Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 38: For this wild man


In the distance, the embers of the miniature nuclear bomb had not yet died down, and thousands of meters in the sky, the church's trump card had just been released and was quickly resolved by a nuclear bomb.

As a result, the First Legion immediately took advantage of this and gained the upper hand.

The entire battle situation had reached this point, and the final outcome was basically determined. Therefore, before settling the family affairs, Zhou Jiuya simply handed over the command of the army to his trusted subordinates, and then quickly closed all communication channels.

After all, family disgrace should not be made public.

"Jiang Ci!!!"

Zhou Jiuya stared at the familiar cockpit.

"Are you in there??!"

Of course.

But at this moment, Jiang Ci, who didn't answer in time, didn't know how to explain to her uncle...

Explain about Zhi Meihua and He Zhun, and explain his relationship with Huo Xianfeng.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the reason why the relationship between Jiang Ci and Huo Xianfeng has become so difficult to sort out now, and the reason why the other party was able to drive the wreckage of the Forbidden Abyss to take away the core and appear here, is mostly due to his own reasons.

But it was these few seconds of hesitation and silence that caused Zhou Jiuya to misunderstand.

—He believed that Jiang Ci was subjected to some kind of intimidation and coercion, so she did not respond in time.

After all, everyone knows how intimate a mecha is to the pilot, not to mention that Xiao X means a lot to Jiang Ci. For example, if Bai Ze and Xiao X are put together and one must be chosen for loan, Jiang Ci will definitely only choose Bai Ze.

Zhou Jiuya knew Jiang Ci too well. He knew the latter's disgust towards alphas and her extremely sensitive and arrogant self-esteem.

How could such a person be marked by an alpha? ! And pregnant? ! !

Must have been forced!!!

Definitely forced!!!

In his rage, Zhou Jiuya had been completely blinded by family affection.

In fact, the legion commander had no spare energy to think at this moment. He had seen Jiang Ci who was injected with an overdose of inhibitors and was directly sent to the intensive care unit more than a month ago. How could the latter be... conceived and even pregnant by an alpha in such a short time? ! !

In this world, the concentration and quality level of pheromones basically represent the strength of this alpha.

Apart from the deceased Huo Chao, there is currently no one else who can make the S-level alpha Zhou Jiuya feel strongly threatened!

So this proves that even if Jiang Ci is a unique and powerful omega, if he meets another more powerful alpha, it is possible that he will be forcibly marked.

Even very big!

"Huo Xianfeng!"

Zhou Jiuya's voice was already deep, and this loud shout from close range made Huo Xianfeng's eardrums buzz.

"What on earth did you do to Jiang Ci?!"

What happened to Jiang Ci

The person concerned finally couldn't listen any longer, and the silver-haired major general finally replied with a dark face and anger -

"Nothing, don't ask!!!"

But the next second, the omega's voice was instantly drowned out by Zhou Jiuya's even more angry and anxious voice.

"Nothing, nothing, then how come you have his pheromones on you?!!! And it's so damn strong!!!"

The omega himself cannot perceive it, but for other alphas, injecting a large amount of pheromones into the omega is a blatant declaration of sovereignty.

Jiang Ci: “…”

Damn it!

Hadn't he tried hard to control the pheromones in his body? He even sprayed a lot of pheromone masking agent.

Even if a little bit of it escapes, it cannot be captured through the two cockpits, unless...

The silver-haired major general was startled.

—Unless the pheromones injected by the alpha are extremely strong, even to the point where they are out of control.

"Hey! Huo Xianfeng!!!"

Jiang Ci came closer and asked angrily in a low voice,

"You mentioned an overdose before... How much was injected?!"

"… "

The suspect Huo Xianfeng fell silent.

After all, that was one of the few moments when he lost his mind.

The boy's eyes flickered slightly, and his gaze stayed on the back of Omgea's neck on the passenger seat for a second. Even now, he could still clearly see the deep red teeth marks on that overly tender skin hidden by her beautiful silver hair.

"That's just... um..."

Well, he couldn't estimate it, but it must be a lot.

Similarly, Ye Shu, who was sitting in General Wan's cockpit at the same time, also smelled Jiang Ci's pheromones.

In fact, the smell of omega pheromones is very light, but the alpha pheromones mixed in it are too fierce. It advertises its presence very domineeringly and arrogantly.

Even at this time, it still emitted extremely sharp and fierce rejection and attacks on all other alphas that attempted to absorb the omega pheromones.

