Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 49: I just had time to grab his hand


Huo Xianfeng's entire move was really too sudden and unexpected.

Or in other words, a normal person would never do such a thing. Jiang Ci even thought about the extremely low possibility of kissing, but she didn't expect the other party to do such a outrageous thing.

Small scratches don't hurt. In fact, if Jiang Ci hadn't noticed that Huo Xianfeng was staring at her, she wouldn't have even noticed that she had a cut on her face.

However, when this tiny wound is suddenly touched by something hot or wet, the sensory nerves in this area will become extra sensitive.

"stop… "

The rich alpha pheromone seeped in from the wound, and almost instantly, half of the omega's body went limp.

"Huo... Xianfeng..."

The wonderful tingling and numb feeling went straight into his brain like an electric current. For Jiang Ci, who had already been temporarily marked, the Alpha pheromone was like an addictive poison, making him almost forget what he was doing.

Jiang Ci swallowed several times subconsciously. After the initial few seconds of fierce struggle, it was now difficult for her to even call the other person's name.

At this moment, the boy suddenly paused. He finally pulled himself out of this overly intimate behavior and turned around.

If Jiang Ci could see the expression on Huo Xianfeng's face at this moment, she would find that the dazed look on his face had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a sharp look like a knife.

But at this moment, the omega was so stimulated by the alpha pheromones that he had no time to pay attention to anything else. He was clutching the boy's shirt on his chest, controlling his weak legs, and trying to calm himself down quickly.

The moment Huo Xianfeng turned around, a bright cannon light was reflected in the eyes of both of them.

"not good!!!"

Jiang Ci immediately planned to deploy Bai Ze to resist, but before he could give the order, the young man hugged him around the waist.


The next second, the laser cannon arrived, and the explosion directly cracked the wall, shattering it in the blink of an eye. Inside the entire carrier, the shrill level 2 alarm instantly soared to level 1, the red light of the alarm on the ceiling circled, and the sound of messy footsteps came from all directions.

"The explosion came from the mecha repair room!!!"

"Retrieve surveillance footage and conduct an investigation immediately!!!"

"Confirm that all security forces are in place..."

"… "

At the same time, Huo Xianfeng stood on Jin Yuan's shoulders and put Jiang Ci down. Below, the area where they were originally standing was already charred black. For a moment, the entire space was shaking violently, the glass elevator was broken into pieces, and the ceiling above was shattered.

Jiang Ci narrowed his eyes and immediately found the target of the sneak attack among the countless ruins that fell like a rainstorm.


The white mecha flipped out from the broken wreckage of the giant pillar. Probably due to the space reasons, it only unfolded a half-completed form, about twenty to thirty meters high.

"How hypocritical Huo Chao!!!"

Leinsert's voice was hysterical—

"You are obviously the biggest beneficiary!!! You have been the most favored person by His Holiness the Pope from the very beginning!!! The best resources and property of the Illusionary God Cult have been given to you..."

Huo Chao? ! !

Jiang Ci suddenly turned her head to look at the young man next to her, only to see that his face was slightly pale, his brows were furrowed, and he did not look in a very good condition.

Could Huo Xianfeng be Huo Chao? !

This doubt flashed through his mind like lightning, and Jiang Ci couldn't find the answer, so he asked,

"Are you?"

Just three short words, without any clear specific reference, but Huo Xianfeng understood what he was asking. Everyone who saw him thought he looked like Huo Chao. Even Leinster in front of him had completely confirmed that he was the great savior and... the traitor of the Phantom God Cult.

Even Huo Xianfeng saw incomplete fragments of memory about Huo Chao in his mind.

But is he really

Huo Xianfeng covered his face with his hands. He felt a headache that was so severe that he couldn't think about the matter seriously.

"… I have no idea."

Jiang Ci was carefully observing Huo Xianfeng's expression. At this moment, the latter's face was pale, his brows were furrowed, and there was a slight look of pain on his face.

It is not the mental pain caused by thinking about the past, but the uncontrollable physical pain that is happening in the body.

