the giant sword and flew away!


The huge beast-shaped mecha knocked down several blocks and slid and rubbed on the ground for a hundred meters before it came to a stop. The attack power of this attack was really too exaggerated. After all, Yulia's Red Kite was an S-class mecha after all.

The S-class mecha produced by the church is different from the empire's. The data in all aspects are basically very close to the double S-class mecha. But even so, since they are both powerless to fight back,

At this moment, even Ye Shu looked at Zhou Jiuya with some surprise.

However, three hundred years had passed, and this guy had spent almost two hundred years fighting for Pei Changyun, so it was normal for his strength to increase. However, Ye Shu didn't know that, in fact, the attack just now was somewhat personal.

"Zhou Jiuya!!!"

Yulia's angry voice could be heard from a distance, and there was also a faint sound of coughing up blood.

"Do you want to ruin the cooperation? ! ! Without our Illusionary God Cult, even if we give you a hundred years, you will never be able to repair the Forbidden Abyss!!!"

"Oh? Were you not the ones who launched the first attack and ruined the cooperation?"

Zhou Jiuya drew his sword and blocked Yulia's way to the artificial sun with a cold face.

"The Empire's attitude and position have long been clear. You are responsible for the repair, but the entire process of the Forbidden Abyss's repair must be under our control."

"… "

While Yulia was gritting her teeth in silence, Ye Shu in the cockpit of General Wan sneered again.

"Heh, Pei Gou's repeater!"

Zhou Jiuya: “…”

It doesn't matter. This level of sarcasm can no longer affect the legion commander.

After all, in the past few decades, he could only be pinned to the ground and beaten by Ye Shu.

This level is already considered very gentle.

Yulia stood up and gave orders while panting.

"Red Bird, transform."

The original bird-shaped mecha was reshaped and assembled into a human form. The beast form of a bird like this is generally more conducive to increasing speed. Now that she has been intercepted, the best option is to transform back into a human form to fight.

The cooperation reached before did indeed state that the restoration process had to be under the strict supervision of the empire, but there was no way the church would suffer such a loss, so it only pretended to agree.

Now that the core location has been found, she must get it.

But Zhou Jiuya was too strong. When he was young, he accompanied Huo Chao to establish the Dawn Legion. After Huo Chao died, he assisted the emperor in conquering most of the empire. In terms of personal bravery, there is almost no one in the empire who can defeat him.


Yulia sneered.

—But it’s only within the empire.

"Zhou Jiuya, haven't you always wanted to know why the church suddenly launched an ambush on the Dawn Legion?"

There was a grim look in the woman's pupils.

"Because it was Huo Chao who betrayed us first!"

These words made the two people in General Wan's cockpit freeze.

Ye Shu knew Huo Chao earlier than Zhou Jiuya, but at that time, Huo Chao was already a major general in the alliance army. No one knew why he had such an intricate relationship with the church.

He even possesses the church's most precious asset—

The only 3S mecha in the entire universe, Jinyuan.

"Although we in the Illusionary God Cult disdain to mention that traitor again, I will still mercifully tell you today."

Yulia smiled coldly

"If that guy hadn't chosen to betray me, he would not only be alive now, but he might even..."

At this moment, something strange happened!

The hair on the back of Zhou Jiuya's neck suddenly stood up, he drew his sword abruptly and turned around to block.


The fierce collision of weapons almost broke Ye Shu's eardrums, but he had no time to care about it. He looked at the giant mantis-like monster in front of him in shock and said in a lost voice,


But the next second, Zhou Jiuya denied his judgment with a serious expression.

"No, this is a biological mecha made from the Zerg body!"

Judging from its size and attack power, it is roughly at the general level, but after being transformed into a mecha and someone commanding and controlling it, its combat power has almost doubled!!!


A burst of laughter came from the Zerg mecha.

"You actually knew that?"

In the distance, Yulia placed one hand on her chest, bowed her head and performed a religious ceremony.

