Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 61: Let's make a big fact to prove that


From now on, no matter how angry or annoyed you are, you can't make any promises.

Especially... things like "taking the initiative to hold hands" are not completely impossible.

"Who... who wants to take your last name?!"

Even though Jiang Ci had gradually gotten used to Huo Xianfeng's shameless, servile, and mean character, every time they met him, she would still feel choked by his mouth.

The Major General lowered his voice, but the anger in his tone did not diminish at all.

"If I hadn't seen you almost jump to your death, I wouldn't have..."

As he said this, he tried to pull his hand out, but the boy grabbed it tightly with his backhand.


At this time, Huo Xianfeng came over.

He has grown a little taller recently, so he needs to lean over a little to bury his face in Jiang Ci's shoulder.

"Let me hold your hand for a bit... I can even take your last name."

Anyway, the surname doesn't really matter to him.

However, as for the surname Huo, it does originate from the Huo Dynasty.

When the young man woke up from Earth, his mind was blank. He happened to see Huo Chao's name at the top of the huge monument to heroes.

At that moment, Huo Xianfeng felt a kind of concern and strange sense of familiarity that was hard to ignore, which made him choose the word "Huo" as his surname.

The suddenly shortened distance made his voice sound a little muffled, and the slightly hoarse ending was gently elongated, reaching Jiang Ci's auditory nerves directly through bone conduction, bringing a vibration similar to that of an electric current.

In fact, Huo Xianfeng's action did not have any teasing or ambiguous meaning, but more like a simple and short-term expression of dependence. But it made Jiang Ci's heart beat faster than the previous similar close distance.

After all, when an alpha who seems omnipotent and has almost no weaknesses on a normal day suddenly reveals a little bit of vulnerability, the lethality is undoubtedly enormous.

Jiang Ci felt as if her whole body was heating up along with the beating of her heart, and even her hand, which was being held by the other party, unconsciously became slightly soft and numb.

I don’t know if it was because the other party suddenly approached me, or because it was just a short sentence, but at this moment, Jiang Ci suddenly froze and stopped struggling.

But can I take his last name...

Wh…what do you mean

Even though he knew that Huo Xianfeng always liked to talk big and tease him, at this moment, Jiang Ci's brain unconsciously interpreted the meaning of this sentence in a deeper direction.

Even if this interpretation only flashed through his mind for a moment, it was enough to make his heart tighten suddenly.

"Who... who wants you to have my last name?!"

The Major General lowered his voice, and his tone didn't sound too good, but his body movements didn't express any intention of resisting or withdrawing.


An impatient and scolding male voice came from the front.

“You two!!!”

As soon as these words came, Jiang Ci felt the weight on her shoulders suddenly lighten before she could say anything.

At this time, Huo Xianfeng looked up and saw several white-robed believers led by West stopped eight or nine meters ahead, looking coldly at this side, and one of the low-level believers strode over and scolded,

"What are you dawdling for?! Hurry up and catch up! Do you want to keep Lord West waiting for you?!"

"… Excuse me,"

The boy's voice was a little hoarse, his back was slightly hunched, and his tone revealed a very deliberate fear and uncertainty.

"I, I'm a little afraid of heights."

Jiang Ci: “…”

Afraid of heights

I didn't expect this kind of answer. Even the low-level believers with fierce faces choked.

After all, this is the interstellar age, and all kinds of spaceships and mechas can be seen everywhere, and have even become daily means of transportation. The word "fear of heights" is almost extinct.

Huo Xianfeng pursed his lips and silently squeezed Jiang Ci's palm. The latter's finger bones stiffened, but he immediately understood what he meant.

"Sorry, sorry,"

Jiang Ci really felt that her acting skills had improved by leaps and bounds under the guidance of Huo Xianfeng.

At this moment, the postures and positions of the two were just like the exchange just now. Jiang Ci silently took a half step forward and stood in front of Huo Xianfeng. She imitated the boy's tone just now and explained slowly,

"He's just a little afraid of heights. I... I can just take him through this section and he'll be fine. It won't interfere with your important business."


The low-ranking believer frowned, turned around and bowed his head respectfully, as if asking West's opinion. The latter's eyes passed over everyone and finally fell on Huo Xianfeng, looking at him carefully for a moment.

The boy was indeed pale, with some cold sweat on his forehead. As an alpha, he even grabbed the hand of a beta and hid behind him like a spoiled child...

West frowned, revealing a look of disgust and contempt.

Could it be that he was wrong in his suspicion

This thought made West feel a little irritated and impatient, and he even wanted to throw out or kill the two guys who delayed his time. However, they were in the breeding workshop now, so neither option was very convenient.

In the end, West stared at Huo Xianfeng coldly for a few seconds, said nothing, turned around and strode forward.

The low-ranking believer breathed a sigh of relief without noticing, and turned back to scold Huo Xianfeng and Jiang Ci,

"You two, hurry up!!!"

After saying that, he turned around and followed respectfully.

Jiang Ci looked back at Huo Xianfeng and found that although his face was still a little pale, it was much better than before.

“… Let’s go?”


Since he was afraid of heights and had to be held hands when walking, Jiang Ci could only hold Huo Xianfeng's hand and lead him to walk slowly on this horizontal bridge that was three or four hundred meters long.

They didn't speak during the whole process. They could only hear the sound of bubbles gurgling from the water below, and the atmosphere was a little eerie.

But Jiang Ci hasn't figured it out yet. Since he knew Huo Xianfeng, except for the unexplained coma a few days ago, the only time he showed his vulnerability was when they first saw large patches of Zhimei flowers.

