Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 45: Kiss!!!!


Marriage Report

Honeymoon vacation.

All in all, this misunderstanding is extremely outrageous.

Jiang Ci took a step forward and blocked Huo Xianfeng behind him tightly.

"Well, thank you for coming all the way here so late at night."


Doctor Wen came here on the orders of His Majesty the Emperor. He heard that Jiang Ci had some health problems. He originally thought that it was a side effect of the excessive injection of inhibitors, but he did not expect that the situation was completely different from what he imagined.

Jiang Ci was marked, and the alpha even declared his sovereignty in front of the entire legion, but Jiang Ci acquiesced to this and was even willing to enter a second level of authority in his room.

All signs indicate that these two people should love each other. Doctor Wen's eyes were gentle.

"Aci, you've grown up too."

He called Ah Ci instead of Major General Jiang Ci, which meant that he was not a doctor sent by the emperor at this moment, but Uncle Wen. When he said this, the doctor's eyes showed a little regret and nostalgia.

"If your father were still alive, he would be happy to know this."

"… "

When Jiang Jinsheng passed away, Jiang Ci was only four and a half years old, so he didn't have much impression of the man called father.

The only vague memory I have is that he was wearing a lab coat and said with a wry smile,

[Aci, don't mess with daddy's things.]

So later, the other party made a parenting system called Xiao X to accompany him, and then disappeared again.

"… "

A blurry and fragmented picture flashed through his mind. Jiang Ci was silent for a moment and whispered,

"Uncle Wen, if there is nothing else, you should go to bed early."


Two minutes later, the silver-haired major general closed the door.

He stood at the door for a moment, then turned around. He didn't expect to see Huo Xianfeng, who was spreading the quilt on the floor. He looked very serious, and his movements were smooth and natural.

"I activated the self-cleaning function in the bathroom, it should be fine now."

Huo Xianfeng shook the quilt, then turned to look at Jiang Ci,

"Are you going to take a shower?"

The young man asked this question so suddenly and so calmly that the major general answered subconsciously,

"I... came here after I took a shower."

Ah, that's a terrible line of dialogue.

Jiang Ci regretted the moment he said it, but if he took it back or explained it now, it would make him look even more guilty, so he kept a cold face, as if he had not said anything just now.

Huo Xianfeng's gaze lingered on the omega's face for a second, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Did you come here after washing

The young man lowered his eyes lazily, his sight swept from that overly pretty face to the delicate and cold buttons of the military uniform on the other's chest, lingered for a moment at the tight waist, and then raised his eyes to meet Jiang Ci's gaze directly.

The air in the room was silent and hot.

The silver-haired major general's neck suddenly tightened at this moment. Even without the influence of pheromones, he felt the blood in his body begin to heat up.

But the next second, Huo Xianfeng naturally turned his head and retracted his gaze, slowly raised the corners of his lips, and responded with one word.


"… "

It was difficult for Jiang Ci to describe the look in the boy's eyes just now. It seemed very explicit, yet it seemed like nothing. But at that moment, he had the illusion that the look had solidified into substance, and then touched his body intimately.

The silver-haired major general's Adam's apple moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but at this moment, Huo Xianfeng suddenly asked,

"Is your shoulder wound healed?"

"… Um."

Doctor Wen brought the best medical equipment, and Jiang Ci lay in the empire's top repair chamber for three days. The bloody hole on his shoulder, which originally looked terrible, has almost healed. But the new skin still looks a little pink.

After getting this answer, Huo Xianfeng didn't say anything else. He threw off the quilt, lay down directly, closed his eyes very comfortably, and said as a matter of course,

"Then please turn off the light, I want to sleep."

Jiang Ci: “…”

He looked at Huo Xianfeng who was sleeping motionless on the ground. The young man had his shoulders and arms stretched out, his body straight, and his hands folded on his abdomen. He looked like a very peaceful and healthy sleeping posture.

The major general clenched his fists again and again, feeling a sense of rage in his heart that he couldn't vent. But after thinking about it, he felt helpless. It was the first time he had no way to deal with someone, and even every second he spent with the other person was filled with anger and frustration.

How could there be such an infuriating creature like Huo Xianfeng in the world

The silver-haired omega froze in place for a few seconds, but finally turned off the lights. He took his pajamas to the bathroom to change, then came out quickly, got on the bed, and pulled up the quilt.


The room finally fell into silence.