"Master Cruzi, he will trouble you."

The latter responded lazily,


Seeing Yulia's respectful attitude, Zhou Jiuya immediately guessed her level within the church.

—This guy is the archbishop.

He had heard Huo Chao talk about the strict hierarchy within the Phantom God Cult before.

The Pope is supreme, and below him are three archbishops, followed by twelve bishops, and finally the believers, who are divided into different levels.

At this time, Yulia had transformed back into a beast form and was flying at a high speed towards the artificial sun in the distance.

Zhou Jiuya immediately swung his sword and forced Cruzi to retreat.

“Don’t even think about it!!!”

The next second, three cannon barrels extended from Wan Jiang's shoulders and aimed at Yulia's back in the blink of an eye. However, before the shells were fired, the sharp forelegs of the biological mecha approached like a sickle.


The giant sword and the forelegs collided with each other, creating a series of sparks.

"Jiang Jinsheng took great pains to secretly learn the church's techniques, but now it seems that..."

The man laughed hoarsely and maliciously.

"No, it's just a surface."

After saying that, Cruzi grinned fiercely and thrust his other front paw straight into General Wan's cockpit from below.


The defense shield popped out in time, but the terrifying force actually forced all the generals to retreat!

But the opponent didn't give Zhou Jiuya any chance to catch his breath and entangled him almost instantly.

The combination of the Zerg's appearance and the human's combat thinking makes them an enemy that Zhou Jiuya has never encountered before. However, the most important task now is not to defeat the opponent, but how to get rid of the entanglement and stop Yulia.


The battle situation at this moment can no longer be judged directly with the naked eye, because it is too fast and fierce—

The two sides fought quickly, and in just a few seconds they had fought dozens of rounds. Red and gold sparks collided and crackled, and for a while they were evenly matched, but in the overall situation, the Empire was going to lose.

—Because Yulia was already driving the Red Bird and rapidly approaching the core of the Forbidden Abyss.

Her pupils were dilated to the extreme due to excitement.

The huge bird opened its long beak to the extreme, and it seemed that it was about to swallow the golden core in one gulp in the next second.


Suddenly, thunder struck from the sky.

No one could see clearly what the huge monster was that fell from the sky. All they knew was that the huge bird-like mecha didn't even make a scream, and the vital signs in the cockpit were gone in the roar of the sky-shattering earth.

Suddenly disappeared.

"… "

The scene was dead silent.

Even the two sides of the Imperial Cult, who had just been fighting fiercely, were stunned.


The strong wind with a strong smell of gunpowder blew away the dust and fog that had just risen, and a huge and familiar black and silver figure was faintly revealed.

The huge alloy giant squatted on the red bird in a very casual posture, and the latter was almost deformed and twisted into a piece of scrap metal at this moment.


The skeleton-like mechanical finger was pulled out from the red bird's heart, and the fragments of the cockpit mixed with blood slid down through the fingers.

For the first time in three hundred years, Zhou Jiuya and Ye Shu's expressions were synchronized to the extreme, and they were almost in a state of complete loss of reason.

"…Forbidden Abyss?"

Or to be more precise, from the appearance, it is still just a wreckage.

—But he survived.


If it weren't for the fact that there was still some rationality left in his head, he would have almost thought that he had traveled back to the past. In the war that took place when the Earth fell, Huo Chao did not die, but just like every other war before...

He always managed to find a way out of the desperate situation and come back to them.

Ye Shu was completely stunned and didn't even know when the tears started to fall.


Cruzi almost let out a roar that was almost terrifying.



Huo Xianfeng didn't bother to pay attention to him. He just raised his hand and fired a shot, instantly blasting Cruzi away three hundred meters.

He waved casually.

"Oh, surprise, guys?"

Zhou Jiuya: “…”

He was speechless at the moment.

God knows how much effort he put in to hold Ye Shu down and prevent this guy from running over and hugging Jin Yuan and crying.

(End of this chapter)