Jiang Ci frowned: "Huo Xianfeng, you..."

At this moment, he suddenly turned around and noticed something, then suddenly looked down.

“Go to hell!!!”

Leinster raised the muzzle of the gun, and the surrounding area was red hot, looking like a red-hot melting iron, but in just a few seconds, the next wave of energy gathered.

—It’s too late to transform into the mecha at this time!

Jiang Ci grasped the spear, turned it backhand, and an extremely gorgeous fan-shaped light flashed across the spear body, and then he threw it down fiercely.


The sharp light from the gun tip was unstoppable, like a falling meteorite, piercing into the muzzle and blocking the light cannon that was about to be fired. The mecha suddenly shook, and the barrel exploded, knocking the mecha to its knees.


Leinsert's roar almost surpassed the sound of the explosion.

"Jiang Ci!!!"

The next second, the silver gun in the barrel burst out with a dazzling snowy light.

Jiang Ci looked at Huo Xianfeng deeply, then turned towards the center of the light and jumped down.


The silver mecha giant was assembled in the blink of an eye, and with a loud bang, it smashed Leinster to the ground.

“Holy Power!!!”

Even though this move came unexpectedly and was impossible to defend against, Leinster still controlled the mecha Saint Power and pulled out a round shield to block it at the critical moment.

The huge silver giant was looking down from above, with the blade of his gun stuck in the gap between the round shield and the cockpit, unable to move any closer.

At the same time, Bai Ze raised his right arm high, and in an instant it transformed into a cold and fierce cannon barrel, pointing directly at Sheng Wei's head!

If this shot hit, Shengwei would probably have half of his head blown off.

After all, Rhinester is the archbishop of the Phantom God Cult. He is more than three hundred years older than Jiang Ci and is a strong man of the same era as Zhou Jiuya and Huo Chao. If compared based on true strength, Rhinester is stronger than Cruzi, and naturally much stronger than Jiang Ci.

Time and experience are gaps that Jiang Ci cannot cross in a short period of time no matter how talented he is.

"Too naive, kid—"

At this moment, Leinster suddenly raised his knife and slashed straight towards Bai Ze's raised arm from bottom to top like lightning!


Although the fierce sharp edge was not enough to cut off the arm of the double-S mecha Bai Ze, it actually shattered half of the outer shell barrier, revealing the metal bones and neural network inside.

Likewise, the direction and trajectory of the gun barrel were changed at this moment, and the huge energy cannon brushed past Shengwei's face and shot into the wall. The close-range explosion directly blew both mechas away.

The sweeping gusts of air were so overwhelming that they almost instantly evaporated the blood of the corpse in the gravitational magnetic field.

At this moment, both sides revealed their flaws at the same time. Bai Ze was faster, but Leinsert's experience in attack was obviously more sophisticated.

After all, Jiang Ci was taught by Zhou Jiuya personally, and had some fixed attack habits, which made it easy for Leinsster to predict.


The sharp knife blocked the silver spear that was thrusting at him, dissipating most of the fierce force, and then with a sharp "clang" sound, it directly pushed it away and pierced the most fatal core position.

“Damn it!”

Jiang Ci immediately pulled away, and the protective shield on Bai Ze's chest was instantly formed.

At this moment, a black shadow, like thunder falling from the sky, plunged straight into the middle of the two giant mechas—

There was even a sharp sonic boom due to the excessive speed.

This was probably a scene that was so exaggerated that it was almost hilarious. The huge difference in size between the two sides was like a butterfly flying into the middle of two fighting beasts.

But at this moment, Leinster's pupils suddenly dilated, and he crossed his arms instantly, taking a completely defensive stance.


Jiang Ci saw with his own eyes how the outer shell of the S-class mecha caved in and shattered in an instant, and the next second it instantly turned into a beam of white light and smashed into the ground, ignoring any obstacles along the way and actually poking a huge hole in the carrier ship.

The carrier's belly barrier, made of the hardest alloy material, was like a thin layer of white paper and was pierced through by Huo Xianfeng's punch.

