Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 8: king


At this moment, even the fearless alpha officer felt a chill.

Is this a coincidence? Or a provocation

Obviously, most people believe it is the latter. But if it is the latter, then the most absurd and impossible thing in the world has happened.

—That boy may be able to control the Zerg.

Or maybe the other party is not human at all.

"Pass the order down, the entire army will enter a wartime state. As for this guy..."

Zhou Jiuya's wolf-like blue eyes were frozen cold.

"Catch him alive."


The Alpha officers who received the order immediately walked out quickly. It was only at this time that Zhou Jiuya turned back to look at the adjutant who seemed to be hesitant to speak, and asked in a deep voice,

"Where's Jiang Ci? Wasn't he quite active in participating in the arrest operation just now?"

The adjutant gritted his teeth.

"Bai Ze has sealed the cockpit and turned off the positioning. We can't contact him for the time being."

"… "

Zhou Jiuya's eyes darkened, he stood up solemnly, and strode out of the meeting room.

"—Then there's no need to contact me."



High in the sky above the vast battlefield, Huo Xianfeng looked at the long-range camera that was being devoured by a swarm of bees and insects, and a chill ran down his spine.

He was very sensitive to other people's prying eyes and subconsciously disliked it. However, just when he found the camera, the swarm of bees and insects nearby seemed to have received some command and gnawed it to death.

—This is not a coincidence.

Everything that happened in these few seconds, his relationship with these Zerg, was as if he was connected to the mecha through a mental chain. Without any words, these monsters were able to obediently obey all his instructions.

And obey unconditionally.

Ridiculous, and terrifying.

But such an incredible and impossible thing happened.

As we all know, the Zerg have a strict hierarchy, and the entire race is a military structure. They will only obey orders from higher levels.

A vanguard general like Osa, who has extremely strong attack power, is second only to the leader and the king in status, and will only obey the orders of the latter two.

But now, why would you obey a human being

In an instant, countless dark conspiracy theories filled Huo Xianfeng's mind.

Perhaps someone was conducting a prohibited genetic experiment on the Zerg in the ancient battlefield ruins, and he might be a product of that experiment.

Otherwise, he is obviously a human being, so why would he wake up from a giant egg

How else to explain his close connection with a species that is humanity’s mortal enemy

Who is the person behind this

It has only been three hundred years since the Earth was conquered by the Zerg. Anyone who dares to reach out here and touch the taboo of all mankind again must have a force so huge that he cannot imagine it.

The young man looked at the dark mass of warships in the distance, his sharp eyes showing an exceptionally cold look.

Is this legion stationed here simply for the purpose of worshipping the savior? Is there any other purpose

Is his current ability to control the Zerg permanent or temporary? Will there be any side effects in the future

Why did he appear here? Why did the Zerg choose to resurrect on the eve of Marshal Huo Chao's death anniversary? Was this part of someone's plan

"… "

In the blink of an eye, thousands of questions flashed through Huo Xianfeng's mind.

—But there is no answer.

At this point, he has completely gotten away with it, being rescued by Osa in full view of everyone, and even seems to be able to control the Zerg.

The most important thing is that the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. If he surrenders, he will be completely at the mercy of others.

The young man looked up at the Skynet above, his dark eyes revealing an almost cold rationality.

No matter what, he had to escape first. But these Zerg were an unknown quantity, and he was not sure he could control these interstellar monsters all the time.

Therefore, the best outcome is to let them stay here and be buried with the deceased heroes.

The moment Huo Xianfeng came up with this thought, the movements of the Zerg army on the ground suddenly stopped for a moment.


As if they had received orders at the same time, the dense swarm of insects suddenly flapped their wings, forming a giant tornado that spiraled upward.

At this moment, even the thousand-meter-high Monument to the Heroes seemed insignificant in front of it.

The surrounding mechas and warships seemed to have suddenly turned into a small boat on the stormy sea, being torn to pieces by the huge whirlpool and air waves.

The scene was so spectacular that it was hard to describe!

Tens of thousands of meters in the sky, dense swarms of Zerg soldiers madly hit the Skynet, like a roaring black python trying to tear through the sky.

The sky was filled with dazzling lightning, followed by explosions one after another, and even triggered waves of crazy electromagnetic frenzy. Burning corpses kept falling, but more Zergs rushed up frantically the next second.

Like a moth flying into a flame, it knows no fatigue, no pain, and no fear.

