Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 56: Still sitting and not running?


Jiang Ci hugged Huo Xianfeng for a very, very long time.

He put his arms around the other's neck and buried his face in the crook of his neck, a bit like a child asking for a hug.

At this moment, Jiang Ci could clearly feel that the boy was releasing some kind of faint, low-concentration pheromone, which was very soothing.

Jiang Ci has seen so many alphas, but has never encountered such a wonderful pheromone scent.

He vaguely remembered his father Jiang Jinsheng's pheromones, which were a gentle sandalwood scent, Zhou Jiuya's were similar to the scent of mint cold brew, and Ye Shu's were a bit like grapefruit and lemon.

As for the other alphas in the army, Jiang Ci's impression was that they were simply very unpleasant, full of the irritating and aggressive smell of a male enclosure.

Although each person releases different pheromone scents in different situations and when expressing different messages, the overall smell perception will not change much.

But Huo Xianfeng... Jiang Ci couldn't describe it, because it was difficult for him to find something specific to compare this wonderful and warm atmosphere. He could only vaguely feel that it was a bit like the slightly tipsy evening breeze at dusk.

When it blows by silently, it brings the faint scent of grass and trees in the mountains and forests, making people feel a kind of peaceful and sinking warmth.

In fact, Jiang Ci has recovered from the nightmare of her childhood. She just feels really comfortable with Huo Xianfeng. It has nothing to do with sex or emotions. It is the kind of comfort that makes people want to indulge in it because of the security and dependence.

—This is actually a very dangerous thing.

Because Jiang Ci now can't tell whether she is dependent on and obsessed with pheromones or because she really likes the other person.

In fact, apart from other things, strictly speaking, Huo Xianfeng can indeed be called a very charming top alpha, handsome, powerful, wise, calm, mysterious...

After tonight, maybe the word "gentle" could be added.

No matter which adjective you pick out, they all have a strong appeal to omegas.

And it also stripped away all the bad habits that alphas are born with, which are hard to bear, such as mindless and blind arrogance, such as looking down on omegas and gazing with lust, such as the vulgarity and bad taste of sperm.

Except for being a little naughty occasionally, this guy is almost a perfect alpha with no flaws.

But there are too many mysteries about the other party.

After less than a month of getting along, Jiang Ci felt that almost all the information and secrets about her had been known by the other party. Even the most vulnerable and softest part of her heart was about to be peeled off its hard and cold shell and exposed to the boy's gaze without any disguise.

But, on the contrary.

—Jiang Ci knew nothing about Huo Xianfeng.

Therefore, even a little bit of heartbeat can be a very dangerous thing.

At this time, Jiang Ci held the candy that had not yet melted in her mouth, unconsciously absorbing the sweetness of the candy.

He really likes the taste.

Even though Jiang Ci's mind was clear and sober, she still hugged the boy's neck in despair, not wanting to let go, and acquiesced to the other's hand patting her back.

Huo Xianfeng's actions of comforting him really seemed like he was coaxing a child.

But Jiang Ci really fell for it.

The room gradually became quiet.

A pocket filled with cakes and candies was placed beside the bed, emitting a faint scent of sweets.

In fact, at this moment, Jiang Ci felt that even with the other party's natural actions without any teasing or provocation, he not only did not have the slightest desire to resist, but instead developed a kind of unspeakable obsession.

Jiang Ci recalled the kiss in the cave. In fact, the main reason for his resistance at that time was because he realized that he actually wanted to respond.

So he was not angry because of Huo Xianfeng's sudden kiss, but because he himself felt his heart beating and some secret desire when facing such a kiss, which made him ashamed and frightened, and he forced himself to resist and regain consciousness.

"Are you feeling better?"

Huo Xianfeng's voice, which he lowered consciously, rang in his ears.

"… Um."

Jiang Ci was silent for a moment, and finally slowly got up from the other's neck.

—There were some faint red marks left there by him.

When Jiang Ci realized that he had left a mark on the alpha, his heart suddenly thumped. At this time, he was holding the boy's neck, and his arms could clearly feel the contours of his shoulders and neck, as well as the strong explosive power hidden in his bones and muscles.

Jiang Ci withdrew his hand and looked up to meet those deep black phoenix eyes, which clearly reflected his fragile appearance at the moment.

Obviously, both of them were dressed neatly. But at this moment, he felt as if he was stripped naked and standing in front of the other person. There was an extremely strange and unspeakable sense of shame that soaked into Jiang Ci's heart like sugar water and slowly spread to his limbs.

But the Major General didn't know that, from Huo Xianfeng's perspective, the way he looked up like this, with an expression that was clearly restrained and a little ashamed, but staring at him deeply and not wanting to look away, looked very, very much like he was asking for a kiss.

The boy's Adam's apple moved slightly.

"Jiang Ci,"

He suddenly asked,

"Want a kiss?"