Huo Xianfeng had always been very good at keeping his pheromones in check. If it wasn't close to his body, it wouldn't be smelled at all. Even though he had lived in this room for three days, he hadn't left too many pheromones and smells behind due to his intentional restraint.

Even when Jiang Ci went to the bathroom to change clothes just now, it was clean and there was no smell left.

If this is a very gentlemanly, considerate, and extra polite behavior for an ordinary omega, but for an omega who needs pheromones to appease him, it is deliberately torturing him!

It was definitely intentional.

Jiang Ci now knew this guy's bad character to the core. As expected, he suffered from insomnia and began to toss and turn in bed again.

After the mutated progesterone was excreted from the body, his pheromone secretion system was in a disordered state. However, this would not cause any harm to the body. It was just that during this period of time, he would crave the comfort and protection of the alpha more than when he was temporarily marked.

For a pair of AO lovers in love, it can be considered a different kind of fun. That's why Dr. Wen used the honeymoon vacation as a joke.

Jiang Ci gritted his teeth, clearly feeling the strange sour and soft feeling spreading from his abdomen, like a pool of sweet and sour fruit syrup gradually eroding his body...

If this continues, things will turn out to be a replica of the night he was taken back by Huo Xianfeng.

However, the silver-haired major general would not allow such a unilateral suppression and teasing to happen again, so he sat up with a "whoosh".

"Hey, Huo Xianfeng,"

In the darkness, the omega's voice was slightly hoarse, with a barely perceptible gasp.

"Where is the concentrated nutrient solution packet you gave me that day?"

Jiang Ci remembered that the last time he had to seek comfort from Huo Xianfeng, the other party gave him that thing to eat, which contained alpha blood and a small amount of sedative, and it almost immediately brought him back to normal.

"… "

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Jiang Ci directly pushed the alpha sleeping on the floor with his foot.

"Hey, stop pretending to sleep..."


A hand suddenly and accurately grabbed his ankle, and the alpha's warm palm made him feel a startling heat for a moment.

It was just this second of distraction that caused the silver-haired major general to be dragged off the bed.

But Jiang Ci at this time is no longer the omega who was too weak to resist at all. The mutated progesterone has been excreted, and the sequelae of excessive inhibitors have been alleviated. In addition, the injury on his shoulder has almost healed.

So, when he was dragged to the floor, Jiang Ci was very calm. He decisively supported himself with one hand to steady his body, and at the same time, he used his other leg to push his knee.

Huo Xianfeng was about to block it, but at this moment, he heard a cold shout -



The silver ring on the boy's wrist bone suddenly lit up with a dazzling snowy light, and a strong magnetic force instantly came, and with a "bang", Huo Xianfeng's hand was locked tightly on the metal ground.

At the same time, the silver-haired major general's bent knee was like a hammer, rushing forward and hitting the abdomen heavily.


There was a clear muffled sound of bodies colliding.

"Well… "

The force was so great that Huo Xianfeng couldn't help but let out a muffled groan even through the not-so-thin quilt.

This raid scene is very beautiful. If it was filmed with the lights on, it would probably be considered one of the most exciting shots in an action movie that would be applauded by countless people.


Huo Xianfeng took a deep breath. With such a heavy blow, it seemed that his body was really healed. The medical skills of the imperial royal physician and the repair cabin costing billions were indeed well-deserved.

One of his hands was locked tightly on the ground above his head, but Huo Xianfeng was not panicked at all. He pulled the quilt over and successfully blocked the fist wind that was coming towards him the next second.


The moment the soft quilt was torn, Huo Xianfeng's hand stretched out like lightning, grabbed the back of the omega's head, and pulled him towards himself.

The distance between them suddenly shrank, until their breaths were almost intertwined.

The omega's beautiful silver hair was scattered, winding and falling on the boy's neck and chest, giving off a certain kind of ambiguous feeling that made his blood boil.

"you… !"


Huo Xianfeng blinked his eyes.

“That thing is gone.”

"… "

At this moment, the silver-haired major general was holding Huo Xianfeng under him. The latter did not resist and lay lazily and relaxed on the mattress on the ground. The triangle in the middle of his collar was revealed a little bit because of the pulling of the previous action.

The huge floor-to-ceiling windows let in the glow of the stars, casting a light silver edge on the boy's outline. His usually flamboyant black hair became soft and docile at this moment, spreading softly on the snow-white and soft pillow.

His right arm was handcuffed to the ground with a small X-cuff. Because of this movement, the muscles on the right side of his shoulder and chest tightened, and the outline of his pectoral muscles could be clearly seen.

