Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 88: Dreams


Although it is difficult to say, but—

Jiang Ci was indeed having that kind of... passionate, lingering and unspeakable dream.

In fact, when Jiang Ci was picked up by Huo Xianfeng on Tiandong Star and slept in his bed, he also had a similar dream.

At that time, his body was simply filled with all kinds of negative buffs. First, there was the false pregnancy caused by the drugs, pheromone disorder, and then there was the severe injury and excessive blood loss, which put him in a weak state. Finally, Huo Xianfeng did not control the amount of pheromone injection, which directly led to a large amount of alpha pheromone being injected into his body...

All in all, the combination of various reasons led to Jiang Ci's body being extremely eager for the comfort of the alpha. Therefore, it was normal to have some fantasies in that regard during sleep.

It was just a simple caress and a temporary mark in the dream, Huo Xianfeng's face was blurred in the dream. Because it was the body's instinct to crave the alpha pheromone.

—It is normal.

It was similar to the sexual desire during adolescence. But this time it was different. The pheromone concentration in Jiang Ci's body gradually decreased and tended to a stable state. So it was not instinctive desire for Huo Xianfeng.

But Jiang Ci herself.

This dream was probably a sequela of the sexual fever, or maybe it was because he was too stifling in the early stages of the third round of sexual fever. It could also be that he had just done it too intensely, even more crazy than the previous two times combined. So that feeling was almost imprinted in Jiang Ci's muscle memory, and it has not dissipated yet.

Even in dreams, that feeling quietly penetrates into the brain, tempting more imaginative images to appear. Perhaps dreamers can understand that feeling, that is, even though there is still some consciousness left to know that what is happening in front of you cannot happen, you will ignore all the unreasonable things and continue to indulge in dreams.

Unlike the time on Tiandong Star, Huo Xianfeng's face became extremely clear in this dream, and the relationship between them was not just a simple caress and a simple temporary mark. It was overly intimate, intimate to the extreme.

In the illusory and hazy picture, he was sitting on Huo Xianfeng's body, looking down at the young man who was usually powerful and omnipotent with a condescending attitude.

At this moment, Huo Xianfeng in the dream was completely different from his usual self.

It was more like the weak state the boy was in when he woke up from the cave when they first arrived at Shenglu Star.

His face no longer had the usual nonchalant look as if he had everything under control, nor did he have the coldness and dominance he had during a fight. Instead, he revealed an extremely rare fragility and confusion.

The boy's black hair was disheveled, sunken into the snow-white pillow, his eyelashes were slightly moist, his eyes were hazy and confused, his breathing was rapid, and his handsome and somewhat childish face revealed a look of fragility and seeking protection, with an extreme sense of brokenness and lust.

It forms an extremely strong contrast with usual times.

—is just damn sexy.

In reality, Huo Xianfeng would only briefly show that kind of expression of being obsessed and unable to extricate himself. But in this illusory dream created by Jiang Ci, that kind of expression appeared on the boy's face again and lasted for a long time.

The feeling of looking down at the most powerful alpha in the world made almost every cell in Jiang Ci tremble with excitement.

He looked up at Jiang Ci anxiously, his narrow and delicate phoenix eyes revealing his fascination and love without any concealment.




In real life, probably only the closest people around Jiang Ci would call him that, such as his father who passed away early, He Zhun, and his two mechas. There is no one else.

In fact, Huo Xianfeng seldom called him like that. Normally, he would only call him by such an overly intimate nickname when he was expressing comfort or being intimate with him. At other times, that guy would call him by his full name.

But in fact, when the two words "Aci" came out of Huo Xianfeng's mouth, it seemed to have some kind of magic. There was almost no need for physical contact, or saying anything else. Just calling him like this would make Jiang Ci have a wonderful illusion, as if his nerves were being kissed.

"Huo Xianfeng..."

Jiang Ci leaned against the boy's side face, panting and trying hard. At this moment, he suddenly felt the other's fingertips fall on his brow bone, then slowly trace the contours of his eyebrows, then slide down along the bridge of his nose inch by inch, then fall to the lip beads, gently rubbing them. This action was too intimate, wrapped in deep love and affection.

Jiang Ci subconsciously bit the other person's fingertips and licked them like a kitten. The touch of this action was very real, so real that it was scary.

And at this moment, the fiery dream was no longer under Jiang Ci's control, because he found that Huo Xianfeng's expression began to deviate from what it was just now, and became closer to his demeanor in reality. He casually and slowly swept his face with the most scorching and seductive gaze, taking in his current appearance.


The world was spinning, and the person in control had changed.

"Huo... Huo Xianfeng..."

