Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 62: king



At this moment, the entire space collapsed in the violent shock.

The shrill alarm immediately rang throughout the factory—

But Jiang Ci had no time to care anymore. He just opened his eyes wide and stared blankly at the huge and twisted monster in front of him.

Densely packed compound eyes, sharp bony wings with a metallic feel, and strange and twisted limbs.

This familiar scene and shocking feeling made Jiang Ci easily recall the absurd and horrifying resurrection of the Zerg on Earth more than two months ago.

And the boy who is suspected to be able to control the Zerg.

However, the Zerg in front of him was very different from the Osa on Earth. Its body seemed to be degenerating and shrinking, showing a kind of distortion that made people feel horrified and nauseous. Its body was wet, and the surface was stained with an unknown sticky liquid.

There were still some broken metal tube-like things on the cervical spine and the back of the head, as if they had just come out of some incubator.

Why are the Zerg here

Why did the mortal enemy of mankind in history books, a powerful monster that is almost unstoppable, become such a miserable experimental subject

What was the purpose of the church building this factory

Countless conspiracies and speculations flashed through Jiang Ci's mind for a moment, but all of them were dissipated at this moment, leaving only one question -

Why can Huo Xianfeng control the Zerg

Yes, manipulation.

Jiang Ci didn't think that Huo Xianfeng's casual knocks on the glass twice were just a way of showing off, nor did she think that the Zerg standing in front of Huo Xianfeng as a guardian was just a coincidence.

What's more, the boy's tone and expression, as well as his previous words, made it completely clear.

It was difficult for Jiang Ci to describe his feelings at this moment, but he was not afraid. He was just extremely shocked, furious at being deceived, and some inexplicable grievances. All these emotions mixed together and instantly swallowed his heart like a tsunami.

Jiang Ci stepped forward and grabbed the boy's collar, staring at him intently.

"Huo Xianfeng! You are the one on Earth—"

"Yes, I am."

Huo Xianfeng admitted it immediately without hesitation and explained very quickly—

"I don't know who I am or what my connection is with the Zerg, the Church, or the Huo Dynasty, because I lost my memory when I woke up on Earth. I didn't lie to you, because if you calculate my age from the moment I hatched, I'm really only two months old, but my bone age is indeed an adult."

"My purpose is to find the truth. I have not done anything to harm humanity, nor have I used your ideas. The purpose of this plan is to destroy the church's experiments. Although I don't know what their purpose is, we have been exposed and we have to fight anyway, so we decided to make a big one and destroy this factory."

After answering quickly in less than half a minute, Huo Xianfeng took a deep breath.

"I think I have answered all the questions you wanted to ask, so can we start our plan now, Major General Jiang Ci?"

Jiang Ci was stunned: "… "


He stood there in a daze, and the angry expression on his face gradually solidified, and finally turned into a dazed confusion.

No, he gave a lot of explanations and replies before he even asked anything.

This guy Huo Xianfeng... is he the roundworm in his stomach

Jiang Ci's original words were blocked in the other party's throat again. It was not right to say it now, and it was not right not to say it. Just when she was beginning to feel a little angry, she was immediately extinguished by cold water.

—This feeling is so frustrating!!!

Might as well just have a fight!!!

But in any case, the other party did quickly answer all his questions and concerns. Jiang Ci took a deep breath and quickly calmed down. He stared straight into the boy's eyes and said coldly,

“…Why should I trust you?”

But this time Huo Xianfeng did not give any detailed explanation or answer. He just lowered his head and approached Jiang Ci, curling his lips and smiling softly.

"But you already believe it, don't you?"

"… "

The Major General gritted his teeth and found that he could not refute.


At this time, the deformed Zerg general behind Huo Xianfeng suddenly smashed the ground, directly creating a big hole.

The glass honeycombs on all sides shattered one after another, and countless eerie and cold metal wings struggled to stretch out from them.

The violent shaking seemed as if the whole world was collapsing.