"… "

Jiang Ci actually didn't understand it at the first second.

By the time he finally realized what the other party was asking, his heart, no, his entire chest seemed to be on fire. Unknown emotions and heat were madly expanding inside, even making all the blood in his body burn at this moment.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Ci's normal reaction would be to get angry and refuse decisively. But at this moment, the refusal that should have come out of her mouth seemed to be burned away while it was still brewing in her chest.

He reached out, and this time he didn't hug him, but hooked his arms around the boy's neck.

The silence in the room did not last for ten seconds. Soon, the sounds of interlaced breathing were supplemented by the sounds of a more intimate and soft kiss.

Little X, who was lying on the window, silently stretched out another camera.

Doing two things at once, working two jobs.

One of the settings of Xiao X's AI personality is overflowing maternal love. From the time Jiang Ci was three years old to now, it will take photos to record every moment it thinks can mark her growth.

Tsk, it’s just that the angle is not good, it can only capture the back of Jiang Ci’s head.

But at this time, its little owner finally stood up.

Because Jiang Ci was originally sitting on the bed, he was a little lower than Huo Xianfeng and could only look up. At this time, the major general changed to a kneeling position, with his knees resting on both sides of the boy's thighs and his back straight, so he was half a head taller than Huo Xianfeng who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

At this time, his little master was hooking his arms around the alpha devil's neck and kissing him.

It looks like he has taken the initiative.

—You’ve made progress, baby!

Little X's mother cried with joy and cheered for him.

At this time, Bai Ze sent a radio message to ask Xiao X's opinion: "If they really want to do it later, should I continue to hang on Ah Ci's neck, or find a place to hide first?"

Xiao X quickly responded, "No, no, no, you are right there, right there! Your angle is very good, remember to take a picture for me! I want the highest resolution, the kind that can be used for 4D projection!!!"

White Pond:"… "

It was designed by Jiang Jinsheng based on the main program of Forbidden Abyss and modified on the basis of Ten Thousand Generals, so its appearance setting is a pure combat mecha.

Even though Jiang Ci spent many times in his cockpit during her growth spurt, Bai Ze only fed her water, wiped her sweat, and injected her with inhibitors.

Finally, when Jiang Ci patted her butt and left, Bai Ze could only silently and alone clean the cockpit full of omega pheromones over and over again, diligently maintaining himself.

Bai Ze was actually a little envious of Wan Jiang. After all, Zhou Jiuya was an alpha, and Wan Jiang said that he seemed to be a little sexually frigid. He didn't know if it was a psychological or physiological problem. In short, he had never shown any desire in that aspect in front of Wan Jiang, so the cockpit was very clean.

Moreover, the legion commander will personally provide him with regular maintenance.

Jiang Ci can do it, but after each hair growth period, it is better not to do maintenance.

A minute later, Bai Ze still sent a rejection radio message to Xiao X: "Sorry, Xiao X, my program is set so that I cannot take private photos without the owner's permission."

After a pause, he asked a soul-searching question: "Don't you have any relevant privacy settings?"

of course not.

What privacy procedures are required for the parenting system

Little X, who is overflowing with maternal love, even keeps the photo of Ah Ci wearing open-crotch pants.

On the other side, Bai Ze lay peacefully on Jiang Ci's chest, detecting that the pheromone concentration of the two people was constantly rising. This excellent position allowed it to clearly hear the ambiguous and sticky kissing sound.

And experience the 3D viewing experience immersively.

Bai Ze was glad again in his heart that Jiang Ci had finally found the alpha, and it seemed that the progress was quite good. It was very likely that she would no longer have to spend her growth period in his cockpit.

Moreover, it was Xiao X, not it, that was given to Huo Xianfeng to use, so there was no pain of being controlled by excessive mental power.

Just like the memory capacity of computers in the past, the memory that the mecha uses to accept mental power is called the mental chamber. Similarly, there is an upper threshold for the mecha core to accept the driver's mental power.

But Huo Xianfeng's mental power has surpassed the highest value that Xiao X can detect and calculate. Even Bai Ze, who is in a double S mecha, was shocked when he heard that astronomical number.

Fortunately, it followed Jiang Ci, and Xiao X was assigned to Huo Xianfeng because of its strong compatibility with Jinyuan.

No matter how you look at it, this is a very beautiful thing.

"… "

Bai Ze let out a sigh of relief.

-very nice.

At the same time, I hope everything goes well, so that his little master can get an A and not waste his time in the cockpit.

At this time, Jiang Ci didn't know that his two mechas had already gossiped about each other. He was indulging in this kiss that he had initiated. Unlike the previous two kisses which were sudden, this kiss was forced, combative, and tit-for-tat.

This time, it was tentative and gentle.

Cautious and jerky.

After all, the Major General is not someone who would do such overly intimate things, otherwise he would not have been described as a "kitten bite" by the other party.

