Pheromone Recognition Disorder

Chapter 9: Rose flower


One month later—

Headquarters of the Imperial First Legion.

Knock knock.

Adjutant Li Ya knocked on the door and entered.

"Commander, we have completely blocked the center of the ancient battlefield ruins. The Second and Third Legions have completed the construction of their bases in outer space near the Earth. In addition, the Ministry of Defense has also sent a lot of people to prepare to build a new Skynet defense system outside the Earth."

The resurrection of the Zerg in the ruins of the ancient Earth battlefield was ultimately suppressed for fear of causing panic among the people of the Empire.

But this matter could be concealed from the people, but not from the royal family and the church.

Moreover, Zhou Jiuya had no need to conceal such a major event that threatened the survival of all mankind, and reported it to the capital star immediately. It was not surprising that these measures were taken now.

"Let them be."


The charcoal pencil gently smeared on the white paper, outlining the boy's deep eyebrows. Even though human technology is very advanced nowadays, Zhou Jiuya is still accustomed to using the most primitive method.

—He was still thinking about what happened on the anniversary of Marshal Huo Chao's death.

At that time, thousands of generals were dragged into the insect tide, and Zhou Jiuya even thought that the doomsday disaster had reappeared. But at that moment, he saw the black mecha that had escaped Skynet suddenly turn back.

The other party made a strange gesture.

And just that one second later, the Zerg, which had been fighting to the death, suddenly stopped attacking, as if they had received some irresistible order, and quietly returned underground.

This was also the main reason why the First Legion did not suffer heavy casualties in the end.

—But this is more terrifying than the news of heavy casualties.

Because this completely confirmed that the mysterious juvenile delinquent could really control the Zerg. The most important thing was that no one knew how many Zerg were hiding under the surface.

Perhaps what he saw that day was just the tip of the iceberg.


The charcoal pencil broke.

Zhou Jiuya closed his eyes, crumpled up the drawing paper on the table and threw it away. Seeing that the adjutant was still standing there with no intention of leaving, he frowned and asked,

"Anything else?"

Li Ya hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke.

"Commander, Major General Jiang Ci... has woken up. Do you want to go and take a look?"

"—finally woke up?"

Zhou Jiuya's frown instantly relaxed, and he immediately prepared to walk out with big strides. The adjutant breathed a sigh of relief and immediately followed with a smile on his face.

"The starship back to the capital is ready. The young master was seriously injured this time. If I saw you go to visit him in person, I would definitely not be angry with you before..."

After only a few steps, Zhou Jiuya suddenly stopped.

"Who... who said I'm going back to the capital planet to see him?"

The adjutant was stunned: "...Huh?"

He looked back at Zhou Jiuya's light-speed steps with a puzzled expression.

"So what are you doing?"

"… walk!"

The adjutant showed an expression that seemed to want to laugh for a moment but tried hard to hold it back.

"Yes, Commander, you have worked hard day and night. Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Jiuya seemed to be blocked. He snorted coldly, put on a stern face, and strode back to sit in front of the desk.

"The kid just woke up, so what's there to see? Let the doctor treat him well. No one is allowed to go out without my order!"



Capital Hospital, high-end single room.

Knock knock.

After two gentle knocks on the door, the heavy metal door slid open silently, and Dr. He walked in with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, you finally woke up?"

This Beta doctor with superb medical skills has short chestnut hair and wears silver-rimmed glasses on his nose. Although he does not have an overly delicate appearance like an Omega, he has a gentle and dignified appearance that makes people feel close to him unconsciously.

At this moment, the frail Omega Major General was wearing a plain loose hospital gown. He was sitting on a chair, his back as straight as a bamboo. The light from the door fell on his long silver hair, which shone with a pearl-like fine and beautiful luster.

The room was filled with a pungent smell of inhibitor, a smell that was a bit like the smell of disinfectant in a hospital, which would make Alpha extremely disgusted and subconsciously stay away from it.