"turn out to be… "

Huo Xianfeng half closed his narrow eyes, staring at him without any concealment.

"Major General Jiang Ci likes this kind of tune?"

"… "

Jiang Ci discovered for the first time that an alpha could be so attractive. Perhaps it was because of the change in the dominant side, this time he was not provoked by Huo Xianfeng's words, but just said coldly,

“… I paid for it.”


The boy chuckled and followed his words.

"Yes, I still owe the balance."

Jiang Ci: “…”

In the dim light, the omega's eyes slowly turned a faint crimson, but his voice was still cold and hard.

"Listen carefully Huo Xianfeng, I just bought you to act as a suppressant."

Huo Xianfeng stretched out his hand, and his fingertips gently traced the outline of the omega's heart on his chest.

"Major General, please check your conscience,"

He smiled a predator's conceited and mischievous smile.

"The inhibitors aren't as comfortable as I am, are they?"

"… "

This is an extremely shameful and irrefutable fact.

When saying this, Huo Xianfeng's eyes never left Jiang Ci's face. He really enjoyed seeing the shame, anger, and helplessness on her pretty face.

What's more, this guy still has no idea how fragrant he is right now. Huo Xianfeng already knows that the scent that attracted him to Jiang Ci is the rose flower, but even though a lot of it has been expelled, in his perception system, it is still rich and sweet, like a ball of melting rose-flavored ice cream.

It always makes people want to lick it.

Jiang Ci's brain seemed to freeze and she felt dizzy. It took her a lot of effort to think of a reply that was not inferior to her.

"Of course... it has to be better than the inhibitor, otherwise..."

He spoke with a slightly hoarse voice,

"Huo Xianfeng, why should I spend so much money on... you?"

The silver-haired omega wanted to control his rapid breathing in front of the other person. He subconsciously pursed his lips, but left a deep mark on his plump lips.

Huo Xianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

It makes people want to kiss very... very much.

At this moment, an extremely dazzling light suddenly burst out outside the window, and the entire sky turned into a sea of fire. The next second, a violent explosion was heard from a distance.


Even the residual energy impacted the huge warship, causing it to shake violently. A piercing and sharp alarm sounded immediately.

Jiang Ci's body stiffened. As a soldier, his alertness and sense of responsibility made him immediately stand up and go to check, but the next second, the boy's hand pressed his neck tightly and turned over to press him down.


Little X, who was originally handcuffed to the ground, let out an anxious scream.


The boy's five fingers tightened in an incredible way, and then broke free from the restraints with a "swish".

The world was spinning, and the two of them switched positions. Jiang Ci was hit hard and fell directly into a soft pillow.

"Well… "

As if something absolutely unexpected had happened, the omega's eyes widened in shock.

—It was a kiss.

The stimulation was so intense that it was beyond imagination. The rich alpha pheromones invaded from the lips and tongue and immediately spread wildly, like a flood released from a floodgate, rushing straight into the brain and destroying all the dams of rationality in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Ci's strength seemed to be drained away, his hands and feet were limp as if they were soaked in anesthetic, and in shock and some unspeakable feeling, in just ten seconds, he barely sent out any sign of resistance or opposition. He could only be held down by the other party and kissed intimately.

He even gave a tiny, faint response unconsciously.

Yinhuan, who was about to rescue his little master, said: "..."

Ah, baby Aci has reached this age too.

Little X turned around on the spot, then rotated and extended a miniature lens to take silent photos.

This is the program that the manufacturer Jiang Jinsheng set up for Xiao X. As an excellent parenting system, it needs to take photos at various growth stages of Jiangci, carefully recording every moment of the little master's growth.

But the next second, Huo Xianfeng pulled the quilt up.

"… "

All the sounds of the world became dull.

At this moment, the roar of explosions in the distance became more and more intense, the alarms in the corridor were urgent and sharp, and hurried and panicked footsteps seemed to be heard from all directions. Someone was shouting -

"Where did the explosion come from?!"

"What? Which district has a reactionary riot?"

"Quick!!! Order the third mecha unit to provide reinforcements immediately."

"… "

A riot broke out in a certain district of Tiandong Star. At this moment, all the soldiers and officers were busy busying about it, either collecting intelligence immediately to inquire about the battle situation, or sending emergency reinforcements and deploying security.

Jiang Ci could hear everything that was happening outside, and vaguely realized that the situation was critical. But at this moment, all the sensory nerves in his body seemed to be focused on this sudden kiss.