The shattering of broken glass, the crackling of electric currents, the flickering of lights, and countless tiny nozzles extending from the ceiling instantly sprayed out countless white atomized liquids.

There were chaotic footsteps coming from all directions, as if a large number of soldiers were approaching here quickly.

Jiang Ci looked back alertly in an instant, but all she could see was a thick white fog. She could only occasionally see broken wires and crackling sparks.

At this moment, a big hand pressed on the back of his head, and then Jiang Ci felt his cheek soften, and the alpha's warm breath suddenly brushed past.

The omega's pupils suddenly dilated.

—Huo Xianfeng just tilted his head and kissed him.

But it was just a touch like a dragonfly skimming the water, without any romantic meaning, more like a kind of comfort and coaxing.

Jiang Ci turned back suddenly.

"You... Ugh!"

Huo Xianfeng took out a black breathing mask at some point and pressed it on Jiang Ci's face. After doing this, he let go and took two steps back, hanging on the edge of the big hole on the ground.

"Let's get going quickly, Major General Jiang Ci."

He laughed out loud.

"When this is over, you can interrogate me for three days and three nights if you want."

After saying that, the young man opened his arms, leaned back, and disappeared from Jiang Ci's sight in an instant, like a ferocious bird roaring into the sea during a storm.

"… "

The masked omega stood there for two seconds, then closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said coldly,

"Bai Ze, lead the way."


On the other side, the main control room in the heart of the factory was in chaos.

The group of low-level believers in charge of monitoring were all terrified. They felt huge vibrations and loud noises, but the countless densely packed monitoring screens in front of them kept flashing snowflakes and they could not see anything at all.

"This... What happened? Where did the explosion happen?"

“Someone hacked into the surveillance system and all the surveillance footage was covered!

"Check it quickly! Check it quickly! Where are the guards?! What are they doing? Check the source of the explosion immediately!"

"There's a communication failure. We can't contact the people in the beehive culture room at all. Someone must have cut off our internal communication network!"

"… "

Until a few minutes later—

Someone managed to use the emergency communication device to connect to the main control room.

The blurry image on the screen reflected the bloody white-robed cultist, who was hiding in a corner of the wreckage, his face full of horror, tears and blood mixed together, and the muscles on his face twitching with great fear.

Behind him were collapsed ruins, high-precision instruments that had been crushed into a pile of scrap metal, and countless twisted and broken limbs.

"ASEC100348 Hive Cultivation Area... A large number of Zerg... have escaped... Please send reinforcements immediately..."

At this moment, he was completely unaware that a pair of huge and ferocious compound eyes appeared behind him, and a large amount of flesh and blood and broken human bones could be clearly seen in the eerie mouthparts.

But in the control room, the people who were watching the screen witnessed this scene clearly.

Everyone had anticipated what would happen next.


The sharp mouth like a meat grinder suddenly opened, and the next scene was completely covered by splattering blood.

Someone immediately took a step back in shock, almost wanting to scream without hesitation. However, his dry throat seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand, and all his horrified screams were lost in the overwhelming fear.

Their lips trembled repeatedly, and everyone's face was pale without exception.


A hand picked up the emergency communication device.

"Tsk, it's really... so dirty..."

At this moment, the picture transmitted back on the screen showed a foot kicking the terrible monster, but the latter did not show any anger at all. Instead, it trembled all over and moved away aggrievedly.

This scene simply shocked everyone's worldview.


Why do humans exist? ! !

No no no, why would the Zerg listen to humans? ! ! !

At this time, the boy picked up a relatively clean piece of rag on the ground and wiped the camera on it.

"Hey, there's actually a secret communicator."

Huo Xianfeng took off the silver ring on his wrist, which immediately scanned the contact port of the communication device, then transformed, inserted, and read the communication signal.

"… "


After a few seconds, someone finally woke up and screamed,

“Cut it off!!!”

