Phoenix’s Requiem

Chapter 50: The death of Lin Yuemei


"Oh! She is you, Sister Ruoyan!!" Lin Qingxue yelled strangely behind them: "I wish she was me, Sister Qingchen said I was a nymphomaniac, and Sister Ruoyan is a nympho, She was stupefied by herself!"

Yun Ruoyan looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror, and the face of the woman in the dream appeared in her mind. Her eyes, nose, and mouth seemed to be carved out of a mold.

However, the two look alike but have differences. The woman's brows are as light as Yuandai, and there is a softness between her brows. On the other hand, Yun Ruoyan's eyebrows were thicker, revealing determination between her brows.

It turned out that she looked like this. When Yun Ruoyan knew that she was a great beauty, for some reason, she was not overly happy.

Her heart is very peaceful, she knows that she has grown up like this, and she is not the ugly monster that others say, on the contrary, she is still a beauty.

However, she knows better that an ugly face can ruin her previous life, but a beautiful face cannot complete her life.

Only strong power can fulfill oneself!

If you are weak, even if you are beautiful, you are just a flower in the garden that can be cut off at will, but she would rather be a phoenix flower on the cliff, among the thorns and thorns that the world looks up to!

Lin Qingchen gave Yun Ruoyan a simple bun, and the pink dress he took out from the closet fit her figure perfectly, and it was very elegant on her body, which caused the Lin sisters to be infatuated again.

After a simple wash, Yun Ruoyan ate a small bowl of porridge brought by Lin Qingchen.

Lin Qingchen told Yun Ruoyan that Lin Zainan was waiting for her in the study, so she went to the study alone.

After Lin Zainan saw Yun Ruoyan, he was also stunned for a long time, as if he was remembering something.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "It's so similar, it's like carved out of the same mold as Yuemei."

Lin Yuemei was the girl in Yun Ruoyan's dream, her mother who died suddenly of a strange illness when she was one year old. And Yun Ruoyan's nightmare began at that time.

"Grandpa, how is your body feeling?" Yun Ruoyan's concerned words pulled Lin Zainan back from his memory.

"I'm fine."

He waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's just that the cultivation base of the fifth-level pharmacist has dropped to the third level, and I can only refine some low-grade pills in the future. But fortunately, I have been claiming to be in seclusion these years, and I hardly give people any more. Refining medicine, so I am not afraid of revealing my secrets."

Yun Ruoyan was moved but felt that she couldn't express it in words, she just held her grandfather's hand tightly.

Lin Zainan patted her hand in relief and said: "Seeing you like this, grandpa is even happier than breaking through to level six, and Yuemei will be happy too."

Lin Zainan's expression became sad, and he continued: "Yuemei's fate is poor, my child, you have to work hard, grandpa will help you."

"Grandfather, when mother died, I was only one year old, so I don't have any memory."

Yun Ruoyan's heart moved, and she said tentatively: "However, when I grew up and remembered, I only remembered that some servants always pointed behind my back and said that I was a broom star, and my mother was overcome by me." dead."

"Nonsense." Lin Zainan slapped the table angrily and said, "Everyone in the Yun family likes to talk nonsense, Ruoyan, don't take it to heart."

Yun Ruoyan nodded, indicating that she didn't care.

After seeing that Lin Zainan was not excited, she continued, "But those servants are right about one thing, it's my mother's death."

She looked at Lin Zainan and frowned and asked, "Grandfather, how did my mother die, did she really die suddenly due to illness as others said?"

Lin Zainan was stunned for a long time before finally opening his mouth slowly: "At first I thought you were too young to tell you about this, but you actually found out by yourself."

Yun Ruoyan's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that she had guessed right, her mother, that picturesquely beautiful woman, was indeed murdered to death!

Lin Zainan told Yun Ruoyan that when she was just one year old, Lin Yuemei took her to live with Lin's family.

The peach blossoms bloomed very well that year, and Lin Yuemei often took Xiao Ruoyan to play in the peach blossom forest.

One day when the mother and daughter were playing, Lin Yuemei suddenly vomited blood, and then her health deteriorated day by day, and she died within a month.

At that time, Lin Zainan was participating in the drug fighting conference in Yue country, and when he came back, Lin Yuemei had already been buried in the ground, and he was always brooding about this matter.

"Although I was a little skeptical at that time, firstly, Yuemei's illness occurred in the Lin family, so I had no reason to ask the teacher for the crime. Second, at that time, your uncle and second uncle suddenly left home without news, and your eldest aunt went out. I have searched, but have not returned yet. Your second aunt died unexpectedly, and then your grandmother went away shortly after she became seriously ill because of her love for her children. In those few years, the Lin family had frequent changes, and this matter has always been in my heart."

Yun Ruoyan's eldest uncle Lin Tianming and second uncle Lin Tianhai are the fathers of Lin Qingchen and Lin Qingxue respectively. They both left home suddenly when the Lin sisters were very young, and then their mothers also left them one after another. So the two sisters of the Lin family are poor children just like Yun Ruoyan.

Lin Zainan continued: "It wasn't until two months ago that you came to tell me that you were poisoned. After detoxifying you, I discovered that the poison on your body is very strange."