At this moment, the individual body strength of the advanced Zerg is enough to rival that of a mecha, and it is no longer just empty talk in history books.

But it is really happening right in front of us.

Leinster's expression fell into a blank state of shock.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the nickname that the Pope had given to Huo Chao.

son of God…

Yes, how could humans possess such terrifying power


A large hole suddenly appeared in the belly of the huge carrier, and a white mecha shot out like a bullet, shooting straight into the ground from a height of thousands of meters, creating a huge dent with a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

The pressure from the royal family came down like a tide, and the entire Tiandong Star seemed to begin to tremble. The terrifying sense of oppression made countless Zerg hiding underground tremble with enthusiasm and excitement, like boiling water in an iron pot.



This is the real pressure and aura of the king.

They emerged from the ground and rushed towards Wang's enemies like a tide. Their sharp mouthparts quickly gnawed off the outer shell of the Holy Power mecha, and in just a few minutes they had eaten the metal skeleton inside.

At this moment, the young man staggered, the scene in front of his eyes kept spinning, and he suddenly knelt on one knee.

"Huo Xianfeng!"

Jiang Ci jumped out of the cockpit and immediately ran towards him.


At the same time, such a loud noise alarmed the First Legion and even Ye Shu.

At this moment, the riot in Shiwen District, which was used as a cover to cover Ye Shu's escape, was no longer important, because the city lord had already escaped successfully.

Ye Shu stood in the cockpit of a flying fighter plane, staring indifferently at the eerie and horrifying scene below.

At this moment, there was no surprise in his eyes, as if he had expected it.

In fact, the once endlessly rich mineral resources underground on Tiandong Star were not mined out, but were eaten up by countless larvae.

—Ye Shu knew about this.

Because this is why Jin Yuan asked him to hide it on Tiandong Star. At the beginning, Ye Shu snatched Jin Yuan and found that there were countless insect eggs on the wreckage of the latter. His first reaction was to destroy it, but Jin Yuan said that this was Huo Chao's order.

What Ye Shu actually hid was not the forbidden abyss, but countless insect eggs.

It is the last bloodline of the Zerg.

As for why it is Tiandong Star, it is because among all the planets in the universe that humans have explored so far, only Tiandong Star is the farthest from Hengyun Star, the capital of the empire, and also the farthest from Huanxing Star where the church lives.

The three form a subtle triangle.

At the same time, underground of Tiandong Star contains extremely rich mineral resources.

—A good place to build a hive.

The Zerg are the culprit for the destruction of the earth and the direct cause of Huo Chao's death.

But Jin Yuan told him that this was Huo Chao's last order, which was obviously a very dangerous and incomprehensible order.

But... even if this is really a revenge against humanity,

If this was that person's last wish, Ye Shu could become the eternal sinner.

[… good.]

At that time, he didn't ask why, but just agreed. Ye Shu didn't tell anyone about this secret, including Jiang Jinsheng.


There was chaos in the distance. Whether it was the sudden appearance of the Zerg or the riot in the distance, Ye Shu didn't care at all. He just looked up at the sky full of stars and muttered to himself,

"Huo Chao..."

"Is everything that is happening now... also in your plan?"

He closed his eyes.

I swallowed the question I wanted to ask the most -

Are you still alive

After a moment of silence, Ye Shu picked up the communicator and dialed a number.


Several blue lights soon lit up in front of him, interweaving to project a familiar figure.

Ye Shu thought that he would be angry and resentful when he saw that person again, and that he would find it difficult to control the murderous intent in his heart. But when he actually saw that familiar face, at this moment, he actually found himself abnormally calm.

It seemed as if all the intense emotions and hatred that once existed had been wiped out in the torrent of time.

"Let's talk."

Ye Shu raised his eyes and met the eyes of the current Lord of the Empire.

"—Pei Changyun."

On the other side, countless Zergs had completely buried the mecha, and the constant gnawing sounds were simply terrifying.