Jiang Ci seemed to hear what Huo Xianfeng said in her ear, but she couldn't tell exactly what he said. So she subconsciously said the most difficult thing to say in her sleep. So a few seconds later, Jiang Ci woke up from the dream in a kiss that almost suffocated her.

The moment he opened his eyes, he could hardly distinguish between reality and dreams. When a person wakes up from a dream, his brain will be blank for a while. Coupled with the sudden attack from the other party, Jiang Ci had no time or strength to react. After a long time, he heard a familiar voice whispering something in his ear.

"It seems that... I have to secretly do it in my dreams..."

Jiang Ci: “…”



He stared at Huo Xianfeng blankly, his dilated pupils trembling slightly, his eyes blank and startled, he just wanted to breathe oxygen anxiously. His brain was completely confused, he suddenly woke up and couldn't even tell who he was, when and where he was.

So, I had no idea what had just happened.


Jiang Ci's brain was still in a frozen state. He stared at Huo Xianfeng for a long while, then touched his face to confirm that he was a real person. Only then did he distinguish between dreams and reality.

It’s not a dream…

It’s not a dream…

At this moment, Jiang Ci's brain suddenly buzzed.

Feed... steal...

His stuck thoughts started to work at high speed, and he finally understood what had just happened and what Huo Xianfeng meant by what he said.

"… "

Jiang Ci's dazed look gradually cleared up, her eyes slightly widened, and she gradually revealed an expression of extreme shock and indescribable shame.

This was probably the most embarrassing scene in Major General Jiang Ci's life, even worse than the last time he was caught pulling down Huo Xianfeng's pants in the cave.

I was able to explain it last time, how can I explain it this time

It’s okay to have that kind of dream, but the point is that I was caught in the act!!!

And what happened is—

This happened just after the third round last night.

This means that the horny period is over, and pheromones and body instincts will no longer drive him to seek out an alpha partner. So this kind of dream can only be what he wants to happen.

—Isn’t this a clear expression of dissatisfaction

Jiang Ci was about to collapse. He couldn't believe that he had done this.

Moreover, it was just a dream, the key point was that Huo Xianfeng caught me on the spot!!!

So embarrassing!

Oh my god it's so embarrassing!!!

What on earth is going on? Why would I have such a dream!!!

If Jiang Ci had a villain in his heart, he would have collapsed and curled up into a ball. He really wanted to escape now, dig a hole, and bury himself.

But at this moment, Jiang Ci's fast-moving thoughts suddenly stopped. He was thinking, Huo Xianfeng didn't have the ability to peek into other people's brains, so how did the other party know that he was dreaming



For such a thing, Huo Xianfeng has no evidence!

So Jiang Ci felt that she could still try to save herself, for example, by refusing to admit it.

" Xianfeng, what are you talking about...I don't understand."

The major general, who seldom lied, looked away and began to stammer and make excuses.

Huo Xianfeng raised his eyebrows and slowly drew out the ending tone.

"Really... don't understand?"

"… "

Jiang Ci swallowed slowly, but still said firmly:

"Can't understand."

"… "

Huo Xianfeng stared at him for a few seconds and chuckled.

"Okay, then I'll find something you can understand."

As he said this, he suddenly stretched out his hand, and his fingertips touched something. Jiang Ci's body stiffened instantly, and then he immediately grabbed Huo Xianfeng's wrist, almost hurriedly pulled the hand out, and then wiped the moisture off the fingertips. Jiang Ci never thought that he really had evidence, and his face was almost completely red at this moment because of the uncontrollable shame.

"You... Huo Xianfeng you!"

Because this is... there is no way to quibble.

At this time, Huo Xianfeng rested his elbow on the pillow, supported his face with one hand, and supported his upper body. This action made the muscles in his shoulders and arms slightly tighten and bulge, outlining very smooth and beautiful lines. Almost every detail exuded a strong and aggressive alpha aura, which could almost be used as a top template for muscle aesthetics.

Huo Xianfeng has been growing slowly, and at this time, his body has already revealed some of the sharp edges of a man.

The pair of phoenix eyes drooped lazily, and Huo Xianfeng hooked Jiang Ci's fingertips with his backhand, slowly kneading the omega's soft and slightly moist fingertips until they turned a slightly hot reddish-pink color.

"So now, do you understand?"

The boy spoke lazily, his voice was hoarse and low, just like a wake-up call, it was extremely sexy.

"… "

In fact, hands are not a particularly private part, but the other party's actions have a sense of playfulness. Jiang Ci felt as if she had received an electric shock, and she pulled her hand back suddenly, feeling numbness from her fingertips to her palm and then to her entire forearm.

"Just... I don't remember... I don't remember what I dreamed about."

Jiang Ci pulled the quilt up until it covered the lower half of her face. Her stiff voice sounded a little muffled because of the quilt.