The horror of this monster race is gradually being revealed to the tiny human beings.

At this moment, in the safest eye of the storm, Huo Xianfeng's eyes reflected a brilliant lightning.


He had just checked the information. Skynet was designed by Marshal Huo Chao himself. It was originally used to resist the Zerg invasion of the earth. Theoretically, it could resist billions of Zerg troops. Unfortunately, the earth fell before it was completed.

But this is not the original version, but a replica made for commemorative purposes. Therefore, as long as you select the weakest part and concentrate your attack, it is not difficult to break it.


Things turned out just as he expected.

Soon, a line of black space was torn open, and thousands of electric arcs covered the sky like a spider web. In an instant, countless Zerg were reduced to ashes in the flames.

"It's now!!!"

Amid the earth-shaking roar, the young man let out an inaudible shout.

The moment he finished speaking, Osa rushed up along the eye of the storm in the center, like a roaring beast about to break free from its cage.

“Don’t even think about it!!!”

Without any warning, a giant black and gold mecha suddenly appeared, holding a huge sword, and chopped down on the head.


A huge gap of a hundred meters was directly created in the tightly packed Zerg army. The hurricane that followed even blew Osa away more than ten meters.

If Huo Xianfeng hadn't pulled Osa away in time, he would have been hit by the sword. Osa wouldn't have been cut in two, but he would have been crushed to pieces in the aftermath.

—That is the truth.

Compared to the Zerg, the human body is simply vulnerable.

"Ten thousand generals!!!"

"Double S Mecha Generals!!!"

“—That’s the Legion Commander!!!”

Excited and joyful shouts echoed on the battlefield, instantly igniting the originally low morale. The huge black and gold mecha holding a huge sword looked like a lone hero who could stand alone against thousands of enemies.

"No one can ignore the sacrifices of hundreds of millions of heroes and Marshal Huo Chao's last wishes."

Zhou Jiuya's voice was majestic and full of murderous intent.

"I don't care how you brought these disgusting monsters back to life, I will personally send them to hell!!!"

"… "

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly.

Facing the threat of death, Huo Xianfeng was surprisingly calm, and even felt a little admiration for Zhou Jiuya's behavior.

After all, if he were the commander, he would definitely kill all the Zerg here at all costs.

Because once the Zerg escaped and got out of control, the terrifying reproductive power of these monsters would definitely bring about a second doomsday disaster. The other party's second most important goal was to exhaust all efforts to capture him, an intruder who was suspected of being able to control the Zerg.

The young man tilted his head slightly, his black hair fluttering wildly in the wind. He looked past the huge black and gold mecha in front of him and looked at the monument to the heroes standing in the midst of the insect tide and the flames of war.

"Well said..."

At this moment, a strange calmness and softness permeated those dark phoenix eyes.

"They should be relieved to hear this."

Huo Xianfeng withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Zhou Jiuya with a faint smile.

However, the very faint smile on the boy's face, against the backdrop of countless horrible monsters, actually reflected a sense of cruelty and hopelessness.

"Then complete your mission now, Legion Commander."

[Then complete your task now, Xiaojiu.]

Someone had said the same thing to him long, long ago.

Zhou Jiuya's pupils dilated uncontrollably.

At this moment, it seemed as if time and years had suddenly gone backwards like a torrent.

He met again the person who should have been lost in the wind.

"you… "

Zhou Jiuya's lips moved. He didn't know what he wanted to ask at this moment, and in the end he couldn't say it.

Because in the next second, Osa suddenly flapped his wings, stirring up thousands of hurricanes, and rushed towards the shrinking gap in the sky net with a scream.

In an instant, countless Zerg armies gathered into a torrent, rushing towards the generals like a huge force covering the sky and the sun, like an ancient ferocious beast breaking out of the sea during a tsunami, baring its bloody fangs.

Zhou Jiuya had personally experienced the war in which the earth collapsed and fell, and this familiar scene seemed to suddenly pull him back to today, three hundred years ago.

At that time, he watched helplessly as the man's figure, like the young man at this moment, sank into the tide of insects and disappeared never to be seen again.

This scene is still a shadow that Zhou Jiuya is unwilling to face, even though he is no longer the small adjutant he used to be, but the high and mighty legion commander.

This nightmare haunted him for three hundred years and terrified him more than any torture in the world.

[See you later, Xiaojiu.]