But it was too late. Huo Xianfeng's face appeared on the countless surveillance screens that were covered with snowflakes. However, he was wearing a breathing mask, and the blurry picture quality did not allow people to see his appearance clearly. All they could hear was a sigh tinged with a smile.

"So, you are here..."


Someone punched the cut button in panic, and the crowded screen suddenly went dark.

But no one spoke at this moment, and the space fell into dead silence.

—Because it’s late.

"Quick... Report it to the White Tower immediately!!!"

"Where's Lord West?! Have you contacted him?!!"

"Weren't the emergency communications just cut off? How is it possible that we can still get in touch?!"

"… "

On the other side, after Huo Xianfeng finished threatening, the expression on his face suddenly turned boring. He threw away the bloody communication device and then moved his gaze to Xiao X.

Although this little thing keeps talking about its original design positioning as a parenting system, in fact, apart from the combat function, Xiao X is even more powerful than Bai Ze in other aspects.

—Especially network intrusion and hacking skills.

After all, a normal childcare system cannot be transformed into an A-class mecha.

Jiang Jinsheng...

Huo Xianfeng suddenly became more interested in this person.

The little X that the other party left for Jiang Ci can not only serve as the temporary core of the 3S Mecha Forbidden Abyss, but can also invade the top main control system within the church at will.

You know, the church's internal network system and the one currently in use in the empire are based on two completely different frameworks.

Therefore, to use the current technology of the empire to invade this factory system controlled by the church is not only impossible, but at least it is almost a fantasy to achieve such a level of control in just three to five minutes.

"Xiao X, your creator once stayed in the church for a long time, right?"

"… "

Xiao X chose to remain silent.

Huo Xianfeng did not press the issue. He just thought of a certain interrupted memory scene from the past, where the young Huo Chao stood in front of the huge incubation chamber and once mentioned the name Jiang Jinsheng.

[Today I met a very interesting person, his name is Jiang Jinsheng.]

[Very special, very self-acquainted, but actually very smart, the smartest one among the children selected by the church academy this time...]

Since Huo Chao has a close relationship with the church and was even once a high-ranking member of the church, there is no reason why Jiang Jinsheng is not one of them.

However, Huo Xianfeng did not immediately go to the main control room of the factory he had just tracked, but chose a completely opposite direction. Because the main control room had no value to him, the operation just now was just a feint to the east and attack in the west.

Huo Xianfeng stood up and walked to the side of the scary-looking monster. The latter was lying on the ground, no longer as scary as before, just gasping for breath weakly.

—This is a Zerg at the general level.

He reached out and touched its head, not minding the sticky unknown liquid and blood on it.


The young man lowered his eyes and whispered,

"I'm late."

[… ]

The latter's body stiffened, but he was unable to give a clear response. He could only slightly tremble his shriveled and broken peritoneum, emitting a subtle and aggrieved frequency.

It sounded like a puppy's aggrieved hum.

The Zerg here have almost lost their minds, and only retain some basic instincts. Therefore, they cannot communicate clearly like the larvae on Osa on Earth and Tiandong Star.

In fact, their lives have already come to an end.

It’s just that the church has been using special nutrient solution to keep its heart beating.

Huo Xianfeng lowered his eyes and watched quietly as the huge compound eyes gradually dimmed and finally returned to a dead silent dusk.

At this moment, in the Zerg's mental network, many dim spots of light briefly emitted dazzling light before quickly disappearing into the darkness and never to be found again.

At this time, the silent little X noticed the boy's low mood. As a parenting system, what it is best at is, of course, sensing the emotions of young children.

Although the big devil is very dangerous and powerful, it has just learned that this guy is probably just a two-month-old baby mentally!

This instantly awakened Xiao X's passive settings, and even the previous fear and complaints were completely forgotten. Although it was Jiangci's exclusive parenting system, Huo Xianfeng was different. He had kissed his baby Ah Ci.

—How can this not be a family?!

In addition, since Jiang Ci had Bai Ze, she rarely took Xiao X with her, which made it have nowhere to put its overflowing maternal love. Now it finally has a second target!!!