"Strange, what's so strange?" Yun Ruoyan clasped her hands tightly, leaned forward, and looked at Lin Zainan for fear of missing a word.

"The poison on your body is not directly on you." Lin Zainan's eyebrows were tightly locked together, looking at Yun Ruoyan, said: "The poison you are poisoned is the toxin from the fetal belt!"

"The poison of the fetal belt, grandfather, what do you mean?!"

"It means that your mother was poisoned when she was pregnant with you, but the poison will not kill her immediately, but will quietly lurk in her body. It entered your body that is still in the womb."

After hearing this, Yun Ruoyan felt her hands were shaking, her legs were shaking, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking.

who is it? Who is so vicious to use this method to harm her mother! Even she who is still in the womb will not let go! !

"Grandfather!" Yun Ruoyan suppressed the anger in her heart, looked at Lin Zainan and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know who injected this poison?"

"Your mother has been a weak and kind child since she was a child. I really can't think of anyone who would use such a vicious method to harm her."

Lin Zainan sighed, he seemed to be much older all of a sudden, even his straight waist was slightly bent, "I originally wanted to investigate alone, but now that you know, we, grandpa and grandson, will go together Find this vicious murderer!"

Yun Ruoyan stood up abruptly from her chair, as if she was speaking to Lin Zainan, and seemed to be talking to herself again.

"I swear that I will find this man, and I will make the pain he inflicted on me and my mother be returned to him ten times and a hundred times!"

Lin Zainan looked at his grandson and nodded slowly.

The grandpa and grandson were talking when there was a knock on the door outside.

"Grandpa, people from the Yun family have come to urge Miss Biao to return to the Yun family." Lin Bo's voice sounded outside.

"Tell them that Ruoyan's injury is still not healed, and send them back." Lin Zainan said impatiently.

"But." Lin Bo said rather embarrassed: "The Yun family said that Master Yun said that if Miss Biao doesn't go back today, she will never go back."

With a bang, Lin Zainan slapped the table, and said angrily, "What a Yunlan, after Yuemei's death, he won't pay attention to me as an old father-in-law, so you can tell the Yun family that if Yan we stay!"

"Yes, old man!" Lin Bo responded immediately.

"Lin Bo, wait!" Yun Ruoyan hurried to the door of the study, and said to Lin Bo through the door: "You let them go back first, just say that I will go back to Yun's house later."

After Lin Bo left, Yun Ruoyan went back to appease the angry Lin Zainan, "Grandfather, don't be angry, it's not worth it."

"It's too much to deceive people." Lin Zainan suppressed the anger in his heart.

He is a person of high self-cultivation, and generally he doesn't care about gains and losses, but this Yun Lan, every time Lin Zainan thinks of him, his heart is very blocked.

"Ruoyan, let me tell you, your mother is fine everywhere, but her eyes are not bright, and she found a man without conscience."

Lin Zainan said sadly: "I opposed it so strongly at that time, and your mother was determined to marry him. I really regret that I didn't lock your mother up."

As he spoke, he looked at Yun Ruoyan, and said earnestly, "Son, you have to keep your eyes open in the future, don't be fooled by the man's appearance and good manners."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I won't." Yun Ruoyan gently rubbed Lin Zainan's shoulders.

Lin Zainan said again: "But it's better now, with your appearance, ordinary men can't afford you." His tone was quite proud and gratified.

Yun Ruoyan stopped what she was doing, came to Lin Zainan, squatted at his feet and looked at him.

"Grandfather, my mother is so beautiful but she still can't escape being framed by others. It can be seen that a beautiful appearance cannot be a weapon for a woman to protect herself, and sometimes it will attract vicious frames." There was water in her eyes but at the same time Another burst of perseverance was revealed.

"I don't want to show people with such an eye-catching appearance before I have the ability to protect myself. Grandfather, can you help me?" She said to Lin Zainan.

Lin Zainan looked at his granddaughter. Although she looked like his daughter in appearance, the vigor coming out of her bones was completely different from that of her own daughter. She had the demeanor of her youth, no, more beat yourself!

Lin Zainan finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

At Yun Ruoyan's request, Lin Zainan used medicine to help her return to her original ugly appearance.

He handed some small porcelain bottles of different colors to Yun Ruoyan, and told her which ones could make the skin allergies red and swollen, and which ones would reduce the swelling. Which kinds of mixture will give off a fishy smell, and when applied on the face, it can be no different from rotten meat, but it will not hurt the skin at all.

When Yun Ruoyan appeared in front of Lin Qingchen and Lin Qingxue again, the sisters were shocked again, but it was more of a pity.

They haven't seen enough of such peerless beauty in the sky!

When it was close to noon, Yun Ruoyan did not stay at the Lin's house for lunch, but asked Lin Bo to send her back to the Yun's house.

Perhaps because of the golden pill, Yun Ruoyan, who slept for three days and nights and only ate a small bowl of porridge, didn't feel hungry at all.

Arriving in front of the gate of the Yun family, Yun Ruoyan just got off the carriage when the servant at the gate ran in to report the news.

Before Yun Ruoyan had time to return to Tinglan Court, she was directly invited into the Yun family's meeting hall.

There, almost all members of the head of the Yun family were waiting for her eagerly!