"No… "

Tens of thousands of generals were swallowed up by the tide of insects. Amid the strange screams and buzzing sounds that shook the earth, Zhou Jiuya let out a heart-wrenching cry that no one could hear.

—That is the name at the top of the Monument to Heroes.


The terrible explosion was deafening, and the next second, the monster's body parts fell like heavy rain.

Huo Xianfeng glanced down and frowned. He didn't think he could stop Zhou Jiuya for long, but he didn't expect that the other party's strength was far beyond his expectations.

At this time, Wan Jiang's movements did not stop at all. He rushed up against the rain of thousands of insects and headed straight towards Huo Xianfeng.

The speed is beyond the limit of human eyes, making him look like a crazy comet that will not stop until it is smashed to pieces!!!


The boy took a deep breath.

"This crazy posture makes it seem like I killed his entire family."

But he also understood. After all, he was a veteran who had experienced the Fall of the Earth. It was normal for him to have deeper hatred for the man who was suspected of being the mastermind behind the Zerg.

But at this moment, Huo Xianfeng's guess was completely different from the actual situation -

There was no reason, no basis, but Zhou Jiuya was extremely convinced at this moment.

—That young man must be related to Marshal Huo Chao!

The legion commander, who once scoffed at all kinds of ghost and god theories, also began to vaguely believe in the theory of reincarnation.

He even started looking for some irrelevant evidence, such as it is already past midnight and today is Huo Chao's death anniversary.


Zhou Jiuya turned up the mecha's loudspeaker to the maximum, so that at this moment it drowned out the roar and buzz of thousands of Zerg.

"I swear in the name of the Legion Commander that I will not hurt you!!!"


Huo Xianfeng was surprised at the other party's persistence, but also lamented his sudden stupidity. How could he stop at this time

At this moment, the generals below suddenly fired several dazzling laser cannons. However, they were not dense and the accuracy was not high...

—Or rather, he wasn't aimed at him at all!

not good!

Huo Xianfeng instantly understood the other party's intention and suddenly looked up at Skynet. Immediately, a swarm of insects rushed forward regardless of anything to block the artillery with their bodies.

But it was too late to stop it!

Although three of them were blocked, the remaining four lasers were accurately shot around the gap in Skynet.

—That guy pretended to shout, but his purpose was to charge Skynet!!!

What a good move to cut off the source of the problem!

Although he was suddenly in a desperate situation, Huo Xianfeng couldn't help but admire in his heart.

He is indeed a talented general.

The moment the laser cannon arrived, the gap that was only one meter wide began to shrink suddenly. This was really a dead end. Just as Huo Xianfeng was thinking quickly about countermeasures, the Osa under his feet suddenly vibrated the peritoneum, emitting a slow-frequency tremor.


Before the boy realized what this meant, he suddenly felt a huge force beneath him and was thrown out in an instant.


At that second, countless speculations flashed through Huo Xianfeng's mind, such as he was able to control the Zerg only because of some kind of potion, and now that the potion was ineffective, he would become the prey of these terrible monsters.

But no matter what he guessed, the fighting instinct engraved in his bones made him immediately control his posture in the air, and then he quickly touched the black ring on the little finger of his left hand.

—That’s the mecha that was touched from the corpse in the starship.

The moment Huo Xianfeng was thrown out, the Zerg army around him seemed to have suddenly received some orders and quickly made way for an unobstructed passage for him.

Therefore, at the last moment when the Skynet gap was closed, the boy was able to pass through. At the same time, the terrifying mental power directly broke the mecha lock, forcing it to provide protection for the strange intruder.

In an instant, the black ring burst out with dazzling snowy light, and then quickly decomposed and expanded. Countless huge mecha accessories surrounded the young man, and in the blink of an eye, they were assembled into a huge mecha giant.

At that moment when he was safely in the cockpit, Huo Xianfeng stared at the terrifying monster from afar across the skynet that was rippling like water waves.

Those huge compound eyes reflected the faint blue light, and were strangely gentle.

It was at this moment that he suddenly understood the meaning of the other party's vibrating peritoneum.

—That was a farewell.

[My king…]

[I wish you have a nice trip-]

Then, Osa suddenly changed direction and jumped down, like a bird of prey roaring down from a cliff, and pounced on the general in the strong wind.

Then, try your best to pull it into the hell of insect swarm.

[We will be buried on this planet.]

[As you wish.]

(End of this chapter)