At this time, Huo Xianfeng had actually calmed down and continued according to the original plan. But for some reason, the originally quiet and cold silver ring suddenly became soft and warm.

"Are you sad, Fengfeng?"

Xiao X said in a coaxing tone,

"It's okay, alphas can cry too~"

Huo Xianfeng: “…”

He grabbed the silver ring on his wrist and said in a very cold tone,

"Shut up."

XiaoX: QAQ

As expected, he is still the annoying big devil, not at all as cute as baby Aci when she was a child.

However, Huo Xianfeng roughly understood why Jiang Ci didn't like to have this guy around.

At this moment, a group of white-robed believers hurriedly walked through the cold, white metal corridor.

Huo Xianfeng put on the white robe of the believers, pulled up his hood, and mixed in with the chaotic believers. The action just now had successfully made everyone think that he would stay with the Zerg.

In addition, the surveillance cameras were hacked, so no one would have thought that he would be mixed in with the believers.

"Quick! Seal off the WERS2351345 laboratory immediately. The White Tower will send someone over to transfer the A-level assets soon!"

A-rated assets…

Huo Xianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

The chimpanzees outside the factory just now are considered C-level.

The A-level...

There was no doubt in the boy's mind because he already knew.

"You guys, guard the door!"

Wesley, the leader, scanned his irises, and the metal door in front of him opened with a bang. He was about to stride in anxiously.


At this moment, something strange happened!

The young man in white robe walking at the back suddenly raised his gun.

Bang bang bang!

The sound was so small after being silenced that before Wesley could even react, a gun was pressed against the back of his head.

The man's pupils suddenly dilated. He looked down and saw bright red blood flowing over his toes.

"Sh ...

The young man's hoarse voice came to my ears.

"If you want to live, just be obedient."

"… "

A few minutes later, Wesley crouched on the ground with his head in his hands, not daring to move, because there was a silver ring around his neck that was shaped like a small X, and if he moved a little, the ring would shrink immediately and strangle his neck.

Not far away, Huo Xianfeng saw a huge culture chamber that was familiar yet unfamiliar.

Just like the baby king insect he had seen in his memory, it was filled with dark blue nutrient solution.

In the center of the nutrient solution was a young girl curled up with her knees hugged. Her beautiful long dark purple hair floated in the liquid. Thin metal tubes were also inserted into her neck and the back of her head.

Or to be more precise, she should be a high-level Zerg with a humanoid form.

—That is a leader level higher than the general.

The girl's lower abdomen, back, and arms are all covered with mysterious dark purple insect patterns.

However, strangely, her left arm had a strange deformation. It was originally similar to a human arm, but it was growing into the shape of a lower insectoid limb. Below the neck, the surface of the body had become metallized.


Without any warning, these words appeared in Huo Xianfeng's mind.

When too much neural fluid is extracted from high-level Zerg, they will degenerate, that is, lose their human-like form and intelligence, and gradually deform into low-level Zerg forms, but in fact they are not even as good as low-level Zerg. They will become monsters that only know how to attack and devour.

This is an extremely humiliating thing for the higher-level Zerg, and even a fate worse than death.

Huo Xianfeng walked forward, stretched out his hand, and placed his palm against the cold glass.

At a certain moment, he felt that this action was extremely familiar, as if it was exactly the same as what Huo Chao did back then.


The calm waters began to ripple silently.

In the huge incubation chamber, a pair of deep purple vertical pupils slowly opened, reflecting the stern face of the young man in front of them, and suddenly enlarged to the extreme.


Her face was pressed tightly against the glass, her eyes wide open, her originally beautiful face flattened into a funny and distorted appearance, as if she was carefully examining something incredible.

The next second, the curled-up figure suddenly swam down like a siren, stopped at the bottom, lowered its head and knelt down—


She kissed Huo Xianfeng's fingertips devoutly and tremblingly.

[You are finally here...]

(End of this chapter)