At this moment, the mecha suddenly burst into a dazzling burst of lightning.


In the huge explosion, Leinster controlled the mecha and finally escaped, rushing straight into the sky.

Since the larvae on the ground had not yet undergone metamorphosis and had not yet grown bone wings, they could only roar angrily and unwillingly, and finally burrowed into the ground in grievance.

However, the Holy Power at this moment was completely different from the majestic appearance just now, and was even more broken than the remains of the Forbidden Abyss, like a walking skeleton.

At this time, dozens of black fighter jets surrounded them, and in an instant, they set up an electric grid all over the sky, issuing a threatening warning!

"The mecha in front of you should stop moving immediately. Stop moving immediately! Otherwise, it will be regarded as..."

With a loud bang, Shengwei exerted his last bit of energy and fired fiercely!

In the cockpit, Leinster was sweating profusely, as if he had been fished out of the water. Perhaps humans always have a natural sense of horror towards inhuman monsters, even if they are powerful people standing in high positions.

Leinster can no longer take care of the core now. If he doesn't leave, he will really die here.

He slammed his fist on a button on the control panel and shouted—

"Open the space crack immediately! Prepare to travel!"

At the same time, in the broken mecha repair room, Jiang Ci came out of the cockpit, holding Huo Xianfeng. The latter was pale, with a hot forehead, and looked very weak. He was completely different from the young man who was so strong that he was almost a monster.

"what happened?!"

Before Jiang Ci could detect anything on the medical device, she suddenly turned around in shock.

At this moment, the four strange machines around the Forbidden Abyss suddenly started up, emitting an extremely dazzling snowy light.

Boom boom boom—

The energy wave value detected by Bai Ze soared all the way, and the terrifying energy wave even surpassed the nuclear bomb explosion at this moment.

At this moment, Xiao X and Bai Ze issued a sharp warning almost in unison -

"Oh no, Ah Ci, get out of here quickly!!!"

"Aci, run away!!!"

The entire carrier shook violently, as if being torn apart by a huge force. Finally, it could no longer hold on and collapsed and shattered into pieces with a weak whine. In just a few seconds, a ferocious sea of fire exploded.

The space was torn into an jagged black hole, which expanded to a terrifying size of several feet in a few seconds!

If you look up from the ground, you will see an extremely horrifying and terrifying scene. In the flames of the explosion, a black cavity of space hundreds of meters long suddenly appeared, like a ferocious beast from the abyss, with its terrifying huge mouth opened.

The originally terrifying sea of fire disappeared in an instant, and the whole world was dark, as if falling into eternal night.

The crazy storm suction sucked everything in. At this second, a ray of silver light struggled wildly. Bai Ze used almost all of his energy on the power thrusters.

But even so, the originally huge silver giant was now like a small boat in the storm, completely powerless to resist. The pressure of the distorted space was almost unbearable for Bai Ze, who was at the double S level.

Thousands of wreckage fragments of the carrier ship were coming towards him at the same time like a rainstorm. Bai Ze could only transform into the smallest defense ball form to reduce his own area and avoid being hit into the space crack as much as possible.

At this moment, Leinster rushed over and hit Bai Ze directly.

This huge force was simply too deadly. Originally, Bai Ze could barely maintain his position, but after this collision, he was almost unable to resist being swept into the black hole vortex by the storm.

Sheng Wei stretched out his skeleton-like hand with golden patterns piercing out, and actually broke through the defense shield and grabbed the unconscious Huo Xianfeng.

“As the church’s most precious asset,”

Leinster grinned.

"Come back with me, Huo Chao!!!"

The next second, the skeleton-like hand was cut off by a white long knife.

"Don't even think about it—"

Leinster's eyes widened in shock, but he couldn't utter a word. The terrible distortion of space caused the Holy Power to disintegrate instantly, and it disappeared into the black vortex in a flash.

The moment I fell into the abyss,

Jiang Ci only had time to grab the boy's hand.

"Huo Xianfeng!!!"

(End of this chapter)