"Isn't it normal for people to suddenly wake up and forget what they dreamed about?"

Having said that, he felt that he had found a very good excuse, so he quickly shrank back down, closed his eyes tightly, and tried to fool people.

"Huo Xianfeng, stop messing around. I'm still sleepy."

"… "

The young man raised his eyebrows slightly and chuckled with an incomprehensible meaning.

"Jiang Ci, I don't think I asked you what you dreamed about just now?"

"… "

What is this called…

—Confess without being asked!

Jiang Ci really wanted to travel back to three minutes ago and strangle herself to death.

But there's nothing we can do now.

He opened his eyes and pretended to be calm as he looked at Huo Xianfeng.

"So what exactly do you want to ask?"

Huo Xianfeng met his gaze, and there seemed to be an endless vortex in his dark phoenix eyes, trying to suck him in.

"So what did you dream about?"

"… "

Jiang Ci's eyelashes trembled unconsciously for a few times, and then answered,

"Just... last night."

The young man uttered "Oh" softly, as if he suddenly realized something, and then he said slowly,

"Eh? Didn't you just say you didn't remember?"

“… Huo Xianfeng!!!”

Jiang Ci finally became angry and humiliated.

"Are you done yet?!"

Huo Xianfeng sighed softly.

“It used to be there, but now it’s gone.”


Jiang Ci was confused and didn't understand what the other party meant.

"Well... I underestimated your appetite..."

Until the next second, the other person pinched his jaw and kissed him.

"It seems that I need to... make up..."

Huo Xianfeng spoke intermittently, some of which Jiang Ci heard clearly, and some of which she didn't. However, this made Jiang Ci's heart beat faster than hearing it clearly.

Such an action was extremely sensational. Jiang Ci's brain instantly burned. Jiang Ci understood the deep meaning of these words almost instantly. It even extended to more vivid pictures, which were simply... even more difficult for Jiang Ci to face than those pictures in the dream.

The period of growth has passed, and there is no so-called compulsory physical instinct to affect him now. Jiang Ci's current reactions and behaviors are only in accordance with his own thoughts.

"Huo Xianfeng you..."

Jiang Ci had no way to refuse, but he still tried to find a gap to answer,

"That's too late… "

"There are still four hours left. There's still time."

"… "

In short, he finally made up for it and told Jiang Ci that he needed to meet some acquaintances later. Jiang Ci was really frustrated that Huo Xianfeng always talked to him about serious matters at this time, because when his rationality was almost gone, he had to desperately pull his rationality back and then think closely with the other party.


Jiang Ci's face was almost buried deep in the pillow, her posture similar to that of a kneeling cat, and her intermittent voice was a little muffled.

"The... The First Legion is here too???"

At that time, Jinyuan was surrounded by Zerg and then sank into the ground, so Jiang Ci did not see the ten thousand generals following closely behind.


Jiang Ci never expected that Huo Xianfeng would also recruit the imperial army, but how did this guy do it

"So they... they are now... ?"

Isn't it true that Shenglu Star has signal blocking? Even Jiang Ci, an insider of the army, couldn't contact the First Legion, but Huo Xianfeng not only got in touch, but he was also able to directly ask Zhou Jiuya to bring the entire legion over.

"Oh, I just asked Jin Yuan to tell them to wait. Now... it's not convenient."

Jiang Ci: “…”

It's really... social death.

Jiang Ci felt that when she stayed with Huo Xianfeng, all kinds of situations would occur. However, after it was over, Jiang Ci regained her senses and guessed what Huo Xianfeng was thinking.

The reason why the Empire is involved is that the Zerg need to replenish their energy and the larvae need some time to go through the metamorphosis period. It seems necessary to find a war ally for a short period of time.

Moreover, the Imperial Church had been at odds from the beginning, and had fought many wars, both large and small, until the situation gradually calmed down in the last hundred years.

At the same time, even if Jiang Ci looked at it from the perspective of the First Legion, they would not give up the Zerg, their powerful ally.

If the Zerg's original purpose was not to invade the Earth, but to avenge the King, then their only goal and mortal enemy now would be the Illusionary God Cult. Moreover, the battlefield was chosen on the Holy Dew Star, which was tens of thousands of light years away from the Empire. No matter how you looked at it, it was the best time and place.

Jiang Ci sorted out the information in his mind. He closed his eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice after a long while:

"The Phantom Cult... is very strange."

Because of the kidnapping when she was thirteen years old, Jiang Ci had read the historical records and scholars' research papers related to the Phantom God Cult when she was studying the history of ancient Earth in the military academy. Of course, those were banned in the empire, but Jiang Ci got them secretly.

"Logically speaking, in this age of advanced interstellar technology, a church that believes in gods should not exist."

But the Phantom God Cult has done it. Although it believes in gods, it possesses technological power that is beyond its time.