"Tsk, ten inhibitors, that's really ridiculous."

The smell of the inhibitor was so strong that even He Zhun, a Beta, couldn't help but frown.

"If it weren't for your brother who rushed here at all costs, you would be dead now."

"… "

Judging from the results, Bai Ze's advice was right. If He Zhun hadn't arrived in time, he would have really died. But if it happened again, Jiang Ci's choice would still not change.

The omega who just woke up was very weak, and his skin was so pale that it was almost transparent. After a moment of silence, he slowly spoke,

“… I owe you my life.”

Jiang Ci lowered her head, her thick silver eyelashes drooped quietly, casting a flower-like shadow in Chi Fei's pupils, which made people think of the forbidden rose growing in the dark castle, cold and gorgeous.

Even though they were good friends who grew up together, He Zhun was also shaken for a moment, but he didn't feel any waves in his heart. He just shrugged his shoulders, as if he was used to it.

"Forget it. If you can reduce my workload someday, that will be the best reward for you."

"Did you bring what I wanted?"

Doctor He spread his hands

"The other party used mental suggestion. The recruit who was held hostage was completely defenseless, so we were unable to obtain a portrait profile of the other party."

But he suddenly added,

"But at that time, the legion commander had a face-to-face fight with the other party. If you were to give in and admit your mistake, maybe your uncle would..."

Jiang Ci gave Dr. He a cold look and he immediately fell silent, only sighing in his heart, "Rich families are always full of troubles."

Zhou Jiuya is the half-brother of Jiang Ci's father. Since Jiang Ci's parents passed away more than 20 years ago, Zhou Jiuya has become the temporary guardian of this precious Omega child.

But Zhou Jiuya only raised Jiang Ci for eight years. Later, for some unknown reason, Zhou Jiuya suddenly took the initiative to terminate the guardianship relationship and sent her back to the Jiang family.

Therefore, as much as Jiang Ci admired and loved his uncle when he was a child, he felt resentful after being abandoned.

"Don't be angry."

He Zhun supported his chin with one hand.

"Although the commander confiscated Bai Ze and suspended you from your post, it was all for your own good."

Jiang Ci's eyes were gloomy. It was precisely because he knew that he felt angry and humiliated.

After all, whether it is an Omega with a disrupted climacteric period or an Omega who is extremely weak after taking inhibitors, it is safer to be locked up in the hospital.

"Forget it, let's talk business first."

At this time, He Zhun suddenly came over with a serious look and whispered,

"I turned off the surveillance before coming in. I have some unfortunate news..."

Jiang Ci immediately realized what he wanted to say: "Is it related to the inhibitor?"

"Yes, do you remember what I told you before about the principle of the new inhibitor?"

Jiang Ci nodded: "There are only two possibilities for an Omega not having a climax after reaching adulthood. The first is gland removal, and the second is... pregnancy."

"Well, the new inhibitor contains a non-toxic substance called 'Zhisu' that is similar to progesterone. It can put you into a state similar to pseudo-pregnancy, thus completely stopping the period of pregnancy, but it will not cause your body to have pregnancy reactions like real progesterone."

"This drug is not only more effective, but also has almost negligible harm to the omega's body. It's just—"

He Zhun closed his eyes resigned to his fate.

"It's just that it's extracted from the Zhi... Zhi rose flower."


Jiang Ci's eyes widened slightly, revealing an extremely shocked and serious expression.


That was a flower seed that had been ordered to be exterminated since the founding of the empire. Imperial law stipulated that anyone found planting or carrying even a single seed would be sentenced to death.

The reason why it is such a serious crime is that this flower can emit a special smell that is deeply loved by the Zerg.

The flowers of the Zhimei flower resemble the native rose on Earth, but are more gorgeous and beautiful. At that time, uninformed human explorers found this flower and discovered that it may have extremely high medical and ornamental value, so they brought it back to Earth.