In this case, either Jiang Ci was injected with an excessive amount of pheromones by the alpha, or they had already completed the knot.


There is a unique smell of omega during pregnancy in it, of course it is the latter! ! ! ! !

Ye Shu checked the alley that Jiang Ci ran into that night and found that all the dead were alphas. He also found Lao She and thought that Jiang Ci was taken away by the spies planted by the Jiang family on Tiandong Star.

Who would have thought…

"Zhou Jiuya!!!"

Of the five of them back then, aside from the irreplaceable Huo Chao, the one Ye Shu liked the most was Jiang Jinsheng. Moreover, his mechanical prosthetic arm was specially made for him by the latter.

But now, Jiang Jinsheng’s only flesh and blood has been kidnapped, marked, and even pregnant! ! ! !

Ye Shu felt as if his eyes were dark. If his body was not in an extremely weak state, he would have wanted to beat Zhou Jiuya to death with a random punch, and then cut the alpha named Huo Xianfeng opposite him into pieces.

"—is this how you raise a child?!!"

Although Jiang Ci had already reached adulthood and entered adolescence, in this interstellar era, with the long average age of humans being five hundred years, he was indeed still a child in front of Zhou Jiuya and Ye Shu.

"I… !"

The legion commander was extremely angry, but speechless.

When he took Jiang Ci back home, he of course did everything himself. He raised the child carefully and conscientiously for eight years, from a little kid under five years old to thirteen years old. Although he had to send the child back to the Jiang family for some reason later, it did not mean that he really gave up!

It’s just that Jiang Ci has entered her rebellious period and is not easy to control.

But there is always a loophole in a perfect plan. When the child grows up and becomes disobedient, he runs away and is taken away by an alpha with ulterior motives. What can the parents do

Seeing that the cockpit of Jinyuan suddenly fell into silence, the angry legion commander asked angrily again,

"Huo Xianfeng! Did you mark him!!!"

"Well… "

After a moment, the person being questioned hesitated and spoke.

"So... it's marked... right?"

Huo Xianfeng hesitated for several moments in answering these few words. After all, the more accurate answer in his mind should be -

That night, Jiang Ci held a gun to his head and forced him to mark her. He mistakenly thought that the other party was a pregnant woman who wanted her child, so he had to resort to this desperate measure. But this sounds too far-fetched.

This is even more infuriating from the perspective of someone who is not involved. Just mark it, the pheromone evidence is already solid, but you are still hesitating and indecisive!

Zhou Jiuya had a gloomy face and his back teeth were almost clattering from grinding, as if he was trying very hard to suppress and restrain something.

—But he still planned to clarify the situation first.

"So... the baby in my belly is also yours?!"

This damn pregnancy joke, it seems like I can’t get over it no matter how hard I try!!!

Huo Xianfeng was shocked to suddenly become a father.

"… ha?!!!"

He waved his hands reflexively and immediately refuted,

"No, no, no, what are you talking about, how could it be mine?!"

It's not yours

After these words were spoken, Zhou Jiuya and Ye Shu were both stunned, but this expression only lasted for a moment, and the next second they immediately became gloomy as water.

He just admitted Jiang Ci, and now he says the child is not his... Even the top scumbag in the world can't say such a wicked thing!!!

At this time, Jiang Ci finally realized that the development of the situation was like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins and could not be recovered. He hurriedly explained:

"I didn't..."


The loud bang directly drowned out Jiang Ci's voice. Except for Huo Xianfeng in the cockpit, the other two didn't even hear him speak.

Wan Jiang swung his giant sword.

"You still don't admit it?!!!"

Seeing that the opponent was actually attacking him seriously, Huo Xianfeng had to retreat immediately, but he was still hit by the residual power of the sword, leaving a long charred mark on his chest.


The young man rubbed his chest casually, frowned, said "tsk", and then quickly distanced himself.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that it was not easy to use the A-level core to drive the 3S-level Forbidden Abyss to persist through the high-intensity battle just now.

If we were to have a decisive battle with Wan, who has double S status, it would be impossible.

No matter how great his mental power was, it was difficult to make up for the huge gap in hardware. Just like when he was driving a B-class mecha, even though his mental power and combat level were not inferior to Jiang Ci, and were even much higher, he still had no power to resist and was directly smashed to pieces by Bai Ze's gun.

The difference in the level of the mecha, every level, may not sound very good, but in fact, it is a huge gap like an insurmountable chasm!