"It's a pity that although the technology is powerful, they were severely damaged in the war three hundred years ago, and only the top experts were taken away from Earth. As a result, there are huge gaps in low-end and mid-range technology, and there is an extreme shortage of people in all walks of life and all aspects."

In the past, there was the alliance to provide support and make up for the disadvantages, but since the alliance was overthrown by Pei Changyun, these fatal flaws were immediately exposed.

"The Illusion Cult has very good weapons, but it doesn't have very good commanders and leaders, so the overall combat effectiveness of the army will be greatly reduced. They have knowledge that is beyond this era, but they don't have enough basic industries and other industries to support it, so it is difficult for the former to fully play its advantages."

just like-

One has a deformed and huge brain, but its body is so shrunk that it can hardly support itself.

Huo Xianfeng knew what Jiang Ci wanted to express, because on this Holy Dew Star controlled by the church, the contrast between Baigucheng and Mingcheng was the best example.

A small city that looks like the Middle Ages on ancient Earth, and another huge arsenal with a very high sense of technology, actually exist on this planet at the same time.

And because of this, all the disadvantages of the church became advantages of the empire.

The imperial emperor Pei Changyun was an extremely outstanding politician. After Huo Chao's death, he quickly seized Zhou Jiuya, who controlled the military power, and also won over Jiang Jinsheng, who mastered military technology. In addition to the huge tangible and intangible legacy left by Huo Chao, he established a dictatorial empire very quickly at an unimaginable speed.

Moreover, since the empire was established on the basis of the Legion of Dawn, its political system has a strong military blood, because most of the high-ranking officials who hold high power come from the military and are loyal to it.

If a dictatorial ruling model meets a tyrant, then the destruction of the country is a matter of time, but if it is matched with an extremely excellent ruler, it will become a prosperous and powerful country. Because every policy of the ruler will be implemented to the end without question, just like an order in the army.

The Empire and the Church are like two barrels. The former has medium-length boards, while the latter has short boards except for one piece of technology. This means that even though the Illusionary God Cult has taken the lead in technology and weapons, it still lags behind in the competition between the Empire and the Church. Therefore, it can only lie dormant.

The former was also afraid that the other side would be desperate, so the two sides watched each other covetously, checked and balanced each other, and dared not take any action.

But now, the appearance of Huo Xianfeng and the Zerg has broken this balance.


Jiang Ci suddenly opened his eyes and checked the time.

"From the time the Forbidden Abyss appeared and Ming City fell, more than eight hours have passed, and..."

Something flashed through Jiang Ci's mind. He remembered that the starship had rushed out of the blockade of countless mechas at a high speed. If we speculated based on the time -

"That pink-haired woman should have already led her people out of Mingcheng and returned to report the news."

He looked up at Huo Xianfeng, his eyes slightly solemn, and asked softly,

"—Why is the church so quiet?"

If it were Jiang Ci, since he knew that the First Legion and the Zerg were already entrenched in Mingcheng, he would immediately turn on all the attack satellites and aim directly at Mingcheng.

The attack of large-scale thermal weapons at a long distance is the church's greatest strength and also the one with the lowest damage.

But the other party didn't do that.


Huo Xianfeng was silent for a few seconds, then said,

"… Well, I kept the energy barrier of Mingcheng because I took into account the church's immediate retaliation and attack."

At the same time, this was also the main reason why he asked the larvae to convey the message to Ye Shu and let the First Legion come here at the same time.

Mingcheng's energy barrier is of the same origin as Earth's Skynet, and can be said to be an absolute defense. Even Jinyuan's devastating blow could not break through it.

So Huo Xianfeng specifically kept it here in order to deal with a possible counterattack from the church.

But eight hours have passed and there is still no movement.

Huo Xianfeng narrowed his eyes slightly and smelled a hint of conspiracy in this.

"Yeah... it's true, it's a little too quiet..."

However, this solemn atmosphere only lasted for a few minutes. The next second, Jiang Ci was picked up.

"Let's check it out later. Take a shower first."

After a pause, Huo Xianfeng looked up and glanced at the mechanical tentacles above him that seemed to be hesitant to speak.

"Tsk, your uncle is so annoying. Why is he urging me for the third time? Tell him to wait. He hasn't had breakfast yet."

Jiang Ci: “… ?”

What's the meaning

His uncle... urged him three times

Jiang Ci was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly vaguely recalled that Huo Xianfeng seemed to have said something to Jin Yuan just now, but he was not sensible at the time and did not hear it clearly...



So was that a call from his uncle just now? ! ! !

An extremely terrible feeling of shame instantly surged into Jiang Ci's brain.

"Huo Xianfeng!!!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!!!"

(End of this chapter)