Huo Xianfeng's condition at that time was the same as it is now.

Although human eyesight cannot see the scene beneath the red water, the mecha's scanning system can clearly analyze it.

Xiao X roughly described what it "saw", using very straightforward mechanical language without any rhetoric. But even so, Jiang Ci felt a horror that was even more terrifying than the visual shock.

Rose flowers all over the mountains... A factory workshop that seems to be breeding insects...

After discovering that his most trusted friend had a close relationship with the church, Jiang Ci clearly realized at this moment that Huo Xianfeng also had some kind of very deep connection with the Zerg, or the church, which he was not aware of.

"… "

Whether it was his only relative Zhou Jiuya, or He Zhun who grew up with him and was like a brother to him, or... or Huo Xianfeng...

Jiang Ci discovered that everyone around him who he cared about seemed to be hiding countless secrets, as if they were wrapped in a thick layer of black fog.

Only he... only he knew nothing.

—It feels terrible to be kept in the dark.

At this moment, Jiang Ci suddenly felt some slight scratches on the palm of his hand.

[Test... Be careful...]

Fingertips stroking the palms seemed to have become a unique way for Jiang Ci and Huo Xianfeng to convey information.

Huo Xianfeng sensed West's temptation and murderous intent.

In fact, when the other party asked the guards to deal with the chimpanzee instead of letting him, an ordinary person who did manual labor, deal with it, Huo Xianfeng knew that this was a test.

Even the fact that the other party took them into the factory and saw everything in the training workshop was a deliberate test.

Jiang Ci was slightly stunned, but soon understood the twists and turns.

After walking out of the huge Zerg breeding workshop, the decoration outside was much more normal.

The cold glass compartments, the silver-white metal floor and ceiling, were distributed vertically and horizontally into countless honeycomb-like structures. Unfortunately, the glass was one-way transparent, so people outside could not see clearly what was going on inside.

At this moment, West, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, as if he had received some urgent order, and his whole body suddenly became serious.

Then, he glanced at the low-ranking believers beside him.

"It says that the gentleman will come to pick up the experimental materials in person. I have to go and receive him now."

West paused, without even looking back, and just gave the order in a cold and casual tone,

"We don't have time to deal with these suspicious guys. Let's just deal with them all."


Although he was standing more than ten meters behind, Huo Xianfeng had excellent hearing and heard almost every word.

He uttered a soft "tsk".

In fact, he had never thought that he could completely dispel West's suspicion with just a few words, but he did not expect that their luck was so bad that they started in hell mode as soon as they sneaked in.

Jiang Ci felt her hand tighten, and the familiar breath came close to her ear again.

"The workshop structure diagram that Xiao X scanned just now has been sent to Bai Ze."

I have to say that this A-class mecha is much more useful than the one that Huo Xianfeng had robbed before. It seems to have all kinds of functions and is simply a must-have weapon for robbing and looting.

But think about it, Jiang Ci's father is Jiang Jinsheng, the man who can be called the father of imperial technology.

—That’s reasonable.

Huo Xianfeng lowered his head and quickly whispered the general plan to Jiang Ci.

"We will separate later. I will make a big noise to lure away all the guards. You go find the power energy device on the structural diagram, set the timer to one hour, and blow it up!"

Jiang Ci: “…”

This plan was very sudden, simple and crude, but also extremely dangerous and crazy.

But at this time Jiang Ci no longer had time to ask in detail.


The door behind the two men slammed shut, and several believers who were walking in front suddenly stopped.

They didn't turn around, but just glanced sideways. The narrow and slanted arcs of several pairs of eyes were like the cold and sharp blade of a dagger when it was revealed.

A layer of frost suddenly condensed in Jiang Ci's eyes, and the timid attitude just now disappeared in an instant, and the whole person was like a sharpened silver spear.

But the next second, Huo Xianfeng grabbed the major general by the collar and pulled him behind him.

Jiang Ci: “…”

Is it a big deal to be tall?!

The boy put one hand in his pocket and walked forward slowly, just blocking the omega's figure.

"Well, it seems—"

He smiled and said,

"I really have to do some hard work for the believers."

"… "

The entire space fell into a moment of deathly silence. The next second, several cultists moved at the same time. Their weapons were different, but they all pointed the killing weapons straight at the boy at the same time.

Jiang Ci's fighting instinct made him reflexively start defending or evading the attack, but at that moment, Huo Xianfeng did not make any of the moves he expected.

The young man still stood there with one hand lazily in his pocket, just bending his finger bones and lightly tapping the glass beside him.

Knock knock.


A tiny crack that is almost invisible.

The next second, the huge glass houses on both sides collapsed and shattered, and sharp fragments flew everywhere like a rainstorm.

The omega's pupils suddenly dilated to the extreme, reflecting a huge monster roaring out -

The huge body crushed the ground directly, and cracks spread in all directions like thousands of tree branches. The metal ground and walls were broken inch by inch by the terrible force, and some were even crushed into powder.

At this moment, several believers didn't even touch Huo Xianfeng's sleeves, and they didn't even realize what was happening at this moment. They were directly crushed into a pool of hideous meat paste by the huge mouthparts.

Even more, its huge body blocked all the flying debris. This hideous and terrifying monster was crawling in front of Huo Xianfeng in the posture of a guardian.

"… "

The Major General's mind went blank, and he stood there in a daze.

"What's the noise?"

At this time, Huo Xianfeng looked back at him and asked with a smile,

"-Is it big?"

"… "

(End of this chapter)