An electric shock-like stimulation rushed up from deep in his bone marrow and flowed through his body along with his blood in just a short moment. All his nerve endings could not help but tremble and curl up, as if his internal organs were shaking from the burn.

Jiang Ci had never felt this way before. In the past, when he was in orgasm, all kinds of reactions and desires only made him feel disgusted and painful, but at this moment, he felt a kind of pleasure and excitement that he had never felt before. Both psychologically and physically.

Although she felt ashamed, Jiang Ci couldn't control her reaction. She even despairedly discovered that she had developed a strong and uncontrollable obsession and desire for this alpha named Huo Xianfeng.


Huo Xianfeng felt a sharp pain for a moment as the other party bit his lip.

A faint fishy-sweet smell began to spread.

The boy thought this was a rejection, so he paused and was about to step away.

But the next second, he felt his scalp at the back of his head tighten and his hair was grasped tightly by a hand.

—No withdrawal allowed.

The omega's crimson pupils were visibly filled with a moist mist, her thick eyelashes were already wet, and her flushed pretty face was filled with shame, anger, and an addiction that was difficult to conceal.

"You know... Huo Xianfeng... you are... a..."

“… what is it?”

Huo Xianfeng stared at him, with some dangerous ripples in his dark pupils. At this moment, the beautiful omega's lips, which had just been kissed, were full of red and moist, with a little blood stain on the corners of his lips, like a rose petal wet by dew. Even when he cursed, his voice was trembling and difficult.

"Just a shameless... bastard!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Ci grabbed his hair and pressed it down again. But at this moment, compared with the tentative and intimate kiss just now, this time the dominant party changed, and it instantly became strong and brutal.

Jiang Ci always stubbornly wanted to compete with Alpha, and even in his short life of nearly twenty-seven years, he had been working hard to prove that even though he was an omega, he could be stronger than Alpha.

This habit has almost penetrated into his bones.

The snow-white bedding was in a mess, and seemed to be bulging due to the intense movement inside.


Someone is knocking on the door outside

"Major General! Major General Jiang Ci!!! There was a riot in Shiwen District, and the dungeon lord Ye Shu just disappeared..."


The bulge was stiff.

The next second—

Jiang Ci suddenly pulled back the quilt, without even looking, and grabbed the little X that was still spinning in the air and put it around Huo Xianfeng's wrist.

"If you let him break free again this time, I'll tear you apart!"

Little X:…嘤.

The next second, the silver ring suddenly tightened, almost sticking to Huo Xianfeng's wrist bone. The latter was not annoyed at all. He licked the wound at the corner of his lips, slowly looked at the silver ring on his wrist, and actually thought it looked pretty.

On the other side, Jiang Ci quickly tidied up her appearance in just two minutes, and by the time the door opened, she had returned to her usual cold and calm expression.

The strong smell of alpha pheromones hit her in the face, and the sharp and fierce feeling made the soldiers knocking on the door outside tremble. They didn't dare to look up at Jiang Ci at all, and thus missed the major general's moist and plump lips and slightly wet eyelashes.

His voice sounded a little hoarse, but the seriousness of the emotion was conveyed accurately.

"what happened?!"

"No... I don't know. The commander has already gone there. Let... let you also take that person..."

At this point, the soldier who was sending the message fell silent and stood there in a daze. Several people standing behind him also showed extremely shocked and indescribable complex expressions on their faces.

Jiang Ci suddenly had a bad feeling, he turned around -

The mattress on the floor was a mess, even with some signs of being torn. An alpha boy in pajamas was lying lazily inside it, his clothes were disheveled, his black hair was messy, his right hand was locked and handcuffed to the floor, and there was blood on the corner of his lips.

Compared with Major General Jiang Ci who was dressed in a neat military uniform,

No matter how you look at that young man... he looks like he has just been raped.


I don't know who gasped first.

At this moment Jiang Ci felt the veins on his forehead throbbing!

At this time, Huo Xianfeng, who was being watched, did not feel awkward or embarrassed at all. He yawned lazily and greeted them in a very familiar manner.

"Hey, it's so late, aren't you asleep yet?"

"… "

After a dead silence, I don't know which brave soldier wanted to ease the atmosphere and said something vaguely,

"No, sorry, Major-General, I'm sorry to disturb your sleep, but the situation is really urgent..."

Jiang Ci: “…”

Okay, shut up.

(End of this chapter)