Jiang Ci tentatively touched the boy's lips and kissed him gently. The sweet smell of the omega blended with the gradually warming pheromones of the alpha, filling the room with a wonderful and enchanting scent.

Huo Xianfeng felt that he was being enveloped by a strong, fragrant floral scent with a hint of milk. He placed his hand on Jiang Ci's waist, and accurately found the waist hidden under the fabric, and his fingertips carelessly stroked it, then slowly made circles.

"Well… "

A muffled whimper came from the omega's throat. Thin and dense electric currents exploded from the point of contact and instantly spread to the lower back. As expected, Huo Xianfeng noticed the sudden tightening of the muscles below and the ripple-like trembling of the skin surface.

But the other party did not dodge, and acquiesced to his actions and touches. So, the boy pressed his big hand, almost without much force, and the omega's waist collapsed immediately.

Jiang Ci sat on Huo Xianfeng's thighs, changing their positions so that they could be separated for a few seconds. Jiang Ci supported the boy's shoulders, and her face, which was originally pale due to the nightmare, gradually turned a delicious red. His breathing was a little rapid, even though the action just now was not intense, and it could even be regarded as just a little overly intimate lip touch.

That's it...

Jiang Ci swallowed hard, and used her remaining sanity to warn herself.

—That’s all.

He supported Huo Xianfeng's shoulders and tried to get up. But at this time, the latter stared at him for two seconds, suddenly pinched the omega's jaw and pulled him back, kissing him again. This action forced Jiang Ci to open his lips, and then he was deeply kissed without any defense.

The strawberry candy he had just fed Jiang Ci had just melted and was very sweet.

It really feels like sucking nectar.

At this moment, in a panic, Jiang Ci felt as if she had touched some strange button.

The next second, two handcuffs flew out from the head of the bed, quickly handcuffed Huo Xianfeng and pulled him over.


Huo Xianfeng fell on the bed, while Jiang Ci maintained the same position as before, sitting astride his waist.

The two froze at the same time and were silent at the same time.

Jiang Ci: “…”

Huo Xianfeng: “…”

The clothes here have low collars with a small V-shaped design in the middle, which is then tied together with ropes. Therefore, not only the collarbone is exposed, but the shadow and outline of the chest muscles can also be seen from this angle.

Gazing at this extremely powerful alpha from this condescending perspective, Jiang Ci felt an extremely subtle sense of excitement.

As he was unaware of the danger, Huo Xianfeng did not resist. He just lazily lay on the bed and looked at Jiang Ci, then he let out a sigh like a chuckle:

"So, you really like this kind of thing."

"… "

Jiang Ci's learning and adaptability have always been strong. He has gradually become accustomed to Huo Xianfeng's character of being willing to die if he is not naughty at any time and place, and has begun to learn to fight back.

He was silent for a few seconds, then he said:

"I like it more..."

He lowered his head and glanced at the part of the other person's shirt that was lifted up. He could clearly see a little black tattoo there.

"For example, I'll beat you up right now. Huo Xianfeng, do you want to try it with me?"

Huo Xianfeng: “… ?”



This reaction... Why is it different from what I imagined

At this moment, the resting box furniture below suddenly moved, causing the two people to shudder violently. Jiang Ci subconsciously wanted to make a sound. But fortunately, he immediately held back. But unexpectedly—

He heard Huo Xianfeng's slightly heavy breathing, which was a kind of suppressed and dangerous smell, sexy enough to make his ears numb. Jiang Ci was stunned. He lowered his head and found that the other party was staring at him, with his dark phoenix eyes stretched out as if there was a dangerous storm surging.

After a few seconds, Huo Xianfeng pulled the corner of his lips apart and said in a hoarse voice,

"Why, you're still sitting there instead of running?"

"… "

Jiang Ci froze for two seconds before finally realizing what the other person meant.

He stood up suddenly and almost ran away to the farthest foot of the bed. After a while, Jiang Ci finally found the switch and pressed it to turn it off. Then he removed the power supply very violently.

At this time, Huo Xianfeng had already broken free from the fragile handcuffs. Perhaps because he was a little impatient, he could have easily broken free with just a little effort, but he almost squeezed the alloy handcuffs into a ball like plasticine, with a bit of mania and venting.

The boy sat up, his breathing still a little rapid. He couldn't even control the pheromones in his body as he usually did, and could only let them diffuse in the room and then rise to a dangerous concentration.

This made Jiang Ci's whole body feel hot instantly, and he even clearly felt his knees become weak, as if something more viscous than syrup was being secreted crazily in his body. Perhaps Huo Xianfeng always restrained himself too well, and it was not until now that Jiang Ci finally realized clearly -

It turns out that as long as the other person wants, he can release pheromones that are enough to make him aroused immediately.

(End of this chapter)