This is also the reason why both sides of the Imperial Cult are determined to fight for the core of the Forbidden Abyss.

Huo Xianfeng: "... Tsk,"

If I had known this, I wouldn’t have returned the sword so quickly.

Jin Yuan also has a weapon, which is said to be a halberd, but no one knows where it is now, so he took Zhou Jiuya's weapon in a hurry.

Because the energy of Jinyuan was too little, if it was converted into some kind of firepower shells, it would only take a few rounds, so Huo Xianfeng chose hand-to-hand combat.


The two sides have entered a fierce battle, and every confrontation brings a fierce hurricane. But in fact, the boy did not intend to fight with Zhou Jiuya. After all, they were not mortal enemies. In addition, the temporary core made him very uncomfortable...

Then everyone immediately discovered—

Jin Yuan only passively chose to defend and dodge, but his movements were visibly much slower than before.

After all, Xiao X was just a temporary substitute. After all, it was just an A-level core, but it had to be overloaded to drive a 3S mecha...

If little X's vocal system was not broken, it would have cried and yelled -

This is simply too much to ask, too much to ask!!!

At this moment, the furious generals became more and more aggressive in their moves. The lightning caused by the swords screamed fiercely and instantly struck Jin Yuan's forehead!

At this moment, Huo Xianfeng was planning to fight back, but when all the commands were issued with the huge mental power, Xiao X's operation completely reached its limit.

At this critical moment, Jin Yuan's movements suddenly froze for a second.


At the critical moment, a bright silver light suddenly shot out from General Wan's chest.


With a startling crisp sound, the silver spear shot out from the air.

A huge silver giant suddenly appeared between the two, like a dagger thrusting out, piercing the battle from top to bottom.

“Give them all to me!!!”

Jiang Ci couldn't stand it any longer. This pregnancy joke had never stopped since he entered Tiandong Star!!!


The sharp silver light collided with the sharp sword. At the same time, Bai Ze fell to the ground with a bang, holding the spear and turning it fiercely.

The sharp gun tip slid down along the blade, pulling out countless crackling black and gold flames, and with the sharp sound of the weapons' blades colliding and scraping against each other, it was swung outward fiercely.

His strength and power were not as great as those of General Wan, but he had grasped the angle and strength very skillfully, which made him seem like he was able to achieve a great result with just a little effort.


The legion commander was caught off guard by the blow from his own little cabbage and flew backwards.

Zhou Jiuya: “…???”


No matter how shocked he was, his years of combat experience made him react instinctively.

The general flipped over in the air very skillfully and neatly, and then his huge sword slammed into the ground, leaving a huge gully of dozens of meters on the ground before he finally stopped.

At the same time, Huo Xianfeng looked at the familiar silver figure in front of him, and the memories of his time on Earth suddenly flooded into his mind.

After being stunned for a while, the young man opened his eyes slightly and let out a complicated sigh.

"… Wow."

In fact, Jin Yuan's stature is much bigger than Wan Jiang. Standing next to Bai Ze, they are probably like a 1.9-meter-tall giant man and his 1.6-meter-tall petite wife.

But at this time, the giant man hid behind his little wife without any discomfort, and even showed some false concern when he looked at the general.

"Hey, are you okay, Commander?"

But in fact, the real meaning of this sentence is -

Look, I have someone to back me up! I can’t beat you to death!

"… "

It’s true that he couldn’t be beaten to death, but Zhou Jiuya was so angry that he almost died!!!

Originally, he brought Bai Ze along just in case something happened to Jiang Ci... He didn't expect that Jiang Ci would actually get into such a big trouble, and Bai Ze, whom he brought along, stabbed himself.

If Zhou Jiuya's health was worse, he might be so angry that he vomited blood.

General Wan raised his heavy sword, pointed it at Bai Ze, and shouted angrily:

"Jiang Ci!!!"

Zhou Jiuya's voice was shaking with anger.

"Do you know what the hell you are doing right now?!"

It's not like Jiang Ci had never fought with him before, but that was always in the training ground. Although when the uncle and nephew fought, they almost beat each other to death, and they didn't look like a close family at all, but more like mortal enemies who wanted to kill each other.

However, in Zhou Jiuya's eyes, he did not think so. After all, they were all soldiers, and it was normal for them to fight and kill on the training ground. It was all the care and guidance from their elders.

But now it's different—

"You're actually going to fight with your boss! And your elders just for such a wild man?!!!"

Huo·Wild Man·Xianfeng: "...?"


(End of this chapter)