As a result, before any medical value was discovered, the Zerg was attracted.

Therefore, later, even though the Zerg were extinct, this article remained the most severe criminal law in the empire.

He Zhun knew he couldn't hide it anymore, so he just lowered his head.

"Who would have thought that those monsters, which had been extinct for more than three hundred years, would come back to life."

Jiang Ci stood up suddenly, with a look of shock and anger.

"How dare you... How dare you touch that?!"

He Zhun scratched his hair, looking anxious.

"No, no, no, but this is not the most important issue right now. The new inhibitor has not yet been fully developed. During the month you were in a coma, I finally figured out its so-called side effects. When an Omega is injured, it will cause severe neuralgia and even more intense fever."

"But you violated the doctor's advice and injected too many conventional inhibitors, which caused the zhisu in your body to mutate... Once the conventional inhibitors are metabolized in your body, the mutated zhisu will..."

He Zhun swallowed his saliva and lowered his voice.

"Give you all sorts of... false pregnancy symptoms."

Jiang Ci: “… ?”


False... Pregnancy symptoms

A crack appeared on that cold and beautiful face.

At this moment, Jiang Ci couldn't help but recall some pregnant Omegas she had seen.

Omegas during pregnancy will develop a stronger sense of dependence on their alphas than during the puberty period. Their emotions are completely out of control, and their bodies may even become as sensitive as during the puberty period.

The worst thing is that their bodies will begin to undergo various changes in order to give birth and raise children. Female Omegas are fine, but male Omegas are...

"… "

Jiang Ci took a deep breath.

Between killing this bad friend who only knows how to cheat others on the spot and sitting down to calmly find a solution, he pressed his throbbing temple and finally chose the latter.

"… Now what?"

Doctor Beta with chestnut hair raised his index finger.

"Find an Alpha..."

Before he could finish, Jiang Ci coldly pried open his middle finger and said, "Just tell me the second one."


He Zhun took a deep breath, and finally said in a low voice under his friend's murderous gaze,

"If I find another one, maybe I can find the antidote."

"… "

Jiang Ci tried hard to calm down the anger in her heart.

"Now the news of the Zerg's resurrection has been reported to the royal family and the church, and the entire Earth is under martial law and blockade. Where can we find them during this sensitive period?"

He Zhun raised his head cautiously, revealing a guilty yet slightly proud expression.

"But... I've found it."

He turned on the light brain on his wrist and projected a gray planet

"Tian Dong Xing,"

He adjusted his glasses and said softly,

"Underground city."

At the same time, on the border of the empire, Tiandong Star.

In the gray sky, countless starships transporting garbage shuttle back and forth every day. All kinds of garbage are piled up like huge mountains.

The people of the Empire only know that it is an inconspicuous garbage planet at the border, but in fact, it is the largest and most complex gray area in the Empire. The surface is a daunting mountain of garbage, but underground, there is a huge city comparable to the imperial capital.

This huge underground city buried countless unknown shady deals of the empire.

Buzz buzz buzz—

A garbage ship hovered in the air. When its huge hatch opened, countless garbage poured down like a waterfall.

No one noticed that a small mecha also came out of the hatch along with the garbage, turned into a dark light, and silently sank into the layers of garbage mountains.


The mecha landed, and a figure wearing a black rag cloak came out of the cockpit. He raised his hand casually, and the next second, the huge black mecha immediately turned into a pinky ring, gently encircling the man's little finger.

After all, the endurance of mechas cannot compare to that of starships, so the First Legion's search was limited to areas that mechas could reach. No one had ever thought that the mysterious juvenile delinquent actually hid in a garbage ship and reached the border of the empire.

Huo Xianfeng stretched his shoulders slightly, squinted his eyes and looked at the mountains of garbage of different heights in the distance.


He curled his lips.

"We've arrived—"

(End of this chapter)